88 research outputs found

    Ante la actual crisis de sentido, es necesario “rescatar al sujeto"

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    Master Hugo Zemelman has gone ahead in this walk through life and existence. He has closed his eyes in order to open them permanently in the teachings derived from his writings, stories, and memories in each of us.The master left us many challenges in his brief but invaluable contact with our team in Medellin, fraternal exchanges that fortunately we managed to have in this walk through life. So profound teachings that require time and above all great sensitivity to process and assimilate, teachings that sought to mobilize the feeling - thinking. His teachings which were so deep require time and much sensitivity in order to process and to assimilate them which aimed at mobilizing both feeling and thinking.El Maestro Hugo Zemelman se nos ha adelantado en este caminar por la vida y la existencia, ha cerrado sus ojos para abrirlos permanentemente en las enseñanzas que deja en sus escritos, historias y recuerdos en cada uno de nosotros


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    El presente texto pretende relacionar algunas líneas y rutas de análisis como aportes al debate que viene resurgiendo en Latinoamérica en torno al tercer componente no desarrollado de la modernidad: La Fraternidad. Para ello se hará referencia al concepto desde una dimensión política, propia de la modernidad y a la propuesta de la filosofía franciscana.AbstractThis text aims to connect some lines and routes of analysis as contribution to the debate which is reappearing in Latin America around the third non-developed component of modernity: Fraternity. That is why it will be approached from a political dimension, which is proper to modernity and the proposal of Franciscan philosophy

    ¿Qué está pasando con el agua en el Valle de Aburrá (Medellín-Colombia)?

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    El presente artículo, derivado de investigación, presenta un primer avance de algunas preguntas que han surgido respecto del abastecimiento sostenible y real de agua para Medellín, su calidad y los negocios que circulan en torno a este preciado recurso, presenta este texto, algunos hallazgos que nos posibilitan generar algunas líneas de análisis, con el fin de aportar en el necesario debate público, al respecto.This article, derived from a piece of research, presents a first advance of questions, which have arisen with respect to the real and sustainable supply of water for Medellin, its quality and the businesses that circulate around this precious resource. This text presents some findings, which enable us to generate a number of lines of analysis, in order to contribute in the necessary public debate, in this regar

    ¿El terror y el abuso como política pública? Estudio de Caso, Juan José Chaux

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    This paper is a study case, Mr. Juan José Chaux, who represents a social class, political class and business class, thanks to a series of complaints and accusations from several paramilitary, becomes an image that causes collective anger, noting how the power and structure of State have been co-opted by characters, that have apparently been co-opted by agents and illegal acts that seem to rely on the power of attorney, destroying the people, under the fallacy of the “struggle for security and democracy”; attempt to show that the character seems to have covenants and events, also have charge and direction of the hand of paramilitary, which directly or indirectly could cause displacement, massacres, poverty and death. This article aims to raise awareness of citizenship that terror cannot be under any circumstances, public policy, and avoid that propaganda and mass media become heroes to people of dubious reputation who can be perpetrators of crime and persecutors of the victims seeking justice

    La potencia de lo posible

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    Asistimos a un mundo en crisis, la hegemonía de una sola forma de ver, sentir, pensar, actuar, de un sentido común instaurado, un sentido común capitalista, que hace pasar como normal y natural el individualismo, la competencia, la muerte, la pobreza, la exclusión, como si todo estuviese dado y nada pudiese ser transformado

    Independiencia ayer, ¿independencia hoy?

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    For over thirty years was forged, thanks to numerous rebellions, such as indigenous people, blacks and the same movements commoner 1781, the geste of independence against Spanish domination, multiple and diverse today continues in resistance Colombian people, living new forms of colonization and domination. Identified in this journal, some issues, that merit consideration, to change processes for dignified living conditions, enabling the autonomy of peoples and the definition of evolution for the benefit of the various peoples that make up Colombia and reducing services to large international interest


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    The news of the installation in Colombia, the Manta military base, has generated a national controversy, because it intends to transfer the base but transforming its operation throughout the country. This article aims compare the reasons for any inconvenience caused in installation in Ecuador and the reasons for denying the firm extending the existence of the military base with discussions which has resulted in Colombia giving light to approach the analysis of this phenomenon

    Un mundo desigual

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    We live in a world whose economic and political model permits and leverages an irrational wealth accumulation in few hands. This phenomenon and its social, political, and cultural consequences and the like are of required comprehension and transformation on the part of Universities and their substantive functions: research, training, and extension, which should play a decisive role.Vivimos en un mundo cuyo modelo económico y político permite y apalanca una irracional acumulación de la riqueza en pocas manos, este fenómeno y sus consecuencias sociales, políticas, culturales y demás, son de obligatoria comprensión y transformación por parte de las Universidades y sus funciones sustantivas: investigación, formación y extensión, éstas particularmente deberían jugar un papel decisivo

    Fraternidad para la vida digna de los pueblos

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    This text aims to connect some lines and routes of analysis as contribution to the debate which is reappearing in Latin America around the third non-developed component of modernity: Fraternity. That is why it will be approached from a political dimension, which is proper to modernity and the proposal of Franciscan philosophy

    Caracterización psicoscial de los jovenes del Barrio 20 de julio del municipio de Urrao - Antioquia Colombia

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    With support of San Buenaventura's University of Medellin, an investigation(research) was realized in the Neighborhood On July 20 of Urrao's Municipality (Antioch) to characterize one of the neighborhoods affected by the " violence and in risk of being a causer of violence. " This article appears as an advance of the results obtained in the above mentioned investigation(research), which was realized as a descriptive retrospective study. In the study families and young men(women) took part, besides five institutions that they pay attention direct to the community. The intention of the study the population of the neighborhood consisted of characterizing in order to identify the current factors that affect the living together, but for effects of the present alone article there will leak out the results found with the juvenile population. The results described in the juvenile characterization gather in crowds in: educational levels of the population, labour level, characteristics of the families of the young men, sexual and reproductive health, consumption of alcohol and psychoactive, spaces of socialization, utilization of the free time, the expulsion and displacement of the young population. Finally they present some conclusions and recommendations for the intervention