20 research outputs found

    On the possibility to fabricate ceramics using fused deposition modeling

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    The paper presents a uniquely designed device that enables controlled manufacturing of semi-fabricated products from thermoplastic ceramic suspensions by fused deposition modeling. Sintering of the products yields ceramics with high strength and hardness. We use ceramic aluminum oxide (Al2O3) as an example to prove that additive ceramic structures can be produced without noticeable boundaries between layers of the material

    Возрастная динамика нормальных древостоев ольхи серой в таежной зоне северо-востока европейской части России

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    Для организации, планирования и ведения лесного хозяйства на научной основе в насаждениях с преобладанием и участием ольхи серой (Alnus incana (L.) Moench), сформировавшихся в условиях таежной зоны, необходимы достоверные данные о строении, росте и продуктивности древостоев. В настоящее время ощущается острая необходимость в разработке таблиц хода роста для насаждений ольхи серой, так как площади, занятые этой породой, значительно увеличились в результате зарастания заброшенных сельскохозяйственных угодий. Разработка единой системы нормативных и справочных материалов для учета количества, оценки состояния и объема использования насаждений ольхи серой на Европейском Севере России является важной и актуальной задачей. Таблицы хода роста для нормальных древостоев ольхи серой в таежной зоне северо-востока европейской части России ранее не разрабатывались. Цель данного исследования – изучение возрастной динамики нормальных древостоев ольхи серой и составление таблиц хода роста. Использованы 193 модельных дерева ольхи серой, а также данные 175 пробных площадей. Полнота – 1,0. Получены уравнения для определения средней высоты, диаметра и запаса насаждений по классам бонитета. На основе уравнений разработаны таблицы хода роста нормальных древостоев по классам бонитета. Предложенные таблицы будут способствовать повышению точности таксации лесов, дадут возможность объективно оценить лесосырьевые ресурсы наиболее представленных древостоев, прогнозировать их рост при выполнении комплекса работ по охране, защите и воспроизводству лесных ресурсов, повышению экологических функций леса, а также контролировать ведение хозяйства в древостоях. Для цитирования: Третьяков С.В., Коптев С.В., Карабан А.А., Парамонов А.А., Давыдов А.В. Возрастная динамика нормальных древостоев ольхи серой в таежной зоне северо-востока европейской части России // Изв. вузов. Лесн. журн. 2023. № 6. С. 70–80. https://doi.org/10.37482/0536-1036-2023-6-70-8

    Value Orientation “Patriotism”: Essence, Content, and Assessment

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    Background. In the modern historical period, taking into account the current military-political situation, the actualization of the idea of patriotism as a comprehensive element of spiritual integrity of people is a condition for the preservation of Russia as an independent and unified state. The analysis of Russian and foreign scientific literature as well as of regulatory legal documents has shown the absence of a unified approach to the essence and content of the value orientation “patriotism”. There was also no tool for assessing the level of value orientation “patriotism” found. Objective. The article focuses on the development of a theoretical model of the value orientation “patriotism” and a methodology for assessing the level of its formation. Sample. 1600 citizens of the Russian Federation took part in the empirical study. Methods. The study was conducted with an expert survey, focus groups and a sociological survey. Results. The ANOVA by Kraskel — Wallis showed the validity of the developed methodology for assessing the value orientation of “patriotism” and the absence of statistically significant differences when using it on different sample populations. Conclusion. The article reveals the essence and content of the value orientation “patriotism”, develops and substantiates its theoretical model, which includes 8 components, as well as means of formation and levels of manifestation. In addition, the study developed and successfully tested a methodology for assessing the level of development of the value orientation “patriotism”

    Roadmap on metasurfaces

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    ABSTRACT: Metasurfaces are thin two-dimensional metamaterial layers that allow or inhibit the propagation of electromagnetic waves in desired directions. For example, metasurfaces have been demonstrated to produce unusual scattering properties of incident plane waves or to guide and modulate surface waves to obtain desired radiation properties. These properties have been employed, for example, to create innovative wireless receivers and transmitters. In addition, metasurfaces have recently been proposed to confine electromagnetic waves, thereby avoiding undesired leakage of energy and increasing the overall efficiency of electromagnetic instruments and devices. The main advantages of metasurfaces with respect to the existing conventional technology include their low cost, low level of absorption in comparison with bulky metamaterials, and easy integration due to their thin profile. Due to these advantages, they are promising candidates for real-world solutions to overcome the challenges posed by the next generation of transmitters and receivers of future high-rate communication systems that require highly precise and efficient antennas, sensors, active components, filters, and integrated technologies. This Roadmap is aimed at binding together the experiences of prominent researchers in the field of metasurfaces, from which explanations for the physics behind the extraordinary properties of these structures shall be provided from viewpoints of diverse theoretical backgrounds. Other goals of this endeavour are to underline the advantages and limitations of metasurfaces, as well as to lay out guidelines for their use in present and future electromagnetic devices. This Roadmap is divided into five sections: 1. Metasurface based antennas. In the last few years, metasurfaces have shown possibilities for advanced manipulations of electromagnetic waves, opening new frontiers in the design of antennas. In this section, the authors explain how metasurfaces can be employed to tailor the radiation properties of antennas, their remarkable advantages in comparison with conventional antennas, and the future challenges to be solved. 2. Optical metasurfaces. Although many of the present demonstrators operate in the microwave regime, due either to the reduced cost of manufacturing and testing or to satisfy the interest of the communications or aerospace industries, part of the potential use of metasurfaces is found in the optical regime. In this section, the authors summarize the classical applications and explain new possibilities for optical metasurfaces, such as the generation of superoscillatory fields and energy harvesters. 3. Reconfigurable and active metasurfaces. Dynamic metasurfaces are promising new platforms for 5G communications, remote sensing and radar applications. By the insertion of active elements, metasurfaces can break the fundamental limitations of passive and static systems. In this section, we have contributions that describe the challenges and potential uses of active components in metasurfaces, including new studies on non-Foster, parity-time symmetric, and non-reciprocal metasurfaces. 4. Metasurfaces with higher symmetries. Recent studies have demonstrated that the properties of metasurfaces are influenced by the symmetries of their constituent elements. Therefore, by controlling the properties of these constitutive elements and their arrangement, one can control the way in which the waves interact with the metasurface. In this section, the authors analyze the possibilities of combining more than one layer of metasurface, creating a higher symmetry, increasing the operational bandwidth of flat lenses, or producing cost-effective electromagnetic bandgaps. 5. Numerical and analytical modelling of metasurfaces. In most occasions, metasurfaces are electrically large objects, which cannot be simulated with conventional software. Modelling tools that allow the engineering of the metasurface properties to get the desired response are essential in the design of practical electromagnetic devices. This section includes the recent advances and future challenges in three groups of techniques that are broadly used to analyze and synthesize metasurfaces: circuit models, analytical solutions and computational methods

    Развитие расширенной структуры фундаментальных взаимодействий

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    The experimental observations, carried out by the independent authors, prove the existence of the nonelectromagnetic phenomena, which cannot be perceived on the base of the known fundamental interactions structure. We have to point out the known structure shortcoming which is the absence of the symmetry. The improved fundamental interactions structure has the symmetrical form and includes the places for the observed nonelectromagnetic phenomena. We have obtained the fundamental notions base for the integrated science formation and the new technological means construction.Экспериментальные наблюдения, проведенные независимыми авторами, доказывают существование неэлектромагнитных феноменов, которые не могут быть поняты на основе известной структуры фундаментальных взаимодействий. Необходимо подчеркнуть, что недостатком известной структуры является отсутствие симметрии. Расширенная структура фундаментальных взаимодействий обладает симметричной формой и в ней находят свое место наблюдаемые неэлектромагнитные феномены. Нами получены фундаментальные основания для формирования интегральной науки и новых технологий

    On the possibility to fabricate ceramics using fused deposition modeling

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    The paper presents a uniquely designed device that enables controlled manufacturing of semi-fabricated products from thermoplastic ceramic suspensions by fused deposition modeling. Sintering of the products yields ceramics with high strength and hardness. We use ceramic aluminum oxide (Al2O3) as an example to prove that additive ceramic structures can be produced without noticeable boundaries between layers of the material