68,197 research outputs found

    Anion selective membrane

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    Experimental anion permselective membranes were prepared and tested for their suitability as cell separators in a chemical redox power storage system being developed at NASA-Lewis Research Center. The goals of long-term (1000 hr) oxidative and thermal stability at 80 C in FeCl3 and CrCl3 electrolytes were met by most of the weak base and strong base amino exchange groups considered in the program. Good stability is exhibited by several of the membrane substrate resins. These are 'styrene' divinylbenzene copolymer and PVC film. At least four membrane systems produce strong flexible films with electrochemical properties (resistivity, cation transfer) superior to those of the 103QZL, the most promising commercial membrane. The physical and chemical properties of the resins are listed

    Allometry of Workers of the Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta

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    The relationship between worker body size and the shape of their body parts was explored in the polymorphic ant, Solenopsis invicta. The data consisted of 20 measurements of body parts as well as sums of some of these measurements. Size-free shape variables were created by taking the ratios of relevant measures. After log-transformation, these ratios were regressed against the logarithm of total body length, or against the log of the size of the parent part. Slopes of zero indicated that shape did not change with size, and non-zero slopes signaled a size-related change of shape. Across the range of worker sizes, the head length retained a constant proportion to body length, but relative headwidth increased such that head shape changed from a barrel-profile to a somewhat heart-shaped profile. Antennae became relatively smaller, with the club contributing more to this decline than the other parts. The alinotum became relatively shorter and higher (more humped), and the gaster increased in both relative width and length, and therefore in volume. All three pairs of legs were isometric to body length. The component parts of the legs, with one exception, were isometric to their own total leg length. The body of S. invicta Abbreviation: / HL: head length BL: body length HW1: width across the eyes HW2: width above the eyes HW3: width below the eye

    Continuous breakdown of Purcell's scallop theorem with inertia

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    Purcell's scallop theorem defines the type of motions of a solid body - reciprocal motions - which cannot propel the body in a viscous fluid with zero Reynolds number. For example, the flapping of a wing is reciprocal and, as was recently shown, can lead to directed motion only if its frequency Reynolds number, Re_f, is above a critical value of order one. Using elementary examples, we show the existence of oscillatory reciprocal motions which are effective for all arbitrarily small values of the frequency Reynolds number and induce net velocities scaling as (Re_f)^\alpha (alpha > 0). This demonstrates a continuous breakdown of the scallop theorem with inertia.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Analysis and application of ERTS-1 data for regional geological mapping

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    Combined visual and digital techniques of analysing ERTS-1 data for geologic information have been tried on selected areas in Pennsylvania. The major physiolographic and structural provinces show up well. Supervised mapping, following the imaged expression of known geologic features on ERTS band 5 enlargements (1:250,000) of parts of eastern Pennsylvania, delimited the Diabase Sills and the Precambrian rocks of the Reading Prong with remarkable accuracy. From unsupervised mapping, transgressive linear features are apparent in unexpected density, and exhibit strong control over river valley and stream channel directions. They are unaffected by bedrock type, age, or primary structural boundaries, which suggests they are either rejuvenated basement joint directions on different scales, or they are a recently impressed structure possibly associated with a drifting North American plate. With ground mapping and underflight data, 6 scales of linear features have been recognized

    Decameter: Wave radio observations of Jupiter during the 1970 apparition

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    Observations of Jupiter's sporadic decameter wavelength radio emissions were obtained between November 1978 and March 1979. A multistation, global network of monitoring instruments were utilized in order to obtain nearly continuous, synoptic observations of the planet. Observations were obtained daily at frequencies of 16.7 and 22.2 MHz using five element Yagi antennas at each end of a two element interferometer

    Gonadotropin and kisspeptin gene expression, but not GnRH, are impaired in cFOS deficient mice.

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    cFOS is a pleiotropic transcription factor, which binds to the AP1 site in the promoter of target genes. In the pituitary gonadotropes, cFOS mediates induction of FSHβ and GnRH receptor genes. Herein, we analyzed reproductive function in the cFOS-deficient mice to determine its role in vivo. In the pituitary cFOS is necessary for gonadotropin subunit expression, while TSHβ is unaffected. Additionally, cFOS null animals have the same sex-steroid levels, although gametogenesis is impeded. In the brain, cFOS is not necessary for GnRH neuronal migration, axon targeting, cell number, or mRNA levels. Conversely, cFOS nulls, particularly females, have decreased Kiss1 neuron numbers and lower Kiss1 mRNA levels. Collectively, our novel findings suggest that cFOS plays a cell-specific role at multiple levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, affecting gonadotropes but not thyrotropes in the pituitary, and kisspeptin neurons but not GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus, thereby contributing to the overall control of reproduction

    Late time evolution of brane gas cosmology and compact internal dimensions

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    We study the late-time behavior of a universe in the framework of brane gas cosmology. We investigate the evolution of a universe with a gas of supergravity particles and a gas of branes. Considering the case when different dimensions are anisotropically wrapped by various branes, we have derived Friedman-like equations governing the dynamics of wrapped and unwrapped subvolumes. We point out that the compact internal dimensions are wrapped by three or higher dimensional branes.Comment: 16 pages, typos, references, comment on the possibility of stabilizing the internal dimensions with fluxe
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