497 research outputs found

    The Predictive Potential of the Kinetic Model of Aging of Living Systems in Demography

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    An original mathematical model, previously tested by the authors on other non-demographic objects, is proposed for describing and forecasting demographic systems — the population of the countries of the World using the examples of the USA, China and Russia, as well as the number of mice in the “mouse paradise” experiment of the American scientist John Calhoun. The proposed approach allows us to describe the stages and features of this dynamics: population growth in the USA, growth and possible decrease in the population in China, loss of a part of the population of the Russian Empire and the USSR due to two world wars and the collapse of the USSR, biological degradation of the “mouse paradise” up to its complete extinction. The use of the kinetic model of aging of various types of living systems to predict the development of the number of demographic systems is based on the assumptions that the aging and development processes are related to each other and have the same statistical regularity, reflecting the fractal principle of Nature - the unity of structure and function. The results obtained suggest that a person, a population of the World, humanity and other biological species develop and simultaneously age like each other under the conditions of the always existing syndrome of general adaptation (stress) and according to the same pattern corresponding to the mathematical model proposed here. 

    Fractality of Aging of Living Systems

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    On the basis of the basic model of the kinetic theory of aging of living systems, mathematical modeling of various characteristics of aging of mankind, state, generation, human body, organs and cells has been carried out. These results are compared with experimental and calculated data of other authors. The analysis of the works presented here and those carried out earlier gave reason to believe that the basic mathematical model of the evolution of aging of living dynamic systems of various hierarchical levels and nature is the invariant differential equation of the kinetic theory of aging, as a manifestation of the fractality property of living systems

    The Technology of Calculating the Optimal Modes of the Disk Heating (Ball)

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    The paper considers the problem of optimal control of the process of thermal conductivity of a homogeneous disk (ball). An optimization problem is posed for a one-dimensional parabolic type equation with a mixed-type boundary condition. The goal of the control is to bring the temperature distribution in the disk (ball) to a given distribution in a finite time. To solve this problem, an algorithm is proposed that is based on the gradient method. The object of the study is the optimal control problem for a parabolic boundary value problem. Using the discretization of the original continuous differential problem, difference equations are obtained for which a numerical solution algorithm is proposed. Difference approximation of a differential problem is performed using an implicit scheme, which allows to increase the speed of calculations and provides the specified accuracy of calculation for a smaller number of iterations. An approximate solution of a parabolic equation is constructed using the one-dimensional sweep method. Using differentiation of the functional, an expression for the gradient of the objective functional is obtained. In this paper, it was possible to reduce the multidimensional heat conduction problem to a one-dimensional one, due to the assumption that the desired solution is symmetric. A formula is obtained for calculating the variation of a quadratic functional that characterizes the deviation of the current temperature distribution from the given one. The flowcharts and implementations of the algorithm are presented in the form of Matlab scripts, which clearly demonstrate the process of thermal conductivity and show the computation and application of optimal control in dynamics

    Research Treatment Studies for Cleanable Waste Water for Cleaning Pipes

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    Currently, many methods of treating waste water are known using various lubricating coolant compositions, but there is no universal treatment method. The most suitable ways of reducing the harmful impact of waste water in the metallurgical industry on the water environment are 1) the local treatment of waste water of various compositions, 2) the removal or reduction of the total amount of waste treatment liquid emissions as a result of their regeneration, and 3) reuse of treated waste water in closed water circulation systems and technical water supply to enterprises. During production of bimetallic finned tubes by cold deformation method, alkaline cleaning solutions are used to clean the surface from lubricating-cooling liquid. As a result, there is a need to dispose of spent liquids. The spent detergent solution is a three-phase emulsion. The upper layer is oil-oil products, medium liquid with increased PH index, and aluminates precipitate. A spent emulsion, i.e. an end-of-life emulsion that has lost its functional and operational properties, needs to be decomposed and disposed of. Keywords: finned bimetallic tube, air cooler, lubricating coolant, oil – emulsio

    Treatment and Companion Diagnostics of Lower Back Pain Using Self-Controlled Energo-Neuroadaptive Regulator (SCENAR) and Passive Microwave Radiometry (MWR)

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    Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of nonspecific lower back pain (LBP) is currently largely based on the patient’s subjective feelings. The purpose of this study was to use passive microwave radiometry (MWR) as a tool for assessing the effectiveness of various treatment methods in patients with acute and subacute nonspecific LBP. Patients with a pain assessment on a visual analogue scale (VAS) of 6 to 10 points were divided into two groups: Group I included patients with pharmacological, syndrome-oriented treatment (n = 30, age 54.9 ± 2.3 years); Group II included a combination of pharmacotherapy with self-controlled energy-neuroadaptive regulation (SCENAR) (n = 25, age 52.8 ± 2.5 years). The analysis showed that the addition of SCENAR therapy (Group II) significantly potentiated the analgesic effect at the stages of treatment, and after 3 weeks, this had increased by more than two times, by 1.3 points on the VAS. There was also a significant decrease in the maximum internal temperature and normalization of the gradient of internal and skin temperatures, and a decrease in thermo-asymmetry, as assessed by temperature fields. Thermal asymmetry visualization allows the identification of the area of pathological muscle spasm and/or inflammation in the projection of the vertebral-motor segment for the possible targeted use of treatment methods such as percutaneous electro neurostimulation, massage, manual therapy, diagnostic and treatment blocks, etc. The MWR method also avoids unnecessary radiation exposure

    An essay on feminist thinking in Russia : to be born a feminist

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    This paper is based on one particular life history of a Russian feminist. It analyses a narrative biography interview with one of the leading Russian feminist thinkers, Olga Lipovskaya, who was a founder of the Petersburg Centre for Gender Issues and promoted gender equality in Russia. The study examines the current situation of Russian feminist thinking by contextualisation of this biography into a larger scale of political and cultural transformations that have occurred after the fall of the USSR. Firstly, I provide contextual details, in which feminism in its contemporary form in Russia is developing as a political and scientific practice. Secondly, the paper raises problems of the method of narrative interview. Finally, I find common points of this particular life history and the history of the country once known as Soviet Union. Este art&iacute;culo est&aacute; basado en la particular biograf&iacute;a de una feminista rusa. En &eacute;l se analiza una entrevista biograf&iacute;a narrativa con una de las principales pensadoras feministas rusas, Olga Lipovskaya, una de las fundadoras del Petersburg Centre for Gender Issues y promovi&oacute; la igualdad de g&eacute;nero en Rusia. El estudio analiza la situaci&oacute;n actual del pensamiento feminista ruso, contextualizando esta biograf&iacute;a en un marco m&aacute;s amplio de las transformaciones pol&iacute;ticas y culturales que se han producido despu&eacute;s de la ca&iacute;da de la URSS. En primer lugar, se contextualiza c&oacute;mo el feminismo ruso contempor&aacute;neo se est&aacute; desarrollando como una pr&aacute;ctica pol&iacute;tica y cient&iacute;fica. En segundo lugar, el art&iacute;culo plantea los problemas del m&eacute;todo de la entrevista narrativa. Finalmente, se destacan puntos comunes entre esta biograf&iacute;a particular y la historia del pa&iacute;s que en su d&iacute;a se denomin&oacute; Uni&oacute;n Sovi&eacute;tica. DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2195213</p

    Русская катастрофа 1917 г. и ‘большое время’ (М. Пришвин, В. Розанов, А. Блок)

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    This article is devoted to the perception of the social catastrophe of 1917 in the historical and cultural perspective of ‘great time’ (M. Bachtin) represented in the texts of Michail Prišvin, Vasilij Rozanov and Aleksandr Blok. The author analyzes nonfiction and diary texts, primarily published for the first time only in the post-Soviet period – Prišvin’s Diary (1917-1920, first published in 1991) and his book Color and Cross (1917-1918, first published in 2004); The Apocalypse of Our Time by Rozanov (1917-1918, full text published in 2000) and his book The Black Fire (1917, first published in the Paris publishing house ymca-Press in 1991); Blok’s Articles, Diary, Notebooks and Letters (1917-1921, including recently published uncensored texts). The author considers the dialogue of two strategies or discourses in the perception of 1917: the Christian discourse (Prišvin and Rozanov) and the discourse of the Narodnik movement (Blok). The perception of the revolution in these authors’ texts is revealed in the context of the French Revolution, Time of Troubles, national nihilism, Dostoevskij, Ostrovskij, Gor’kij, ‘neo-narodničestvo’, neo-slavophilism, sectarianism and the ideology of the Bolševiks. The author reveals the intertextual Gogolian layer in Rozanov’s, Prišvin’s and Blok’s texts, which becomes a key factor in their understanding of national nihilism as the cause of the social catastrophe of 1917. The ‘life-creation’ strategies of these three authors are also considered, who, despite their opposite attitudes towards October 1917, somehow or other ended up in the overall sacrificial situation of the ‘catacomb’ culture.This article is devoted to the perception of the social catastrophe of 1917 in the historical and cultural perspective of ‘great time’ (M. Bachtin) represented in the texts of Michail Prišvin, Vasilij Rozanov and Aleksandr Blok. The author analyzes nonfiction and diary texts, primarily published for the first time only in the post-Soviet period – Prišvin’s Diary (1917-1920, first published in 1991) and his book Color and Cross (1917-1918, first published in 2004); The Apocalypse of Our Time by Rozanov (1917-1918, full text published in 2000) and his book The Black Fire (1917, first published in the Paris publishing house ymca-Press in 1991); Blok’s Articles, Diary, Notebooks and Letters (1917-1921, including recently published uncensored texts). The author considers the dialogue of two strategies or discourses in the perception of 1917: the Christian discourse (Prišvin and Rozanov) and the discourse of the Narodnik movement (Blok). The perception of the revolution in these authors’ texts is revealed in the context of the French Revolution, Time of Troubles, national nihilism, Dostoevskij, Ostrovskij, Gor’kij, ‘neo-narodničestvo’, neo-slavophilism, sectarianism and the ideology of the Bolševiks. The author reveals the intertextual Gogolian layer in Rozanov’s, Prišvin’s and Blok’s texts, which becomes a key factor in their understanding of national nihilism as the cause of the social catastrophe of 1917. The ‘life-creation’ strategies of these three authors are also considered, who, despite their opposite attitudes towards October 1917, somehow or other ended up in the overall sacrificial situation of the ‘catacomb’ culture

    Lexicon of Albanian mythology: areal studies in the polylingual region of Azov Sea

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    Lexicon of Albanian mythology: areal studies in the polylingual region of Azov SeaFour villages with Albanian population are located in the Ukraine: Karakurt (Zhovtnevoe) set up in 1811 (Odessa region), Tyushki (Georgievka), Dzhandran (Gammovka) and Taz (Devninskoe) set up in 1862 (Zaporizh’a region). The analysis of lexica of the Albanian subdialect of the Ukraine shows the continuation of the use of mythological terminology between the districts of the South-Eastern Albania (Korça, Devoll, Kolonja) and the Albanian-speaking villages of the Azov Sea region.The Albanian subdialect of the Ukraine has no collective lexeme to designate all the representatives of the demonic world. The most common forms of denotation are these: nok janë të prastúrë (lit. ‘they are unclean’), shpírti nok i prastúrë (lit. ‘unclean spirit’).There are a large number of stories about the transformation of people into the animals – dogs, cats, goats, foxes, chickens etc. and even into things (the most common plot variant is about transformation of a man into a wheel).Also we observe the personification of the steppe wind among the Albanians of the Ukraine. Thus there is a special word for such a kind of wind in this subdialect – varalluzhg/ë, –a (‘varaluzhga’).The Balkan peoples believe that the fate of every individual is assigned by three mythological characters. Most of them, including the Albanians, consider that these three characters are female. They appear several hours after the child’s birth and assign its fate. The Albanians of the Ukraine keep these beliefs, but according to their system of mythological images, there are three men determining the child’s fate instead of three women. As the native consultants claim, these are three huge, tall and strong black men (tri burre qysh japin fatnë). Another variation on this theme comprises the stories about Christ’s disciples, the apostles and their followers, who can also determine the child’s fate. Leksyka mitologii albańskiej. Badania arealne w wielojęzycznym regionie Morza AzowskiegoNa Ukrainie znajdują się cztery albańskie wsie: Karakurt (Zhovtnevoe) założona w 1811 roku (rejon Odessy), Tyushki (Georgievka), Dzhandran (Gammovka) oraz Taz (Devninskoe) założone w 1862 roku (rejon Zaporoża). Analiza leksyki gwar albańskich na Ukrainie wykazuje kontynuację terminologii mitologicznej z terenu południowo-wschodniej Albanii (Korça, Devoll, Kolonja).W gwarze albańskiej Ukrainy brak wspólnej nazwy na istoty ze świata demonów. Najczęściej używa się określeń: nok janë të prastúrë (dosłownie ‘są  nieczyste’), shpírti nok i prastúrë (‘duch nieczysty’).Istnieje bardzo dużo opowieści  o przemienianiu się ludzi w zwierzęta – psy, koty, kozy, lisy, kurczaki i in., a nawet w przedmioty (najczęstszy wątek mówi o przemianie człowieka w koło). Istnieje także motyw personifikacji stepowego wiatru – w omawianym dialekcie nosi on nazwę – varalluzhg/ë, –a.Na Bałkanach popularne było wierzenie, że los każdego człowieka związany jest z trzema mitycznymi istotami. Większość narodów bałkańskich, w tym Albańczycy, uważają, że istoty te są rodzaju żeńskiego, zjawiają się w kilka godzin po narodzinach dziecka i określają jego przyszłość. Albańczycy z Ukrainy zachowali samo wierzenie, lecz w ich mitologicznym uniwersum istoty te są rodzaju męskiego. Są to, według miejscowych informatorów, trzej potężni, wysocy i silni czarni mężczyźni (tri burre qysh japin fatnë). Inny wariant tego wątku mówi, że mogą to być uczniowie Chrystusa, apostołowie i ich następcy

    Development of the Tourism Industry in the North of Russia Based on the Environment Features

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    The environmental features in the northern regions of Russia present an interesting case for enhancing knowledge of tourism. The importance of tourism development for the northern region’s economy makes the study of the influences on the newfound goal of sustainable tourism development imperative. The study, which comprised of scientific researches into the problems of tourism in the northern regions of Russia, showed an extremely low exploration level for this particular topic. This paper investigates economic, environmental and historical factors as well as that of natural potential and how they influence sustainable tourism implementation in the North of Russia. An analysis of the tourism industry in the northern regions of Russia highlighted its lack of development and the absence of a specific development scenario for the tourism cluster. This paper describes the research progress into the impact that tourism has on the environment in the context of the northern regions of Russia through a review of the growing literature in this field. This paper proposes measures for promoting tourism in the North of Russia aimed at the growth of the regional economy and accounting for the ecological, social, cultural and historical factors of the environment. This paper proposes a theoretical framework and methodology for studying the development of tourism in the northern regions of Russia. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s4p38