9 research outputs found

    Estudo da asma grave em Salvador: comparação entre as classificações internacionais de gravidade e controle e fatores associados

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    Introdução: Critérios de gravidade e controle da asma ainda não estão padronizados e variam ao longo do tempo, o que pode comprometer o tratamento do paciente e a comparação dos resultados de diferentes estudos. Observa-se também grande variabilidade na apresentação clínica e nos biomarcadores associados à gravidade da asma. Objetivo: Comparar as classificações internacionais de gravidade e controle e identificar fatores associados à gravidade, em uma amostra de pacientes acompanhados em um ambulatório de asma grave. Métodos: Estudo transversal de 473 indivíduos com asma, reclassificados de acordo com os critérios de gravidade da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) 2010, American Thoracic Society (ATS) 2000 e European Respiratory Society. (ERS) / ATS 2014 e de controle da Global Innitiative for Asthma (GINA) de 2012 e 2014. Resultados: Pela definição da OMS de 2010, 90% da amostra apresentava asma grave de difícil tratamento e 2,5%, asma grave resistente ao tratamento. 24% dos pacientes tinham asma refratária pela ATS 2000 e 18% tinham asma grave pela ERS / ATS 2014. Pela classificação de controle da GINA, 44% dos 473 indivíduos foram classificados como portadores de asma controlada pelos critérios de 2014, mas apenas 10% dos pacientes tinham asma controlada pelos critérios de 2012. A estatística Kappa mostrou maior concordância da classificação de gravidade entre os critérios da ATS 2000 e ERS / ATS 2014 (0,64). Pacientes com sintomas de DRGE tiveram 2,28 vezes mais chances de asma grave e os com contagem sérica de eosinófilos > 260 células/mm3, tiveram 42% menos chances. Conclusão: Houve boa concordância entre as classificações de asma refratária ATS 2000 e Asma grave ERS / ATS 2014, porém pobre concordância entre as demais classificações. A gravidade da asma foi associada a sintomas de DRGE e teve relação inversa com contagem de eosinófilos > 260 células/mm3

    Aspectos clínicos e tomográficos de crianças com bronquiectasias não fibrocísticas em um serviço de pneumologia pediátrica

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    Bronchiectasis is bronchial dilatation, usually diagnosed by chest tomography. Among the main causes are cystic fibrosis, infectious diseases and immunodeficiencies. In the pediatric age group there is a shortage of studies on non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis. We seek to describe epidemiological, clinical and etiological characteristics of children and adolescents with non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis accompanied in a pediatric Pneumology service. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive study of a sample of 72 patients under 18 years of age, followed up in the pediatric Pneumology service of a tertiary hospital linked to the Unified Health Sys-tem, reference in pediatrics for patients in the capital and in the interior of the state of Ceará The diagnosis was based on tomographic findings. There was a predominance of males (57%). Although the vast majority (90%) started symptoms before the age of 5, less than half (45%) were diagnosed with bronchiectasis before this age group. Almost all patients (97%) reported cough, 90% had expectoration and 80% reported dyspnea. All patients presented crepitations in the auscultation. The most frequently affected lobes were the lowest (23%) and the predominant classification was cylindrical (65%). Among the etiologies, 39% were of unidentified cause followed by post-infectious (28%) immunodeficiency (21%), probable primary ciliary dyskinesia (8%) and aspiration syndrome (4%). We concluded that despite the early onset of symptoms, there was a delay in the diagnosis of bronchiectasis. The proportion of unidentified and post-infectious causes was high. Greater investment is needed to expand diagnostic resources in reference centres

    Percepção dos pacientes sobre aulas práticas de medicina: uma outra ausculta

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    Considerando as novas diretrizes curriculares da educação médica, há necessidade de humanizar a prática médica, sendo importante discutir a relação paciente-aluno de Medicina. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as percepções dos pacientes internados em hospital-escola durante as aulas práticas do módulo de Habilidades Médicas V (Semiologia/Clínica Médica) do curso de Medicina da Universidade de Fortaleza. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, com aplicação de um questionário que abordou questões socioeconômicas, diagnóstico, tempo de internação e percepções dos pacientes sobre sua participação nas aulas práticas com a presença de estudantes de Medicina. A maioria dos pacientes aceita de maneira satisfatória participar das aulas práticas e sente-se bem em ajudar os futuros médicos

    A workshop on asthma management programs and centers in Brazil: reviewing and explaining concepts

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    Objective: To report the results of a workshop regarding asthma management programs and centers (AMPCs) in Brazil, so that they can be used as a tool for the improvement and advancement of current and future AMPCs. Methods: The workshop consisted of five presentations and the corresponding group discussions. The working groups discussed the following themes: implementation of asthma management strategies; human resources needed for AMPCs; financial resources needed for AMPCs; and operational maintenance of AMPCs. Results: The workshop involved 39 participants, from all regions of the country, representing associations of asthma patients (n = 3), universities (n = 7), and AMPCs (n = 29). We found a direct relationship between a lack of planning and the failure of AMPCs. Based on the experiences reported during the workshop, the common assumptions about AMPCs in Brazil were the importance of raising awareness of managers; greater community participation; interdependence between primary care and specialized care; awareness of regionalization; and use of medications available in the public health system. Conclusions: Brazil already has a core of experience in the area of asthma management programs. The implementation of strategies for the management of chronic respiratory disease and their incorporation into health care system protocols would seem to be a natural progression. However, there is minimal experience in this area. Joint efforts by individuals with expertise in AMPCs could promote the implementation of asthma management strategies, thus speeding the creation of treatment networks, which might have a multiplier effect, precluding the need for isolated centers to start from zero