323 research outputs found

    First-principles study of lithium-doped carbon clathrates under pressure

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    We present a theoretical study on the behavior under pressure of the two hypothetical C46_{46} and Li8_8C46_{46} type-I carbon clathrates in order to bring new informations concerning their synthesis. Using \textit{ab initio} calculations, we have explored the energetic and structural properties under pressure of these two carbon based cage-like materials. These low-density meta-stable phases show large negative pressure transitions compared to diamond which represent a serious obstacle for their synthesis. However, we evidence that a minimum energy barrier can be reached close to 40 GPa, suggesting that the synthesis of the Li-clathrate under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature may be possible. Electronic band structure with related density of states behavior under pressure as well as the dependence of the active Raman modes with pressure are also examined

    Pseudo-steppes with grasses and annuals of the Thero-Brachypodietea in Natura 2000 sites

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    Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals includes a variety of xeric, termophilic and mostly open Mediterranean perennial and annual grasslands growing on usually eutrophic, but also oligotrophic, soils. Three major sub-types should be considered: one of perennial basophile rather hard short-grass communities, included in Lygeo-Stipetalia; another one of very dense and short but highly productive perennial summer drying swards, created by intense and continuous livestock activity, included in Poetalia bulbosae; and a last one of pioneer and ephemeral basophilous annual grasslands, included in Brachypodietalia (Trachynietalia) distachyae. The diversity of plant, invertebrate and vertebrate communities is usually high. Pseudo-steppe with grasses and annuals has a typical Mediterranean distribution, with a significant area located in the Iberian Peninsula (mostly in Spain), followed by Italy, France, Greece, Cyprus and Malta. The habitat has been favoured by traditional management schemes and contributes to the so-called cultural landscapes. It usually occurs in a mosaic pattern with a wide variety of related habitats, many of them also included in the 92/43 EEC Directive. As a consequence, a high number of animal species protected by that Directive depend, to a higher or lesser degree, on this habitat type. That is why a holistic perspective is needed when considering conservation management models. Too low a grazing intensity will result in scrub encroachment, a reduction in biodiversity and an increased risk of wild fires. For Poetalia bulbosae communities, experience shows that this will lead to their disappearance due to rapid changes in floristic composition. Therefore, grazing (particularly sheep grazing) is essential for the long-term maintenance of this habitat. Regular scrub clearing on small to medium-size irregular plots and silvicultural treatments on related forests and coppices are advisable as complementary measures, as well as the conservation or restoration of traditional infrastructures (water points, hedges, stone walls) and nearby small agricultural plots. A light phosphoric fertilization is recommended for Poetalia bulbosae communities; however, fertilization with other nutrients or on other 6220 habitat type communities should be banned. Restoration of 6220 habitat type communities from overgrown sites will require scrub clearing and intense grazing for many years. Other relevant measures are reducing or banning the use of pesticides and herbicides, protecting the habitat from urbanization processes, control of tourism activity when necessary, promoting livestock quality labels, improving living conditions for shepherds and implementing new land management strategies

    Flying vs. climbing: Factors controlling arboreal seed removal in oak-beech forests

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    Nuts are heavy and nutritious seeds that need animals to be successfully dispersed. Most studies address nut removal by a single animal species once seeds fall onto the ground. However, nuts are also accessible before the seed drop and usually to a wide guild of seed foragers. This study examines the factorscontrollingarborealseedremoval in oak–beechforests within the whole guild of nut foragers. We found that seed-dispersing rodents (Apodemus sylvaticus) were the main acorn removers in the oaks (up to 3.75 m height), with a rapid seed encounter and a high removal rate. However, rodents did not climb the beech trees, probably due to their smoother bark in comparison to oak bark and/or the lower nutritional value of beechnuts with regard to acorns. Jays (Garrulus glandarius) were more abundant in oak stands (both dense and scattered) and clearly preferred acorns to beechnuts whereas nuthatches (Sitta europaea) were more abundant in beech stands and preferred beechnuts to acorns. Non-storing birds such as great tits (Parus major) also removed acorns and beechnuts, especially in the stands where oaks are dominant. Jays and rodents preferred sound seeds over insect-infested seeds but such a preference was not found for nuthatches. This study highlights that pure beech stands showed a reduced guild of arboreal nut foragers in comparison to oak stands. This different guild could probably affect the spatial patterns of seed dispersal, with a proportionally higher number of long dispersal events for acorns (mostly jay-dispersed) than for beechnuts (mostly nuthatch-dispersed). Long-distance dispersal of beechnuts (by jays) is determined by the presence of other preferred species (oaks) and their frequency of non-mast years. Seed location in different habitats strongly determines the contribution of different arboreal removers (including climbing rodents) and their removal speed, leading to a differential seed fate that will eventually affect tree regeneration. As nuthatches are sedentary birds, it is important to maintain old and dead trees where they can breed (crevices), forage (arthropods) and store seeds in order to favor beechnut dispersal and gene flow. By maintaining or favoring oak trees within beech stands we will ensure a wider guild of arboreal nut dispersers

    Rideaux, pots de fleurs et escaliers modern style

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    En 1959, Edgar Neville mettait en scène un film dont le scénario fut écrit à partir d’une de ses pièces de théâtre, portant le même titre et écrite sept ans plus tôt. Cette source théâtrale détermine, non seulement la construction, la structure narrative et la conception des personnages du film, mais aussi la disposition des espaces et la fonction des objets qui dotent l’espace profilmique d’une signification objective et l’espace filmique d’une dimension émotionnelle et symbolique. Par ailleurs, ces derniers aspects revêtent une importance capitale pour ce qui est de la construction dramatique de l’œuvre. Neville arrive ainsi à édifier une sorte de topographie sentimentale, dans laquelle, les divers recours des personnages, de même que les relations particulières qu’ils entretiennent avec objets et meubles – qui remplissent des fonctions polyvalentes durant toute la narration – délimitent et décrivent l’espace architectonique et construisent un espace authentique de la mémoire.En 1959, Edgar Neville dirige un film cuyo guión fue escrito a partir de la obra teatral del mismo título que el mismo autor escribiera siete años antes. Este origen teatral determina no solamente la planificación, la estructura narrativa y la concepción de los personajes de la película, sino también la disposición de los espacios y la función asumida por los objetos, que dotan al espacio profílmico de una significación objetiva y al espacio fílmico de una dimensión emocional y simbólica. Estos últimos aspectos, por otra parte, revisten capital importancia en lo tocante a la construcción dramática de la obra. Neville consigue de esta manera edificar una suerte de topografía sentimental en la que los diferentes recorridos de los personajes, al igual que las particulares relaciones que éstos establecen con los objetos y con los muebles – que desempeñan funciones polivalentes durante toda la narración – delimitan y describen el espacio arquitectónico y construyen un genuino espacio de la memoria

    Ecología, tipología, valoración y alternativas silvopascícolas de los Quejigares (Quercus faginea Lamk) de Guadalajara

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    El quejigo (Quercus faginea Lamk.) es una de las especies arbóreas más características y abundantes en España. El valor ecológico de sus masas es muy alto, pero su actual producción económica es muy baja. En el presente trabajo se estudian las características ecológicas, silvícolas y pascícolas de los quejigares de Guadalajara para tratar de determinar su forma más adecuada de utilización. En el capítulo 1 se recopila, analiza y resume toda la información existente anteriormente sobre el quejigo en España. En el capítulo 2 se estudia la ecología del quejigo en la provincia de Guadalajara, incluyendo los siguientes temas: - Estudio ecológico de los quejigares: clima, suelo, posición topográfica, fauna, acción antrópica, vegetación, etc. - Establecimiento de una tipología forestal para las masas de quejigos. - Cuantificación del desfronde, la biomasa, el efecto fertilizador y la producción del quejigar experimental de Barriopedro. - Estudio de los sistemas de regeneración natural y artificial en el quejigo- - Análisis de la composición específica de un pastizal de quejigar y de las variaciones provocadas en él por claras de distinta intensidad en el estrato arbóreo. II En el capítulo 3 se valora la calidad del arbolado y del pastizal en los quejigares de Guadalajara. En el capítulo 4, y como resultado de los estudios realizados, se concluye analizando las posibilidades de utilización de los quejigares de la provincia: roturación y cultivo agrícola, repoblación forestal, implantación de pastizales, conversión en monte alto, adehesamiento, y mantenimiento del tallar

    Leftovers in seed dispersal: ecological implications of partial seed consumption for oak regeneration

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    1. Successful seed dispersal by animals is assumed to occur when undamaged seeds arrive at a favourable microsite. Most seed removal and dispersal studies consider only two possible seed fates, predation or escape intact. Whether partial consumption of seeds has ecological implications for natural regeneration is unclear. We studied partial consumption of seeds in a rodent-dispersed oak species. 2. Fifteen percent of dispersed acorns were found partially eaten in a field experiment. Most damage affected only the basal portion of the seeds, resulting in no embryo damage. Partially eaten acorns had no differences in dispersal distance compared to intact acorns but were recovered at farther distances than completely consumed acorns. 3. Partially eaten acorns were found under shrub cover unlike intact acorns that were mostly dispersed to open microhabitats. 4. Partially eaten acorns were not found buried proportionally more often than intact acorns, leading to desiccation and exposure to biotic agents (predators, bacteria and fungi). However, partial consumption caused more rapid germination, which enables the acorns to tolerate the negative effects of exposure. 5. Re-caching and shrub cover as microhabitat of destination promote partial seed consumption. Larger acorns escaped predation more often and had higher uneaten cotyledon mass. Satiation at seed level is the most plausible explanation for partial consumption. 6. Partial consumption caused no differences in root biomass when acorns experienced only small cotyledon loss. However, root biomass was lower when acorns experienced heavy loss of tissue but, surprisingly, they produced longer roots, which allow the seeds to gain access sooner to deeper resources. 7.Synthesis. Partial consumption of acorns is an important event in the oak regeneration process, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Most acorns were damaged non-lethally, without decreasing both dispersal distances and the probability of successful establishment. Faster germination and production of longer roots allow partially eaten seeds to tolerate better the exposure disadvantages caused by the removal of the pericarp and the non-buried deposition. Consequently, partially consumed seeds can contribute significantly to natural regeneration and must be considered in future seed dispersal studies

    Interacciones planta-animal en la regeneración de Quercus pyrenaica: ecología y gestión

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    Los rebollares de Quercus pyrenaica son formaciones casi exclusivas de la península ibérica cuya regeneración sexual se encuentra fuertemente comprometida como consecuencia de su estructura dominada por rebrotes de cepa y raíz (monte bajo). El abandono del aprovechamiento histórico de estos rebrotes (leña, carbón, etc.) ha provocado que, actualmente, muchos rebollares se hayan convertido en ecosistemas degradados con exceso de espesura, puntisecado y estancamiento del crecimiento. Este trabajo trata de resumir el estado del conocimiento de las principales interacciones planta-animal en la regeneración sexual de los bosques dominados por el rebollo, con el fin de proporcionar bases científicas para una mejor gestión y conservación de estos ecosistemas. Algunas especies animales (arrendajo, ratón de campo, trepador azul) juegan un papel importante en la dispersión efectiva de las bellotas, lo que contribuye a un mejor flujo génico y a la colonización de nuevos lugares. Sin embargo, la creciente densidad de ungulados silvestres (ciervo, jabalí, etc.) es uno de los factores de mayor amenaza para estos bosques al reducir drásticamente el número de bellotas disponibles para la germinación y limitar el crecimiento y la supervivencia de las nuevas plántulas. Además, existen interacciones multi-tróficas (p. ej. bellota-predador-dispersor) y fenómenos de facilitación (plántula-matorral) que revelan la importancia de las relaciones múltiples en la regeneración de los rebollares. Finalmente, se exponen posibles medidas de gestión encaminadas a facilitar la regeneración sexual de estos sistemas de manera que pueda revertirse la actual situación de estancamiento y decaimiento de muchos rebollares

    Enhancing the superconducting transition temperature of BaSi2 by structural tuning

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    We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of the superconducting phase of the layered binary silicide BaSi2. Compared with the layered AlB2 structure of graphite or diboride-like superconductors, in the hexagonal structure of binary silicides the sp3 arrangement of silicon atoms leads to corrugated sheets. Through a high-pressure synthesis procedure we are able to modify the buckling of these sheets, obtaining the enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature from 4 K to 8.7 K when the silicon planes flatten out. By performing ab-initio calculations based on density functional theory we explain how the electronic and phononic properties of the system are strongly affected by changes in the buckling. This mechanism is likely present in other intercalated layered superconductors, opening the way to the tuning of superconductivity through the control of internal structural parameters.Comment: Submitte

    Fruticeticultura. Gestión de arbustedos y matorrales

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    Los arbustos, o frútices, son vegetales leñosos de menos de 5 m de altura sin un tronco preponderante, porque se ramifican a partir de la base. Los arbustos de menor altura, de un metro a lo sumo o poco más, se llaman matas o matillas; sin embargo, el término sufrútice se aplica a plantas semejantes a arbustos, generalmente pequeñas y sólo lignificadas en la base (FONT QUER, 1989). Como consecuencia de esas definiciones, generalmente aceptadas, un matorral (suffruticetum) es una comunidad vegetal dominada por matas, mientras que si el dominio corresponde a arbustos, debe recibir la denominación de arbustedo (fruticetum). La técnica correspondiente a la gestión de los arbustedos y matorrales no ha recibido ningún nombre oficial, o al menos aceptado con generalidad, pero, por similitud con los términos selvicultura (o silvicultura) y pascicultura, debiera denominarse fruticeticultura. Por ello, ese será el término que utilizaremos como título para este trabajo preliminar, dedicado a resumir la tipología general de los arbustedos y matorrales de la Península Ibérica, su significación ecológica, sus características esenciales y sus técnicas de utilización. Esperamos que este trabajo sirva de base e introducción para uno más extenso y profundo que analice la situación de los matorrales y arbustedos españoles con una escala sintaxonómica mucho más detallada
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