3,384 research outputs found

    The IAB establishment panel : from sample to survey to projection

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    "The IAB Establishment Panel is an annual survey of establishments and is unique in Germany, as it represents all industries and establishment sizes nationwide and can also be analysed on a longitudinal basis. The design of the IAB Establishment Panel was developed in the early 1990s and subjected to a wide range of tests. This process also involved parallel development activities taking place on the Hannover Firm Panel, which were carried out on behalf of the "Forschungsstelle Firmenpanel" at the University of Hanover (Gerlach et al.: 1998) and the Institute for Applied Economic Research in Tübingen (IAW). The survey began in West Germany in 1993, with the aim of building up a representative information system for continuous analysis of labour demand. It has been carried out in East Germany since 1996, making it a nationwide survey. The IAB Establishment Panel is conceived as a longitudinal survey, i.e. a large majority of the same establishments are interviewed every year. Consequently, it enables both analysis of developments across time through comparison of cross-sectional data on different points in time, and also longitudinal studies of individual establishments. Now in the IAB Establishment Panel approx. 16,000 establishments are surveyed on a large number of employment policy-related subjects, including employment development, business policy and business development, investment activities, innovations in the establishment, public funding, personnel structure, vocational training and apprenticeships, new and exiting personnel, recruitment, wages and salaries, working times in the establishment, further training and general data on the establishment. The survey also includes varying focal topics every year. With the exception of Hamburg, all the German federal states (Bundesländer) currently contribute regional extension samples to the IAB Establishment Panel. This firstly enables evaluations on the federal state level, and secondly results in a total range of samples that significantly widens the evaluation options on the nationwide level. The IAB Establishment Panel contains high data quality, achieved by means of the high-quality sample, the high exploitation level and the sophisticated process of data monitoring and error correction. The survey is carried out by TNS Infratest Sozialforschung GmbH on behalf of the IAB. A general introduction to the IAB Establishment Panel is contained in German in Bellmann (2002) or in English in Kölling (2000). The IAB Establishment Panel is based on a complex study design, which also presents challenges for users of the dataset. This paper provides an overview of the methodology of the IAB Establishment Panel. It goes into detail on the design of the samples and survey, the weighting process, and data access at the Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). The most important points are presented at the beginning of each chapter. It is intended for users of the IAB Establishment Panel, firstly as a collection of methodological aspects of the IAB Establishment Panel, and secondly to make it easier for first-time users in particular to start using the data. This paper is also aimed at users of the IAB Linked-Employer-Employee Dataset (LIAB1), in which the IAB Establishment Panel is an important component." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en)) Additional Information Here you can find the German version of the report.IAB-Betriebspanel, Datengewinnung, Stichprobenverfahren, Stichprobe, Erhebungsmethode, Befragung, Fragebogen, Antwortverhalten, Datenaufbereitung, Datenanalyse, Hochrechnung, Querschnittuntersuchung, Längsschnittuntersuchung

    Regulation of mRNA Decay by Puf Proteins is Dependent on Environmental Conditions

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    The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell contains the genetic code within DNA that directs growth and function of the cell. The genes contained in DNA make copies of themselves called RNAs, which are molecules able to leave the nucleus and direct protein synthesis. Over- or under-production of any one protein can cause cell malfunction and disease. Regulation of RNA lifespan is one method to ensure proper protein production. The Puf family of RNA-binding proteins regulate mRNA lifespans by controlling the rate of mRNA decay. More specifically, Puf proteins stimulate the removal of the poly(A) tails of mRNAs, which results in translational inhibition of the mRNA into protein and leads to complete mRNA degradation. In yeast, the Puf3 protein (Puf3p) regulates hundreds of mRNAs that encode proteins necessary for mitochondrial function. The ability of Puf3p to regulate mRNA decay is altered by the type of sugar source present. Puf3p is turned “on” in the presence of galactose and “off” in dextrose. The goal of this study was to analyze the effects of mutations in a component of the RNA decay machinery (Pop2p) that is required for condition-specific Puf3-mediated decay stimulation. The mutational effects were tested on both an mRNA normally targeted for degradation by Puf3p (COX17) and a control mRNA not targeted for decay (CBS1). Transcriptional shut-offs were performed to examine the decay rate of pooled mRNA following inhibition of mRNA production. When the temperature sensitive yeast cells are heatshocked, new mRNA production is turned off and the existing mRNAs begin to decay over time. If the Pop2p mutations affect the decay rate of COX17 only, a regulation mechanism specific to Puf3-mediated decay is indicated. If both COX17 and CBS1 decay rates are affected, a global RNA-decay control mechanism is indicate

    The Road Home Program: An Efficient Model of PTSD Treatment in Veterans

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    This thesis details my experiences at Rush University’s Road Home Program during the summer of 2021. The Road Home Program is an intensive treatment program for veterans suffering from PTSD. It is unique from conventional PTSD treatments in that it provides the equivalent of six months of treatment in just two weeks. The Road Home Program approaches PTSD in a comprehensive way by implementing a variety of therapies and supplemental treatments to veterans. These therapies include Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Mindfulness Based Resiliency Training (MBRT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and Art Therapy. The supplemental treatments include cognitive seminars, acupuncture, and individual consultations with clinicians. During the summer of 2021 I watched the drastic change that occurred in veterans as they journeyed through the Road Home Program. At the end of two weeks, veterans experienced less intense PTSD symptoms as well as symptoms of comorbidities such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation. Some of these veterans no longer met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD upon treatment completion. In addition, there has been research, done by the Road Home Program, that supports that these effects are retained up to a year after treatment (Held et al., 2020). I was inspired by the Road Home Program and how drastically it changed veterans’ lives in such a short amount of time. Moreover, my goal in writing this thesis is to share with others the hope and potential that exists for veterans at The Road Home Program. I argue that greater consideration and research be allocated towards intensive treatment programs such as the Road Home Program. Most veterans who attend the Road Home Program attest that it saved their lives and as such, this program merits greater consideration from the PTSD treating community in America. 1.Held, P., Zalta, A.K., Smith, D.L., Bagley, J.M., Steigerwald, V.L., Boley, R.A., Miller, M., Brennan, M.B., Van Horn, R., & Pollack, M.H. (2020). Maintenance of treatment gains up to 12-months following a three-week cognitive processing therapy-based intensive PTSD treatment programme for veterans. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 11(1), doi: 10.1080/20008198.2020.178932

    Das IAB-Betriebspanel - von der Stichprobe ĂĽber die Erhebung bis zur Hochrechnung

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    "Das IAB-Betriebspanel ist eine für Deutschland einzigartige, jährliche Betriebsbefragung, da sie bundesweit alle Branchen und Betriebsgrößen repräsentiert und auch im Längsschnitt ausgewertet werden kann. Mittlerweile werden knapp 16.000 Betriebe zu einer Vielzahl beschäftigungspolitischer Themen befragt. Das IAB-Betriebspanel basiert auf einem komplexen Studiendesign, das auch die Nutzer und Nutzerinnen des Datensatzes vor Herausforderungen stellt. Mit diesem Papier wird ein Überblick über die methodischen Besonderheiten des IAB-Betriebspanels gegeben. Im Einzelnen wird detaillierter auf das Stichproben- und Erhebungsdesign, die Hochrechnung und den Datenzugang im Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ) der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) am Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) eingegangen. Die wichtigsten Punkte der einzelnen Kapitel werden jeweils zu Beginn vorgestellt. Den Nutzerinnen und Nutzern des IAB-Betriebspanels soll es zum einen als Sammlung von methodischen Aspekten des IAB-Betriebspanel dienen und zum anderen insbesondere für Erstnutzer und Erstnurtzerinnen den Einstieg in die Datennutzung erleichtern. Dieses Papier richtet sich ebenso an die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer der Linked-Employer-Employee Daten des IAB (LIAB1), für die das IAB-Betriebspanel einen wichtigen Bestandteil darstellt." (Autorenreferat, IAB-Doku) Additional Information Hier finden Sie die englische Version des Reports.IAB-Betriebspanel, Datengewinnung, Stichprobenverfahren, Stichprobe, Erhebungsmethode, Befragung, Fragebogen, Antwortverhalten, Datenaufbereitung, Datenanalyse, Hochrechnung, Querschnittuntersuchung, Längsschnittuntersuchung

    Remote object interaction

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    Da ein Haushalt heutzutage viele elektronische Geräte umfasst, liegt die Idee einer universalen Fernbedienung besonders im Entertainmentbereich nahe. Durch die weite Verbreitung von Smartphones ist es möglich eine Interaktionsmöglichkeit kostengünstig zu realisieren. Diese Ausarbeitung beschäftigt sich mit der Auswahl und Bedienung von Geräten mit Hilfe von Smartphones. Stehen mehrere Geräte zur Auswahl, muss zunächst entschieden werden, mit welchem interagiert werden möchte. Dafür wurden verschiedene Techniken untersucht: reine Listenauswahl, die Verwendung des Kompasssensores und ein Kamerasystem mit Infrarotkameras. Mit den unterschiedlichen Techniken kommen auch verschiedene Arten der Definition hinzu, die ebenfalls berücksichtigt wurden. Bei Kompass und Kamerasystem wird das Gerät, mit dem interagiert werden soll, durch Richtungsauswahl bestimmt, bei der Listenauswahl werden alle im Raum befindlichen Geräte angeboten. Durch die einfache und robuste Steuerung hat sich die Listenauswahl im durchgeführten Experiment als beste Lösung erwiesen.Since a household nowadays includes many electronic devices the idea of a universal remote control arises, especially in the entertainment field. Due to the wide spread of smartphones, it is possible to realize a universal control economically. This paper deals with the selection and operation of devices with the help of smart phones. If there are several devices available, you must first choose the one you want to interact with. Therefore, various techniques have been compared: pure list selection, use of the compass sensor and a camera system with infrared cameras. With the different techniques different types of definitions come along, which have been considered as well. Using compass and camera system, the device being interacted with is determined by the direction you point to, whereas the selection list will offer all devices of the current room. The evaluation of the conducted experiment shows that the simple and robust control of the list selection is the best solution

    Comparative analysis of partnership case studies (draft)

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    This detailed report is a comparison of findings from six case studies conducted among the larger IDRC partnerships with various donors, in different regions, based on themes that reflect the diversity of IDRC Programming Areas. Each of the case studies explores factors that influence partnership effectiveness. The comparison aims to strengthen IDRC knowledge base on donor partnering
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