42 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of the mouse extrahepatic biliary tree using primary human extrahepatic cholangiocyte organoids

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    Treatment of common bile duct disorders such as biliary atresia or ischaemic strictures is limited to liver transplantation or hepatojejunostomy due to the lack of suitable tissue for surgical reconstruction. Here, we report a novel method for the isolation and propagation of human cholangiocytes from the extrahepatic biliary tree and we explore the potential of bioengineered biliary tissue consisting of these extrahepatic cholangiocyte organoids (ECOs) and biodegradable scaffolds for transplantation and biliary reconstruction in vivo. ECOs closely correlate with primary cholangiocytes in terms of transcriptomic profile and functional properties (ALP, GGT). Following transplantation in immunocompromised mice ECOs self-organize into tubular structures expressing biliary markers (CK7). When seeded on biodegradable scaffolds, ECOs form tissue-like structures retaining biliary marker expression (CK7) and function (ALP, GGT). This bioengineered tissue can reconstruct the wall of the biliary tree (gallbladder) and rescue and extrahepatic biliary injury mouse model following transplantation. Furthermore, it can be fashioned into bioengineered ducts and replace the native common bile duct of immunocompromised mice, with no evidence of cholestasis or lumen occlusion up to one month after reconstruction. In conclusion, ECOs can successfully reconstruct the biliary tree following transplantation, providing proof-of-principle for organ regeneration using human primary cells expanded in vitro

    Corporate finance and economic activity in the euro area: Structural issues report 2013

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    This report analyses and reviews the corporate finance structure of non-financial corporations (NFCs) in the euro area, including how they interact with the macroeconomic environment. Special emphasis is placed on the crisis that began in 2007-08, thus underlining the relevance of financing and credit conditions to investment and economic activity in turbulent times. When approaching such a broad topic, a number of key questions arise. How did the corporate sector’s capital structure, internal and external financing sources, and its tendency to leverage, evolve in the euro area over the last decade and in the run-up to the financial crisis in particular? Did these developments contribute to and/or exacerbate the financial crisis? Did the corporate sector’s response to various shocks and vulnerabilities support or encumber the euro area economy, both during the financial crisis and in its aftermath

    Current role of PSMA-PET imaging in the clinical management of prostate cancer

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    Despite the developments of the last few years, metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (PC) remains a deadly disease. Until recently, almost all guidelines recommended magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) for the initial staging and local/systematic recurrence. Positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) with prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) at the present stage, emerged as a promising diagnostic imaging tool for PC. PSMA PET/CT alone or in combination with multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) can improve the detection of clinically significant PC, especially for Prostate Imaging Reporting & Data System (PI-RADS) = 3 lesions. In addition, PSMA PET/CT is more accurate than CT and bone scan for intermediate to high-risk disease at the initial staging. Contrariwise, a negative PET is not useful for surgeons to avoid a pelvic nodal dissection. PET-PSMA imaging is appropriate for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) persistence or PSA rise from undetectable level after radical prostatectomy or for PSA rise above nadir after definitive radiotherapy. Also, it is recommended for patients fit for curative salvage treatment. It should be noted that in patients, candidates for radionuclide therapy with Lutetium-177 ( 117 Lu), a PSMA strong expression from PET/CT at baseline is considered necessary. This review summarizes the evolution of PSMA PET/CT and its current role in the management of PC

    Zinc Reduction/Vaporisation Behaviour from Metallurgical Wastes

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    The steelmaking industry produces large quantities of zinc-bearing wastes of varying forms that cannot be treated through integrated steelmaking processes. Simultaneously, by-products of the zinc industry containing great amounts of iron and zinc are stored or landfilled. The amount of zinc in these materials is generally below that which is of value to be recycled directly to the zinc smelter, consequently a method of concentration is required. Tata Steel owns and operates the pilot HIsarna ironmaking plant which, due to its high raw materials flexibility, is attractive for the purpose of processing secondary iron sources. Furthermore, it can facilitate the simultaneous recovery of a zinc-enriched flue dust. The high temperature behaviour of various waste materials will be presented with regards to their recyclability in the HIsarna furnace. Blast furnace (BF) sludge and basic oxygen furnace (BOF) sludge from Tata Steel IJmuiden have been studied along with ‘goethite’ waste produced by Nyrstar. The various input materials have been comprehensively characterised and their reduction/vaporisation behaviour recorded. Mixed samples have been produced and tested in order to define the most appropriate form of delivery of these materials to the HIsarna furnace.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.(OLD) MSE-3(OLD) MSE-

    Report from the NSF Workshop on Workflow and Process Automation in Information Systems

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    An interdisciplinary research community needs to address challenging issues raised by applying workflow management technology in information systems. This conclusion results from the NSF workshop on Workflow and Process Automation in Information Systems which was held at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia during May 8-10, 1996. The workshop brought together active researchers and practitioners from several communities, with significant representation from database and distributed systems, software process and software engineering, and computer supported cooperative work. The presentations given at the workshop are available in the form of an electronic proceedings of this workshop at http://lsdis.cs.uga.edu/activities/). This report is the joint work of selected representatives from the workshop and it documents the results of significant group discussions and exchange of ideas. 1 Introduction In the 70's and the 80's, the main objective in using computers in the office was to aut..

    Zinc Reduction/Vaporisation Behaviour from Metallurgical Wastes

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    The steelmaking industry produces large quantities of zinc-bearing wastes of varying forms that cannot be treated through integrated steelmaking processes. Simultaneously, by-products of the zinc industry containing great amounts of iron and zinc are stored or landfilled. The amount of zinc in these materials is generally below that which is of value to be recycled directly to the zinc smelter, consequently a method of concentration is required. Tata Steel owns and operates the pilot HIsarna ironmaking plant which, due to its high raw materials flexibility, is attractive for the purpose of processing secondary iron sources. Furthermore, it can facilitate the simultaneous recovery of a zinc-enriched flue dust. The high temperature behaviour of various waste materials will be presented with regards to their recyclability in the HIsarna furnace. Blast furnace (BF) sludge and basic oxygen furnace (BOF) sludge from Tata Steel IJmuiden have been studied along with ‘goethite’ waste produced by Nyrstar. The various input materials have been comprehensively characterised and their reduction/vaporisation behaviour recorded. Mixed samples have been produced and tested in order to define the most appropriate form of delivery of these materials to the HIsarna furnace.</p