17 research outputs found

    Анализ развития и регулирования криптовалют: зарубежный и российский опыт

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    Purpose: carrying out the analysis of the regulation of the crypto-currency, its legal provisions and risks, which will allow us to study this phenomenon more deeply for the purpose of Russia's financial security in the modern world financial system, taking into account the essence of the nature of the crypto-currency. Methods: when studying the role of state regulation of electronic money (crypto-currency), a dialectical method of scientific cognition was applied. Calculating and analytical methods of observing, measuring, analyzing and comparing indicators characterizing the state regulation of crypto-currencies in the Russian Federation, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to use and regulate crypto currency. Results: the authors conducted the analysis of the crypto-currency market, studied the experience and peculiarities of the state regulation of the crypto-currencies, examined and proposed strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to use and regulate crypto-currencies. Conclusions and Relevance: in the process of studying the experience of regulating crypto currency in foreign countries, we found some similar features. First, each country seeks to create a favorable climate for the development of new technologies (detached) and sees a high potential for using technology not only in the private sector, but also in the public sector. Secondly, the crypto-currency market is growing at a high pace, and the state, without adapting the tax code to the modern challenges of the digital economy, receives less revenue in the budget, since the crypto-currencies are out of legal jurisdiction. Thirdly, today there are more than 1 thousand different crypto-currencies, therefore, it is necessary to develop common standards for the regulation of crypto-currencies. Цель: Проведение анализа регулирования криптовалют, его правового обеспечения и рисков, что позволит более глубоко исследовать данный феномен в целях финансовой безопасности России в современной мировой финансовой системе, учитывая сущность природы криптовалют. Методология проведения работы: При исследовании роли государственного регулирования электронных денег (криптовалют) был применен диалектический метод научного познания. Также использованы расчетно-аналитические методы наблюдения, измерения, анализа и сравнения показателей, характеризующих государственное регулирование криптовалют в Российской Федерации, сильные и слабые стороны, возможности и угроз использования и регулирования криптовалют. Результаты работы: Авторами проведен анализ рынка криптовалют, изучен опыт и особенности государственного регулирования криптовалют, рассмотрены и предложены сильные и слабые стороны, возможности и угрозы использования и регулирования криптовалют. Выводы: В процессе исследования опыта регулирования криптовалют в зарубежных странах мы нашли некие схожие черты. Во-первых, каждая страна стремится создать благоприятный климат развития новейших технологий (блокчейн) и видит высокий потенциал использования технологии не только в частном, но и государственном секторе. Во-вторых, рынок криптовалют растет высокими темпами, и государство, не адаптировав налоговый кодекс под современные вызовы цифровой экономики, недополучает доходы в бюджет, так как криптовалюты находятся вне правовой юрисдикции. В-третьих, на сегодняшний день насчитывается более 1 тысячи различных криптовалют, следовательно, необходимо разработать единые стандарты регулирования криптовалют.

    Magnetic phenomena in co-containing layered double hydroxides

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    Magnetic behavior of CoII(n)AlIII layered double hydroxides (LDHs) (n=Co/Al=2 and 3) intercalated with nitrate was studied as a function of temperature. Both LDH compounds are paramagnetic above about 8K. A rapid increase of their magnetic moments occurs below this temperature until the moments reach the maximum values at Tmax of 4.0K and 3.2K for Co(2)Al-NO3 and Co(3)Al-NO3, respectively. Below Tmax, the zero-field-cooled and the field-cooled static magnetization curves are strongly different. Along with this low-temperature phenomena, Co(2)Al-NO3 and Co(3)Al-NO3 demonstrate anomalous behavior of their temperature dependence magnetic susceptibility in a highertemperature range: between 75 and 175K, both the paramagnetic Curie temperature and the effective magnetic moment change in a non-monotonous way. Possible structural reasons of the observed magnetic behavior of the CoII(n)AlIII LDHs are discussed.publishe

    Methodological Approach to Determining Labor Consumption to Perform Scientific-Research Work

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    Currently organizations of the military-industrial complex do not possess adequate methodological means to draw up an educated position in order to coordinate the labor-output ratio with the experts of the military representative office of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The military product pricing should be carried out by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 612 “On introduction of changes in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 804, 1995/11/08” dated 2014/03/07. The aim of the research conducted by the authors is to inform all interested parties about the new methodological approach, the practical application of which provides the more valid basis to assess the labor consumption of conducting scientific research and increase the accuracy of estimated price of research and development work. In order to ensure the practical application of methodological approach the following tasks are solved: analysis of currently available publications on the subject and justification of the need to improve the existing methodological tools; description of the essence and contents of the approach; constructing analytical dependences to computerize the calculation the labor-output ratio, and developing the structure for input database. To develop the methodological approach the authors use the method of systemic analysis of scientific product creating process. This method assumes that the scientific research is represented as a combination of tasks and subtasks of different level of the research decomposition and actions to solve them and is used together with a balance method involving the labor resources allocation between tasks and subtasks. The proposed methodological approach is based on the analysis of the authors’ experience gained in the course of preparation and application of methodological guidelines to form the state contract initial price and of giving an opinion on the estimated prices by NPO “Basalt” economic planning experts. The above approach is going to be applied by NPO “Basalt” to plan the labor consumption when conducting scientific research and to form an expert opinion on pricing scientific product by the military representative office of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

    Dynamic and Static Mechanical Properties of Crosslinked Polymer Matrices: Multiscale Simulations and Experiments

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    We studied the static and dynamic mechanical properties of crosslinked polymer matrices using multiscale simulations and experiments. We continued to develop the multiscale methodology for generating atomistic polymer networks, and applied it to the case of phthalonitrile resin. The mechanical properties of the resulting networks were analyzed using atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) and dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). The Young’s and storage moduli increased with conversion, due both to the appearance of a network of covalent bonds, and to freezing of degrees of freedom and lowering of the glass transition temperature during crosslinking. The simulations’ data showed good quantitative agreement with experimental dynamic mechanical analysis measurements at temperatures below the glass transition. The data obtained in MD and DPD simulations at elevated temperatures were conformable. This makes it possible to use the suggested approach for the prediction of mechanical properties of a broad range of polymer matrices, including ones with high structural heterogeneity

    Analysis of the Development and Regulation of Crypto-currency: Foreign and Russian Experience

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    Purpose: carrying out the analysis of the regulation of the crypto-currency, its legal provisions and risks, which will allow us to study this phenomenon more deeply for the purpose of Russia's financial security in the modern world financial system, taking into account the essence of the nature of the crypto-currency. Methods: when studying the role of state regulation of electronic money (crypto-currency), a dialectical method of scientific cognition was applied. Calculating and analytical methods of observing, measuring, analyzing and comparing indicators characterizing the state regulation of crypto-currencies in the Russian Federation, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to use and regulate crypto currency. Results: the authors conducted the analysis of the crypto-currency market, studied the experience and peculiarities of the state regulation of the crypto-currencies, examined and proposed strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to use and regulate crypto-currencies. Conclusions and Relevance: in the process of studying the experience of regulating crypto currency in foreign countries, we found some similar features. First, each country seeks to create a favorable climate for the development of new technologies (detached) and sees a high potential for using technology not only in the private sector, but also in the public sector. Secondly, the crypto-currency market is growing at a high pace, and the state, without adapting the tax code to the modern challenges of the digital economy, receives less revenue in the budget, since the crypto-currencies are out of legal jurisdiction. Thirdly, today there are more than 1 thousand different crypto-currencies, therefore, it is necessary to develop common standards for the regulation of crypto-currencies

    Ultralow temperature cryoablation using near-critical nitrogen for cavotricuspid isthmus-ablation, first-in-human results

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    Introduction: Cryoablation has evolved as a safe alternative to radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of several supraventricular arrhythmias and has potential advantages, yet is limited by the properties of the cryogen used. We investigated a novel ultralow temperature cryoablation (ULTC) system using nitrogen near its liquid-vapor critical point as a freezing source, achieving temperatures as low as -196 degrees Celsius in a long linear catheter with a continuous energy release. Initial safety, procedural and efficacy outcomes of ULTC are described in patients undergoing cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) ablation. Methods and Results: The Cryocure studies (NCT02355106, NCT02839304) are prospective, single-arm, multi-center, first-in-human clinical studies in 17 patients with atrial flutter (AFL) and 13 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). A total of 30 patients, mean age 65 ± 8 years old and 67% male, were enrolled and underwent ablation of the CTI. Acute success, defined as the confirmation of stable bidirectional conduction block across the CTI, was achieved in all 30 patients. After 12 months of follow-up, 14 out of 17 AFL patients remained free from any AFL. One (3.3%) procedure-related but not device-related serious adverse event was reported, involving transient inferolateral ST-elevation associated with temporary AV conduction block. Conclusion: In this first-in-human clinical study the safety and performance results demonstrate the capabilities of ultralow temperature near-critical nitrogen as an effective energy source for CTI ablation. Ongoing, larger, studies should confirm our findings and evaluate the capabilities to create linear and focal transmural lesions in other arrhythmias

    PeptoGrid—Rescoring Function for AutoDock Vina to Identify New Bioactive Molecules from Short Peptide Libraries

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    Peptides are promising drug candidates due to high specificity and standout safety. Identification of bioactive peptides de novo using molecular docking is a widely used approach. However, current scoring functions are poorly optimized for peptide ligands. In this work, we present a novel algorithm PeptoGrid that rescores poses predicted by AutoDock Vina according to frequency information of ligand atoms with particular properties appearing at different positions in the target protein’s ligand binding site. We explored the relevance of PeptoGrid ranking with a virtual screening of peptide libraries using angiotensin-converting enzyme and GABAB receptor as targets. A reasonable agreement between the computational and experimental data suggests that PeptoGrid is suitable for discovering functional leads

    Polyaniline Modified CNTs and Graphene Nanocomposite for Removal of Lead and Zinc Metal Ions: Kinetics, Thermodynamics and Desorption Studies

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    A novel polyaniline-modified CNT and graphene-based nanocomposite (2.32–7.34 nm) was prepared and characterized by spectroscopic methods. The specific surface area was 176 m2/g with 0.232 cm3/g as the specific pore volume. The nanocomposite was used to remove zinc and lead metal ions from water; showing a high removal capacity of 346 and 581 mg/g at pH 6.5. The data followed pseudo-second-order, intraparticle diffusion and Elovich models. Besides this, the experimental values obeyed Langmuir and Temkin isotherms. The results confirmed that the removal of lead and zinc ions occurred in a mixed mode, that is, diffusion absorption and ion exchange between the heterogeneous surface of the sorbent containing active adsorption centers and the solution containing metal ions. The enthalpy values were 149.9 and 158.6 J.mol−1K−1 for zinc and lead metal ions. The negative values of free energies were in the range of −4.97 to −26.3 kJ/mol. These values indicated an endothermic spontaneous removal of metal ions from water. The reported method is useful to remove the zinc and lead metal ions in any water body due to the high removal capacity of nanocomposite at natural pH of 6.5. Moreover, a low dose of 0.005 g per 30 mL made this method economical. Furthermore, a low contact time of 15 min made this method applicable to the removal of the reported metal ions from water in a short time. Briefly, the reported method is highly economical, nature-friendly and fast and can be used to remove the reported metal ions from any water resource