57 research outputs found
The neurovirulence and neuroinvasiveness of chimeric tick-borne encephalitis/dengue virus can be attenuated by introducing defined mutations into the envelope and NS5 protein genes and the 3′ non-coding region of the genome
AbstractTick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a severe disease affecting thousands of people throughout Eurasia. Despite the use of formalin-inactivated vaccines in endemic areas, an increasing incidence of TBE emphasizes the need for an alternative vaccine that will induce a more durable immunity against TBE virus (TBEV). The chimeric attenuated virus vaccine candidate containing the structural protein genes of TBEV on a dengue virus genetic background (TBEV/DEN4) retains a high level of neurovirulence in both mice and monkeys. Therefore, attenuating mutations were introduced into the envelope (E315) and NS5 (NS5654,655) proteins, and into the 3′ non-coding region (Δ30) of TBEV/DEN4. The variant that contained all three mutations (vΔ30/E315/NS5654,655) was significantly attenuated for neuroinvasiveness and neurovirulence and displayed a reduced level of replication and virus-induced histopathology in the brains of mice. The high level of safety in the central nervous system indicates that vΔ30/E315/NS5654,655 should be further evaluated as a TBEV vaccine
Chemokine receptor CCR5 promotes leukocyte trafficking to the brain and survival in West Nile virus infection
The molecular immunopathogenesis of West Nile virus (WNV) infection is poorly understood. Here, we characterize a mouse model for WNV using a subcutaneous route of infection and delineate leukocyte subsets and immunoregulatory factors present in the brains of infected mice. Central nervous system (CNS) expression of the chemokine receptor CCR5 and its ligand CCL5 was prominently up-regulated by WNV, and this was associated with CNS infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, NK1.1+ cells and macrophages expressing the receptor. The significance of CCR5 in pathogenesis was established by mortality studies in which infection of CCR5−/− mice was rapidly and uniformly fatal. In the brain, WNV-infected CCR5−/− mice had increased viral burden but markedly reduced NK1.1+ cells, macrophages, and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells compared with WNV-infected CCR5+/+ mice. Adoptive transfer of splenocytes from WNV-infected CCR5+/+ mice into infected CCR5−/− mice increased leukocyte accumulation in the CNS compared with transfer of splenocytes from infected CCR5−/− mice into infected CCR5−/− mice, and increased survival to 60%, the same as in infected CCR5+/+ control mice. We conclude that CCR5 is a critical antiviral and survival determinant in WNV infection of mice that acts by regulating trafficking of leukocytes to the infected brain
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Two Sides of a Coin: a Zika Virus Mutation Selected in Pregnant Rhesus Macaques Promotes Fetal Infection in Mice but at a Cost of Reduced Fitness in Nonpregnant Macaques and Diminished Transmissibility by Vectors
Although fetal death is now understood to be a severe outcome of congenital Zika syndrome, the role of viral genetics is still unclear. We sequenced Zika virus (ZIKV) from a rhesus macaque fetus that died after inoculation and identified a single intrahost substitution, M1404I, in the ZIKV polyprotein, located in nonstructural protein 2B (NS2B). Targeted sequencing flanking position 1404 in 9 additional macaque mothers and their fetuses identified M1404I at a subconsensus frequency in the majority (5 of 9, 56%) of animals and some of their fetuses. Despite its repeated presence in pregnant macaques, M1404I has occurred rarely in humans since 2015. Since the primary ZIKV transmission cycle is human-mosquito-human, mutations in one host must be retained in the alternate host to be perpetuated. We hypothesized that ZIKV I1404 increases viral fitness in nonpregnant macaques and pregnant mice but is less efficiently transmitted by vectors, explaining its low frequency in humans during outbreaks. By examining competitive fitness relative to that of ZIKV M1404, we observed that ZIKV I1404 produced lower viremias in nonpregnant macaques and was a weaker competitor in tissues. In pregnant wild-type mice, ZIKV I1404 increased the magnitude and rate of placental infection and conferred fetal infection, in contrast to ZIKV M1404, which was not detected in fetuses. Although infection and dissemination rates were not different, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes transmitted ZIKV I1404 more poorly than ZIKV M1404. Our data highlight the complexity of arbovirus mutation-fitness dynamics and suggest that intrahost ZIKV mutations capable of augmenting fitness in pregnant vertebrates may not necessarily spread efficiently via mosquitoes during epidemics.IMPORTANCE Although Zika virus infection of pregnant women can result in congenital Zika syndrome, the factors that cause the syndrome in some but not all infected mothers are still unclear. We identified a mutation that was present in some ZIKV genomes in experimentally inoculated pregnant rhesus macaques and their fetuses. Although we did not find an association between the presence of the mutation and fetal death, we performed additional studies with ZIKV with the mutation in nonpregnant macaques, pregnant mice, and mosquitoes. We observed that the mutation increased the ability of the virus to infect mouse fetuses but decreased its capacity to produce high levels of virus in the blood of nonpregnant macaques and to be transmitted by mosquitoes. This study shows that mutations in mosquito-borne viruses like ZIKV that increase fitness in pregnant vertebrates may not spread in outbreaks when they compromise transmission via mosquitoes and fitness in nonpregnant hosts
West Nile Virus Spreads Transsynaptically within the Pathways of Motor Control: Anatomical and Ultrastructural Mapping of Neuronal Virus Infection in the Primate Central Nervous System
<div><p>Background</p><p>During recent West Nile virus (WNV) outbreaks in the US, half of the reported cases were classified as neuroinvasive disease. WNV neuroinvasion is proposed to follow two major routes: hematogenous and/or axonal transport along the peripheral nerves. How virus spreads once within the central nervous system (CNS) remains unknown.</p><p>Methodology/Principal Findings</p><p>Using immunohistochemistry, we examined the expression of viral antigens in the CNS of rhesus monkeys that were intrathalamically inoculated with a wild-type WNV. The localization of WNV within the CNS was mapped to specific neuronal groups and anatomical structures. The neurological functions related to structures containing WNV-labeled neurons were reviewed and summarized. Intraneuronal localization of WNV was investigated by electron microscopy. The known anatomical connectivity of WNV-labeled neurons was used to reconstruct the directionality of WNV spread within the CNS using a connectogram design. Anatomical mapping revealed that all structures identified as containing WNV-labeled neurons belonged to the pathways of motor control. Ultrastructurally, virions were found predominantly within vesicular structures (including autophagosomes) in close vicinity to the axodendritic synapses, either at pre- or post-synaptic positions (axonal terminals and dendritic spines, respectively), strongly indicating transsynaptic spread of the virus between connected neurons. Neuronal connectivity-based reconstruction of the directionality of transsynaptic virus spread suggests that, within the CNS, WNV can utilize both anterograde and retrograde axonal transport to infect connected neurons.</p><p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>This study offers a new insight into the neuropathogenesis of WNV infection in a primate model that closely mimics WNV encephalomyelitis in humans. We show that within the primate CNS, WNV primarily infects the anatomical structures and pathways responsible for the control of movement. Our findings also suggest that WNV most likely propagates within the CNS transsynaptically, by both, anterograde and retrograde axonal transport.</p></div
Summary of neurological functions related to the structures containing WNV-labeled neurons.
<p>Summary of neurological functions related to the structures containing WNV-labeled neurons.</p
WNV-labeled neurons in the spinal cord.
<p>Representative images of WNV-labeled neurons in the cervical (<b>A</b> and <b>D</b>), thoracic (<b>B</b> and <b>E</b>), and lumbar regions (<b>C</b> and <b>F</b>) of the spinal cord are shown on indicated dpi. Approximate boundaries of the spinal cord gray matter are outlined in the overview images. Clarke’s column is shown by magenta overlay in <b>E</b>. Round insets show the corresponding circled areas at higher magnification. Note that the majority of WNV-labeled neurons occupy a medial portion of the Clarke’s column. Vh, ventral horns; CC, Clarke’s column. Bars in overview images: 1000 μm. Bars in the round insets: 100 μm.</p
WNV particles versus dense core vesicles in the spinal cord.
<p>Shown are electron microscopy images of ventral horns of cervical and lumbar regions of the spinal cord. (<b>A</b>) Four large vesicles containing virions are shown by yellow overlays. These vacuoles lie close to a degenerating myelin (My) sheath of axon. Degenerating part of the myelin sheath is shown by magenta overlay. (<b>B</b>) Higher magnification image of the boxed area in (<b>A</b>) shows several virions of ~ 40 nm in diameter. Note a lighter lipid layer underneath the darker envelope layer especially clearly visible in one of the virions (arrow). (<b>C</b> and <b>D</b>) Compare two axonal areas containing virions (yellow overlay in <b>C</b>) or dense core vesicles (<b>D</b>). Insets show red circled areas at higher magnification. Approximate diameters of virions and vesicles are indicated. Scale bars: 100 nm (additional scale bars for dense core vesicles are indicated within the inset in <b>D</b>).</p
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