12 research outputs found

    Family ties and female part-time labor supply

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    Comunicación presentada en las VI Jornadas de Economía Laboral, Alicante, 11-13 julio 2005.In this study we explore the determinants of part-time labor supply for Spanish households using data from EPA. We develop a model of the household where the woman’s contribution to family income affects her power in the collective decision unit. Our aim is to estimate the importance of part-time employment as an instrument to increase women’s participation and to what extent part-time employment responds to traditional views of gender family obligations

    Labour status and involuntary employment: family ties and part-time work in Spain

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    The aim of the paper is a gender analysis of the extent to which parttime work represents an individual’s preferred labor market situation. The work includes a theoretical model that delivers some predictions about the household’s preferences over non-chosen employment states. Furthermore, it explores the impact of individual, family and job related variables on the probabilities of involuntary and voluntary part-time employment in Spain. The main empirical findings of the paper are: first, the model is sensitive to the chosen definition of (voluntary) part-time employment; second, there exist important gender asymmetries in labour market behaviour concerning the importance of the individual’s education and family characteristics; third, the marital status and having small children are important determinants of a woman’s probability of being voluntary part-time employed, whereas having grown up children or a temporary contract increases significantly a woman’s probability of involuntary part-time employment.part-time work, involuntary employment, family ties and labour supply.

    Labour status and involuntary employment: family ties and part-time work in Spain

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    The aim of the paper is a gender analysis of the extent to which part-time work represents an individual’s preferred labor market situation. The work includes a theoretical model that delivers some predictions about the household’s preferences over non-chosen employment states. Furthermore, it explores the impact of individual, family and job related variables on the probabilities of involuntary and voluntary part-time employment in Spain. The main empirical findings of the paper are: first, the model is sensitive to the chosen definition of (voluntary) part-time employment; second, there exist important gender asymmetries in labour market behaviour concerning the importance of the individual’s education and family characteristics; third, the marital status and having small children are important determinants of a woman’s probability of being voluntary part-time employed, whereas having grown up children or a temporary contract increases significantly a woman’s probability of involuntary part-time employment.Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología and Feder Funds under project SEJ-2007-62656


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    El método generalizado de los momentos es una técnica de estimación muy general, que permite interpretar la mayor parte de los métodos de estimación conocidos 'como casos particulares, incluido el de máxima verosimilitud bajo ciertas condiciones. Además, este procedimiento permite desarrollar métodos de estimación nuevos, especialmente adaptados a problemas planteados por la macroeconomía contemporánea. El objeto de este trabajo es presentar, de forma sistemática, el conjunto de resultados, propiedades y aplicaciones más relevantes del método mencionado.Estimación por simulación, matriz generalizada de covarianzas, método de momentos.

    Una estimación econométrica del stock de capital de la economía española

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    This paper obtains a series of aggregate capital stock for the Spanish economy, in which for this calculation, the depreciation average was previously estimated as an additional parameter in a production function. Although the result when including the parameter in a production function is clearly not linear, a method of simplification is presented by means of an iterative procedure. In respect to the estimation of the initial capital stock, and due to its unrecognizableness, an alternative method is developed for its calculation. The results of this paper offer a value for the rate of depreciation greatly different from the ones commonly used. En este trabajo se obtiene una serie de stock de capital agregado para la economía española, en el que para su cálculo se ha estimado previamente la tasa de depreciación como un parámetro adicional en una función de producción. Aunque el resultado al incluir este parámetro en una función de producción es claramente no lineal, se presenta una vía de simplificación a través de un procedimiento iterativo. Por lo que respecta a la estimación del stock inicial de capital, y dada su no identificabilidad, se desarrolla un método alternativo para su cálculo. Los resultados del trabajo ofrecen un valor para la tasa de depreciación bastante diferente a los habitualmente utilizados.Funciones de producción, estimación de la tasa de depreciación, stock Production functions, estimation of depreciation rate, initial capital stock

    Determinación de los sectores básicos en la actividad turística

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    An alternative to retirement: part-time work

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    Part time work can facilitate participation in the labor market and smooth the transition to retirement. Part-time employment, however, represents for the most part an involuntary choice. The aim of this paper is to conduct an empirical investigation of the determinants of part-time work. Using Spanish labor market data, we find that part-time work becomes a more desired employment alternative as people age, and that education and children’s age have opposite effects on women and men’s probabilities of voluntary part-time employment. Interestingly, most part-time work among women occurs in low-skill occupations, whereas part-time work among men are mainly concentrated in high-skill jobs.This research was funded by the European Commission within the project “Long-Run Economic Perspectives of an Aging Society” (LEPAS) in the Seventh Framework Programme under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities theme (Grant Agreement: SSH7-CT-2009-217275)

    Labor status and involuntary employment: family ties and women’s part-time work in Spain

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    Documento presentado en el XXXIV Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (SAEE), Universitat de València, 10-12 de diciembre 2009