8 research outputs found

    Steven Beller, Herzl, (Arthur Herzberg, Hg., JĂĽdische Denker, Bd. 1), Wien: Werner Eichbauer-Verlag 1996.

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    Richard Saage, Politische Utopien der Neuzeit, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt 1991.

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    « Frauenverehrung » und « Frauenverachtung »

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    « Ein Frauenverehrer stimmt den Argumenten Ihrer Frauenverachtung mit Begeisterung zu » – mit diesen Worten reagierte Karl Kraus auf die erste Lektüre von Otto Weiningers Geschlecht und Charakter. Das Spannungsverhältnis, in dem die Texte des Satirikers über das weibliche Geschlecht stehen, ist damit gut charakterisiert. Kraus dementiert die Existenz eines solchen Spannungsverhältnisses ausdrücklich und reklamiert für sich die Position des « Frauenverehrers ». Der Kommentar zu Weininger erläu..

    The Concept of the Austromarxist lntellectual

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    The overriding topic of the author's scholarly interest in connection with this article was the concept of the so called (Austromarxist) ,,Leftist Intellectual“ who is considered as a particular „cultural type“ (Kulturtypus). In opposition to the traditional historical approach, this article not only deals with the reception of the ideas of the year 1848, including Marxism, but also tries to reflect in a very substantial way the harmful experiences intellectuals had to undergo during the early days of the Austrian working class movement. The very centre of Pfabigan's argument are the strained relations between intellectuals and their „anti-proletarianism“ on the one hand - after all they felt themselves to be part of bourgeois culture - and proletarians and their „anti-intellectualism“ on the other hand. In the first period (cf. e.g., Max Adler's book „Socialism and Intellectuals“) Austromarxist intellectuals asserted a hegemonic claim on society - for themselves and their „movement“. In the second period (cf. e.g. Max Adler's book „New People“) intellectuals saw themselves in a hegemonic position superior to the working class: The intellectual as educator.The overriding topic of the author's scholarly interest in connection with this article was the concept of the so called (Austromarxist) ,,Leftist Intellectual“ who is considered as a particular „cultural type“ (Kulturtypus). In opposition to the traditional historical approach, this article not only deals with the reception of the ideas of the year 1848, including Marxism, but also tries to reflect in a very substantial way the harmful experiences intellectuals had to undergo during the early days of the Austrian working class movement. The very centre of Pfabigan's argument are the strained relations between intellectuals and their „anti-proletarianism“ on the one hand - after all they felt themselves to be part of bourgeois culture - and proletarians and their „anti-intellectualism“ on the other hand. In the first period (cf. e.g., Max Adler's book „Socialism and Intellectuals“) Austromarxist intellectuals asserted a hegemonic claim on society - for themselves and their „movement“. In the second period (cf. e.g. Max Adler's book „New People“) intellectuals saw themselves in a hegemonic position superior to the working class: The intellectual as educator

    Karl Kraus et son temps

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    Né en 1874, Karl Kraus a été mêlé de loin ou de près, comme acteur, témoin ou juge, à tous les mouvements artistiques, intellectuels ou politiques qui agitèrent Vienne au début de notre siècle. Pendant plus de trente ans, de 1899 à sa mort en 1936, il fit paraître sa revue Die Fackel, qu'il finit par rédiger tout seul et dans laquelle il a publié la majeure partie de son oeuvre. Pessimiste et lucide il combattit les travers de son temps et ses armes préférées furent la citation et la glose. Les spécialistes français, autri­chiens, allemands, américains et hongrois dont les contributions sont réunies ici ont étudié tour à tour les rapports ambigus et apparemment changeants de Kraus avec la politique et les partis, ses prises de positions sur le sionisme, le nationalisme, la guerre et la paix, son attitude à l'égard de quelques grandes questions de son temps comme le féminisme, l'éducation, la théorie des masses ou le déclin de l'Occident, et ils ont analysé la stratégie et les armes du satiriste.Both feared and admired in his time for his relentless criticism of the Austrian society, Karl Kraus is considered even today as one of the great masters of a satire that criticizes the corruption of private and public morals through the corruption of language, particularly in the press

    Quellen und Literatur

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