4,645 research outputs found

    Ginzburg-Landau approach to the three flavor LOFF phase of QCD

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    We explore, using a Ginzburg-Landau expansion of the free energy, the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell (LOFF) phase of QCD with three flavors, using the NJL four-fermion coupling to mimic gluon interactions. We find that, below the point where the QCD homogeneous superconductive phases should give way to the normal phase, Cooper condensation of the pairs u-s and d-u is possible, but in the form of the inhomogeneous LOFF pairing.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. Eq. (20) corrected. As a consequence figures have been modified to show only the solution with parallel total momenta of the us, ud pairs, as the other configurations are suppressed. Main conclusions of the paper are unchange

    Aspects of the Color Flavor Locking phase of QCD in the Nambu-Jona Lasinio approximation

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    We study two aspects of the CFL phase of QCD in the NJL approximation. The first one is the issue of the dependence on \mu of the ultraviolet cutoff in the gap equation, which is solved allowing a running coupling constant. The second one is the dependence of the gap on the strange quark mass; using the high density effective theory we perform an expansion in the parameter (m_s/\mu)^2 after checking that its numerical validity is very good already at first order.Comment: LaTeX file, 6 figure

    Effective gluon interactions in the Colour Superconductive Phase of two flavor QCD

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    The gluon self-energies and dispersion laws in the color superconducting phase of QCD with two massless flavors are calculated using the effective theory near the Fermi surface. These quantities are calculated at zero temperature for all the eight gluons, those of the remaining SU(2) color group and those corresponding to the broken generators. The construction of the effective interaction is completed with the one loop calculation of the three- and four-point gluon interactions.Comment: LaTeX, p 17, 4 figures. Final version to be published in Phys. Lett. B. Several corrections have been done and some point clarifie

    Effective Field Theory for the Crystalline Colour Superconductive Phase of QCD

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    We present an effective field theory for high density, low temperature QCD in the crystalline colour superconductive phase (LOFF phase). This interesting phase of QCD is characterized by a gap parameter with a crystalline pattern, breaking traslational and rotational invariance, and could have astrophysical applications. In the effective theory the fermions have a Majorana mass, which, besides colour, breaks translation and rotation symmetries. Fermions couple to the three phonons arising from the breaking of rotation and translation invariance. Integrating out the fermions leads eventually to an effective lagrangian in terms of the phonon fields only, which satisfies an anisotropic dispersion relation.Comment: Latex, 17 pages, Modifications in the effective goldstone boson descriptio

    Heating (Gapless) Color-Flavor Locked Quark Matter

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    We explore the phase diagram of neutral quark matter at high baryon density as a function of the temperature T and the strange quark mass Ms. At T=0, there is a sharp distinction between the insulating color-flavor locked (CFL) phase, which occurs where Ms^2/mu < 2 Delta, and the metallic gapless CFL phase, which occurs at larger Ms^2/mu. Here, mu is the chemical potential for quark number and Delta is the gap in the CFL phase. We find this distinction blurred at nonzero T, as the CFL phase undergoes an insulator-to-metal crossover when it is heated. We present an analytic treatment of this crossover. At higher temperatures, we map out the phase transition lines at which the gap parameters Delta_1, Delta_2 and Delta_3 describing ds-pairing, us-pairing and ud-pairing respectively, go to zero in an NJL model. For small values of Ms^2/mu, we find that Delta_2 vanishes first, then Delta_1, then Delta_3. We find agreement with a previous Ginzburg-Landau analysis of the form of these transitions and find quantitative agreement with results obtained in full QCD at asymptotic density for ratios of coefficients in the Ginzburg-Landau potential. At larger Ms^2/mu, we find that Delta_1 vanishes first, then Delta_2, then Delta_3. Hence, we find a "doubly critical'' point in the (Ms^2/mu,T)-plane at which two lines of second order phase transitions (Delta_1->0 and Delta_2->0) cross. Because we do not make any small-Ms approximation, if we choose a relatively strong coupling leading to large gap parameters, we are able to pursue the analysis of the phase diagram all the way up to such large values of Ms that there are no strange quarks present.Comment: 24 pages; 22 figures; typos in labelling of Figs. 7, 20 correcte

    Self-consistent parametrization of the two-flavor isotropic color-superconducting ground state

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    Lack of Lorentz invariance of QCD at finite quark chemical potential in general implies the need of Lorentz non-invariant condensates for the self-consistent description of the color-superconducting ground state. Moreover, the spontaneous breakdown of color SU(3) in this state naturally leads to the existence of SU(3) non-invariant non-superconducting expectation values. We illustrate these observations by analyzing the properties of an effective 2-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type Lagrangian and discuss the possibility of color-superconducting states with effectively gapless fermionic excitations. It turns out that the effect of condensates so far neglected can yield new interesting phenomena.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Influence of finite quark chemical potentials on the three flavor LOFF phase of QCD

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    We study in the Ginzburg-Landau approximation, the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell (LOFF) phase of QCD with three flavors and one plane wave, including terms of order O(1/mu). We show that the LOFF window is slightly enlarged, and actually splits into two different regions, one characterized by u-s and d-u pairings and the other with d-u pairs only.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    A quark action for very coarse lattices

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    We investigate a tree-level O(a^3)-accurate action, D234c, on coarse lattices. For the improvement terms we use tadpole-improved coefficients, with the tadpole contribution measured by the mean link in Landau gauge. We measure the hadron spectrum for quark masses near that of the strange quark. We find that D234c shows much better rotational invariance than the Sheikholeslami-Wohlert action, and that mean-link tadpole improvement leads to smaller finite-lattice-spacing errors than plaquette tadpole improvement. We obtain accurate ratios of lattice spacings using a convenient ``Galilean quarkonium'' method. We explore the effects of possible O(alpha_s) changes to the improvement coefficients, and find that the two leading coefficients can be independently tuned: hadron masses are most sensitive to the clover coefficient, while hadron dispersion relations are most sensitive to the third derivative coefficient C_3. Preliminary non-perturbative tuning of these coefficients yields values that are consistent with the expected size of perturbative corrections.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    Mass-Induced Crystalline Color Superconductivity

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    We demonstrate that crystalline color superconductivity may arise as a result of pairing between massless quarks and quarks with nonzero mass m_s. Previous analyses of this phase of cold dense quark matter have all utilized a chemical potential difference \delta\mu to favor crystalline color superconductivity over ordinary BCS pairing. In any context in which crystalline color superconductivity occurs in nature, however, it will be m_s-induced. The effect of m_s is qualitatively different from that of \delta\mu in one crucial respect: m_s depresses the value of the BCS gap \Delta_0 whereas \delta\mu leaves \Delta_0 unchanged. This effect in the BCS phase must be taken into account before m_s-induced and \delta\mu-induced crystalline color superconductivity can sensibly be compared.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. v2: very small change onl
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