3 research outputs found

    Al-Nahwu Al-Wazhifi Ahmad Al-Mutawakkil dan Kontribusinya pada Pengembangan Nahwu Fungsional

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    Learning nahwu in Arabic language studies is still a theme that requires the right approach so that learning Arabic for non-Arabs becomes easier and more functional. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the thinking of Ahmad al-Mutawakkil, a pioneer of functional nahwu theory, namely about al-nahwu al-wazhifi and the contribution of his thinking to the development of nahwu learning. This biographical type of literature study uses data collection techniques through reviewing and searching for library sources that are relevant to functional nahwu. Data analysis uses historical methods and content analysis. This research resulted in: 1) The characteristics of al-nahwu al-wazhifi al-Mutawakkil include: aspects of using language both spoken and written which are limited and simple, the relationship between i'rab and sentence structure is applied appropriately and correctly to produce a clear and understandable meaning, and summarizes the basic methodological principles adopted in functional grammar, 2) al-Mutawakkil's thoughts regarding al-nahwu al-wazhifi contributed greatly to the development of nahwu learning by increasing the learning outcomes of Arabic language learners. The simplification of nahwu learning which is oriented towards communication aspects prioritizes pragmatic and communicative functional elements of language

    Pendidikan Berbasis Moderasi Beragama sebagai Implementasi Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin

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    Education should be designed and implemented by providing space for every human being who wants to know and improve their religious abilities, as well as the potential for soft skills so that human beings are created in accordance with their physical and spiritual nature. The internalization of religious moderation in the educational environment is evidenced by the development of knowledge related to good tolerance and the application of tolerance awareness in the educational environment. This research is a library research, and library data is ready-to-use and is a secondary source which is then analyzed using qualitative descriptive data analysis. the results found are that the educational space can be a means of information and understanding of religious moderation in the midst of diversity for the realization of peace and prosperity in the life of religion and the nation of Indonesia. In conclusion, religious moderation is a religious attitude that is balanced between the practice of one's own religion and respect for the religious practices of other people of different beliefs. Education space has a big role in forming a moderate generation that will become the generator of human civilization.Keywords: Education, Moderation, Religion, Rahmatan lil 'Amen Abstrak:Pendidikan hendaknya dirancang dan dilaksanakan dengan memberikan ruang bagi setiap insan yang ingin mengetahui serta meningkatkan kemampuan beragamanya, begitu pula dengan potensi soft skillnya agar tercipta manusia yang sesuai dengan fitrah lahiriyah dan bathiniyahnya. Internalisasi moderasi beragama di lingkungan pendidikan, dibuktikan dengan dibangunnya pengetahuan terkait toleransi yang baik dan penerapan kesadaran toleransi di lingkungan pendidikan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan, dan data pustaka bersifat siap pakai serta merupakan sumber sekunder yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis data deskriptif kualitatif. hasil yang ditemukan adalah bahwa ruang pendidikan dapat menjadi sarana informasi dan pemahaman akan moderasi beragama yang berada di tengah keragaman demi terwujudnya kedamaian dan kesejahteraan kehidupan keagamaan dan kebangsaan negara Indonesia. Simpulannya moderasi beragama merupakan sikap beragama yang seimbang antara pengamalan agama sendiri dan penghormatan kepada praktik beragama orang lain yang berbeda keyakinan. Ruang pendidikan memiliki peran besar dalam membentuk generasi yang moderat yang akan menjadi pembangkit peradaban manusia.Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Moderasi, Beragama, Rahmatan lil ‘Aami


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    Islam actually exists as rahmatan lil 'alamin. Understanding of Islam has a balance of reasoning and realistic thinking, and refers to various sources that are comprehensive and consistent. Education is a means of human regeneration to deal with the development of an intellectual civilization that continues to be dynamic by promoting improvements for the good of human life itself. This article uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a literature study data collection technique related to religious moderation in the realm of education. The data is analyzed inductively after first being categorized according to the need for data synchronization. The results of the study prove that mainstreaming religious moderation in Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia is an urgency for a religious and state foundation in this republic. The Republic of Indonesia has a rich culture and various differences that must be preserved in a unified nation based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which was declared by the founding fathers of this nation