18 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of tour guide services on visiting decisions at the Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II Museum in Palembang. The research data uses secondary data and primary data. Secondary research data were obtained from the Palembang City Culture Office. The number of samples was 60 respondents (non probability sampling method with purposive sampling technique). Based on statistical data analysis, the indicators in this study are valid and the variables are reliable. Based on the results of research simultaneously Professional Competence, Interpersonal Skill, Organization Skill, Emphaty and Problem Solving tour guides have a positive effect on visiting decisions. While partially it shows that 1 variable meets the requirements for acceptance of the hypothesis and 4 other variables have no positive influence or Ho is rejected. From the determination results, it is found that the tour guide service on visiting decisions has an effect of 66.2% on the visiting decision. The rest is explained by other independent variables not examined in this study. Suggestions given to improve the quality of tour guide services are to improve current topics, speak clearly, provide timely services, offer assistance to tourists, actively listen and are dexterous in resolving conflicts


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    The aim of this research is to know the influence of academic consultant through interpersonal communication and teaching learning facilities to student motivation of  non engeneering department. The method used in this research was survey method.The population in this research is 1719 students and the number of samples were 95 students. The technique of data collection was using distribution questionnaires. To measure  the influence among the variables used tools of quantitative analysis using spss version 12.0. The result showed that independence variables are interpersonal communication and teaching learning facilities simultaneously affected toward students learning motivation are 43.40 %. And the two  independence and dependence variables the influence partial toward students learning motivation. Factor dominant in the influence toward student learning motivation is teaching learning facilities


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    The objective of the research is to find out whether or not the lecturer attitude of Business Administration Majaority in teaching could influence the learning of college student?  The data were collected with questionnaire and the analyzing of the data was helped by SPSS version 12.00 program.  The results have shown that three of independent variables of lecturer which consist of teaching method, lecturer ethics in teaching and the lecturer obedience in regulation simultaneously and partially influenced toward the learning as the dependent variable.  The number of the influence was 49,10% and the rest was influenced by the other variables.  The most dominant factor that was influential on the learning interest of college student was the lecturer etchics in teaching.  To give more improvement toward the learning interest of college student at Business Administration Majority, it was recommended to Business Administration Majority’s lecturer to be more ready in teaching, starting from the teaching method such as preparing the tuition contract, SAP, teaching material, etc.  The lecturer ethics in the class also should be kept, for example the attitude in communicating to the college student, likewise with the regulation obedience, it is better for the lecturer to always obey the teaching time, giving score transparency, etc. Thus, besides improving the learning interest of college student, the lecturer could be the good role model to the college student


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    This research on Burai Village aims to determine and assess the feasibility of Burai Village as a tourist village in Ogan Ilir Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using SWOT analysis. The result of the research is that Burai Village is feasible and can be used as a tourist village in Ogan Ilir Regency because it is supported by its geographical location, community culture, and existing village objects. The strategy used for the feasibility and development of Burai Village as a tourism village is the SO strategy by utilizing a large area of land for the construction of facilities and infrastructure to support tourism activities, making tour packages by using travel agents to sell tour packages to attract tourists to visit Burai Village, In collaboration with related agencies and public transport service providers to add routes to Burai Village and provide the maximum opportunity and role for the community in the development of tourist village


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    Every women needs to pay attention to attitudes social relationships, and how to dress in accordance with dress/fashion etiquette also social etiquette. Mother in the Tanjung Barangan Asri cover from different education, homtown and also jobs background. Generally, they dress and did the social relationship as they wish. Sometimes it can be appropriate or it is not. Therefore, the problems faced by partners are social relationship and dress ethics. In carrying out daily activities sometimes women do not pay attention to how best to behave and dress, so that sometimes it looks appropriate and sometimes it looks inappropriate. Therefore, the partners problems are social ethics and dress ethics. Partners do not understand the proper social relationship and dress ethics. The implementation method were carried out through socialization, then followed by counseling where participants could asked question, discussed and gave and comments. Counseling activities results evaluated by questionnaire collecting before and after counseling activities. The benefit obtained by participants were the knowledge gained about ethics that they never learned before. So, the participants are strongly agreed that this activity has help them in daily life


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    The purpose of this research is to know the perception of student Business Administration of State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya towards lecturer behavior in teaching. The data were collected by using a questionnaire, and analyzed with cartisius diagram. The results showed that the expection value is grater then the value of the fact, that implied 3,57 and 2,93. This shows that satisfaction or fact regarding behavior in the teaching according to the perceptions of students still below the standard expected. Some of the lecturers teaching behaviors that should be preserved is the matery of materials, the ability to communicate in the classroom, time to discuss, don’t smoke while teaching, always dress modestly at time when teaching, polite attitude at a time when teaching, interspersed with moments of humor, friendly teaching attitude towards students, and questions to be tested in accordance with study materials. While the factors that need to be repaired from the lecturer behavior in the teaching is less able to manage interaction among students in teaching and learning processes, student do not have time to ask to the lecturer in learning procceses, less honest in assessing students’ behavior and discriminate between students, lecturers are not transparent in marking, lecturer are not timely in accomplishing all the material given in a semester

    Analisis Keputusan Konsumen Kota Palembang dalam Membeli Tiket Pesawat di Situs Traveloka.com

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    The purpose of this research is to know about the influence of brand awareness and brand image  at Traveloka.com Site to Purchase Decision in Palembang. This research is using the quantitative method and descriptive statistic. The kind of data in this research are primary data from the questionnaire and secondary data is from literature study. The sample in this research is 30 respondents. The sampling technique that used in this research is non probability sampling with purposive sampling. Based on the results t test showed brand awareness has signficant influence on purchase decision. At the same time, brand image has not significant influence on purchase decision. Based on the results F test showed brand awareness and brand image are simultaneously positive and has signficant influence on purchase decision. Traveloka.com must to do innovative approaches to find new things that can build consumer memory and still keep going the positive perception from Traveloka.com

    Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Berdasarkan Aspek Keuangan PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk Periode 2012-2021

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kesehatan PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk periode 2012-2021. Data sekunder merupakan jenis data yang diperoleh dengan mendapatkannya melalui situs web resmi WSKT dengan teknik analisis yang digunakan berdasarkan SK Menteri BUMN Nomor: KEP-100/MBU/2002 yaitu penilaian dengan menggunakan analisis rasio likuiditas dengan indikator rasio kas dan rasio lancar, rasio solvabilitas dengan indikator total modal sendiri terhadap total aset, rasio aktivitas dengan menggunakan indikator perputaran piutang, perputaran persediaan, dan perputaran total aset, dan rasio profitabilitas dengan menggunakan indikator return on equity dan return on investment. Hasil penilaian menjelaskan kesehatan WSKT mendapatkan predikat A dengan kategori sehat tahun 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, dan 2018, predikat AA pada tahun 2013 dengan kategori sehat, predikat BBB pada tahun 2017 dan 2019 kategori kurang sehat, predikat BB dengan kategori kurang sehat pada tahun 2021, dan mendapatkan predikat CCC di tahun 2020 dengan kategori tidak sehat

    Pengaruh Perilaku Kepemimpinan Transaksional dan Transformasional Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja, Kinerja Karyawan Pada Bank Sumsel Palembang

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    This research is designed to see the influence of transactional and transformasional leadership toward work satisfaction at Bank Sumsel Palembang.  The data collection is done by giving the questionair to all staff Bank Sumsel from various divisions proportionally.  The analysis method used is path analysis.The research results that transactional and transformational leadership applied by Bank Sumsel simultaneously influences toward work satisfaction of the staff at 47% and transformation leadership undirectly through work satisfaction which influences positively towards work productivity.Key words:  Transactional Leadearship, Transformational Leadership, Job                     Satisfaction, employee’s Performanc

    Pengaruh Kemudahan dan Keamanan terhadap Keputusan Nasabah dalam Menggunakan QRIS Livin’ By Mandiri pada Bank Mandiri

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana perasaan nasabah di Bank Mandiri Area Palembang Arief mengenai kenyamanan dan keamanan dalam menggunakan QRIS Livin' by Mandiri. Analisis ini menggunakan tiga set variabel: variabel keputusan nasabah (Y), variabel keamanan (X2), dan variabel kenyamanan (X1). Analisis kuantitatif dan statistik data dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS 25.0. Purposive sampling digunakan untuk memilih 100 partisipan untuk mengisi kuesioner dan memberikan tanggapan mereka. Keputusan nasabah untuk menggunakan QRIS Livin' by Mandiri sebesar 65,5% dijelaskan oleh variabel kemudahan dan keamanan, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 33,5% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, koefisien regresi menunjukkan bahwa semakin puas nasabah terhadap QRIS Livin' by Mandiri, maka semakin besar kemungkinan nasabah untuk melakukan pembelian, dan semakin puas nasabah terhadap kenyamanan dan keamanan produk, maka semakin besar kemungkinan nasabah untuk melakukan pembelian