25 research outputs found

    Bakterie z rodzaju Enterococcus jako ważny czynnik etiologicznym zakażeń układu moczowego u pacjentów ambulatoryjnych

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    W pracy przedstawiono rolę bakterii z rodzaju Enterococcus w zakażeniach układu moczowego u pacjentów ambulatoryjnych na podstawie wyników badań bakteriologicznych moczu wykonanych w latach 2007-2009. Przeanalizowano wyniki 2360 próbek moczu. Wśród nich stwierdzono 947 posiewów dodatnich (41,69%). Do rodzaju Enterococcus należało 187 izolatów (19,75%). Do gatunku Enterococcus faecalis zaliczono 182 (97,32%) spośród 187 wyizolowanych enterokoków. Pozostałe 5 izolatów należało do gatunku Enterococcus faecium. Enterokoki w większości były wrażliwe na ampicylinę, amoksycylinę z kwasem klawulanowym i nitrofurantoinę. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2010, tom 4, nr 3, 189-19

    Chronic Sinusitis: The Empiric Treatment Strikes Back: Is CRS Directly Caused by Infectious Agent(s)?

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    Chronic sinusitis leads to unresolved infection and inflammation resulting in tissue remodeling, then further propagates the vicious cycle of deterioration and dysfunction of the sinuses’ natural defense mechanisms, and yet another cycle of infection and mucosal injury. Antibiotic therapy targeting pathogens classically implicated in sinusitis could augment the risk of therapeutic failure through the natural selection of resistant and/or virulent pathogens, especially in the presence of Gram-negative E. coli. Our recent demonstration of highly pathogenic E. coli, detected through intraoperative biopsy of sinus tissue, allowed the resolution of chronic sinusitis symptoms upon E. coli targeted therapy. The isolated E. coli carried three genes, each coding biofilm formation, which may, in part, account for the chronicity of E. coli sinusitis. We recommend that, patients with chronic sinusitis be considered for intraoperative biopsy for unusual pathogens, therefore allowing targeted therapy. In the future, use of vaccines and biofilm inhibitors might be an effective therapeutic consideration

    The use of spa and phage typing for characterization of clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk, Poland

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    The emergence of spa types and spa–clonal complexes (CC) among clinical methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates collected from the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk between 2008 and 2009 were investigated. Phage typing was used as the initial screening in the study. The basic set of phages and the additional set of phages were used. Most of the isolates (56 %) belonged to the phage group III. With the additional set of phages, eight types were found, with predominant one MR8 (50 %). Sixteen distinct spa types were observed. The most frequent were t003 (22 %), t151 (16 %), and t008 (12 %). The spa types were clustered into two spa-CC and eight singletons. The predominant CC010 (50 %) consisted of six types, with the most common t003 (36.7 %) and t151(26.7 %), and in 80 % was identified as staphylococcal chromosomal casette mec (SCCmec) type II. The second cluster has no founder (12 %) with only two spa types: t037 belonging to SCCmec type III and t029. In the most frequent singleton, spa type t008 alone was clustered in 12 % of the isolates. All singletons correspond to SCCmec type IV. The CC010 was distributed in most of the hospital wards, corresponded to Multilocus sequence typing type ST5/ST225 and was constantly present throughout the observed period. The isolates of CC010 generally belonged to the phage group III, and most of them (53.3 %) were resistant to erythromycin, clindamycin, and ciprofloxacin. The concordance between spa-clone and phage type was very high, but the same phage type MR8 was observed within different spa types of the predominant clone

    Age and gender differences in physical capability levels from mid-life onwards: The Harmonisation and meta-analysis of data from eight UK cohort studies

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    Using data from eight UK cohorts participating in the Healthy Ageing across the Life Course (HALCyon) researchprogramme, with ages at physical capability assessment ranging from 50 to 90+ years, we harmonised data on objectivemeasures of physical capability (i.e. grip strength, chair rising ability, walking speed, timed get up and go, and standingbalance performance) and investigated the cross-sectional age and gender differences in these measures. Levels of physicalcapability were generally lower in study participants of older ages, and men performed better than women (for example,results from meta-analyses (N = 14,213 (5 studies)), found that men had 12.62 kg (11.34, 13.90) higher grip strength thanwomen after adjustment for age and body size), although for walking speed, this gender difference was attenuated afteradjustment for body size. There was also evidence that the gender difference in grip strength diminished with increasingage,whereas the gender difference in walking speed widened (p,0.01 for interactions between age and gender in bothcases). This study highlights not only the presence of age and gender differences in objective measures of physicalcapability but provides a demonstration that harmonisation of data from several large cohort studies is possible. Theseharmonised data are now being used within HALCyon to understand the lifetime social and biological determinants ofphysical capability and its changes with age

    Wielolekooporne szczepy gronkowców koagulazo-ujemnych wyizolowane od chorych z przewlekłym zapaleniem zatok przynosowych – oporność typu MDR, XDR, PDR

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    Wstęp: Pojawienie się oporności na wiele środków przeciwdrobnoustrojowych u bakterii chorobotwórczych stało się znaczącym zagrożeniem dla zdrowia publicznego. Szczególnie niebezpieczne są wielooporne szczepy: MDR, XDR, PDR. Materiały i metody: Analizie bakteriologicznej poddano materiał w postaci aspiratów z zatok przynosowych, pobranych w czasie zabiegu operacyjnego FESS od pacjentów Centrum Medycznego MML w Warszawie, leczonych z powodu przewlekłego zapalenia zatok. Przeprowadzono izolację i identyfikację szczepów do gatunku oraz określono ich lekooporność wraz z wartościami minimalnego stężenia hamującego (MIC). Wyniki: Wśród wyizolowanych szczepów gronkowców koagulazo-ujemnych przeważała oporność na makrolidy, aminoglikozydy i tetracyklinę. Dziewięć spośród wyizolowanych szczepów wykazywało oporność wielolekową. Dyskusja: Oporność na środki przeciwdrobnoustrojowe wzrasta w przypadku bakterii powodujących przewlekłe zapalenie zatok. Jeśli chodzi o CNS, zbyt często proces diagnostyczny zamyka się na etapie identyfikacji gatunku, a nawet rodzaju bakterii. Szczepy te są traktowane jako bakterie niechorobotwórcze i nie podlegają eradykacji. Może to prowadzić do błędnych decyzji terapeutycznych, a tym samym do generowania oporności na antybiotyki. Szczepy CNS są zaliczane do zakażeń szpitalnych, dlatego niezbędne jest podjęcie właściwych procedur epidemiologicznych. Autorzy zwracają uwagę na konieczność oznaczania wartości MIC dla antybiotyków oraz wprowadzenia leczenia spersonalizowanego dla pacjentów

    Multidrug-resistant strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci isolated from patients with chronic sinusitis – MDR, XDR, PDR strains

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    Introduction: The development of resistance to multiple antimicrobial agents in pathogenic bacteria has become a threat to public health. Multidrug-resistant strains that are particularly dangerous include MDR, XDR and PDR strains. Material and methods: Aspirate material from paranasal sinuses, obtained from patients with chronic sinusitis undergoing functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) in Medical Center MML in Warsaw, was subjected to bacteriologic analysis. The isolated strains were identified to the species level and tested for antibiotic resistance. Then, minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined. R esults: The isolated strains of coagulase-negative staphylococci were resistant mainly to macrolides, aminoglycosides and tetracycline. Nine of the isolated strains exhibited multidrug-resistance. Discussion: Bacteria causing chronic sinusitis are becoming increasingly resistant to antimicrobial agents. The diagnostic process for coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) is often limited to the identification of species, or even genus of the bacteria. The CNS strains are considered to be non-pathogenic and they are not subject to eradication. This may lead to erroneous therapeutic decisions and, consequently, to the development of antibiotic resistance. CNS infections are classified as nosocomial and therefore, appropriate epidemiological procedures have to be followed. The authors highlight the necessity to determine MIC values for antibiotics and to introduce personalized treatment

    Evaluation of a PCR Melting Profile Technique for Bacterial Strain Differentiation

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    In search of an effective DNA typing technique for hospital epidemiology use, the performance and convenience of a PCR melting profile (PCR MP) technique based on using low denaturation temperatures during ligation-mediated PCR (LM PCR) of bacterial DNA was tested. A number of Escherichia coli isolates from patients of the Clinical Hospital in Gdańsk, Poland, were examined. We found that the PCR MP technique is a rapid method that offers good discriminatory power and excellent reproducibility and may be applied for epidemiological studies. The usefulness of the PCR MP for molecular typing was compared with the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis method, which is currently considered the gold standard for epidemiological studies of isolates recovered from patients and the environment. Clustering of PCR MP fingerprinting data matched pulsed-field gel electrophoresis data. The features of the PCR MP technique are discussed in comparison with conventional methods. Data presented here demonstrate the complexity of the epidemiological situation concerning E. coli that may occur in a hospital

    Linezolid-resistant Enterococcus faecium strains isolated from one hospital in Poland -commensals or hospital-adapted pathogens?

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    One of the most pressing problems of enterococci infections is occurring resistance to linezolid, which is an antibiotic used in the treatment of infections caused by vancomycin-resistant strains (VRE). The main objective of our research was to investigate the relationship of 19 linezolid-resistant E. faecium isolates from 18 patients hospitalized at Clinical Hospital in Gdansk (Poland). One of the LZDREF was isolated in 2003 (K2003), and another 18 were collected from 2013 to 2017. Genotyping with PCR MP method indicated 14 main unrelated genetic profiles and no association with K2003 strain. Two isolates with the same genotype and genetically closely related two sub-types (2 isolates for each sub-type) were hospital-derived colonizations of patients. The other unrelated genotypes were discussed in the context of colonization, nosocomial infections, and commensal origin, taking into account prior exposure to linezolid. We determined the presence of a point mutation G2576T in six loci of 23S rDNA. There was also a significant correlation (p32 value and the presence of G2576T point mutation on the sixth rrn. We also detected 5 virulence genes for all isolates: gelE, cylA, asa1, hyl, esp. Correlation (p≤0.0001) was observed between the presence of gelE gene encoding gelatinase and two other genes: cylA and asa1 encoding cytolysin and collagen binding protein responsible for aggregation of bacterial cells, respectively. Significant correlation was also observed between asa1 and cfr genes encoding 23S rRNA rybonuclease responsible for resistance to PhLOPSA antibiotics (p = 0.0004). The multidimensional analysis has also shown the correlation between cfr gene and GI-tract (p = 0, 0491), which suggests horizontal gene transfer inside the gut microbiota and the risk of colonization with linezolid-resistant strains without previously being treated with the antibiotic. The patient could have been colonized with LZDRVREF strains which in the absence of competitive microbiota quickly settle in ecological niches favourable for them and pose a risk for the patient

    First case of Staphylococci carrying linezolid resistance genes from laryngological infections in Poland

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    Linezolid is currently used to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive cocci. Both linezolid-resistant S. aureus (LRSA) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) strains have been collected worldwide. Two isolates carrying linezolid resistance genes were recovered from laryngological patients and characterized by determining their antimicrobial resistance patterns and using molecular methods such as spa typing, MLST, SCCmec typing, detection of virulence genes and ica operon expression, and analysis of antimicrobial resistance determinants. Both isolates were multidrug resistant, including resistance to methicillin. The S. aureus strain was identified as ST-398/t4474/SCCmec IVe, harboring adhesin, hemolysin genes, and the ica operon. The S. haemolyticus strain was identified as ST-42/mecA-positive and harbored hemolysin genes. Linezolid resistance in S. aureus strain was associated with the mutations in the ribosomal proteins L3 and L4, and in S. haemolyticus, resistance was associated with the presence of cfr gene. Moreover, S. aureus strain harbored optrA and poxtA genes. We identified the first case of staphylococci carrying linezolid resistance genes from patients with chronic sinusitis in Poland. Since both S. aureus and CoNS are the most common etiological factors in laryngological infections, monitoring of such infections combined with surveillance and infection prevention programs is important to decrease the number of linezolid-resistant staphylococcal strains