125 research outputs found

    The experience of the municipalities of Minas Gerais State (Brazil) that implemented local environmental licensing

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    The objective of this study was to explore the experience of the municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais that implemented local environmental licensing. For this purpose, representatives of the state administration were interviewed, and an electronic questionnaire was sent to analysts of 121 municipalities that took up environmental licensing, from which 39 responses were obtained. The key drivers of local environmental licensing were concerns over licensing procedural delays by the state government and the need for administrative efficiency. Knowledge of local conditions and the proximity between the local government, communities and developers were identified as facilitators of licensing. Shortage of staff, precarious hiring processes, and lack of infrastructure were identified as the main barriers to local environmental licensing. The municipalities that have implemented local environmental licensing perceive planning, administrative capacity, competent technical and legal teams, and capacity-building as essential elements of an effective local environmental licensing system. The study concludes with suggestions of future research avenues.The objective of this study was to explore the experience of the municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais that implemented local environmental licensing. For this purpose, representatives of the state administration were interviewed, and an electronic questionnaire was sent to analysts of 121 municipalities that took up environmental licensing, from which 39 responses were obtained. The key drivers of local environmental licensing were concerns over licensing procedural delays by the state government and the need for administrative efficiency. Knowledge of local conditions and the proximity between the local government, communities and developers were identified as facilitators of licensing. Shortage of staff, precarious hiring processes, and lack of infrastructure were identified as the main barriers to local environmental licensing. The municipalities that have implemented local environmental licensing perceive planning, administrative capacity, competent technical and legal teams, and capacity-building as essential elements of an effective local environmental licensing system. The study concludes with suggestions of future research avenues.The objective of this study was to explore the experience of the municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais that implemented local environmental licensing. For this purpose, representatives of the state administration were interviewed, and an electronic questionnaire was sent to analysts of 121 municipalities that took up environmental licensing, from which 39 responses were obtained. The key drivers of local environmental licensing were concerns over licensing procedural delays by the state government and the need for administrative efficiency. Knowledge of local conditions and the proximity between the local government, communities and developers were identified as facilitators of licensing. Shortage of staff, precarious hiring processes, and lack of infrastructure were identified as the main barriers to local environmental licensing. The municipalities that have implemented local environmental licensing perceive planning, administrative capacity, competent technical and legal teams, and capacity-building as essential elements of an effective local environmental licensing system. The study concludes with suggestions of future research avenues.The objective of this study was to explore the experience of the municipalities of the state of Minas Gerais that implemented local environmental licensing. For this purpose, representatives of the state administration were interviewed, and an electronic questionnaire was sent to analysts of 121 municipalities that took up environmental licensing, from which 39 responses were obtained. The key drivers of local environmental licensing were concerns over licensing procedural delays by the state government and the need for administrative efficiency. Knowledge of local conditions and the proximity between the local government, communities and developers were identified as facilitators of licensing. Shortage of staff, precarious hiring processes, and lack of infrastructure were identified as the main barriers to local environmental licensing. The municipalities that have implemented local environmental licensing perceive planning, administrative capacity, competent technical and legal teams, and capacity-building as essential elements of an effective local environmental licensing system. The study concludes with suggestions of future research avenues

    Análise de chuvas intensas por meio da desagregação de precipitações diárias de Jaru e Machadinho d’Oeste – RO, Brasil

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    A precipitação pluviométrica, dentre os elementos hidrológicos, é o que mais interfere na vida humana, uma vez que, se configura como a principal entrada de água no sistema hidrológico. Atualmente uma das soluções para realizar a caracterização e estimativa das precipitações intensas é a utilização de curvas Intensidade-Duração-Frequência (IDF), as quais consistem em modelos matemáticos semi-empíricos que preveem a intensidade precipitada por meio da duração e distribuição temporal. Neste contexto, esse estudo objetiva estimar a função IDF para os municípios de Jaru e Machadinho d’Oeste, localizados no estado de Rondônia – Brasil, por meio da metodologia da desagregação de chuvas diárias, que gera séries sintéticas com duração em intervalos menores, por meio de coeficientes que transformam chuva de 24h em outras de menor duração, permitindo assim o desenvolvimento de curvas IDF. As equações geradas apresentaram um coeficiente de ajuste de aproximadamente 96% para o município de Jaru e 92,85% para Machadinho d’Oeste. Por fim, constatou-se que as equações propostas para a estimativa da intensidade das precipitações máximas são de grande aplicabilidade tanto para o município de Machadinho d’Oeste quanto para Jaru

    Cytotoxicity of Doxycycline Effluent Generated by the Fenton Process

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    This study aims at determining the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration with Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and cytotoxicity to L929 cells (ATCC CCL-1) of the waste generated by doxycycline degradation by the Fenton process. This process has shown promise in this treatment thanks mainly to the fact that the waste did not show any relevant inhibitory effect on the test organism and no cytotoxicity to L-929 cells, thus demonstrating that the antibiotic properties were inactivated

    Morphological evaluation of macrophage infected with Toxoplasma Gondii / Avaliação morfológica de macrófagos infectados com Toxoplasma Gondii

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    O Toxoplasma gondii é o parasita causador da toxoplasmose, doença negligenciada que ainda carece de estudos que visem elucidar a relação entre a parasitemia e o sistema imunológico. Uma das principais células do sistema imunológico são os macrófagos e estes possuem linhagens celulares imortalizadas que fornecem um modelo de estudo acessível para experimentos in vitro . Com isso, este trabalho pretende enfatizar a importância da linhagem de macrófagos J774G8 em estudos com protozoários, destacando a viabilidade e alterações morfológicas da cultura de células infectadas com Toxoplasma gondii


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    Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) can be defined as a unit of professional practice that can be entrusted to a trainee after they have obtained adequate competency. EPAs integrate multiple competencies from several domains and are very useful in designing competency-based curricula. Using EPAs to design medical curricula has been widely described, but their application to curriculum design of other health-related undergraduate programs is scarce. This manuscript critically assesses an educational planning experience of using EPAs to simultaneously design three healthcare undergraduate programs (nursing, biomedicine and psychology) at Faculdade Santa Casa BH, Minas Gerais, Brazil. We present the EPAs for each program, curricula frameworks, educational strategies, and assessment methods. Expert groups of professors and educational specialists defined the core professional activities that would be directly assessed and entrusted to trainees from the three different programs. The expert group then defined the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes for each EPA and selected the appropriate assessment tools to be used in entrustment decisions. The expected entrustment level for each training phase guided the course’s distribution of core and elective courses. The experience of designing a curriculum using EPAs was successful and helped focus on the core activities of each profession. It also provided an opportunity to reflect upon formative and summative assessments throughout the course bringing the challenge of reorienting our teaching practices and assessment approaches. Designing undergraduate curricula of health-related professions using EPAs is feasible and might help operationalize competency-based curricula.  Article visualizations


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    A amnésia global transitória (AGT) é um quadro súbito de amnésia glo- bal, não acompanhada de outros déficits neurológicos, com duração de duas a 24 horas e cuja recuperação se dá espontaneamente. A incidência na população geral está estimada em 5-10 casos/100.000 pessoas/ano. Diferentes mecanismos fisiopatológicos, como fatores vasculares ou epiléticos, têm sido propostos para explicar a AGT, sendo consensual que haja acometimento transitório de regiões do hipocampo e do giro para-hipocampal. Além da amnésia anterógrada acompanhada por amnésia retrógra- da, o paciente apresenta desorientação (tempo/espaço), estando pre- servadas outras habilidades cognitivas, como memória semântica e capacidades visuo-construtivas. Esses déficits tendem a remitir após 24h, sendo o prognóstico favorável na maioria dos casos. O diagnós- tico diferencial de AGT é amplo e diversas condições clínicas, como eventos cérebro-vasculares, epilepsias, infecções e intoxicações po- dem mimetizá-lo, de modo que uma investigação clínica cuidadosa é imperativa. As recorrências não são frequentes nos quadros típicos. A AGT não requer tratamento específico, mas devem ser tratados fa- tores de risco cardiovascular eventualmente identificados durante a propedêutica de AGT. O clínico deve esclarecer o paciente a respeito do caráter benigno da AGT. Estudos com seguimento longitudinal dos pacientes são necessários para maior compreensão dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos da AGT e para melhor compreensão clínica e neuro- biológica dos déficits cognitivos apresentados por esses pacientes.

    Relato de experiência sobre o curso “O biocombustível da biodiversidade” ligado ao projeto “Os novos talentos do Ensino Médio de Boa Vista-RR”

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    Este trabalho apresenta o relato de experiência do curso “O biocombustível da biodiversidade”. Foram selecionados 20 alunos da Escola Estadual Ana Libória, com o objetivo de apresentar o potencial energético da biodiversidade que os cerca. O curso foi executado em várias etapas: abordagem do tema, conceitos referentes à química e óleos vegetais, normas de segurança em laboratório, vidrarias e suas funções seguida de uma sequência de atividades práticas correlatas, como: coletas de material, métodos de extração de óleos vegetais, métodos cromatográficos e reacionais. O curso proporcionou a integração dos alunos com o ambiente de pesquisa na Universidade Federal de Roraima - UFRR e a vivência na prática dos conceitos e teorias

    Relato de experiência sobre o curso “O biocombustível da biodiversidade” ligado ao projeto “Os novos talentos do Ensino Médio de Boa Vista-RR”

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    Este trabalho apresenta o relato de experiência do curso “O biocombustível da biodiversidade”. Foram selecionados 20 alunos da Escola Estadual Ana Libória, com o objetivo de apresentar o potencial energético da biodiversidade que os cerca. O curso foi executado em várias etapas: abordagem do tema, conceitos referentes à química e óleos vegetais, normas de segurança em laboratório, vidrarias e suas funções seguida de uma sequência de atividades práticas correlatas, como: coletas de material, métodos de extração de óleos vegetais, métodos cromatográficos e reacionais. O curso proporcionou a integração dos alunos com o ambiente de pesquisa na Universidade Federal de Roraima - UFRR e a vivência na prática dos conceitos e teorias

    Morphological evaluation of intestinal epithelial cells infected with toxoplasma gondii: Avaliação morfológica de células do epitelial intestinal infectadas com toxoplasma gondii

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    Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by intracellular obligate protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii. And it can be obtained mainly through the oral route, through the ingestion of oocysts or tissue cysts. For this reason, the intestinal epithelium is a cellular model that makes it possible to study the first line of defense against this type of infection. After infection, the protozoan invades intestinal cells, changing the physiology and functions of the intestinal epithelial barrier. In view of this, we analyzed the morphological changes and the microenvironment, in vitro, which are modified in the intestinal epithelial cell during the process of infection and evasion of Toxoplasma gondii