9 research outputs found

    Microstructure and texture evolution of the Al-20sn alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing using route C

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    In this work, the microstructure and texture evolution of an Al-20Sn (mass%) alloy processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing is presented. The evolution of dislocation cells into subgrains and the mechanical response of the deformed alloy have been emphasized. Samples were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (for microstrain and texture measurements) and Vickers microhardness. It was found, that Al grains, suffered the highest degree of deformation during the ECAP process, however, the evidence showed that the deformation was largely heterogeneous, in terms of crystalline domain and feasibly in misorientation angles. The initial copper texture changes throughout the ECAP process forming an incipient shear texture component (111)[11-2]. The heterogeneity of the results obtained from the Vickers microhardness mapping could be associated to the microstructure resulted after the ECAP process. © 2014 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials

    Production of al foams using the SDP method: Processing parameters and introduction of a new sintering device

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    The processing of aluminum (Al) foams with maximum porosity of around 70 %, regular pore size and interconnected pores were successfully produced by means of the powder metallurgy method of Sintering Dissolution Process (SDP). The metal powder used for the present study was Al powder with 99.5 % of purity and diameters between 75 μ m and 200 μ m. The chosen Space Holder Particles (SHP) were spherical carbamide CH4N2O particles with diameters ranging from 1 to 2 mm. The optimum sinterization temperature was found at 620 °C, at this temperature, a number of necks between Al particles surfaces were observed; indicating a good cohesion between Al particles, while keeping the porous structure of the green compact. The level of porosity was dependent of the carbamide content and the voids formed within the Al particles after the sinterization process. The sample with 60 wt.% of carbamide showed the lowest yield stress value than those for the samples with 40 and 50 wt.%. The strain values significantly increased when the carbamide content increased from 40 to 60 wt.%. Finally, the results obtained from a new sintering device for producing metallic foams at temperatures below 900 °C are also discussed

    Estudio de perfiles de difracción de rayos X de una aleación Ti-13Ta-3Sn obtenida por aleado mecánico

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    Las aleaciones Ti-β se han vuelto altamente demandadas en la industria, por sus buenas características físicas y químicas. En el presente trabajo, se sintetizó una aleación Ti-13Ta-3Sn (%at) por aleado mecánico con tiempos entre 2 y 100h. Las aleaciones se caracterizaron por difracción de rayos X (DRX) y los patrones se analizaron por el método Rietveld con el software MAUD. Se caracterizaron los cambios microestructurales y la evolución de las fases Ti-α y Ti-β. Se identificó la presencia una nueva fase metaestable fcc y la síntesis de una aleación con un 79,80% en peso de fase Ti-β, ambas con tamaño de cristalita nanométrico. Palabras clave: Aleado mecánico, aleación Ti-β, difracción de rayos X


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    Introducción: Las fundiciones blancas con alto contenido de Cr del tipo hipoeutécticas, son una de las más utilizadas en el recargue para reducir el desgaste por abrasión, en piezas utilizadas en el procesamiento de minerales, y en la agroindustria azucarera. Objetivo: Aumentar la resistencia al desgaste abrasivo de la aleación hipoeutéctica que se deposita con el electrodo AWS E FeCr- A8. Materiales y métodos: Se prepararon probetas para la caracterización del metal depositado con el electrodo original (EO) y el modificado (EM) mediante la dureza, metalografía óptica (MO), y análisis de la composición química, utilizando microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM). Con el empleo del ensayo propuesto por la norma ASTM G65, (2017) se determinó la resistencia al desgaste abrasivo. Resultados y discusión: La dureza en el metal depositado con el electrodo original es de 560 HV, mientras que la dureza del depósito con el electrodo modificado alcanza 750 HV, lo cual se debe a que la morfología de la austenita y de la zona eutéctica es diferente para ambos depósitos. El ensayo al desgaste abrasivo para el depósito obtenido con el electrodo modificado mostró una pérdida de volumen de 0,0531 mm3, inferior a la manifestada por el depósito realizado con el electrodo original (0,0669 mm3).  Conclusiones: Al aplicar un revestimiento periférico al electrodo AWS FeCr-A8, aumenta la fracción volumétrica de los carburos en la zona eutéctica de la microestructura del depósito, incrementándose la resistencia al desgaste abrasivo

    TEM Nanostructural Study of Al-6Si-3Cu-Mg Melt-Spun Ribbons

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    Three quaternary Al-6Si-3Cu-xMg (x = 0.59, 3.80, and 6.78 wt.%) alloys were produced by melt-spun and characterized using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and microhardness techniques. Obtained second phases were Al2Cu() for the alloy with 0.59% Mg and Al5Cu2Mg8Si6 (Q) for the alloys with 3.80 and 6.78% Mg. These phases are present as 30–50 nm or as 5–10 nm nanoparticles. Alloying elements content in solid solution increased, mainly for Si and Mg. The high alloying elements content in solid solution and the small -Al cell size for melt-spun alloys leads to microhardness values about 2 times higher than those of ingot counterparts. The microhardness increase for melt-spun alloys with 3.80 and 6.78% Mg depends on Mg content in solid solution

    DEM–FEA estimation of pores arrangement effect on the compressive Young’s modulus for Mg foams

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    This work reports the study of the effect of the pore arrangement on the compressive behavior of Mg foams with regular pore size and porosities ranging from 25% to 45%. Pore arrangements were modeled using Finite Element Analysis (FEA), with random and ordered models, and compared to the estimations obtained for a previous work. The coordinates of the random pore arrangements were firstly generated using Discrete Element Method (DEM), and used in a second stage for modeling the pores by FEA. Estimations were also compared to the experimental results for Mg foams obtained by means of powder metallurgy. Results show important drops in the Young’s moduli as the porosity increases for both, experimental results and FEA estimations. Estimations obtained using ordered pore arrangements presented significant differences when compared to the estimations acquired from models with random arrangements. The randomly arranged models represent more accurately the real topologies of the experimental metallic foams. The Young’s moduli estimated using these models were in excellent agreement with the experiments, whilst the estimations obtained using ordered models presented relative errors significantly higher. The importance of the use of more realistic FEA models for improving the predicting ability of this method was probed, for the study of the mechanical properties of metallic foams

    Electrochemical corrosion characterization of nickel aluminides in acid rain

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    <div><p>ABSTRACT Nickel aluminides have been extensively studied in recent decades to replace superalloys, in some components of aircraft turbines, because they have excellent corrosion resistance. Many industrial cities have the problem of air pollution, which has forced the study of the degradation of these alloys in the presence of acid rain. The aim of this work is to study the electrochemical corrosion behavior of nickel aluminides in a medium of simulated acid rain. Potentiodynamic Polarization, Linear polarization resistance curves, Rp, Nyquist data and Bode curves obtained by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to study the corrosion behavior of two intermetallic compounds. The polarization curves show that both intermetallic Ni3Al and NiAl have very similar corrosion potential, showing a slightly nobler behavior the NiAl intermetallic. The intermetallic Ni3Al has an active-passive behavior where the anode branch presents a general dissolution of the alloy, indicating that it is under cathodic control. NiAl intermetallic shows an active dissolution region, followed by a passive behavior. At longer immersion times, Ni3Al intermetallic has a higher polarization resistance, which means a lower corrosion rate.</p></div