2,287 research outputs found

    Determinants of the adherence to an "a priori" defined Mediterranean dietary pattern

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    Background: A prospective cohort study with university level participants was initiated to study the effect of Mediterranean diet on health. Aims: The objective of this study was to identify possible lifestyle and socioeconomic variables associated with the consumption of a Mediterranean dietary pattern (MDP). Method: This analysis includes 1587 males and 2260 females. MDP was defined “a priori” by summing the standardized residuals of nutrients and foods after adjusting a regression model using total energy intake as the independent variable. Multiple regression and non-parametric locally weighted regression models were adjusted with the relative adherence to the MDP as the dependent variable in males and females. Results: Women were more compliant than men with the MDP (Coefficient regression (b) = 4.1; Confidence Interval (CI) 95 % = 3.2 to 4.9). The compliance with the MDP was significantly poorer among younger participants both in men and women (p < 0.001 in men and in women). Participants who were more physically active were more likely to fulfill the traditional MDP (p = 0.01 in men and p < 0.001 in women). Conclusions: Our findings provide evidence supporting the progressive departure from the traditional MDP in younger and highly educated subjects of the Mediterranean area. A more active life-style is associated with a better compliance with the MDP

    Daily physical activity and macronutrient distribution of low-calorie diets jointly affect body fat reduction in obese women.

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    Inadequate dietary patterns and sedentary lifestyles are believed to be important factors in predisposing people to obesity. This study analyzed the potential interaction between habitual physical activity and the carbohydrate (CHO)-fat distribution in 2 hypocaloric diets and the impact of such interplay on body composition changes. Forty healthy obese women, 20–50 years old, were randomly assigned to a high- or low-CHO energy-restricted diet, which was low or high in fat, respectively, during 10 weeks. Baseline and final measurements were performed to assess dietary habits, resting metabolic rate, and body composition changes. Physical activity was measured with a triaxial accelerometer and with a questionnaire. There were no significant differences in anthropometric and metabolic variables between both dietary groups at baseline. However, there was a positive correlation between total free-living physical activity and arm muscle preservation after 10 weeks (r = 0.371; p = 0.024). Interestingly, an interaction between macronutrient (CHO–fat distribution) intake and physical activity was found, since less-active subjects with a high-CHO–low-fat diet showed a greater fat loss than those more active with a lower-CHO–high-fat diet, whereas more-active subjects with a high-CHO–low-fat diet showed a smaller fat loss than those receiving a low-CHO–high-fat diet. Physical activity and the macronutrient content of energyrestricted diets, when designed to promote body fat mass reduction, should be considered together to better predict the outcome

    Obesity risk is associated with carbohydrate intake in women carrying the Gln27Glu beta2-adrenoceptor polymorphism.

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    Interindividual differences in the response to dietary intake are, in some cases, genotype dependent. Moreover, genotype-environment interactions may appear when the impact of lifestyle factors (e.g., diet) on a phenotype (e.g., BMI > 30 kg/m2) differs by genotype. A case-control study (obese subjects vs. normal weight controls) was conducted to assess a possible effect modification on obesity risk of the Gln27Glu polymorphism for the ß2-adrenoceptor gene depending on dietary intake. The sample included 159 subjects with BMI > 30 kg/m2 and 154 controls with BMI 49% energy (E)] had a higher obesity risk (OR = 2.56, P = 0.051). The product-term introduced in the logistic model to assess effect modification revealed a marginally significant interaction (P = 0.058) between both factors. Furthermore, a high intake of CHO (E > 49%) was associated with higher insulin levels among women carrying the Gln27Glu polymorphism (P < 0.01). This gene-nutrient interaction emphasizes the importance of examining the outcome of some obesity-related mutations depending on lifestyle (including diet) and may explain the heterogeneity of findings from previous studies

    In vitro Evaluation of Phthalimide Derivatives Against Cancer Cell lines

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    Los cánceres de pulmón, próstata e hígado se encuentran entre los más prevalentes en los hombres. El cáncer de mama, de cuello uterino y de tiroides se encuentran entre los más prevalentes en mujeres (OMS, 2019). El tratamiento del cáncer generalmente incluye quimioterapia y radioterapia; sin embargo, los medicamentos contra el cáncer disponibles tienen una selectividad baja y causan efectos adversos graves, como nefrotoxicidad, neurotoxicidad y mielosupresión (Matsuo et al., 2010). Por tanto, el diseño y desarrollo de compuestos como nuevos agentes anticancerígenos frente a los tipos de cáncer de mayor incidencia son de vital importancia en el campo de la salud. Los derivados de ftalimida son compuestos prometedores para el desarrollo de nuevos agentes anticancerígenos (Li et al., 2011; Grigalius y Petrikaite, 2017; Kamal et al., 2002). Basado en lo anterior, Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la actividad antiproliferativa de 43 derivados de ftalimida contra una línea celular de cáncer principal en hombres (HepG2) y dos líneas celulares de cáncer principales en mujeres (HeLa y 4T1). Además, se determinó la citotoxicidad de los compuestos contra una línea celular de fibroblasto murino normal (3T3). Los resultados mostraron que los compuestos C16, E11 y E16 presentaron la mejor actividad antiproliferativa contra las líneas celulares HeLa y 4T1. El compuesto H16 solo disminuyó la proliferación celular en un 32% contra la línea celular HepG2. Los compuestos H5, H16, E2, E16 y C1 no afectaron a la proliferación de la línea celular 3T3. Demostrando que sería importante continuar con el análisis de este tipo de compuestos frente a diferentes cánceres para encontrar nuevos compuestos con mejor actividad que los actualmente disponibles en el mercado

    Predictors of weight gain in a Mediterranean cohort: the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra Study 1

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    BACKGROUND: High consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks has been associated with weight gain and obesity in the United States. This trend may also be affecting populations with different eating patterns who increasingly are adopting typical US dietary patterns. OBJECTIVE: We assessed whether the consumption of sweetened drinks and other food items increased the likelihood of weight gain in a Mediterranean population. DESIGN: This was a prospective cohort analysis of 7194 men and women with a mean age of 41 y who were followed-up for a median of 28.5 mo with mailed questionnaires. Dietary exposure was assessed with a previously validated semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire. RESULTS: During follow-up, we observed that 49.5% of the participants increased their weight (x weight gain: 0.64 kg; 95% CI: 0.55, 0.73 kg). In the participants who had gained > or =3 kg in the 5 y before baseline, the adjusted odds ratio of subsequent weight gain for the fifth quintile compared with the first quintile of sugar-sweetened soft drink consumption was 1.6 (95% CI: 1.2, 2.1; P for trend = 0.02). This association was absent in the participants who had not gained weight in the 5-y period before baseline. The consumption of hamburgers, pizza, and sausages (as a proxy for fast-food consumption) was also independently associated with weight gain (adjusted odds ratio for the fifth compared with the first quintile = 1.2; 95% CI: 1.0, 1.4; P for trend = 0.05). We also found a significant, but weaker, association between weight gain and both red meat and sweetened fruit juice consumption. CONCLUSION: In a Mediterranean cohort, particularly in the participants who had already gained weight, an increased consumption of sugar-sweetened soft drinks and of hamburgers, pizza, and sausages was associated with a higher risk of additional subsequent weight gain

    A prospective study of eating away-from-home meals and weight gain in a Mediterranean population: the SUN (Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra) cohort

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    OBJECTIVE: The traditional Mediterranean food pattern is more easily preserved when meals are eaten at home; however, as a result of recent socio-economic changes, away-from-home meal consumption has increased rapidly in Mediterranean countries. Little research has been conducted so far to investigate the long-term health effects of these changes in the Mediterranean area. DESIGN: In a prospective Spanish dynamic cohort of 9182 university graduates (the SUN Study; Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra, University of Navarra Follow-up) with a mean age of 37 years, followed up for an average of 4.4 years, we assessed the association between the frequency of eating out of home and weight gain or incident overweight/obesity. Dietary habits were assessed with an FFQ previously validated in Spain. RESULTS: During follow-up, eating-out consumers (two times or more per week) had higher average adjusted weight gain (+129 g/year, P < 0.001) and higher adjusted risk of gaining 2 kg or more per year (OR = 1.36; 95 % CI 1.13, 1.63) than non-eating-out consumers. Among participants with baseline BMI < 25 kg/m2, we observed 855 new cases of overweight/obesity. Eating away-from-home meals was significantly associated with a higher risk of becoming overweight/obese (hazard ratio = 1.33; 95 % CI 1.13, 1.57). CONCLUSIONS: A higher frequency of meals eaten out of home may play a role in the current obesity epidemic observed in some Mediterranean countries

    Perception of body image as indicator of weight status in the European union

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    Objective To identify the factors associated with an adequate perception of body image in relation to body weight. Material and methods An observational, cross-sectional study was conducted in a representative sample of the European Union (7155 men and 8077 women). Body Mass Index (BMI) was grouped into four categories, perceived body image was assessed using the nine silhouettes drawing scheme. A multivariable logistic regression model for each sex was used to adjust for potentially confounding variables. Results Underweight men and women classi®ed themselves better than other groups (92.9% of correct answers among men and 79.3% among women). Overall, women classi®ed themselves better than men (57.6% vs. 32.7%). Discussion Perceived body image as a method of assessment for body weight has different validity depending on sociodemographic or attitudinal categories. Perceived body image as an estimate of the nutritional status has a limited individualized application. Thus, perhaps it could be applied as a proxy measure of adiposity among slim males and among slim and overweight females, but not among the other groups

    Insights into Growth Factors in Liver Carcinogenesis and Regeneration: An Ongoing Debate on Minimizing Cancer Recurrence after Liver Resection

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    This research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (Project Grant RTI2018-095114-B-I00) Madrid, Spain; European Union (Fondos FEDER, "una manera de hacer Europa"); CERCA Program/Generalitat de Catalunya; the Secretaria d' Universitats I Recerca del Departament d' Economia I Coneixement (Project Grant 2017_SGR_551) Barcelona, Spain, by the COST action Programs CA17103 (DARTER), CA17112 (PRO-EURO-DILI-NET), CA17121 (COMULIS) and CA17126 (TUMIEE), and by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT), Fondo Sectorial de Investigacion para la Educacion (Project grant 257743), Mexico. Marc Mico-Carnero is the recipient of a fellowship from FCT (Fundacio Catalana de Trasplantament), Spain.Hepatocellular carcinoma has become a leading cause of cancer-associated mortality throughout the world, and is of great concern. Currently used chemotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma lead to severe side effects, thus underscoring the need for further research to develop novel and safer therapies. Liver resection in cancer patients is routinely performed. After partial resection, liver regeneration is a perfectly calibrated response apparently sensed by the body’s required liver function. This process hinges on the effect of several growth factors, among other molecules. However, dysregulation of growth factor signals also leads to growth signaling autonomy and tumor progression, so control of growth factor expression may prevent tumor progression. This review describes the role of some of the main growth factors whose dysregulation promotes liver tumor progression, and are also key in regenerating the remaining liver following resection. We herein summarize and discuss studies focused on partial hepatectomy and liver carcinogenesis, referring to hepatocyte growth factor, insulin-like growth factor, and epidermal growth factor, as well as their suitability as targets in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Finally, and given that drugs remain one of the mainstay treatment options in liver carcinogenesis, we have reviewed the current pharmacological approaches approved for clinical use or research targeting these factors.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades Madrid, Spain RTI2018-095114-B-I00European Union (Fondos FEDER, "una manera de hacer Europa")General ElectricSecretaria d' Universitats I Recerca del Departament d' Economia I Coneixement Barcelona, Spain 2017_SGR_551COST action Programs CA17103 CA17112 CA17121 CA17126Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT)Fondo Sectorial de Investigacion para la Educacion, Mexico 257743FCT (Fundacio Catalana de Trasplantament), Spai