10 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Pekarangan

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    The purpose of this study is to conduct optimization of utilization of food sufficiency Grounds to support rural families in the Western Cape District Jabung, so as to enhance the fulfillment of family food. The research method used was survey method, a research by taking a sample from a population which aims at obtaining a generalization insofar as the population from which the sample was taken, as for the phase of research is mitigation activities, data collection, focused group discussion. The conclusions of this study, namely the optimization utilization of yard can be done by developing sustainable food home with the right technique, namely through the creation of groups, the identification of needs, the preparation of a plan of activities, training event, the creation of nurseries and structuring the environment of the area.Proper development techniques able to embody the replication area homes preserved food quickly and can provide real benefits for your family and the environment


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    The purpose of this study is to conduct optimization of utilization of food sufficiency Grounds to support rural families in the Western Cape District Jabung, so as to enhance the fulfillment of family food. The research method used was survey method, a research by taking a sample from a population which aims at obtaining a generalization insofar as the population from which the sample was taken, as for the phase of research is mitigation activities, data collection, focused group discussion. The conclusions of this study, namely the optimization utilization of yard can be done by developing sustainable food home with the right technique, namely through the creation of groups, the identification of needs, the preparation of a plan of activities, training event, the creation of nurseries and structuring the environment of the area.Proper development techniques able to embody the replication area homes preserved food quickly and can provide real benefits for your family and the environment.Keywords : Yard, The Home Of Sustainable Foo


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    The formation of the education system as pranata strong social and authoritative to empower all citizens indonesia in order develops into quality human so that it can and proactive to meet the challenges the days of a changingBased on the act no. 12 / 2010, the level of education is higher education after secondary education, programs that include a diploma the scholars, a magister, the doctor the profession; and and the specialists, held by the university of indonesia by the culture.Work continues to make a college education, the university will establish a good image and attractive to the public if a teacher of the two aspects of quality and academic the quality of technology and service.The competence of teachers, keilmuannya be embodied in use the method of teaching, control of your emotions and discipline at a given time and providing a service for students.A conceptual quality of academic education is the mouth of a man a tool, facilities, and the curriculum. And that is reflected in the quality of teachers, The quality of learning and teaching materials and eventually be included in the form of a bunch of teaching and learning process.Quality lecturers (X1) of dimensions of quality service lecturer given in accordance with scientific kopetensi, mastery method of teaching that emotion control and discipline of the lecturer then give influence against a student on the satisfaction Study Program Management S2 Magister Faculty Economic Univercity of Batanghari. Where the size of the lecturers influence quality of 0,473 meaning what if the lecturer increased by 100 percent satisfaction then students will Study Program Management S2 Magister Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Batanghari will increase by 47,3 %.If quality subjects (X2) of the dimensions of the quality of service given in accordance with the level of their teaching abilities lecturers , insight lecturer and creativity enough lecturers who satisfactory , then give satisfaction the effect on a student on the course of Study Program Management S2 Magister Faculty Economic Univercity of Batanghari. Where how major lessons of quality 0,384 meaning what if the lecturer increased by 100 % it will be satisfaction students a course of study magister management masters degree fakultas ekonomi universitas batanghari will be increased by 38,4 % .Product quality learning ( X3 ) of the dimensions of the quality of service given in accordance with qualitative and quantitative , then that may leave the effect on a student on the satisfaction on a course of study magister management masters degree fakultas ekonomi universitas batanghari where how major lecturer of quality 0,408 meaning what if the learning outcomes increased by 100 % it will be satisfaction students a course of Study Program Management S2 Magister Faculty Economic Univercity of Batanghari. will increase about 40.8 % .key words : service quality, satisfaction, competition

    Pengaruh Pelatihan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai pada Puskesmas Simpang Kawat Kota Jambi

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    This research entitled Training Effect Against Employee Performance Of Simpang Kawat Health Center In Jambi City . Objectives of this research are to know the training activity, and performance of the Employee. Survei was used as method of this research. The data was collected by using quetioner. For analizing data, verificative method was used to proof that training influence upon performance of the employee. Influence of training upon the employee performance were analized by means of simply regression. The result of this research shows that according to the employee training activity and performance of the Simpang Kawat Health Center were good. Moreover, training have influence significantly upon the employee performance


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    In fact the construction economy is rangkayan activity by exploiting the whole potential of the basic capital as epektif and efficiently through perancanaan kesejahtraanin order to improve society. The fulfillment of the basic needs of the society especially health, education, food and nutrition is something very fundamental in the context of the development of community welfare (welfare), human development (humandevelopment) and reduction of poverty (poverty reduction). Strategic issues in the governance of the Jambi province are not much different from the Central Government (the problem), namely the still high number of poverty. Based on multiple linear regression analysis of the HDI have a positive relationship towards the poor population where if the HDI rose 1 percent then the number of poor population will rise of0.358. Based on multiple linear regression analysis of the GDP had a negative relationship toward the poor population, which if GDP rises 1 percent then the number ofpoor population will be down by-0.006. Multiple linear regression analysis based onthe number of unemployment has positive relationship towards the poor population where if the number of unemployed rose 1 percent then the number of poor population will rose by 0.010.Keyword: influence of IPM, PDRB and the number of unemploye


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    This research is research that is literature research where the data used is data which have been researched by previous researcher, this research use time series data year 2005 - 2015. Where purpose of this research to see how influence from free variable (household consumption, investment ) to the dependent variable (economic growth). hypothesis testing the influence of household consumption, investment, there is a significant relationship to economic growth in the province of jambi, this is adjusted to economic theory that economic growth will be explained by investment then this can be proven by using the F-test (collectively) and t-test (partially) with a 95% confidence level or significance level (α = 0.05) then the value of F-table is 4.07 whereas F arithmetic is 9,422 thus the F statistic test criteria stated that F-count (9,422 )> from F-table (4.07), which means rejecting Ho and Ha accepted at a 95% confidence level. This shows that together the independent variables significantly affect the economic growth.Keywords: Economic Growth, Household Consumption, Investmen

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Insentif terhadap Motivasi Serta Dampaknya terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan Kabupaten Bungo

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    The performance of organization can be seen to the extent of work productivity has been produced. Generally, productivity is defined as the influence between real  and physical  results with actual input. This study  discusses the influence of leadership style and intensive on motivation and its impact on performance in the Bungo District Livestock and Fisheries Office. Data were obtained using questionnaire and literature review methods, with 54 respondents. Then the data were analyzed using descriptive and statistical methods through path analysis. This study resulted in a leadership style, incentives, motivation and performance of the Bungo District Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Office, both for the leadership style with a score of 1930, for incentives with a score of 1438, for motivation with a score of 804 and performance at a score of 2342 in the very high category. Leadership style towards the motivation of the Bungo Regency Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Office has a direct or indirect influence with a value of 20.35%. The incentives for the motivation of the Bungo Regency Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Office have a direct or indirect influence with a value of 0.205%.  The  leadership  style  and incentives for the  motivation  of the Bungo Regency  Animal  Husbandry  and  Fisheries  Office  have  a  direct  or  indirect influence with a value of 2.86%. There is an influence of leadership style on the performance of the Bungo Regency Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Office with a value of 1.43%. There is an incentive effect on the performance of the Bungo Regency Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Office with a value of 2.65%. The leadership style and incentives for the performance of the Bungo Regency Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Office have an influence of 2.471%. The influence of motivation  on  the  performance  of  the Bungo  District  Animal  Husbandry  and Fisheries Office is at 4.057%. Leadership styles and incentives through motivation on the performance of the Bungo District Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Office have an effect of 1.478%

    Pengaruh Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Alokasi Umum dan Dana Alokasi Khusus Terhadap Belanja Modal di Kabupaten dan Kota Provinsi Jambi Tahun 2010-2018

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    The aims of this research are to know: 1) The effect of Original Local Goverment Revenues to the Capital Expenditures in Special Region of Jambi Province. 2) The effect of General Allocation Funds to the Capital Expenditures in Special Region of Jambi Province. 3) The effect of Special Allocation Funds to the Capital Expenditures in Special Region of Jambi Province. 4) The effect of Original Local Goverment Revenues, General Allocation Funds and Special Allocation Funds simultaneously to the Capital Expenditures in Special Region of Jambi Province. The population in this research is regency and municipality in Special Region of Jambi Province. Data used comes from APBD Realization Report years 2010-2018. The technique of collecting data used documentation method. The test of prerequisite analysis used classical assumption test, those are normality, multicolinearity, heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. The hypothesis test in this research used simple and multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that local revenue, general allocation funds, and profit sharing funds simultaneously affect capital expenditure where together these three variables have a 48% effect on capital expenditure, while partially local revenue has a positive and significant effect on spending. capital with a coefficient of 0.370 for general allocation funds also has a positive and significant effect on capital spending with a regression coefficient of 0.211 and profit-sharing funds partially also have a positive and significant effect on capital spending with a regression coefficient of 0.514

    Pengaruh Konsumsi Rumah Tangga, Investasi terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Provinsi Jambi

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    This research is research that is literature research where the data used is data which have been researched by previous researcher, this research use time series data year 2005 - 2015. Where purpose of this research to see how influence from free variable (household consumption, investment ) to the dependent variable (economic growth). hypothesis testing the influence of household consumption, investment, there is a significant relationship to economic growth in the province of Jambi, this is adjusted to economic theory that economic growth will be explained by investment then this can be proven by using the F-test (collectively) and t-test (partially) with a 95% confidence level or significance level (α = 0.05) then the value of F-table is 4.07 whereas F arithmetic is 9,422 thus the F statistic test criteria stated that F-count (9,422 )> from F-table (4.07), which means rejecting Ho and Ha accepted at a 95% confidence level. This shows that together the independent variables significantly affect the economic growth