12 research outputs found

    Polyphenols as Suitable control for Obesity and Diabetes

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    Modern life is characterized by physical inactivity and poor food choices, which is often a prerequisite for unhealthy weight gain and overweight/obesity. These factors unlock the emergence of a number of diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular problems, different types of cancer, etc. The pursuit of scientists to seek strategies to prevent, relieve and cure the patient leads to the usage of natural compounds of potential beneficial effect. Polyphenols are a large group of naturally occurring secondary metabolites mainly found in plants and beverages. The presence of these secondary metabolites seems to decrease the manifestation of miscellaneous disease-causing symptoms. The purpose of this review is to synthesize information about polyphenols and their potential in controlling obesity and diabetes. Polyphenols are considered as health-beneficial sources and thus could be involved in novel strategies for preventing diabetes and obesity complications

    Етнофармакология и фитохимия на някои представители на рода Prunus

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    Representatives of the Prunus genera, found in almost every country and continent, have been recognized not only for their delicious fruits and nuts, but also because of their beneficial properties. To date, numerous cultivars have been phytochemically studied, leading to the identification of various compounds including terpenes, tannins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, fatty acids, and so on. Pharmacological studies on Prunus species have also revealed a variety of bioactive potentials including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, antidiabetic, brain protecting, and other evidence based uses. This review covers articles, retrieved from scientific databases, using “Prunus” as search term (“all fields”) and with a specific time frame set for search. Information about Prunus amygdalus, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus cerasifera, Prunus persica, Prunus domestica, Prunus avium, and Prunus cerasus was selected and summarized giving information about their ethnopharmacological uses, isolated phytochemicals, and pharmacological activities.Представители на род Prunus могат да бъдат открити в почти всяка страна и континент. Те са признати не само заради вкусните си плодове и ядки, но и заради полезните си свойства. Към днешна дата многобройни сортове са фитохимично проучени, което е довело до идентифицирането на различни съединения, включително терпени, танини, флавоноиди, фенолни киселини, каротеноиди, мастни киселини и др. Фармакологичните проучвания върху видовете Prunus разкриват различни биоактивни потенциали, включително антиоксидантни, противовъзпалителни, хиполипидемични, антидиабетни, предпазващи мозъка и други приложения, базирани на научни доказателства. Този обзор обхваща статии, извлечени от научни бази данни, използващи „Prunus“ като термин за търсене („всички полета“) и със специфична времева рамка, зададена за търсене. Подбрана и обобщена е информация за Prunus amygdalus, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus cerasifera, Prunus persica, Prunus domestica, Prunus avium и Prunus cerasus, давайки информация за техните етнофармакологични употреби, изолирани фитохимикали и фармакологични дейности

    Model of the Factors Affecting the Eco-Innovation Activity of Bulgarian Industrial Enterprises

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    In recent years, modern society has faced a number of challenges related to the achievement of global goals for sustainable development. Industrial enterprises are challenged to generate, stimulate, and demand changes in networks and supply chains, but these challenges require flexibility and innovation activity in different directions. The data for Bulgaria show that the country is last among the countries of the European Union in terms of the creation and implementation of eco-innovations. Despite this result, the pace at which the country is developing shows that in the next few years, Bulgaria has the potential to move from a modest to a moderate eco-innovator, provided that it succeeds in filling the structural gaps in the system of ecological innovation. These gaps are related not only to the need for changes in the investment of resources but also to the need for changes in individual and related systems such as science and innovation, support for SMEs, the energy system, etc. Most of the research on sustainable innovation and eco-innovation has, however, focused on firm innovation models dominated by short-term profit-maximizing approaches. Therefore, there is a need to conduct research and propose adequate strategies for modern business environments and design models that facilitate the implementation of eco-innovations in industrial enterprises. The purpose of this report is to investigate the factors influencing the development of eco-innovation activities of Bulgarian industrial enterprises, examining how they can help to achieve success through eco-innovation and improve business results. A factorial model is proposed, through which the relationships between technological, financial, organizational, informational resources, research and development activities (R&D), and company cooperation are analyzed. The PLS structural equation modeling technique was used to validate the proposed theoretical model. The survey was conducted among 380 industrial enterprises from all over the sectors of the economy in Bulgaria with the help of a specially developed questionnaire within the period of April 2019 to December 2021. The obtained results show that human resources, financial resources, and cooperation positively influence research and development activities. In addition, the achievement of a positive effect on the management of eco-innovations affects the innovation activities of industrial enterprises, their ability to carry out research and development activities, as well as their ability to manage the technical and technological resources at their disposal effectively. Finally, the innovation activity aimed at carrying out scientific research and development activity, products and processes obtained as a result of the eco-innovation activity, and adequate information management directly affect the efficiency of business processes and financial results

    Model of the Factors Affecting the Eco-Innovation Activity of Bulgarian Industrial Enterprises

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    In recent years, modern society has faced a number of challenges related to the achievement of global goals for sustainable development. Industrial enterprises are challenged to generate, stimulate, and demand changes in networks and supply chains, but these challenges require flexibility and innovation activity in different directions. The data for Bulgaria show that the country is last among the countries of the European Union in terms of the creation and implementation of eco-innovations. Despite this result, the pace at which the country is developing shows that in the next few years, Bulgaria has the potential to move from a modest to a moderate eco-innovator, provided that it succeeds in filling the structural gaps in the system of ecological innovation. These gaps are related not only to the need for changes in the investment of resources but also to the need for changes in individual and related systems such as science and innovation, support for SMEs, the energy system, etc. Most of the research on sustainable innovation and eco-innovation has, however, focused on firm innovation models dominated by short-term profit-maximizing approaches. Therefore, there is a need to conduct research and propose adequate strategies for modern business environments and design models that facilitate the implementation of eco-innovations in industrial enterprises. The purpose of this report is to investigate the factors influencing the development of eco-innovation activities of Bulgarian industrial enterprises, examining how they can help to achieve success through eco-innovation and improve business results. A factorial model is proposed, through which the relationships between technological, financial, organizational, informational resources, research and development activities (R&D), and company cooperation are analyzed. The PLS structural equation modeling technique was used to validate the proposed theoretical model. The survey was conducted among 380 industrial enterprises from all over the sectors of the economy in Bulgaria with the help of a specially developed questionnaire within the period of April 2019 to December 2021. The obtained results show that human resources, financial resources, and cooperation positively influence research and development activities. In addition, the achievement of a positive effect on the management of eco-innovations affects the innovation activities of industrial enterprises, their ability to carry out research and development activities, as well as their ability to manage the technical and technological resources at their disposal effectively. Finally, the innovation activity aimed at carrying out scientific research and development activity, products and processes obtained as a result of the eco-innovation activity, and adequate information management directly affect the efficiency of business processes and financial results

    Polyphenols as Suitable control for Obesity and Diabetes

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    Characterization of Fruit Sorbet Matrices with Added Value from Zizyphus jujuba and Stevia rebaudiana

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    Sorbets are healthy ice cream alternatives and desired frozen desserts by vegetarians and vegans. This study focuses on assessing the effects of sorbet recipe alteration through the addition of different percentages of Zizyphus jujuba powder. Stevia rebaudiana was used as a sugar substituent. A control sample and five variables were developed. Peaches from the “Laskava” (native Bulgarian) variety were used as the main ingredient. The new sorbet matrices were characterized based on their moisture and ash content, overrun, melting behavior, melting rate, water holding capacity, pH, nutritional data, soluble solids content, titratable acidity, vitamin C content, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity. The microbial load and CIELAB color of the sorbet alternatives was also evaluated. A sensory evaluation revealed the most preferred variant. Panelists evaluated the appearance (n = 6), aroma (n = 5), flavor (n = 5), mouthfeel (n = 7), and aftertaste (n = 5). The soluble solids content varied from 17.50 to 33.03%, the ash content from 0.36 to 5.21%, the moisture content from 63.77 to 80.21%. The studied sorbet matrices have an overrun in the range from 8.11 to 12.32%. Results showed that a potential for the development of peach sorbet matrices with added value and a reasonable consumer acceptability exists. Further research can perfect the recipe and provide a reference for other frozen desserts

    Development and Application of Edible Coatings with <i>Malva sylvestris</i> L. Extract to Extend Shelf-Life of Small Loaf

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    Edible coatings that have a recognized ecological effect are an alternative to retard the processes of moisture evaporation and mold growth in bakery products. The aim of the present research was to study the influence of Malva sylvestris L. (mallow) flowers’ extract on the antimicrobial activity of edible coatings of three types of polysaccharides, pectin/P/, xanthan/X/ and carboxymethylcellulose/C/, as well as to analyze their effect on the freshness and microbiological status of coated small loaves during storage. It was found that the presence of a mallow extract had a positive effect on the fungicidal and yeasticidal activities of the X and C coatings. The loaves were evaluated for their physical (moisture, color), textural (firmness and crumb firming kinetics) and microbiological characteristics. The coatings (P, X and C) with mallow extract had the strongest moisture-retaining effect on the loaves’ crumb. The coatings with X and with P (with/without mallow extract) significantly slowed down the crumb firming process, and the value of the rate constant for the crumb firming (k) is the lowest for the X coating—0.1815 day−1. The smallest changes in the crust color were reported when mallow-based coatings were used. They have also been proven to have the lowest microbial load when they are stored for up to three days. This study shows that polysaccharide edible coatings with an active mallow component have significant potential to extend the shelf life of bakery products

    A comparative study of bioactive compounds in primitive wheat populations from Italy, Turkey, Georgia, Bulgaria and Armenia

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    BACKGROUNDIn recent years there has been a considerable interest in the consumption of ancient wheats, often referred to as having superior health-promoting properties than modern cultivars. The BaSeFood project allowed us to explore the use of primitive wheats in the Black Sea area region and in Italy, with special regard to emmer (Triticum dicoccum) and einkorn (T. monococcum), and to collect seed samples to be grown and compared for their bioactive content, together with some other primitive wheat genotypes (T. timopheevi, T. palaeo-colchicum, T. macha). RESULTSThe data show that genotype was an important factor controlling phytochemical content. Variability ranges were as follows: lipids (18.0-28.5gkg(-1)), tocols (26.6-72.8mgkg(-1)), carotenoids (1.6-8.4mgkg(-1)), sterols (441-929mgkg(-1)) and phenolic compounds (819-1465mgkg(-1)) content (dry matter basis). The fraction of individual components, within each class, was also variable; however, the species were well discriminated by their overall composition. CONCLUSIONSThe present research represents a further contribution to the available literature about the analytical composition of primitive wheats, including the complete range of relevant bioactives and lesser investigated species. The data do not support an overall superiority of primitive forms, but evidenced interesting, potentially exploitable, between- and within-species variability

    Traditional foods from the Black Sea region as a potential source of minerals

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    BACKGROUNDIn the past few years, minerals have assumed great importance in public health. As a consequence, considerable research has been carried out to better understand their physiological role and the health consequences of mineral-deficient diets, to establish criteria for defining the degree of public health severity of malnutrition, and to develop prevention and control strategies. In most countries, there is limited information on the mineral content of traditional foods, and consequently it is very difficult to estimate mineral intake across these countries. RESULTSTen minerals were quantified in 33 traditional foods from Black Sea area countries. Our results indicate a considerable variability among the analysed traditional foods; nevertheless, the most abundant components were sodium (ranging from 40.0 to 619 mg 100 g(-1), for kvass southern and herbal dish, respectively), potassium (varied between 45.5 mg 100 g(-1) for millet ale and 938 mg 100 g(-1) for roasted sunflower seeds), and phosphorus (22.2 mg 100 g(-1) and 681 mg 100 g(-1) for sauerkraut and roasted sunflower seeds, respectively). CONCLUSIONThis is the first study that provides validated data on the mineral content for 33 traditional foods from Black Sea area countries, which is important in order to elucidate their role in the dietary pattern of populations and to preserve and promote these foods. (c) 2013 Society of Chemical Industr

    New nutritional composition data on selected traditional foods consumed in Black Sea Area countries

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    BACKGROUNDTraditional foods are an important part of the culture, history, identity and heritage of a region or country and are key elements in dietary patterns. In most countries there is limited information on the nutritional composition of such foods and therefore there is a need to investigate, register and promote traditional foods. One of the aims within the Sustainable exploitation of bioactive components from the Black Sea Area traditional foods' (BaSeFood) project is to generate for the first time new data on the nutritional composition of traditional foods from six Black Sea Area countries to promote their sustainable development and exploitation. RESULTSThirty-three traditional foods were analysed in an accredited laboratory to determine their nutritional composition, and the data were fully documented. The nutrient content varied widely because of the nature and variety of the analysed foods. The energy content ranged between 4 kcal per 100 g for kvass southern and 900 kcal per 100 g for mustard oil, with the exception of the analysed teas, which did not contribute to energy intake. CONCLUSIONThe use of a common methodology for the study of traditional foods will enable countries to further investigate these foods. Moreover, a new nutritional knowledge base of traditional foods from Black Sea Area countries will contribute to promote local biodiversity and sustainable diets by maintaining healthy dietary patterns within local cultures