55 research outputs found

    Analyzing Students’ Perceptions From Their Interests and Rights’ Protection Perspective Within Various International Contexts

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    The research originated from comprehending the way students, as consumers; perceive the involvement of bodies empowered to protect their rights and interests, including consumption-modernizing programmes. Among the cross-scientific research methods used by our research, the survey has been chosen and applied in three universities from various countries: Constantin Brancoveanu University of Pitesti – Management – Marketing in Economic Affairs Faculty, Romania, Fernando Pessoa - Business Science Faculty, Portugal and University Degli Studi di Milano – Political Sciences Faculty, Italy. For data processing, comprehensive methods of analysis and statistic-mathematical methods have been used, while for data analysis the method of comparing interviewed students’ opinions and the causal explanation have been used. The paper’s originality consists in drafting a direct, quantitative research, based on the scientific research of students’ opinions, future opinion originators, in three countries with various development levels. In addition, Romanian profile literature does not enlist many scientific papers approaching the analysed topics, while international research papers exist, but only to a small extent. The main results of research reveal the occurrence of dissimilarities and similarities relevant to students’ perceptions, regarding the approached subject.consumers` protection, consumers` rights, international research, students, analysis of perceptions, different national contexts


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    In recent years, IoT platforms have become increasingly used due to their untapped potential. This paper aims to create an IoT system to monitor temperature and humidity in an enclosure The Raspberry Pi 4 SBC (Single-Board Computer) development board and ThingSpeak cloud platform will be used to make this system. Data from the DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor will be collected by the Raspberry PI 4 SBC development board, which will transmit it via the WiFi connection to the IoT ThingSpeak platform cloud for further analysis. The IoT ThingSpeak platform provides data storage, processing and visualization services

    Гигиенические аспекты санитарной очистки от твердых бытовых отходов муниципия Кишинэу

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    Centrul de Sănătate Publică, municipiul Chişinău, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie Nicolae Testemiţanu, Conferința științifico-practică cu participare internațională Centrul de Sănătate Publică din municipiul Chișinău – 70 de ani la straja sănătăţii 23 octombrie 2014In the article is specifi ed morphological structure of household waste in Chisinau. There is brought into dynamicthe technology of their collection and temporary storage, thechanges of management with implementation processes for collecting, separating and sorting by categories of components in labeled containers. There are evaluated the results of laboratory investigations of soil’s samples taken in checkpoints by sanitary – chemical, microbiological and parasitological indicators. There are elucidated the disadvantages of waste’s neutralizationby burial in soil and priorities of separate collection and sorting them by composition categories with implementation of advanced technologies for neutralization and recycling in order to reduce the impact on public health and environment. В статье приведена морфологическая структура бытовых отходов в муниципии Кишинэу. Отображены в динамике изменения в технологии сбора и временного хранения их составляющих в маркированнах контейнерах. Осушествлена оценка резултатов лабораторных исследований почвы в коитрольных точках по санитарно- химическим, микробиологическим и паразитологическим показателям. Приведены недостатки обезвреживания отходов способом захоронения в почву и преимушества при раздельном сборе и сортировке по категориям основных составляющих с внедрением передовых технологий обезвреженая и утилизации с целью снижения воздействия на общественное здоровье и окружающую среду

    Aspecte igienice privind calitatea apei potabile utilizate de către populaţia municipiului Chişinău în dinamică

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    În articol sunt specificate poziţiile diferitor structuri privind prioritatea problemei alimentării populaţiei cu apă potabilă. Este adusă informaţia despre sursele de alimentare cu apă a populaţiei municipiului Chişinău şi cantitatea ei livrată prin sistemul centralizat. Este prezentată în dinamică ponderea probelor de apă din reţelele de apeduct şi fântâni neconforme cu normele igienice după indicatorii sanitaro-chimici şi microbiologici

    Caracteristica igienică a solului influenţată de procesul salubrizării în mun. Chişinău

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    În articol este elucidată informaţia privind starea de management şi de monitorizare a procesului de salubrizare de deşeuri menagere solide a localităţilor urbane şi rurale ale mun. Chişinău. Sunt prezentate rezultatele investigaţiilor de laborator a probelor de sol recoltate din teritoriul zonei de trai, terenurile de joacă pentru copii şi zonele de agrement în dinamică şi ponderea probelor neconforme la indicatorii sanitaro-chimici, microbiologici şi parazitologici

    Work satisfaction in the food industry - a premise for economic performance

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    The greatest challenge for Romania’s food industry is to achieve technical and economic parity with the rest of Europe. Therefore, businesses require productive employees, and labor productivity depends on employee satisfaction. This study’s primary objective was to investigate employee satisfaction in the bakery industry in order to enhance economic performance. This topic is rarely researched, but it is necessary to enhance the economic performance and work processes of this industry. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods were used, including an online questionnaire survey of 254 employees and a focus group meeting with 17 managers from 60 companies in the Northeast and Southeast regions of Romania. Total pay (5.3 points on a 1–7-point scale), amount of work (4.9 points), and number of working hours (4.8 points) were the top motivators. The average weighted value for job satisfaction on a scale of 100 points was 27.4 points. The relationship between labor costs and employee satisfaction was strong. Low levels of satisfaction are costlier for employers than high levels of satisfaction. The originality of this study lies in its determination of how strongly employees perceive each aspect of job satisfaction and its correlation to the economic performance of companies


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    Structural and Cohesion Funds (SCF) are financial instruments through which the EU acts to eliminate economic and social disparities between regions, in order to achieve economic and social cohesion.EU coming funds which are reflected in the balance of payments were analyzed, both in terms of development and structure, highlighting their importance in the development of our country