13 research outputs found

    Trabajando con las Tablillas de Ebla

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    L'Anatolia pregreca

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    Vengono presentati come i più significativi 4 tipi di contatto per un periodo che va dall'inizio del II millenio fino ai primi secoli del I millennio a.C. Il primo riguarda l'acculturazione subita dagli Ittiti da parte dei Hatti, già stanziati nell'Anatolia centrale. Il secondo è invece un esempio di acculturazione non avvenuta : gli Assiri presenti in Anatolia durante il XIX sec. non vi lasciarono un'eredità significativa. Quindi si esaminano i rapporti tra Ittiti ed altre popolazioni anatoliche. Ed infine si considera l'influenza culturale esercitata dai Hurriti durante il XIV ed il XII sec.Archi Alfonso. L'Anatolia pregreca. In: Modes de contacts et processus de transformation dans les sociétés anciennes. Actes du colloque de Cortone (24-30 mai 1981) Rome : École Française de Rome, 1983. pp. 465-484. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 67

    The Soul has to Leave the Land of the Living

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    Indexes. Administrative Texts: Allotments of Clothing for the Palace Personnel (Archive L. 2769).

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    Among several administrative sectors, the Archives of Ebla (Syria, ca. 2380–2330 B.C.) document month after month, over forty years, the expenditures of textile production (the first manufacture of the time) giving substance to an archaic society, also in relation with the neighboring states. An entire new province – northern Syria of the third millennium B.C. – is returned to the Ancient Near East studies, and, a unique case, on the basis of the complete documentation kept by a central administration. This volume includes 1 yearly text and 24 monthly documents selected because they present sections concerning groups of men ordered according to crafts, women employed in menial works, and men passed in review in relation with military expeditions. A concluding essay is the first attempt to give a reconstruction of the palace organization of Ebla and the forces of the recruited army. One text lists the gifts to the members of the court (fixing their rank in this way) on the occasion of the marriage of the only daughter of the royal couple with a prince of Kiš, the major power of the time; in another one the funerary gifts to a princess are registered. Detailed indices complete the volume

    Annual documents of the metal expenditures (è) from Minister Ibrium’s period (Archive L.2769)

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    The Central Archive of Ebla (24th century BC) preserved two series of annual documents which allow us to reconstruct on the one side the incomes of metals and garments to the Central Administration and on the other side the expenditures of metals, mostly in the shape of objects and pieces of jewelry, besides weapons and tools in copper and bronze, mostly decorated with precious metals. Silver was also given as money to be expended at the market. This documentation covers about forty-six years: an unparalleled sequence in the entire body of cuneiform literature. The series concerning the incomes has been published in ARET XIV (2023). This is the first of three volumes devoted to the expenditures of metals. It includes twenty-one annual documents concerning the eighteen years that Ibrium served as minister, which coincides with the first half of Išᵓar-damu’s reign. Four further tablets are added to complete the documentation of this period. The other two volumes will concern the eleven years of the reign of Irkabdamu (Išar-damu’s father) and the last seventeen years of the city (which preceded its destruction), when minister was Ibbi-zikir, Ibrium’s son

    Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East - 57 Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale

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    Tradition and Innovation in the Ancient Near East Questo tema può essere affrontato sotto differenti punti di vista come: a) metodi di trasmissione nella letteratura e nei testi scolastici; b) continuità e trasformazione nelle arti visive; c) continuità e cambiamento nei percorsi di insediamento; d) percorsi comportamentali stabiliti nel passato; e) formulari amministrativi e giuridici; f) arcaismi nella scrittura, nel linguaggio, nella letteratura e nelle arti; g) tradizioni trasmesse in altre regioni; h) innovazione e conservatorismo nella tecnologia. L’argomento non è nuovo; confidiamo, comunque, che se le relazioni si concentreranno sui temi proposti, lo svolgimento del Congresso sarà un utile strumento per ispirare nuove ricerche. Lavori su temi differenti e nuovi importanti risultati archeologici sono graditi, come un ristretto numero di gruppi di lavoro. La priorità sarà comunque data ai lavori inerenti il tema del Congresso. Al fine di evitare un’eccessiva dispersione dei partecipanti, ci saranno non più di tre sessioni parallele