219 research outputs found

    Methods of increasing the productivity of various varieties and hybrids of variegated alfalfa in the conditions of arable farming biologization

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    Two-year studies of variegated alfalfa (Medicago varia Mart.) of the following varieties and hybrids were carried out: Pastbischnaya 88, Taisia, Agnia VIC, 506 and SGP, as well as observations of their reaction to inoculation. Strains of nodule bacteria Sinorhizobium meliloti were used as inoculants: SHM1-105, 415, A-1, A-5, and a control variant without inoculation. As a result of research, it was revealed that the minimum length of stems in 2021 was fixed in the Pastbischnaya 88 + 415 variant, and amounted to 12.5 cm, in 2022 — Taisia with A1 and SHM1-105, 8.8 cm each. The maximum length of stems in 2021 was marked by a hybrid 506 in a combination of A1 and SHM1-105 strains, the indicator was 40.4 and 40.3, respectively, in 2022 — Agnia VIC + A5, 28 cm. In 2021, the Pastbischnaya 88 variety with the strain SHM1-105 turned out to be the most competitive, its share prevailed over the unseeded admixture, and reached 54.8%, in 2022 variant Agnia VIC + 415 was distinguished with this indicator, with a mass fraction of 65.45%. The positive effect of inoculation was revealed, the best symbiotic varietal microbial systems were determined. The strain of nodule bacteria 415 is marked by a complex effect on all varieties of variegated alfalfa. According to the yield of dry weight (3.3 t/ha on average), the Taisia variety and the SGP hybrid were distinguished

    After Kosovo: a political science symposium - perspectives from Southern Italy

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    "Im Mai 1999 veranstalteten eine Gruppe von Forschern und Kursteilnehmern des Arbeitsbereiches Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie einige Kollegen aus anderen Ländern zum dritten Mal ein Symposium im malerischen Dorf Positano (Süditalien). Auf der Tagesordnung beim diesjährigen Treffen stand das für einen Politikwissenschaftler vorrangige Thema jener Wochen: die militärischen, politischen und kulturellen Geschehnisse im Kosovo. Die Teilnehmer überdachten 15 Fragen hinsichtlich der Kosovo-Krise, oder genauer, die Konsequenzen jener Geschehnisse für die politische Wissenschaft. Das Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, die spontanen Gedanken zu diesen Fragen aufzuzeichnen. Trotz unterschiedlicher Meinungen und Erklärungsansätze gelang es den Teilnehmern, die wesentlichen Konsequenzen aus diesem Konflikt, der viel mehr war als eine Balkan-Krise, herauszuarbeiten. So muß die politische Rolle der deutschen und russischen Akteure neu überdacht werden. Das Möglichkeit militärischer Missionen und die Option für westlichen Gesellschaften, einen Krieg zu führen, müssen neu bewertet werden. Sowohl der sogenannte neue internationale Auftrag als auch die veränderte Rolle der UNO sowie das westfälische Prinzip der Staatensouveränität müssen neu diskutiert werden. Der vielleicht interessanteste Aspekt ist die Frage nach der politischen Improvisation sowie die Frage nach virtuellen Politiken und das Fehlen einer politischen Agenda." (Textauszug)"In May 1999, a group of researchers and students from the Department of Political and Social Sciences and some colleagues from other countries got together for the third time in the picturesque Campanian village of Positano. The context of this year's meeting, the public discussions made it unavoidable to take up the most urgent subject for political scientists in those weeks: the military, political and cultural events in and around Kosovo. The participants got some 15 questions regarding the Kosovo crisis or rather, more exactly, regarding possible consequences of the events for political science. The aim of this paper, however, was to preserve the spontaneous character of the original inputs. While stressing different aspects and advancing various explanations, most participants of Horizons 1999 agreed in a remarkable way on some fundamental consequences of this conflict which was much more than a Balkan crisis. German and Russian actors' role and impact have to be reassessed. The future potential of military missions and the capability of Western societies to wage war must be re-evaluated. The so-called new international order -or disorder- is to be discussed, as well as the changing role of the UN and the Westphalian principle of sovereignty. The possibly most interesting aspects may be related to the questions of adhocism, virtual politics and missing agendas, possibly leading towards a new conception of agency." (extract

    Machine Learning Approach Application for High-voltage Instrument Transformers Technical State Assessment

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    This paper describes the possibilities of machine learning application in the tasks of technical state assessment of high-voltage instrument transformers. An analytical review of modern systems for technical state assessment of high-voltage equipment is presented, their advantages and disadvantages are described. A mathematical model of an automated system for assessing the high-voltage instrument current and voltage transformers based on gradient boosting over decision trees has been developed. The efficiency of the developed solution is proved using the example of analysis of a real distribution zone, which allows identifying the state of instrument transformers with an accuracy of 84%

    Rare earth elements materials production from apatite ores

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    The paper deals with the study of processing apatite ores with nitric acid and extraction of the rare earth elements. The rare earth elements can be successfully separated and recovered by extraction from the nitrate- phosphate solution, being an tributyl phosphate as extraction agent. The developed scheme of the processing apatite concentrate provides obtaining rare earth concentrates with high qualitative characteristics

    Extraction of rare earth elements from hydrate-phosphate precipitates of apatite processing

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    The features of extraction of rare earth elements (REE) were considered from hydrate-phosphate precipitates of REE of apatite processing by nitric acid technology. The preliminary purification of nitrate solution of REE from impurities of titanium, aluminum, iron, uranium and thorium was suggested to obtain stable solutions not forming precipitates. Washing the extract was recommended with the evaporated reextract that allows to obtain directly on the cascade of REE extraction the concentrated solutions suitable for the separation into groups by the extraction method. Technical decisions were suggested for the separation of REE in groups without the use of salting-out agent


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    Horse breeding is one of the rapidly developing branches of animal husbandry in Yakutia. Horses of the Yakut breed are only type of farm animals that are kept year-round in harsh conditions of the sharply continental climate of Yakutia. In winter, animals experience a significant lack of nutrients and minerals. This is due to fact that basic diet consists of natural feed winter pasture and hay. Therefore, the goal was to study the effect of complex feed additives from local natural raw materials on the change in live weight and biochemical composition of the blood of animals. This study used standard animal research methods. The use of non-traditional feed additives in feeding of horses contributed to an increase in the supply of nutrients and minerals to the rations. Improving feeding conditions affected the live weight of horses (live weight loss was 5.75 % и 5.45 %). The change caused by inclusion of non-traditional feed additives in the diets of horses had a positive effect on the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood animals. In horses from the experimental groups, an increase was found in the blood in total protein by 0.50 % and 0.30 %, albumin by 0.36 and 0.20 %, globulin by 0.13 and 0.10 %, hemoglobin by 2.91 and 1.33 %, calcium by 3.56 and 1.29%, phosphorus by 5.71 and 1.90 %. Thus, use of experimental non-traditional feed additives in feeding horses in winter contributes to the best preservation of live weight. This is due to the improvement of mineral and vitamin nutrition in a difficult period of deficiency of macro- and microelements, vitamins in the diets of horses. This improves metabolism, which is reflected in the morphological and biochemical composition of blood of horses

    Hydride-dehydride fine zirconium powders for pyrotechnics

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    In this paper, the possibility of obtaining fine zirconium powders by the hydrogenationdehydrogenation method is studied. The main parameters of the technological process that allow obtaining fine zirconium powders for pyrotechnics are determined. Hydrogenation and dehydrogenation of the samples are carried out in a rotating quartz tube placed in a furnace at temperatures of 380◦C and 850◦C, respectively. Zirconium hydride is milled using tungsten carbide balls to eliminate the presence of impurities. Thus it is possible to obtain a fine zirconium powder with a number-average particle size of 4.527 +- 2.650 Um and a specific surface area of 0.231 m2/g from the initial electrolytic zirconium powder with a number-average particle size of 220 Um and a specific surface area < 0.1 m2/g. The allowed relative error of measuring the specific surface area is +- 5%. Hence it is possible to reduce the particle size of zirconium powder by 54.6 times without changing the composition

    Ethylene supports colonization of plant roots by the mutualistic fungus Piriformospora indica

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    The mutualistic basidiomycete Piriformospora indica colonizes roots of mono- and dicotyledonous plants, and thereby improves plant health and yield. Given the capability of P. indica to colonize a broad range of hosts, it must be anticipated that the fungus has evolved efficient strategies to overcome plant immunity and to establish a proper environment for nutrient acquisition and reproduction. Global gene expression studies in barley identified various ethylene synthesis and signaling components that were differentially regulated in P. indica-colonized roots. Based on these findings we examined the impact of ethylene in the symbiotic association. The data presented here suggest that P. indica induces ethylene synthesis in barley and Arabidopsis roots during colonization. Moreover, impaired ethylene signaling resulted in reduced root colonization, Arabidopsis mutants exhibiting constitutive ethylene signaling, -synthesis or ethylene-related defense were hyper-susceptible to P. indica. Our data suggest that ethylene signaling is required for symbiotic root colonization by P. indica

    Designing with biosignals: Challenges, opportunities, and future directions for integrating physiological signals in human-computer interaction

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    Biosensing technologies are a rapidly increasing presence in our daily lives. These sensor-based technologies measure physiological processes including heart rate, breathing, skin conductance, brain activity and more. Researchers are exploring biosensing from perspectives including: engineering, human-computer interaction, medicine, mental health, consumer products, and interactive art. These technologies can enhance our interactions allowing connection to our bodies and others around us across diverse application areas. However, designing with biosignals in Human-Computer Interaction presents new challenges pertaining to User Experience, Input/Output, interpretation of signals, representation, and ethics. There is an urgent need to build a scholarly community that includes the diverse perspectives of researchers, designers, industry practitioners and policymakers. The goal of this workshop is to leverage the knowledge of this community aiming to map out the research landscape of emerging challenges and opportunities, and to build a research agenda for future directions