1,301 research outputs found

    Existence and Uniqueness of Perturbation Solutions to DSGE Models

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    We prove that standard regularity and saddle stability assumptions for linear approximations are sufficient to guarantee the existence of a unique solution for all undetermined coefficients of nonlinear perturbations of arbitrary order to discrete time DSGE models. We derive the perturbation using a matrix calculus that preserves linear algebraic structures to arbitrary orders of derivatives, enabling the direct application of theorems from matrix analysis to prove our main result. As a consequence, we provide insight into several invertibility assumptions from linear solution methods, prove that the local solution is independent of terms first order in the perturbation parameter, and relax the assumptions needed for the local existence theorem of perturbation solutions.Perturbation, matrix calculus, DSGE, solution methods, BĂ©zout theorem; Sylvester equations

    Solving DSGE Models with a Nonlinear Moving Average

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    We introduce a nonlinear infinite moving average as an alternative to the standard state-space policy function for solving nonlinear DSGE models. Perturbation of the nonlinear moving average policy function provides a direct mapping from a history of innovations to endogenous variables, decomposes the contributions from individual orders of uncertainty and nonlinearity, and enables familiar impulse response analysis in nonlinear settings. When the linear approximation is saddle stable and free of unit roots, higher order terms are likewise saddle stable and first order corrections for uncertainty are zero. We derive the third order approximation explicitly and examine the accuracy of the method using Euler equation tests.Perturbation, nonlinear impulse response, DSGE, solution methods

    Hidden Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Action Recognition

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    Analyzing videos of human actions involves understanding the temporal relationships among video frames. State-of-the-art action recognition approaches rely on traditional optical flow estimation methods to pre-compute motion information for CNNs. Such a two-stage approach is computationally expensive, storage demanding, and not end-to-end trainable. In this paper, we present a novel CNN architecture that implicitly captures motion information between adjacent frames. We name our approach hidden two-stream CNNs because it only takes raw video frames as input and directly predicts action classes without explicitly computing optical flow. Our end-to-end approach is 10x faster than its two-stage baseline. Experimental results on four challenging action recognition datasets: UCF101, HMDB51, THUMOS14 and ActivityNet v1.2 show that our approach significantly outperforms the previous best real-time approaches.Comment: Accepted at ACCV 2018, camera ready. Code available at https://github.com/bryanyzhu/Hidden-Two-Strea

    Construction Procurement: Modelling Bidders’ Learning in Recurrent Bidding

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    Construction remains a significant area of public expenditure. An understanding of the process of changes in construction pricing, and how the process can be manipulated through the release of bidding feedback information is vital, in order to best design clients’ procurement policies. This paper aims to statistically model inexperienced individual bidders’ learning in recurrent bidding under partial and full information feedback conditions. Using an experimental dataset, the developed linear mixed model contains three predictor variables, namely: time factor, information feedback conditions, and bidding success rate in the preceding round. The results show nonlinearity and curvature in the bidders’ learning curves. They are generally less competitive in time periods after a winning bid with lower average bids submitted by those subjected to full information feedback condition. In addition, the model has captured the existence of heterogeneity across bidders with individual-specific parameter estimates that demonstrate the uniqueness of individual bidders’ learning curves in recurrent bidding. The findings advocate for adequate bidding feedback information in clients’ procurement design to facilitate learning among contractors, which may in turn lead to increased competitiveness in their bids

    Integrable Minisuperspace Models with Liouville Field: Energy Density Self-Adjointness and Semiclassical Wave Packets

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    The homogeneous cosmological models with a Liouville scalar field are investigated in classical and quantum context of Wheeler-DeWitt geometrodynamics. In the quantum case of quintessence field with potential unbounded from below and phantom field, the energy density operators are not essentially self-adjoint and self-adjoint extensions contain ambiguities. Therefore the same classical actions correspond to a family of distinct quantum models. For the phantom field the energy spectrum happens to be discrete. The probability conservation and appropriate classical limit can be achieved with a certain restriction of the functional class. The appropriately localized wave packets are studied numerically using the Schrodinger's norm and a conserved Mostafazadeh's norm introduced from techniques of pseudo-Hermitian quantum mechanics. These norms give a similar packet evolution that is confronted with analytical classical solutions.Comment: Main points emphasized, less important material shortened; 24 pages, 13 figure
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