1,863 research outputs found

    Subversive blood ties: gothic decadence in three characters from murnau's and coppola's renderings of bram stoker's dracula

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 2013Esta dissertação consiste em investigar a construção do tema da decadência Gótica em Drácula de Bram Stoker e duas adaptações fílmicas do romance - Nosferatu, de Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, e Drácula de Bram Stoker, de Francis Ford Coppola - tendo como centro da análise como três personagens - Drácula, Jonathan Harker e Mina Harker - se relacionam com tal tema. A decadência Gótica é um padrão literário do contexto fin-de-siècle da sociedade vitoriana inspirada pela crise social que acontecia na Inglaterra no fim do século XIX (Punter e Byron 39-40). Autores como Bram Stoker escreveram histórias que refletiam medos morais e sociais da sociedade vitoriana, retratando imagens de monstros que representavam a transgressão de fronteiras morais e sexuais estabelecidas pelas tradições vitorianas (Botting 88). Tendo tal discussão em mente, este estudo busca conectar a retratação de tal tema do romance às adaptações, também utilizando uma análise fílmica para identificar técnicas que destacam a representação do tema relacionado aos três personagens, finalmente ligando tal tema a crises e confusões sociais que aconteciam nos contextos de ambos os filmes.Abstract : The present dissertation consists of an investigation of the construction of the Gothic theme of decadence in Bram Stoker's Dracula and two film adaptations of the novel - Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's Nosferatu and Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula - having as the centre of analysis how three characters - Dracula, Jonathan Harker and Mina Harker - relate to that theme. The Gothic decadence is a literary motif from the fin-de-siècle context of the Victorian Era inspired by the social crisis that took place in England in the late nineteenth century (Punter and Byron 39-40). Authors like Bram Stoker wrote stories that reflected moral and social fears of the Victorian society, depicting images of monsters that represented the crossing of moral and sexual boundaries established by the Victorian traditions (Botting 88). Bearing that discussion in mind, this study aims at connecting the portrayal of such a theme from novel to the two adaptations, also making use of a filmic analysis to identify techniques that highlight the depiction of the theme related to the three characters, ultimately linking such a thematic depiction to crises and social commotions that were taking place in both films' social contexts

    Preliminary EoS for core-collapse supernova simulations with the QMC model

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    In this work we present the preliminary results of a complete equation of state (EoS) for core-collapse supernova simulations. We treat uniform matter made of nucleons using the the quark-meson coupling (QMC) model. We show a table with a variety of thermodynamic quantities, which covers the proton fraction range Yp=00.65Y_{p}=0-0.65 with the linear grid spacing ΔYp=0.01 \Delta Y_{p}=0.01 (6666 points) and the density range ρB=10141016\rho_{B}=10^{14}-10^{16}g.cm3^{-3} with the logarithmic grid spacing Δlog10(ρB/[\Delta log_{10}(\rho_{B}/[g.cm3])=0.1^{-3}])=0.1 (2121 points). This preliminary study is performed at zero temperature and our results are compared with the widely used EoS already available in the literature

    The Effect of Recency to Human Mobility

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    In recent years, we have seen scientists attempt to model and explain human dynamics and, in particular, human movement. Many aspects of our complex life are affected by human movements such as disease spread and epidemics modeling, city planning, wireless network development, and disaster relief, to name a few. Given the myriad of applications it is clear that a complete understanding of how people move in space can lead to huge benefits to our society. In most of the recent works, scientists have focused on the idea that people movements are biased towards frequently-visited locations. According to them, human movement is based on an exploration/exploitation dichotomy in which individuals choose new locations (exploration) or return to frequently-visited locations (exploitation). In this work, we focus on the concept of recency. We propose a model in which exploitation in human movement also considers recently-visited locations and not solely frequently-visited locations. We test our hypothesis against different empirical data of human mobility and show that our proposed model is able to better explain the human trajectories in these datasets

    The nature of the LINER in the galaxy NGC 404

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    NGC 404, at a distance of 3.4 Mpc, is the nearest S0 galaxy. This galaxy harbors a LINER; however, since the spectrum does not show a broad H{\alpha} emission, it is not certain that this LINER is a low luminosity AGN and its nature is still an open question. HST observations show the existence of stellar populations with an age of 3 x 10^8 years years in the galactic bulge and with an age of 6-15 x 10^9 years in the galactic disk. In this work, we present an analysis of the data cube of NGC 404 obtained with the IFU (Integral Field Unity) of the GMOS (Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph) on the Gemini North telescope.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    An Experience of Project-Based Learning in a Technical High School

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    The grade course of electrical technical of IFCE Juazeiro do Norte-CE has technical and propaedeutic subjects. In the classroom, many students lack commitment to technical subjects is perceived, resulting in a low level of learning, and a high dropout or retention rate. Some causes of these problems can be attributed to several factors, such as the immaturity of many of these students, and the lack of knowledge of the desired course for their professional life. The paper aims to investigate an experience report during the intervention of activities carried out with the 2nd grade of the electrical technical course. The active Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology was applied in projects for a science fair. The PBL method aims to stimulate the student's self-learning and curiosity, and the teacher is the facilitator of this process. The research is a qualitative type with exploratory and descriptive aspects based on an experience report. The research was implemented in a classroom of 38 students. Some group dynamics techniques were used to choose experiments from the science fair. During the process of project development, it was possible to see the great interest in research by students. Also, the students demonstrated resourcefulness in the oral presentation of the projects. The commitment to the quality of the presentations and the level of technical knowledge of the teams were some good points. We can say that the PBL method is effective for stimulating the learning and creativity of these students


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    Many regions in the world have experienced the presence of intensive geological events. Given this reality, the control of vibrations caused by earthquakes on buildings is one of the great challenges in seismic regions, as they can cause structural, material, and personal damage, and must be considered with special attention when carrying out a structural project. For this reason, it is necessary to minimize the deleterious effects caused by earthquakes on buildings. In this sense, the present study seeks to evaluate, through the theory of mechanical vibrations, the use of springs of variable stiffness in the control of accelerations induced by seismic action, because springs introduce restoring forces in the system. The evaluation is done through numerical-computational simulation using the finite element method. The frame structure of an idealized building is used in the modelling, where columns and beams are represented by linear elements and the floors by shell elements. In the simulation, springs of variable stiffness are inserted into the joints to control the vibrations produced by earthquakes. These devices are added to the structural system at different heights and directions, aiming to keep the structure\u27s behaviour unchanged, neutralizing the effects of the earthquake. Based on the obtained results, it is possible to verify the required stiffness and the position in which the springs must be inserted to obtain the constancy of the structural frequency of vibration during the earthquake action.Mnoge regije u svijetu imaju iskustva s geohazardima i potresima. Kontrola vibracija uzrokovanih potresima na zgradama jedan je od velikih izazova u seizmičkim regijama, budući da mogu uzrokovati strukturnu, materijalnu i osobnu štetu, te se moraju uzeti u obzir s posebnom pozornošću prilikom projekata gradnje. Iz tog razloga potrebno je maksimalno umanjiti štetne učinke potresa na građevine. Ova studija nastoji procijeniti, kroz teoriju mehaničkih vibracija, primjenu opruga promjenjive krutosti u kontroli ubrzanja izazvanih seizmičkim djelovanjem, budući da ova vrsta opruga uvodi restorativne sile u sustav. Evaluacija modela je provedena numeričkom simulacijom metodom konačnih elemenata. U modeliranju je korištena okvirna konstrukcija idealizirane građevine, gdje su stupovi i grede prikazani linijskim elementima, a podovi površinskim elementima. U simulaciji, opruge promjenjive krutosti umetnute su u čvorove kako bi se kontrolirale vibracije uzrokovane potresima. Ti su uređaji dodani strukturi građevine na različitim visinama i u različitim smjerovima, s ciljem da se ponašanje strukture održi nepromijenjenim, neutralizirajući učinke potresa. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja moguće je definirati optimalnu krutost i položaje u koji moraju biti postavljene opruge kako bi se postigla stabilnost konstrukcije tijekom djelovanja potresa

    Compact stars within an asy-soft quark-meson-coupling model

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    We investigate compact star properties within the quark meson coupling model (QMC) with a soft symmetry energy density dependence at large densities. In particular, the hyperon content and the mass/radius curves for the families of stars obtained within the model are discussed. The hyperon-meson couplings are chosen according to experimental values of the hyperon nuclear matter potentials, and possible uncertainties are considered. It is shown that a softer symmetry energy gives rise to stars with less hyperons, smaller radii and larger masses. Hyperon-meson couplings may also have a strong effect on the mass of the star.Comment: 7 pages, revtex, accepted in Phys. Rev.