81 research outputs found

    Formal groups arising from formal punctured ribbons

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    We investigate Picard functor of a formal punctured ribbon. We prove that under some conditions this functor is representable by a formal group scheme. Formal punctured ribbons were introduced in arXiv:0708.0985.Comment: 42 pages, minor change

    Coherent analogues of matrix factorizations and relative singularity categories

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    We define the triangulated category of relative singularities of a closed subscheme in a scheme. When the closed subscheme is a Cartier divisor, we consider matrix factorizations of the related section of a line bundle, and their analogues with locally free sheaves replaced by coherent ones. The appropriate exotic derived category of coherent matrix factorizations is then identified with the triangulated category of relative singularities, while the similar exotic derived category of locally free matrix factorizations is its full subcategory. The latter category is identified with the kernel of the direct image functor corresponding to the closed embedding of the zero locus and acting between the conventional (absolute) triangulated categories of singularities. Similar results are obtained for matrix factorizations of infinite rank; and two different "large" versions of the triangulated category of relative singularities, corresponding to the approaches of Orlov and Krause, are identified in the case of a Cartier divisor. A version of the Thomason-Trobaugh-Neeman localization theory is proven for coherent matrix factorizations and disproven for locally free matrix factorizations of finite rank. Contravariant (coherent) and covariant (quasi-coherent) versions of the Serre-Grothendieck duality theorems for matrix factorizations are established, and pull-backs and push-forwards of matrix factorizations are discussed at length. A number of general results about derived categories of the second kind for CDG-modules over quasi-coherent CDG-algebras are proven on the way. Hochschild (co)homology of matrix factorization categories are discussed in an appendix.Comment: LaTeX 2e with pb-diagram and xy-pic; 114 pages, 13 commutative diagrams. v.8: new sections 2.10, 3.1 and 3.7 inserted; v.9: appendix B added, remarks inserted in sections 2.10 and 2.7, section 1.8 expanded; v.10: new section 3.3 inserted, the whole paper has two authors now; v.11: small corrections, additions, and improvements -- this is intended as the final versio

    La théorie des classes de Chern

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    Infinite-dimensional supermanifolds over arbitrary base fields

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    In his recent investigation of a super Teichm\"uller space, Sachse (2007), based on work of Molotkov (1984), has proposed a theory of Banach supermanifolds using the `functor of points' approach of Bernstein and Schwarz. We prove that the the category of Berezin-Kostant-Leites supermanifolds is equivalent to the category of finite-dimensional Molotkov-Sachse supermanifolds. Simultaneously, using the differential calculus of Bertram-Gl\"ockner-Neeb (2004), we extend Molotkov-Sachse's approach to supermanifolds modeled on Hausdorff topological super-vector spaces over an arbitrary non-discrete Hausdorff topological base field of characteristic zero. We also extend to locally k-omega base fields the `DeWitt' supermanifolds considered by Tuynman in his monograph (2004), and prove that this leads to a category which is isomorphic to the full subcategory of Molokov-Sachse supermanifolds modeled on locally k-omega spaces.Comment: 36 pages; minor corrections, expanded introductio

    Intersections of translated algebraic subtori

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    We exploit the classical correspondence between finitely generated abelian groups and abelian complex algebraic reductive groups to study the intersection theory of translated subgroups in an abelian complex algebraic reductive group, with special emphasis on intersections of (torsion) translated subtori in an algebraic torus.Comment: 20 pages; accepted for publication by the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr

    Reflexive representability and stable metrics

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    It is well-known that a topological group can be represented as a group of isometries of a reflexive Banach space if and only if its topology is induced by weakly almost periodic functions (see \cite{Shtern:CompactSemitopologicalSemigroups}, \cite{Megrelishvili:OperatorTopologies} and \cite{Megrelishvili:TopologicalTransformations}). We show that for a metrisable group this is equivalent to the property that its metric is uniformly equivalent to a stable metric in the sense of Krivine and Maurey (see \cite{Krivine-Maurey:EspacesDeBanachStables}). This result is used to give a partial negative answer to a problem of Megrelishvili
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