39 research outputs found

    Hand Hygiene Knowledge and Perception among the Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Qassim, Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Hand hygiene is among the most important factors of infection control in healthcare settings. Healthcare workers are the primary source of hospital-acquired infection. We assessed the current state of hand hygiene knowledge, perception, and practice among the healthcare workers in Qassim, Saudi Arabia. In this cross-sectional study, we used the hand hygiene knowledge and perception questionnaire developed by the World Health Organization. Knowledge and perceptions were classified into good (80–100%), moderate (60–79%), and poor (<60% score). The majority of the healthcare workers had moderate knowledge (57.8%) and perception (73.4%) of hand hygiene. Males were less likely to have moderate/good knowledge compared to females (OR: 0.52, p < 0.05). Private healthcare workers were less likely (OR: 0.33, p < 0.01) to have moderate/good perceptions compared to the government healthcare workers. Healthcare workers who received training on hand hygiene were more likely to have good/moderate perception (OR: 3.2, p < 0.05) and to routinely use alcohol-based hand rubs (OR: 3.8, p < 0.05) than the ones without such training. Physicians are more likely (OR: 4.9, p < 0.05) to routinely use alcohol-based hand rubs than technicians. Our research highlighted gaps in hand hygiene knowledge, perception and practice among healthcare workers in Qassim, Saudi Arabia and the importance of training in this regard

    Blue biotechnology: Computational screening of sarcophyton cembranoid diterpenes for SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibition

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    The coronavirus pandemic has affected more than 150 million people, while over 3.25 million people have died from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). As there are no established therapies for COVID-19 treatment, drugs that inhibit viral replication are a promising target; specifically, the main protease (Mpro) that process CoV-encoded polyproteins serves as an Achilles heel for assembly of replication-transcription machinery as well as down-stream viral replication. In the search for potential antiviral drugs that target Mpro, a series of cembranoid diterpenes from the biologically active soft-coral genus Sarcophyton have been examined as SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitors. Over 360 metabolites from the genus were screened using molecular docking calculations. Promising diterpenes were further characterized by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations based on molecular mechanics-generalized Born surface area (MM-GBSA) binding energy calculations. According to in silico calculations, five cembranoid diterpenes manifested adequate binding affinities as Mpro inhibitors with ΔGbinding \u3c -33.0 kcal/mol. Binding energy and structural analyses of the most potent Sarcophyton inhibitor, bislatumlide A (340), was compared to darunavir, an HIV protease inhibitor that has been recently subjected to clinical-trial as an anti-COVID-19 drug. In silico analysis indicates that 340 has a higher binding affinity against Mpro than darunavir with ΔGbinding values of -43.8 and -34.8 kcal/mol, respectively throughout 100 ns MD simulations. Drug-likeness calculations revealed robust bioavailability and protein-protein interactions were identified for 340; biochemical signaling genes included ACE, MAPK14 and ESR1 as identified based on a STRING database. Pathway enrichment analysis combined with reactome mining revealed that 340 has the capability to re-modulate the p38 MAPK pathway hijacked by SARS-CoV-2 and antagonize injurious effects. These findings justify further in vivo and in vitro testing of 340 as an antiviral agent against SARS-CoV-2

    Prevalence and associated factors of respiratory allergies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional investigation, September–December 2020

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    Background: Prevalence of different respiratory allergies is increasing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Environmental risk factors of respiratory allergy vary regionally, hence the prevalence. This necessitates the needs for regional studies. This article reports prevalence and symptoms of respiratory allergies in the Qassim region, and the factors associated with the prevalence. Methods: Eight hundred and fifty individuals aged ≥18 years and were living in the Qassim region filled up our structured online questionnaire between September and December 2020. We estimated the prevalence of different respiratory allergies with 95% confidence intervals. Multi-variable logistic regression analyses were performed to investigate the risk factors of respiratory allergies. Findings: The prevalence of any respiratory allergy in the Qassim region was 28.8%. Most families (58.1%) had at least one member with respiratory allergy. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma were 13.5% and 11.2% 4.1% respectively. The reported symptoms included runny nose (13.6%), red, watery, and itchy eyes (10.4%), difficulty sleeping at night (10.2%), difficulty breathing in cold weather (9.2%), noisy breathing (8.5%), sneezing (8%), repeated coughing (7.5%) and shortness of breath (6.4%). Individuals with a family history were more likely to report any respiratory allergy (OR: 7.8), bronchial asthma (OR: 4.2) and allergic rhinitis (OR: 8.1) compared to the individuals without such family history. Odds of respiratory allergies was higher among males (OR: 1.5). Saudi nationals were less likely to report allergic rhinitis than the non-Saudis (OR: 0.4). Among those who reported a respiratory allergy, most (73.5%) received treatment and majority (61.7%) demonstrated compliance to the treatment, 8.8% needed hospitalization, and 23.1% needed emergency nebulization. Conclusions: Prevalence reported in our study is different than that reported in other regions. Variability in the environmental exposures might explain this. We recommend a meta-analysis to estimate the national prevalence of respiratory allergies

    Phytotherapeutic options for the treatment of epilepsy: pharmacology, targets, and mechanism of action

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    Epilepsy is one of the most common, severe, chronic, potentially life-shortening neurological disorders, characterized by a persisting predisposition to generate seizures. It affects more than 60 million individuals globally, which is one of the major burdens in seizure-related mortality, comorbidities, disabilities, and cost. Different treatment options have been used for the management of epilepsy. More than 30 drugs have been approved by the US FDA against epilepsy. However, one-quarter of epileptic individuals still show resistance to the current medications. About 90% of individuals in low and middle-income countries do not have access to the current medication. In these countries, plant extracts have been used to treat various diseases, including epilepsy. These medicinal plants have high therapeutic value and contain valuable phytochemicals with diverse biomedical applications. Epilepsy is a multifactorial disease, and therefore, multitarget approaches such as plant extracts or extracted phytochemicals are needed, which can target multiple pathways. Numerous plant extracts and phytochemicals have been shown to treat epilepsy in various animal models by targeting various receptors, enzymes, and metabolic pathways. These extracts and phytochemicals could be used for the treatment of epilepsy in humans in the future; however, further research is needed to study the exact mechanism of action, toxicity, and dosage to reduce their side effects. In this narrative review, we comprehensively summarized the extracts of various plant species and purified phytochemicals isolated from plants, their targets and mechanism of action, and dosage used in various animal models against epilepsy

    Needle-Stick and Sharp Injuries among Hospital Healthcare Workers in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Needle-stick or sharp injuries (NSIs) are critical occupational hazards for healthcare workers. Exposure to blood and body fluids through NSIs increases the risk of transmission of blood-borne pathogens among them. The objectives of this study were to estimate the annual incidence of NSIs and investigate the associated factors of NSIs among the healthcare workers in Saudi Arabia. A cross-sectional online survey was conducted between October and November 2021. A total of 361 healthcare workers participated in the survey from all over Saudi Arabia. The one-year incidence of at least one event of NSIs among the healthcare workers is estimated at 22.2% (95% CI: 18.0, 26.8). More than half of the injury events (53.8%) were not reported to the authority by the healthcare workers. Incidence of NSIs was highest among the physicians (36%) and was followed by nurses (34.8%), dentists (29.2%), and medical technologists (21.1%). The odds of NSIs was higher among the healthcare workers aged 26–30 years compared to the 20–25 years age group (OR: 2.51; 95% CI: 1.04, 6.03), as well as among the workers who directly dealt with needles or other sharp objects while working compared to those who did not (OR: 5.9; 95% CI: 2.69, 12.97). The high incidence and low rate of reporting of NSIs highlights the need of education and awareness raising programs targeting healthcare providers with higher risk of injury

    Impact of single amino acid substitutions in Parkinsonism-associated deglycase-PARK7 and their association with Parkinson’s disease

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    Parkinsonism-associated deglycase-PARK7/DJ-1 (PARK7) is a multifunctional protein having significant roles in inflammatory and immune disorders and cell protection against oxidative stress. Mutations in PARK7 may result in the onset and progression of a few neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. This study has analyzed the non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) resulting in single amino acid substitutions in PARK7 to explore its diseasecausing variants and their structural dysfunctions. Initially, we retrieved the mutational dataset of PARK7 from the Ensembl database and performed detailed analyses using sequence-based and structure-based approaches. The pathogenicity of the PARK7 was then performed to distinguish the destabilizing/deleterious variants. Aggregation propensity, noncovalent interactions, packing density, and solvent accessible surface area analyses were carried out on the selected pathogenic mutations. The SODA study suggested that mutations in PARK7 result in aggregation, inducing disordered helix and altering the strand propensity. The effect of mutations alters the number of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions in PARK7, as calculated from the Arpeggio server. The study indicated that the alteration in the hydrophobic contacts and frustration of the protein could alter the stability of the missense variants of the PARK7, which might result in disease progression. This study provides a detailed understanding of the destabilizing effects of single amino acid substitutions in PARK7

    Encapsulated deep eutectic solvent for esterification of free fatty acid

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    A novel encapsulated deep eutectic solvent (DES) was introduced for biodiesel production via a two-step process. The DES was encapsulated in medical capsules and were used to reduce the free fatty acid (FFA) content of acidic crude palm oil (ACPO) to the minimum acceptable level (< 1%). The DES was synthesized from methyltriphenylphosphonium bromide (MTPB) and p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTSA). The effects pertaining to different operating conditions such as capsule dosage, reaction time, molar ratio, and reaction temperature were optimized. The FFA content of ACPO was reduced from existing 9.61% to less than 1% under optimum operating conditions. This indicated that encapsulated MTPB-DES performed high catalytic activity in FFA esterification reaction and showed considerable activity even after four consecutive recycling runs. The produced biodiesel after acid esterification and alkaline transesterification met the EN14214 international biodiesel standard specifications. To our best knowledge, this is the first study to introduce an acidic catalyst in capsule form. This method presents a new route for the safe storage of new materials to be used for biofuel production. Conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS) representation of the DES using σ-profile and σ-potential graphs indicated that MTPB and PTSA is a compatible combination due to the balanced presence and affinity towards hydrogen bond donor and hydrogen bond acceptor in each constituent

    Mucormycosis co-infection in COVID-19 patients: An update

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    Mucormycosis (MCM) is a rare fungal disorder that has recently been increased in parallel with novel COVID-19 infection. MCM with COVID-19 is extremely lethal, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. The collection of available scientific information helps in the management of this co-infection, but still, the main question on COVID-19, whether it is occasional, participatory, concurrent, or coincidental needs to be addressed. Several case reports of these co-infections have been explained as causal associations, but the direct contribution in immunocompromised individuals remains to be explored completely. This review aims to provide an update that serves as a guide for the diagnosis and treatment of MCM patients’ co-infection with COVID-19. The initial report has suggested that COVID-19 patients might be susceptible to developing invasive fungal infections by different species, including MCM as a co-infection. In spite of this, co-infection has been explored only in severe cases with common triangles: diabetes, diabetes ketoacidosis, and corticosteroids. Pathogenic mechanisms in the aggressiveness of MCM infection involves the reduction of phagocytic activity, attainable quantities of ferritin attributed with transferrin in diabetic ketoacidosis, and fungal heme oxygenase, which enhances iron absorption for its metabolism. Therefore, severe COVID-19 cases are associated with increased risk factors of invasive fungal co-infections. In addition, COVID-19 infection leads to reduction in cluster of differentiation, especially CD4+ and CD8+ T cell counts, which may be highly implicated in fungal co-infections. Thus, the progress in MCM management is dependent on a different strategy, including reduction or stopping of implicit predisposing factors, early intake of active antifungal drugs at appropriate doses, and complete elimination via surgical debridement of infected tissues

    Mechanistic and temporal characterisation of alkyladenine DNA glycosylase-mediated cell death.

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    DNA damage results from exposure to endogenous and environmental genotoxic agents such as alkylating agents. Base excision repair (BER) is a DNA repair process initiated by DNA glycosylases acting on DNA base damage. An example of such DNA glycosylases acting on alkylation base damage is the alkyladenine DNA glycosylase (AAG). AAG activity on alkylated DNA bases initiates BER and generates abasic sites (AP sites), which are further processed to form single strand breaks (SSBs). If left unrepaired, these BER intermediates are very toxic to the cell. Since BER is a multistep repair process, any imbalance in the pathway can lead to accumulation of these toxic intermediates and potentially trigger cell death via a mechanism postulated to involve hyperactivation of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). PARP uses energy in the form of NAD+ for the synthesis of poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) polymers and therefore PARP hyperactivation may result in bioenergetics failure. This study characterised the BER pathway initiated by AAG and analysed cellular response to alkylation by using AAG proficient and deficient cells. The temporal changes in BER intermediate incidence were characterised. In addition, PAR synthesis and cellular levels of NAD+ and ATP as well as cell death were measured and the temporal changes were characterised. Moreover, the effects of alkylation treatment on cell cycle progression were investigated. The results show that the kinetics and magnitude of BER intermediate formation is similar in AAG proficient versus AAG deficient cells. Meanwhile, there were clear differences between these two genotypes in terms of PAR synthesis, bioenergetics, cell viability and cell cycle. This study shows that the processing of alkylated bases and formation of BER intermediates is rapid and concomitant with an increase in PAR synthesis. Importantly, this increase in PAR synthesis is only observed in AAG proficient cells suggesting that AAG activity is necessary for PAR polymer formation after SSB induction