229 research outputs found

    A novel voltage sag approach during unintentional islanding scenarios: A survey from real recorded events

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    In this paper, a new voltage sag approach is analytically modelled and validated using both simulation and field measurements. The main aspect of this approach is to propose a new voltage sag feature which appears during unintentional islanding operations (IOs). The unintentional IO occurs when an induction motor is removed from the main utility following a circuit breaker (CB) clearing, transiently, the induction motors (IMs) are acting as generators maintaining the affected distribution feeder with voltage until it is reconnected. The voltage sag modelled in the current article follows an exponential form, as a matter of fact, here it will be demonstrated that the proposed model reaches satisfactorily the field measurements and evidences the dependability of the model adopted. Furthermore, it is worthwhile to note that this novel power quality (PQ) event has not been investigated yet and enhances voltage sag studies. Lastly, it is crucial to point out that all recorded events and a large amount of data needed so as to validate this transient, has been measured in a distribution network (DN) located in Spain.Postprint (published version

    A novel voltage sag approach during unintentional islanding scenarios: A survey from real recorded events

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    In this paper, a new voltage sag approach is analytically modelled and validated using both simulation and field measurements. The main aspect of this approach is to propose a new voltage sag feature which appears during unintentional islanding operations (IOs). The unintentional IO occurs when an induction motor is removed from the main utility following a circuit breaker (CB) clearing, transiently, the induction motors (IMs) are acting as generators maintaining the affected distribution feeder with voltage until it is reconnected. The voltage sag modelled in the current article follows an exponential form, as a matter of fact, here it will be demonstrated that the proposed model reaches satisfactorily the field measurements and evidences the dependability of the model adopted. Furthermore, it is worthwhile to note that this novel power quality (PQ) event has not been investigated yet and enhances voltage sag studies. Lastly, it is crucial to point out that all recorded events and a large amount of data needed so as to validate this transient, has been measured in a distribution network (DN) located in Spain.Postprint (published version

    Power quality disturbances assessment during unintentional islanding scenarios. A contribution to voltage sag studies

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    This paper presents a novel voltage sag topology that occurs during an unintentional islanding operation (IO) within a distribution network (DN) due to large induction motors (IMs). When a fault occurs, following the circuit breaker (CB) fault clearing, transiently, the IMs act as generators due to their remanent kinetic energy until the CB reclosing takes place. This paper primarily contributes to voltage sag characterization. Therefore, this novel topology is presented, analytically modelled and further validated. It is worth mentioning that this voltage sag has been identified in a real DN in which events have been recorded for two years. The model validation of the proposed voltage sag is done via digital simulations with a model of the real DN implemented in Matlab considering a wide range of scenarios. Both simulations and field measurements confirm the voltage sag analytical expression presented in this paper as well as exhibiting the high accuracy achieved in the three-phase model adopted.Postprint (published version

    Assessment of unintentional islanding operations in distribution networks with large induction motors

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    This paper is aimed at assessing the impact of unintentional islanding operations (IOs) in the presence of large induction motors (IMs) within distribution networks (DNs). When a fault occurs,followingthecircuitbreaker(CB)faultclearing,theIMsacttransientlyasgenerators,duetoits inertia, until the CB reclosing takes place. The present work is the outcome of a project carried out in a small DN, where ¿eld measurements were recorded over two years. This paper provides a detailed description of the test system, a selected list of ¿eld measurements, and a discussion on modeling guidelinesusedtocreatethemodeloftheactualpowersystem. Themaingoalistovalidatethesystem model by comparing ¿eld measurements with simulation results. The comparison of simulations and ¿eld measurements prove the appropriateness of the modeling guidelines used in this work and highlight the high accuracy achieved in the implemented three-phase Matlab/Simulink modelPostprint (published version

    The influence of the self-excited induction machine into the electrical grid under instability situation - Real case measurement

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    The three phase induction machine is used in the mainly part of the industry and it requires reactive power from the grid to start and function. The reactive power consumption is economically fined so the industries install capacitors in parallel with the motors and loads. The bank capacitor, gives this reactive power to the machine in order to improve the cos f factor in the installation. When a fault appears in the grid, this machine gives the active power to the fault, but when the overcurrent relay sets the fault, the induction machine is already with inertia with electromagnetic and mechanic specific parameters that originate a non-controlled islanding mode and it provides the power to the loads on this feeder. Even though several works are published within the islanding detection, the islanding operation about the induction machine as a generator in power wind energy applications, nevertheless in the following we show the motor perspective. The stability of the system in the time period between the relay opening and the fast reconnection is out of control, so a complete study a about the electric magnitudes, voltage and reactive power , active power and frequency and the angle stability is needed. In this paper we show a real case that appears in a distribution Medium Voltage (MV) radial network in Spain in a 25 kV feeder and we summarize the voltage /current wave form and the frequency oscillation.Postprint (published version

    Stereoselectivesynthesis of (-)-lepadins A-C

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    A concise synthesis of the marine alkaloids ()-lepadins A-C from a phenylglycinol-derived tricyclic lactam is reported. Key steps from the stereochemical standpoint involve stereoselective cyclocondensation, double bond hydrogenation, oxazolidine opening, hydroboration- oxidation, and Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reactions

    Enantioselective synthesis of lepadins A D from a phenylglycinol-derived hydroquinolone lactam

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    The marine alkaloids (-)-lepadins A-C and (+)-lepadin D, belonging to two diastereoisomeric series, were synthesized from an (R)-phenylglycinol-derived tricyclic lactam via a common cis-decahydroquinoline intermediate. Crucial aspects of the synthesis are the stereochemical control in the assembly of the cis-decahydroquinoline platform, in the introduction of the C2 methyl and C3 hydroxy substituents, and in the generation of the C5 stereocenter

    Hybrid gas-electrical power & heavy duty propulsion: test platform

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    This paper presents the results and discussion of an extensive set of tests of a hybrid generation system (gas-electric), to feed the electric motors which propel a small or medium vessel. Primarily, the hybrid electric system includes An otto cycle combustion engine, an electric generator and electric induction motors. The diesel engine represents the central part in regards to the propulsion task [1][2]. Thus, it provides the energy required by the electrical system, also supports load variations at low speed or cruising speed. Furthermore, it feeds other critical loads such as lights, electronic navigation systems, ancillary systems and other comfort loads within the hotel facilities. Presently, many technical challenges associated with the design of hybrid-electric propulsion systems are under discussion. Regarding technical limitations, the loading level and perhaps even more important is to deal with the complexity of the hybrid systems. Concerning to technical limitations, we can, therefore, highlight the following issues; the pilot excitation control, the performance of crash-stop manoeuvre and lastly the protection and control task.Postprint (published version

    Enantioselective Total Synthesis of (+)-Gephyrotoxin 287C

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    A synthesis of (+)-gephyrotoxin 287C using, (S)-phenylglycinol-derived tricyclic lactam 7 as the starting enantiomeric scaffold is reported. From the stereochemical standpoint, the key steps are the generation of the DHQ C-5 stereocenter by hydrogenation of the C-C double bond, removal of the chiral inductor to give a cis-DHQ introduction of the DHQ C-2 substituent, completion of the (Z)-enyne moiety, and generation of the C-1 stereocenter during closure of the pyrrolidine ring