11,933 research outputs found

    A C++ Program for the CramĂŠr-Von Mises Two-Sample Test

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    As larger sets of high-throughput data in genomics and proteomics become more readily available, there is a growing need for fast algorithms designed to compute exact p values of distribution-free statistical tests. We present a program for computing the exact distribution of the two-sample Cramér-von Mises test statistic under the null hypothesis that the two samples are drawn from the same continuous distribution. The program makes it possible to handle substantially larger sample sizes than earlier proposed computational tools. The C++ source code for the program is published with this paper, and an R package is under development.

    Control of the mean number of false discoveries, Bonferroni and stability of multiple testing

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    The Bonferroni multiple testing procedure is commonly perceived as being overly conservative in large-scale simultaneous testing situations such as those that arise in microarray data analysis. The objective of the present study is to show that this popular belief is due to overly stringent requirements that are typically imposed on the procedure rather than to its conservative nature. To get over its notorious conservatism, we advocate using the Bonferroni selection rule as a procedure that controls the per family error rate (PFER). The present paper reports the first study of stability properties of the Bonferroni and Benjamini--Hochberg procedures. The Bonferroni procedure shows a superior stability in terms of the variance of both the number of true discoveries and the total number of discoveries, a property that is especially important in the presence of correlations between individual pp-values. Its stability and the ability to provide strong control of the PFER make the Bonferroni procedure an attractive choice in microarray studies.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOAS102 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Specht Polytopes and Specht Matroids

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    The generators of the classical Specht module satisfy intricate relations. We introduce the Specht matroid, which keeps track of these relations, and the Specht polytope, which also keeps track of convexity relations. We establish basic facts about the Specht polytope, for example, that the symmetric group acts transitively on its vertices and irreducibly on its ambient real vector space. A similar construction builds a matroid and polytope for a tensor product of Specht modules, giving "Kronecker matroids" and "Kronecker polytopes" instead of the usual Kronecker coefficients. We dub this process of upgrading numbers to matroids and polytopes "matroidification," giving two more examples. In the course of describing these objects, we also give an elementary account of the construction of Specht modules different from the standard one. Finally, we provide code to compute with Specht matroids and their Chow rings.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figure

    Plasma assisted thin film formation

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    Thin films of fluorocarbon-based polymers can be deposited by plasma assisted polymerisation of various perfluorocarbons. The chemical natures of plasma polymers of hexafluoropropene and perfluorohexane were examined as a function of power, flow rate and position in reactor. Polymerised hexafluoropropene displayed increased fluorine contents at high powers; this is at odds with perfluorohexane which demonstrated lower fluorine contents. Differing reaction mechanisms between saturated and unsaturated perfluorocarbons were proposed to explain this. Both perfluorocarbons were found to give increased CF(_2) contents out of the plasma glow region. This was demonstrated to be a function of distance from the monomer inlet, and was ascribed to the production of long lived polymer forming species in the gas phase. Plasma oxidation of low density polyethylene, polystyrene and poly (ether ether ketone) with oxygen and carbon dioxide was modelled by corresponding photooxidation reactions. Correlations between the structure of the polymer, the treatment used, and the final products were drawn. Aliphatic components tended to give carbon-oxygen single bonds, phenyl rings were oxidised to carbonyl and acid groups, and carbonyl groups to acids. Metal-containing polymeric thin films were produced from plasmas of zinc acetylacetonate and aluminium tri-sec -butoxide. The products from each monomer were different, with the zinc compound resulting in a high proportion of zinc carboxylate and the aluminium compound giving the oxide or hydroxide. Incorporation of these compounds into a perfluorohexane plasma resulted in the formation of metal fluoride containing thin films

    Studies on Three Mitochondrial Proteins: The Phosphate and Adenine Nucleotide Inner Membrane Carriers and the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex

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    Protein-chemical and immunological studies were carried out on three mitochondrial proteins: the phosphate and adenine nucleotide inner membrane carriers (PTP and ANT), and the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (PDC)

    Sulphanilamides in gonorrhoea

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    Sulphanilamide, sulphapyridine and sulphathiazole are exceedingly potent drugs in the treatment of gonorrhoea, and there is not much to choose between them in the matter of cure. Toxic effects were frequent but were never severe. They were much more marked with sulphapyridine, especially in the female, but we seem to have found the solution to this in sulphathiazole. All cases need observation and strict instructions how to take the drug in order to secure the maximum benefit. It is not enough to give a box of tablets, promise cure, and neglect tests for cure. Relapses occurred in the majority of cases after inadequate doses given by the patients' private practitioners, and no good results can be obtained by using the suiphanilamides again in adequate doses until the patient loses his drug resistance which takes about fourteen days. Sulphapyridine should in an uncomplicated case dry up discharge in twenty-four hours. If it fails to do so, suspect complication. The Gonococcal Complement Fixation test in the male is of importance as a test in doubtful clinical cases without a positive smear, and in the female as a test for cure. Early cases under treatment with sulphapyridine (M & B 693) however, never become positive

    Improvised power: finding an authentic acting aesthetic in an adaption of Mowatt\u27s fashion.

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    This thesis elaborates on how my process, which I call Mindsets, was developed and utilized to play Count Jolimaitre in the Spring 2021 UofL Department of Theatre Arts online production of [Re]Fashion, an adaptation of Anna Cora Mowatt’s Fashion by Dr. J. Ariadne Calvano, Dr. Janna Segal, and Blair Potter. I used improvisatory acting techniques to develop this character from Mowatt’s mid-19th-century play, as crafted and produced during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this thesis, I explore how continuous physical exploration enabled me to navigate a new rehearsal process. I will explain how I attempted to create a character that was stylistically realistic, yet rooted in the original era of Fashion. This thesis is a resource for other actors, who can use Mindsets to authentically develop characters from canonized non-contemporary plays

    Studies on the biosynthesis of penicillins

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    A high yielding synthesis of the acyclic precursor of the penicillins, δ— (L—α—aminoadipyl)—L—cysteinyl—D— valine (LLD-ACV) was developed. Using this synthesis the isotopically enriched ACV peptides, δ-(DL-α—aminoadipyl)—L—cysteinyl—D— (3R)— [4-¹ ³C]—valine and δ—(L—α - aminoadipyl)—L— [3-¹ ³c]—cysteinyl-D— [¹ ³N]—valine were prepared. In an extension to this work the tetrapeptide, δ— (L—α—aminoadipyl)— L— cysteinyl—D— valylglycine (LLD-ACVG) was prepared.A putative intermediate in the biosynthesis of isopenicillin N, N— [δ— (L—α—aminoadipyl)—L—cysteinyl ]—N—hydroxy—D—valine (LLD-AC( N-OH) V), was synthesised from N—hydroxy—D—valine benzyl ester.A cell-free system capable of converting δ— (L—α—aminoadipyl )—L— cysteinyl—D—valine to isopenicillin N was obtained from cultures of the cephalosporin producing fungus Cephalosporium acremonium CW19. The cell-free system was used to test the importance of the above synthesised compounds in penicillin biosynthesis. N— [ δ— (L—α—aminoadipyl )—L—cysteinyl ]-N—hydroxy—D—valine was shown not to be a substrate for the enzyme "isopenicillin N synthetase" but to be a potent inhibitor of the LLD-ACV to isopenicillin N conversion. The tetrapeptide, δ— (L—α—aminoadipyl )—L—cysteinyl—D—valylglycine, was found to be a weak inhibitor of this conversion.The isotopically enriched ACV peptides were used to confirm the stereochemistry of the valine C3 centre in biosynthesised δ— (L—α— aminoadipyl)—L—cysteinyl—D—valine and to allow preliminary ¹ ³C n.m.r. studies on the biosynthesis of isopenicillin N
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