2,132 research outputs found

    La biblioteca del Museo San PĂ­o V

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    The Library of the Saint Pius V Museum in Valencia was founded on 1974, not beginning its activity regularly until 1984. During these ten years their collections did not surpass the volume

    RelaciĂłn del edentulismo con la calidad de vida en adultos mayores de los distritos de Moche y Salaverry, 2018.

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    Determinar la relación del edentulismo con la calidad de vida en adultos mayores de los distritos de Moche y Salaverry, 2018. Material y Método: El estudio fue de corte transversal, se evaluó a 92 adultos mayores. Se empleó Test de OHIP para determinar la calidad de vida y clasificación de Kennedy para determinar la pérdida dental. Resultados: Se encontró según Kennedy que el mayor porcentaje de edentulismo fue en maxilar inferior (16%) en Clase I-M1. Según calidad de vida se encontró en nivel moderado (72%). Según enfermedad sistémica, fue en maxilar inferior en Clase I-M1 en pacientes con hipertensión siendo moderado (12%) en calidad de vida. Según grado de instrucción, fue en maxilar superior en Clase II-M2 (7%) y maxilar inferior en Clase I-M1 (7%) con primaria completa, presentando impacto moderado en calidad de vida. Según edad, lo obtuvo el maxilar superior en Clase II-M2 (11%) en pacientes con 71-81 años, presentando impacto alto. Conclusión: Si existe relación entre edentulismo y calidad de vida.To determine the relationship of edentulism with quality of life in older adults in the districts of Moche and Salaverry, 2018. Material and Method: The study was cross-sectional and 92 elderly adults were evaluated. The OHIP Test was used to determine the quality of life and the Kennedy classification to determine tooth loss. Results: According to Kennedy, it was found that the highest percentage of edentulism was in the lower jaw, which presented 16% in Class I-M1. According to the quality of life, it was found at a moderate level (72%). According to systemic disease, the highest percentage was in the lower maxilla in Class I-M1 in patients with hypertension, being moderate (12%) in their quality of life. According to educational level, the highest percentage was in the upper jaw in Class II-M2 (7%) and lower jaw in Class I-M1 (7%) with complete primary, presenting a moderate impact on their quality of life. According to age, the highest percentage was obtained in the upper maxilla in Class II-M2 (11%) in patients aged 71-81 years, presenting high impact Conclusion: If there is a relationship between edentulism and quality of life.Tesi

    Caracterización de la Zona Mínima de Oxígeno en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental costarricense utilizando datos in situ de campañas de campo

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    For conservation and sustainable fisheries, it is important to characterize the Oxygen Minimum Zones or OMZ in and around the methane seeps of the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), Costa Rica, through the analysis of temperature, salinity, density, and oxygen profiles. The data used in this work were collected during several oceanographic research campaigns in the Pacific continental margin and offshore of Costa Rica, between 2009 and 2019, using a CTDs, as the profiler of physical parameters of the water column. In general, it was observed that dissolved oxygen gradually decreases with depth to the thermocline, then its concentration decreases more rapidly and remains low, indicating the presence of the OMZ and tends to increase slightly at greater depths. Mean vertical extension of the OMZ near and around the seeps was 763 m and the mean depth for the minimum dissolved oxygen value was 393 m. Spatial differences of measurements taken at stations near the methane seeps were calculated with respect to the measurements at the station located above them. Overall, a greater variability of the oxygen anomalies was observed within the mixed layer, while under the thermocline their values remain stable and around zero.Para la conservación y la pesca sostenible, es importante caracterizar las Zonas de Mínimo de Oxígeno o ZMO en y alrededor de las filtraciones de metano del Pacífico Tropical Oriental, Costa Rica, mediante el análisis de perfiles de temperatura, salinidad, densidad y oxígeno. Los datos utilizados en este trabajo fueron recolectados durante diferentes campañas de investigación oceanográfica en el margen continental del Pacífico de Costa Rica, entre 2009 y 2019, utilizando un CTD, como perfilador de parámetros físicos de la columna de agua. En general, se observó que el oxígeno disuelto disminuye gradualmente con la profundidad hasta la termoclina, luego su concentración disminuye más rápidamente y permanece baja, indicando la presencia de la OMZ y tiende a aumentar ligeramente a mayores profundidades. La extensión vertical media de la OMZ cerca y alrededor de las filtraciones fue de 763 m y la profundidad media del valor mínimo de oxígeno disuelto fue de 393 m. Se calcularon las diferencias espaciales de las mediciones realizadas en las estaciones cercanas a las filtraciones de metano con respecto a las mediciones en la estación ubicada sobre ellas. En términos generales, se observó una mayor variabilidad de las anomalías de oxígeno dentro de la capa de mezcla, mientras que bajo la termoclina sus valores se mantienen estables y alrededor de cero

    How to achieve dynamic and flexible performance management systems for collaborative processes

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    [EN] One of the main characteristics of successful collaborative networks is their ability to continuously reformulating their processes. The, they can quickly get adapted to environment needs and therefore define more competitive processes. One of biggest weaknesses of Performance Management Systems (PMS) when dealing with collaborative processes associated to collaborative networks, is their low degree of both dynamicity and flexibility to get adapted to the changes that such collaborative processes experiment. The main changes that can take place are, among others, small or large modifications of the own processes, entrance and/or exit of new participants in the process, incorporation and/or elimination of processes, changes in objectives and/or strategies of processes of some participant, or even of the whole collaborative network, etc. All this brings continuous modifications over the components that conform the PMS. Then, it is necessary to structure certain mechanisms that will provide with both dynamicity and flexibility to the PMS. Otherwise, these PMS will become obsolete in the short-time and will be not useful anymore. Further, these PMS will not measure properly performance and then they will become ineffective, becoming the source of troubles. Scientific literature shows that most of the works that deal with PMS dynamicity and flexibility are focused on intra-organizational contexts, leaving almost apart the collaborative networks ambit. This work analyses those aspects that prevent to the PMS to be dynamic and flexible when applied to manage the performance of collaborative networks. In addition, we discuss and analyse several mechanisms that should be incorporated into the PMS, making them more dynamic and flexible.Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R. (2013). How to achieve dynamic and flexible performance management systems for collaborative processes. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 408:639-647. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40543-3_67S639647408Matopoulos, A., Vlachopoulou, M., Manthou, V., Manos, B.: A conceptual framework for supply chain collaboration: empirical evidence from the agri-food industry. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 12(3), 177–186 (2007)Barrat, M.: Understanding the meaning of collaboration in the supply chain. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 9(1), 30–42 (2004)Alfaro, J.J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R., Verdecho, M., Ortiz, A.: Business process interoperability and collaborative performance measurement. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 22(9), 877–889 (2009)Franco, R.D., Ortiz, A.: Soporte a la ejecución de procesos de negocio extendidos para la planificación de la producció. In: Proceedings of the X Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización, Valencia, vol. I, pp. 255–262 (2006)Ghalayini, A., Noble, J.S., Crowe, T.J.: An integrated dynamic performance measurement system for improving manufacturing competitiveness. International Journal of Production Economics 48, 207–225 (1997)Waggoner, D., Neely, A.D., Kennerley, M.P.: The forces that shape organisational performance measurement systems: An interdisciplinary review. International Journal of Production Economics 60(61), 53–60 (1999)Bititci, U.S., Turner, T., Begemann, C.: Dynamics of performance measurement systems. International Journal of Operations and Production Management 20(6), 692–704 (2000)Kennerley, M., Neely, A.: Measuring performance in a changing business environment. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 23(2), 213–229 (2003)Kennerley, M., Neely, A., Adams, C.: Survival of the fittest: measuring performance in a changing business environment. Measuring Business Excellence 7(4), 37–43 (2003)Najmi, M., Fan, I., Rigas, J.: A framework to review performance measurement systems. Business Process Management Journal 11(2), 109–122 (2005)Salloum, M.: Towards dynamic performance measurement system: a framework for manufacturing organizations. Thesis, Mälardalen University, Västeras, Sweden (2011

    Factores que influyen en la decisión de compra de motocicleta con respecto a las marcas YAMAHA vs PULSAR en la ciudad de Estelí en el primer semestre del año 2016

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    La decisión de compra de los usuarios de motocicletas de las marcas YAMAHA y PULSAR, considerando que dentro de los factores que influyen en la decisión de compra encontramos los factores culturales, sociales, personales, psicológicos y socioeconómicos. Los distribuidores de motocicletas de las marcas YAMAHA y PULSAR, es este caso Casa Pellas y MACESA correspondientemente. Deben tener en cuenta el comportamiento de los usuarios, los gustos y la preferencia, al igual los factores que influyen a la hora de elegir la motocicleta de su preferencia. Esto con el fin de plantear estrategias de marketing que les permitan llegar a cada consumidor, aumentar sus volúmenes de venta. La finalidad de esta investigación consiste en el análisis de los factores que influyen en la decisión de compra de los usuarios, es decir conocer con certeza por qué los usuarios eligen una marca de motocicleta en específica. Al igual con esta investigación se pretende conocer el segmento al que están dirigidas estas marcas, el efecto que ejerce la marca en la decisión de compra y la aceptación que tiene tanto YAMAHA como PULSAR dentro del mercado esteliano. Para elaboración esta investigación, se plantearon objetivos los cuales sirvieron de base para la elaboración de los aspectos teóricos necesarios, que sintetizan el contenido de la investigación, además se utilizaron diferentes fuentes para la búsqueda y posterior elaboración del contenido teórico de la investigación. Del mismo modo se planteó el problema de la investigación, donde se concentra la necesidad de la misma. Así mismo se elaboraron los métodos de recolección de información encuestas y entrevistas, para la posterior aplicación y análisis de los mismos. Considerando que la información recolectada es confiable se procedió a construir la propuesta de estrategia de marketing, conclusiones y recomendaciones útiles tanto para los estudiantes como para las marcas estudiadas

    A review on intellectual capital concepts as a base for measuring intangible assets of collaborative networks

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    [EN] This work presents a revision of the main definition and significances of the term Intellectual Capital, as it is an important issue of study. Once the main scientific works related to Intellectual Capital are presented and their main contributions highlighted, this work shows how it has been attempted to measure the Intellectual Capital at both individual enterprises and collaborative networks, as a source of meaningful information to make decisions. The paper evidences the lack of works that have successfully dealt with measuring Intellectual Capital at the collaborative networks level, highlighting the main barriers and what a proper measuring framework should address at this level.Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Verdecho Sáez, MJ. (2011). A review on intellectual capital concepts as a base for measuring intangible assets of collaborative networks. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 362:41-47. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23330-2_5S4147362Penrose, E.T.: The theory of the growth of the firm. John Wiley, New York (1959)Edvinsson, L., Malone, M.S.: IC: the Proven Way to Establish Your Company’s Real Value by Measuring Its Hidden Values. Piatkus, London (1997)Sveiby, K.E.: The New Organizational Wealth: Managing & Measuring Knowledge-Based Assets. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco (1997)MERITUM Guidelines. Guidelines for Managing and Reporting on Intangibles, Madrid (2002)International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Intangible Assets, International Accounting Standards No. 38 revised. IASB, London (2004)Marr, B.: Perspectives on IC: Multidisciplinary Insights into Management, Measurement, and Reporting. Elsevier, Boston (2005)Hall, R.: The strategic analysis of intangible resources. Strategic Management Journal 2, 135–137 (1992)Edvinsson, L., Sullivan, P.H.: Developing a model for managing intellectual capital. European Management Journal 14, 356–365 (1996)Brooking, A.: IC: Core Assets for the Third Millennium Enterprise. Thompson Business Press, London (1996)Roos, J., Roos, G., Dragonetti, N.C., Edvinsson, L.: IC: Navigating the New Business Landscape. Macmillan, London (1997)Stewart, T.A.: IC: The New Wealth of Organisations. Doubleday/Currency, New York (1997)Bontis, N., Dragonetti, N.C., Jacobson, K., Roos, G.: The knowledge toolbox: a review of the tools available to measure and manage intangible resources. European Management Journal 17, 391–402 (1999)Kannan, G., Aulbur, W.G.: IC: Measurement effectiveness. Journal of IC 5, 389–413 (2004)Nordika Project. Measuring and Reporting IC: Experiences, Issues, and Prospects. OECD, Paris (2002)Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P.: The Balanced Scorecard – Measures that Drive Performance. Harvard Business Review, 71–79 (January/February 1992)Lynch, R.L., Cross, K.F.: Measure Up! The Essential Guide to Measuring Business Performance. Mandarin, London (1991)Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P.: Measuring the Strategic Readiness of Intangible Assets. Harvard Business Review 82, 167–176 (2004)Alfaro Saiz, J.J., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, R., Ortiz Bas, A., Verdecho, M.J.: An information architecture for a performance management framework by collaborating SMEs. Computers in Industry 61, 676–685 (2010)Busi, M., Bititci, U.S.: Collaborative performance management: present gaps and future research. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 55, 7–25 (2006)Angerhofer, B.J., Angelides, M.C.: A model and a performance measurement system for collaborative supply chains. Decision Support Systems 42, 283–301 (2006)Gaiardelli, P., Saccani, N., Songini, L.: Performance measurement of the after-sales service network – Evidence from the automotive industry. Computers in Industry 58, 698–708 (2007)Gruat, F.A., La Forme, V., Campagne, J.P.: A Framework to analyse Collaborative Performance. Computers in Industry 58, 687–697 (2007

    Performance management in collaborative networks: difficulties and barriers

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    [EN] Global competitiveness obliges to enterprises to collaborate in many processes such as new product and services development in order to shorten the lifecycle, development and commercialization. Therefore, the competence has drifted from an individual focus to a supply chain management one and, from some years, to a collaborative enterprises network approach. It is common to find frameworks for measuring/managing the performance within extended enterprises, supply chains, virtual enterprises, etc. However, few authors deal with a higher level: the collaborative networks one. This concept of enterprises management set up bigger difficulties regarding not only from a conceptual and structural point of view but also considering both the design and posterior development of systems capable of managing the performance achieved in this type of organizations. This work describes both the main difficulties and barriers when trying to apply performance management concepts to collaborative networks. In this sense, it is highlighted the weaknesses of the existing intra-organizational frameworks that cannot be projected, as they are conceived, to manage performance within collaborative networks.Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Verdecho Sáez, MJ. (2011). Performance management in collaborative networks: difficulties and barriers. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 362:133-139. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23330-2_15S133139362Hausman, W.H.: Supply chain performance metrics. The practice of supply chain management: Where theory and application converge. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2003)Coughlan, P., Coughlan, D.: Action research: action research for operations management. International Journal of Operation and Productions Management 22(2), 220–240 (2002)Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P.: The balanced scorecard. Measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review, 71–79 (January/February 1992)Bourne, M.: Designing and implementing a balanced performance measurement system. Control - Official Journal of the Institute of Operations Management, 21–24 (July/August 1999)Neely, A., Adams, C.: Perspectives on Performance. The Performance Prism’ Web Site of Neely A (2001), www.som.cranfield.ac.uk/som/cbp/adn.htmHronec, S.M.: Vital Signs. Amacom, New York (1993)Bititci, U.S., Mendibil, K., Martinez, V., Albores, P.: Measuring and managing performance in extended enterprises. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 25(4), 333–353 (2005)Folan, P., Browne, J.: Development of an extended enterprise performance measurement system”. Production Planning & Control 16(6), 531–544 (2005)Gaiardelli, P., Saccani, N., Songini, L.: Performance measurement systems in the after-sales service: an integrated framework. International Journal of Business Performance Management 9(2), 145–171 (2007)Alfaro, J.J., Ortiz, A., Rodríguez, R.: Performance measurement system for Enterprise Networks. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 56(4), 305–334 (2007)Romero, D., Galeano, N., Molina, A.: A conceptual Model for Virtual Breeding Environments Value System. In: Camarinha-Matos, L., Afsarmanesh, H., Novais, P., Analide, C. (eds.) Establishing the Foundation of Collaborative Networks. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Msanjila, S.S., Afsarmanesh, H.: Trust analysis and assessment in virtual organization breeding environments. International Journal of Production Research 46(5), 1253–1295 (2008)Bititci, U., Turner, T., Mackay, D., Kearney, D., Parung, J., Walters, D.: Managing synergy in collaborative enterprises. Production Planning & Control 18(6), 454–465 (2007)Chalmeta, R., Grangel, R.: Performance Measurement Systems for Virtual Enterprise Integration. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 18(1), 73–84 (2005)Francisco, R.D., Azevedo, A.: Dynamic Performance Management In Business Networks Environment. In: Digital Enterprise Technology. Springer, US (2007)Busi, M., Bititci, U.S.: Collaborative performance management: Present gaps and future research. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 55(1), 7–25 (2006)Rodriguez, R., Ortiz, A., Alfaro, J.: Fostering collaborative meta-value chain practices. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 22(5), 385–394 (2009)Rodriguez, R.R., Gomez, P., Franco, D., Ortiz, A.: Establishing and keeping inter-organisational collaboration: Some lessons learned. International Federation for Information Processing 1, 214–222 (2007)Leseure, M., Shaw, N., Chapman, G.: Performance measurement in organisational networks: an exploratory case study. International Journal of Business Performance Management 3(1), 30–46 (2001

    A review of factors influencing collaborative relationships

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    [EN] Collaboration is a term commonly used to refer to a type of inter-organizational relationship. However, in real business assessments, many collaborative relationships fail due to the lack of understanding of the factors influencing collaboration sustainability. For this reason, enterprises, prior to engage to a collaborative relationship, need to understand further which the main factors influencing collaboration relationships are, how they are structured and how they interact so that decision makers that desire to engage in a collaborative relationship/network focus not only on improving performance indicators but also on the factors that influence the results of those performance indicators. The purpose of this paper is to present a critical literature review of factors influencing collaborative relationships in order to perform a comparative study of the works for identifying main strengths and gaps for future research.Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R. (2011). A review of factors influencing collaborative relationships. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 362:535-542. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23330-2_58S535542362Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H., Galeano, N., Molina, A.: Collaborative networked organizations - Concepts and practice in manufacturing enterprises. Computers & Industrial Engineering 57, 46–60 (2009)Simatupang, T.M., Wright, A.C., Sridharan, R.: Applying the theory of constraints to supply chain collaboration. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 9(1), 57–70 (2004)Sabath, R.E., Fontanella, J.: The Unfulfilled Promise of Supply Chain Collaboration. 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