10 research outputs found

    Strategy to Strengthening Forest Farming for Sustainable Mangrove Forest Management in the Coastal Area, Deli Serdang, Indonesia

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    Mangrove forests can be used directly or indirectly by communities/farmer groups around the coast. However, with the rampant forest destruction that occurs, the community or farmer groups need to be equipped with capacity building about the importance of the mangrove ecosystem and its impact on their livelihood. This study aims to identify the condition of mangrove forests in the research area and determine strategies for institutional development of forest farmer groups in coastal areas at the Production Forest Management Unit. The research method used is a qualitative method with interviews; while the analytical method used is the SWOT analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) with a strength factor value of 0.054 and a weakness value of 0.47. From the calculation of the internal environment score (IFAS) value, namely the strength factor minus the weakness factor, the value of x was obtained as the horizontal axis 0.054-0.047 = 0.007. Based on the External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) analysis results, the opportunity factor had a value of 0.054 with threats having a value of 0.047. The results showed that the external calculation score (EFAS), namely the opportunity factor (opportunities) reduced by the threat factor, obtained the Y value as the vertical. The identification of internal (IFAS) and external (EFAS) factors indicated that the position of institutional development of forest farmer groups in coastal areas was in quadrant one (I) or in an aggressive position that supports the SO development strategy (aggressive development strategy

    Analysis of tree quality on the green line using google earth in Tanjung Morawa District, Deli Serdang Regency

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    City development with unfriendly development causes the quality and quantity of open green space to decrease. Google Earth is an interactive mapping application released by google, which displays a digital visualization of the geographical shape of the earth. This study aims to determine the type and quality of trees on the urban forest in the Tanjung-Morawa sub-district and to map the quality of trees on the urban forest in the Tanjung-Morawa sub-district. This study uses a modified method of tree quality assessment with two criteria: tree health and technically criteria. From the observation result, there are 18 trees, Glodokan (Polyalthia longifolia) with the highest number, as many as 842 trees, and Dadap Merah (Erythrina crista goly) as the tree with the least amount. The quality of the trees in the urban forest shows a moderate good quality, where the highest health is in the medium category and for the technical in the low category. Trees that are recommended to be cut have a cumulative ≥ 2,5 Angsana trees with a total of 129 trees, and the highest cumulative percentage is the Banyan tree at 66,67%. The Mango tree has the lowest rate at 8,70%. Google Earth can’t be used optimally because of the low-resolution image quality. Image capture data in google earth has not been updated; the unstable internet connection and the time of the retrieval and processing of field data are not the same as the time retrieval and processing

    Analysis of land cover change due to deforestation at Holiday Resort Nature Park, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia

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    . Deforestation activities in Indonesia are increasingly becoming a real concern. All of these actions resulted in the loss of 50% of the world's tropical forests, impacting the livelihoods of forest-dependent people. Changes in land cover are common in natural resource use areas. Land change is an important issue for planners and policymakers. One of them is the encroachment of the Holiday Resort Nature Park (HRNP) area of North Sumatra Province, which is a form of forest governance and weak law enforcement. Especially in this area, there are Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus), which are classified as critically endangered species. Analysis of land cover change can be used as material for formulating policies. By utilizing the Geographic Information System (GIS), it will be easier to analyze land cover and land use changes. The purpose of this study was to analyze land cover changes due to deforestation at HRNP. Spatial analysis of cover change using imagery and testing the accuracy of deforestation data, land cover satellite imagery, and verification in the field. The results showed that during the past 30 years, there has been deforestation from secondary dryland forest of 2079.3 ha to forest, namely swamp shrubs covering an area of 30.5 ha (1.5%) and non-forest covering an area of 2048.8 ha (98.6%). The highest deforestation rate occurred from 1996 to 2000 as much as 2027.3 ha (97.5%). The form of land cover due to deforestation is plantations 1990.8 ha (95.7%) and land cover forms 57.8 ha (2.8%). The conclusion shows that deforestation was triggered by weak law enforcement from the beginning until now, thus providing a more realistic opportunity for communities to encroac

    Analysis The Degree of Community Participation Possibility on Restoration Planning for Lowland Forest Landscape of Lepan Watershed - Langkat District

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    Watershed can become one of forest condition indicator. Lepan watershed belongs to main priority category  in North Sumatera, the forest has a poor condition. This study aim to determine the degree of community participation possibility in the planning of restoration activities that will be done in Lepan watershed. This research used of the descriptif statitic analysis. The research shows that the possibility degree of community participation on forest landscape restoration activity is the high degree. The selection of the suitability of the plan species used is determined from the sum of the proportion of weight based on community perception and the analysis of natural forest vegetation


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    Kondisi sosial ekonomi menjadi salah kunci penting keberhasilan kegiatan restorasi landscape. Persepsi masyarakan terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan restorasi landscape hutan sangat bervariasi bergantung pada tingkat pendapatan, tingkat pendidikan, jenis pekerjaan utama, umur dan lama tinggal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan indeks persepsi masyarakat perencanaan restorasi lanskap hutan tropis di kabupaten Langkat. Wawancara terstruktur dilakukan untuk mendapatkan persepsi masyarakat terhadap rencana restorasi lanskap. Analisis skoring menggunakan skala Likert digunakan untuk mendapatkan indeks persepsi persepsi masyarakat terhadap rencana restorasi lanskap hutan terdegradasi di kabupaten Langkat. Berdasarkan tipe pekerjaannya, masyarakat yang mata pencahariannya sangat bergantung pada kualitas sumber daya alam sangat setuju dan akan berpartisipasi dalam tahapan-tahapan restorasi. Kelompok pekerjaan petani lebih mendukung restorasi landscape dibandingkan dengan pekerja atau pemilik perkebunan. Model regreasi linear hubungan antara indeks persepsi restorasi dengan faktor sosial ekonomi adalah y = 0,8544–0,0699 pendapatan + 0,0330 pekerjaan dengan nilai koefisien determinasi 22,20 %. Kelompok jenis pekerjaan dan tingkat pendapatan yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi kemungkinan partisipasi masyarakat dalam restorasi landscape hutan

    Adaptability of Kemenyan Toba (Styrax sumatrana) and Suren (Toona sureni) On Gold Mining Tailing

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    Tailing was residue of gold mining process which lead to some environment problem. Beside containing heavy metal, tailing have lower soil fertility, physical, chemical and biological characteristics. To overcome this problem, revegetation activities was needed. The succesfulness of revegetation activities determined by adaptive trees selection. Local species was recommended because suitable to local climate and soil conditions, in this study we choosed toba benzoin (Styrax sumatrana) and suren (Toona sureni). The objective of this research was to get information about adaptability of toba benzoin and suren  on growth media containing tailings. Research was conducted in green hause Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara. Factorial Randomized Completely Design with two factor were used in this research. The first factor was growing media (Factor A) and the second factor was seedling species (Factor B). The observed parameter were seedling height, seedling diameter, seedling dry weight, primary root lenght, shoot-root ratio and chemical properties of media. The results showed that the species and growing medium significantly affected the height growth of seedlings, seedling diameter, seedling dry weight and length of the primary root. The addition of topsoil and compost able to improve the chemical properties of the tailings are used. Tailings media and compost with composition ratio of 1:1 is recommended for Toba benzoin and Suren. That media provide the most optimal results of Toba benzoin and suren growth

    Management model and feasibility of agroforestry practices in Sipolha Horison village, Simalungun regency, North Sumatra province, Indonesia

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    Agroforestry is a deliberate combination of agriculture and forestry to create an integrated environment and sustainable land use system. This study aims to identify the form of agroforestry management and the financial feasibility of agroforestry in Sipolha Horison Village. The research method is descriptive analysis and financial analysis using NVP, BCR, and IRR parameters. The results showed that there were two agroforestry patterns commonly practiced by the people of Sipolha Horison Village, Pematang Sidamanik District, namely agroforestry pattern A (suren and coffee plants) and agroforestry pattern B (suren, coffee, and clove plants). The results of the analysis show that suren agroforestry produces an NPV value of Rp. 166,343,919, - per ha (at an interest rate of 8%), Rp. 126,566,124, 51 per ha (at an interest rate of 10%), and Rp. 73,322,098.68 per ha (at an interest rate of 14%). The BCR value with an interest rate of 8% is 4.29, at a 10% interest rate is 3.78, and at a 14% interest rate is 2.94, with an IRR value of 17.6%. Overall these results indicate that agroforestry practices in Sipolha Horison Village, Pematang Sidamanik District, Simalungun Regency are feasible to cultivate

    Spatial Information Technology Adoption for Developing Data Base of Village Resources

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    The village has an important role and position in national development because the concentration and other natural resources are in the village. Planning for village development activities must be harmonious and sustainable, so the need for data and information is very important. Lubuk Kertang Village, Pangkalan Brandan District, Langkat Regency is one of the villages with a lot of potentials that can be used as capital in village development. However, the potential data has not been compiled in a database that can be accessed, manipulated, and updated systematically. Therefore, it is necessary to compile a database of village potential to support significant development planning to be directed and achieve goals. The application of spatial technology to build a database on village potential is currently integrated with the internet network.  It can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. Exploration of potential data shows that Lubuk Kertang village has the potential for agriculture, fisheries, forestry, small industry, and ecotourism spread across five hamlets. To manage this village potential database, training data administrators in exploring data, inputting data, and updating data is an important factor in managing the village potential database. Village government officials are very interested and can manage their village potential databas


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    The aim of this report is to initiate the Sister Village Concept (SVC) in megacity like Surabaya city, Indonesia. This concept is to address Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) program to reduce the volume of waste load on final land fill disposal site and to promote composting both in each household level and in composting centers. The SISTER in term of SVC itself is stand for Sharing of Information, System, Technology and Economic Resources. In addition, it tries to bridge the relationship among villages and exchange any resources based on mutual respect, learning and cooperation. The principle of SVC is a sustainable cooperation between compost producer villages and compost user villages, within this cooperation, producer villages will supply the compost to user villages. Instead the compost user villages will supply the solid waste to the compost producer villages