9 research outputs found

    Investigating of the conservation problems of oil paintings on paper supports

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    The initial results of a research project on the investigation of problems presented by a collection of oil paintings on paper supports are presented. The project focuses on the effect of the oil medium on the deterioration of cellulose, on the materials and techniques used by the artists and on comprehension of the resulting problems. Non destructive methodology was used to record the behaviour of the materials when examined in several regions of the electromagnetic spectrum which gives an indication of areas of damage. . Various analytical techniques were applied to investigate the painting materials and supports in original works of art. The increase in rate of the oxidation of cellulose in paper, when the paper is coated in oil, is investigated by analyzing volatile organic compounds emitted during ageing tests. The assessment of the results obtained will act as a pilot for a more extensive program of research, the ultimate aim of which is the formulation of a recommended methodology as a tool for the evaluation of the condition of these types of works, as well as the determination of conservation and care parameters

    Διερεύνηση της συμβολής του Θεάτρου του Καταπιεσμένου στην προαγωγή της ψυχικής υγείας: Πρόταση αξιοποίησης στη συμβουλευτική διαδικασία

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    Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία έχει ως στόχο να μελετήσει τη συμβολή της θεατρικής μεθόδου του Θεάτρου του Καταπιεσμένου στην προαγωγή της ψυχικής υγείας, καθώς και τις δυνατότητες αξιοποίησής της από επαγγελματίες συμβούλους, με θεραπευτικό χαρακτήρα. Καθότι πρόκειται για ένα πεδίο με περιορισμένα ερευνητικά δεδομένα, η μεθοδολογική προσέγγιση που ακολουθήθηκε ήταν εκείνη της ποιοτικής έρευνας. Το δείγμα των συμμετεχόντων αποτέλεσαν έξι μέλη της Ακτιβιστικής Ομάδας Θεάτρου του Καταπιεσμένου, από την περιοχή της Αθήνας. Η συλλογή του ερευνητικού υλικού έγινε μέσω ατομικών συνεντεύξεων σε βάθος, ενώ η επεξεργασία τους πραγματοποιήθηκε με τη μέθοδο της Ερμηνευτικής Φαινομενολογικής Ανάλυσης (IPA). Η διερεύνηση των εμπειριών των συμμετεχόντων αφορούσε σε πεποιθήσεις, στάσεις και συναισθήματα σχετικά με την πορεία ενασχόλησής τους με το Θέατρο του Καταπιεσμένου, την εκτίμηση των επιδράσεων του σε προσωπικό και συλλογικό επίπεδο, καθώς και τις δυνατότητες εφαρμογής του σε ποικίλα πεδία. Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα: α) οι βασικές αρχές εμψύχωσης της ομάδας συνάδουν με τα προαπαιτούμενα για την επίτευξη θεραπευτικής αλλαγής στο πλαίσιο μιας συμβουλευτικής σχέσης, β) οι πεποιθήσεις και τα συναισθήματα των συμμετεχόντων αντανακλούν μια θετική αυτοεικόνα και στάση απέναντι στη ζωή, που ενδυναμώνεται από την ενασχόλησή τους με τη μέθοδο και, τέλος, γ) οι συμμετέχοντες εξέφρασαν την επιθυμία αξιοποίησης του Θεάτρου του Καταπιεσμένου για την ενδυνάμωση και θεραπεία ατόμων από ευάλωτες κοινωνικά ομάδες. Λέξεις κλειδιά: Θέατρο του Καταπιεσμένου, συμβουλευτική, εκφραστικές θεραπείες, ψυχική υγεία, ευάλωτες ομάδες, ερμηνευτική φαινομενολογική ανάλυσηThis thesis explores the contribution of the theatrical method of the Theatre of the Oppressed (TOTO) to mental health promotion, as well as its possibilities for therapeutic use by mental health counselors. Given that the data in the field is limited, a qualitative methodological approach was followed. The collection of the research material was achieved through in-depth interviews, processed using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method. The interview participants consisted of six members of the Activist Group of TOTO from Athens, Greece. The participants were asked about their beliefs, attitudes, and feelings about their experiences with the Theatre of the Oppressed, its effects on both a personal and collective level, and possible applications of TOTO in various fields. According to the results: a) the group's basic encouragement principles are consistent with the prerequisites for achieving therapeutic change within a counseling relationship; b) the participants' beliefs and feelings reflect a positive self-image and attitude towards life, reinforced by their involvement in the method; finally, c) the participants expressed the wish to use the Theatre of the Oppressed for the empowerment and the treatment of individuals coming from vulnerable social groups. Keywords: Theatre of the Oppressed, counseling, expressive art therapies, mental health, vulnerable groups, interpretative phenomenological analysi

    Non-destructive investigation of paintings on different substrates. Methodology, achievements and limitations

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    Today, non-destructive testing includes diagnostic methods that provide significant information for art historians, conservators and researchers. The quick in situ application, the absence of expensive consumables, the inspection of entire surfaces and the ability for mapping make these methods attractive to users. Additionally, they provide the advantage of examining large areas of work of art, supporting a multidisciplinary approach, documentation, analysis and protection of visual arts’ works. The case studies presented here involve the application of methodology on paintings on wood, canvas and paper substrate, while the constraints and particular requirements that different structures and special conditions dictate are discussed. Through these case studies the authors intend to highlight that the application of modern non-destructive methods offer many possibilities to the end user, making feasible the revelation of the painting technique, the characterization of the materials and supporting the decision making for conservation

    Oil Media on Paper: Investigating the Effect of Linseed Oils on Pure Cellulosic Paper Supports. A Research Matter of Damage Assessment

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    Oil media on paper, such as oil paintings, sketches, prints, and books, occasionally present problems associated with the effect of oil medium on the paper support, raising a composite matter of condition assessment as it depends on several factors. The present work examines the effect of linseed oil on paper and, in particular, the changes caused by three types of linseed oil on the optical, morphological, mechanical, and chemical properties of pure cellulosic paper, employing mock-ups submitted to artificial ageing in controlled conditions of relative humidity and temperature in airtight vessels. The study involved colorimetry, opacity, tensile strength, pH measurements, SEM, FTIR, and VOC analysis with GC-MS. Processing of the results has so far indicated that thermal-humid ageing caused the gradual darkening of the oil-impregnated mock-ups, as well as alterations in opacity, intense fall of pH values, and severe reductions in tensile strength, while linseed oil processing during manufacture has a significant impact. FTIR spectra have indicated that chemical changes upon ageing are in accordance with those of optical and mechanical changes, while VOC emissions are mostly associated with the drying and degradation of the different types of linseed oil

    Oil Media on Paper: Investigating the Effect of Linseed Oils on Lignocellulosic Paper Supports

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    Condition assessment of works of art created with oil media on paper could be a complex matter when presenting problems of damage due to the absorption of oil binders by the paper support, since they depend on several factors and occur in variable conditions. The present work refers to the results of an investigation on the effect of linseed oils on the color, opacity, morphology, tensile strength, and chemical properties of lignocellulosic papers, in comparison to that of pure cellulosic papers. Lignocellulosic papers are involved in research on new, yet significant, parameters that might influence the behavior of the oil-impregnated areas of the supports upon aging. The research was applied to mock-ups, made of two types of lignocellulosic paper impregnated with three types of linseed oil and subjected to accelaratated ageing in specific conditions of relative humidity and temperature in closed environment. The research involved colorimetry, opacity, tensile strength, pH measurements, SEM, FTIR, and VOC analysis with GC-MS. The results indicated that thermal-humid ageing caused the gradual darkening of the oil-impregnated mock-ups, alterations in opacity, and decrease of pH values, depending mainly on the formulation of linseed oil, as well as a reduction in tensile strength. FTIR analysis results indicated that the chemical changes that occur upon ageing supported the recorded optical and mechanical alterations, while VOC emissions are both associated with the paper type and the kinetics of degradation of the different types of linseed oil

    The Voyatzis Mansion in Aegina, Greece: A Historical and Architectural Approach and Physicochemical Documentation of the Wall Painting Decoration

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    This paper refers to the study of the Voyatzis mansion, in the port of Aegina, Greece. The building complex consists of two discrete structures, which were built at different times (before 1830, 1880 and 1890) and have housed either the Voyatzis family home or its business and work premises. The present research is focused on the documentation of the building, which was never published, and combines the architectural form and elements within its historical context as well as the physicochemical analysis of the painted decoration. The key hypothesis investigated is whether Konstantinos Voyatzis transferred the aesthetic approach and application techniques from Symi to Aegina, when he emigrated from his birthplace. The documentation of the ceiling decoration as well as the physicochemical study of the second floor’s internal wall painting decoration in the main rooms was carried out using in situ modern hyperspectral imaging in specific wavelengths of the visible and near-infrared region, as well as in false color infrared mode. Complementary SWIR imaging, using an InGaAs sensor at the range 900–1700 nm was also applied. The assumption was supported by the findings of the imaging techniques, which showed, apart from the secco method, the use of traditional pigments for the wall paintings, such as cobalt blue, brown, red and yellow earth pigments, chrome oxide green and black, sometimes in admixture with white. The use of guidelines and stencil in the case of the hallway was also recorded

    The Voyatzis Mansion in Aegina, Greece: A Historical and Architectural Approach and Physicochemical Documentation of the Wall Painting Decoration

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    This paper refers to the study of the Voyatzis mansion, in the port of Aegina, Greece. The building complex consists of two discrete structures, which were built at different times (before 1830, 1880 and 1890) and have housed either the Voyatzis family home or its business and work premises. The present research is focused on the documentation of the building, which was never published, and combines the architectural form and elements within its historical context as well as the physicochemical analysis of the painted decoration. The key hypothesis investigated is whether Konstantinos Voyatzis transferred the aesthetic approach and application techniques from Symi to Aegina, when he emigrated from his birthplace. The documentation of the ceiling decoration as well as the physicochemical study of the second floor’s internal wall painting decoration in the main rooms was carried out using in situ modern hyperspectral imaging in specific wavelengths of the visible and near-infrared region, as well as in false color infrared mode. Complementary SWIR imaging, using an InGaAs sensor at the range 900–1700 nm was also applied. The assumption was supported by the findings of the imaging techniques, which showed, apart from the secco method, the use of traditional pigments for the wall paintings, such as cobalt blue, brown, red and yellow earth pigments, chrome oxide green and black, sometimes in admixture with white. The use of guidelines and stencil in the case of the hallway was also recorded

    The effect of oil binders on paper supports via VOC analysis

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    The effect of the presence of drying oils in paper supports on the rate of cellulose degradation is investigated in a novel manner using Solid Phase Micro-extraction (SPME), which is employed to analyse volatile organic compounds (VOCs), emitted from oiled paper. This technique is applied as a non-destructive means of analysing original works of art on paper, in order to detect volatile cellulose degradation products. It is also applied to artificially aged paper samples with and without oil, in order to investigate the extent to which the presence of drying oil accelerates the degradation of cellulose. Furfural and other volatile cellulose degradation products containing a furan ring are selected as representative cellulose degradation products to be measured for the purpose of the investigation. It is demonstrated, by the finding of increased emissions of the selected compounds, that the presence of drying oils accelerates the thermal and oxidative degradation of cellulose in cotton paper and two types of wood pulp based papers