14 research outputs found

    Blunted Diurnal Cortisol Activity in Healthy Adults with Childhood Adversity

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    Childhood adversity, such as neglect, or physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, is prevalent in the U.S. and worldwide, and connected to an elevated incidence of disease in adulthood. A pathway in this relationship might be altered hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis functioning, as a result of differential hippocampal development in early life. A blunted diurnal cortisol slope is a precursor for many disorders. While studies have focused on HPA reactivity in relation to childhood adversity, there has been markedly less research on basal HPA functioning in those with low-to-moderate adversity. Based on previous research, we hypothesized that adults with low-to-moderate childhood adversity would have altered HPA axis functioning, as evidenced by a blunted diurnal cortisol slope and altered cortisol awakening response (CAR). Healthy adults aged 18-65 (n = 61 adults; 31 males and 30 females) completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. Participants provided at-home saliva samples on two consecutive days at wake-up, and 30 min, 1, 4, 9, and 13 h later; samples were averaged over the 2 days. We found that low-to-moderate childhood adversity predicted lower morning cortisol (β = -0.34, p = 0.007, R2 = 0.21), as well as a blunted cortisol slope (β = 2.97, p = 0.004, R2 = 0.22), but found no association with CAR (β = 0.19, p = 0.14, R2 = 0.12). Overall, we found that in healthy participants, low-to-moderate adversity in childhood is associated with altered basal HPA activity in adulthood. Our findings indicate that even low levels of childhood adversity may predispose individuals to disease associated with HPA dysregulation in later life

    Stronger hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis habituation predicts lesser sensitization of inflammatory response to repeated acute stress exposures in healthy young adults

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    Effective adjustment of the stress systems to repeated stress is regarded as an adaptive response of the organism facing environmental threats. Given the intertwined relationship between the stress systems and the inflammatory system, it could be expected that inflammatory processes should adapt to repeated stress as well. However, only little is known about adaptational processes of the different components of the immune system in response to repeated stress, and how these might be related to adaptational processes of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. We here examined N=22 healthy participants (mean age 23years, 50% female) and exposed them to a standardized laboratory stressor twice, 24h apart. Plasma interleukin 6 (IL-6), salivary cortisol and psychometric parameters were assessed repeatedly up to 120min post stress. Results revealed a significant day by time interaction for cortisol (F=5.06; p=0.013) and IL-6 (F=4.42; p=0.041), indicating habituation of HPA axis and sensitization of inflammatory stress responses. Cortisol habituation and inflammatory sensitization were inversely related when controlling for sex (r=-0.44; p=0.044). Explorative analyses revealed significant associations between the IL-6 response on the second exposure with perceived stress (r=0.58; p=0.004), vital exhaustion (r=0.57; p=0.009), depression (r=0.47; p=0.026) and purpose in life (r=-0.50; p=0.04). These findings may help to increase understanding of the still only rudimentary understood interplay of adaptational processes of endocrine and immune responses to repeated stress and might indicate a link between inflammatory disinhibition and psychological indicators of well-being

    HPA-axis and inflammatory reactivity to acute stress is related with basal HPA-axis activity

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    INTRODUCTION: Inflammation is drawing attention as pathway between psychosocial stress and health, and basal HPA axis activity has been suggested to exert a consistent regulatory influence on peripheral inflammation. Here we studied the relationship between basal HPA axis activity and inflammatory and HPA axis acute stress reactivity. METHODS: We recruited 48 healthy individuals and collected saliva for diurnal cortisol sampling at 6 points. Participants were previously exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) on two consecutive days. Plasma interleukin-6 (IL-6) and salivary cortisol reactivity to acute stress were measured, and their relationships with basal HPA axis activity were analyzed. RESULTS: Steeper cortisol awakening response (CAR) linear increase was related with stronger cortisol stress reactivity (Îł=0.015; p=0.042) and marginally significantly with greater habituation (Îł=0.01; p=0.066). Greater curvilinearity of CAR was related with stronger cortisol reactivity (Îł=-0.014; p=0.021) and greater cortisol habituation (Îł=-0.011; p=0.006). Steeper daily linear decline was related with significant or marginally significantly stronger cortisol and IL-6 reactivity (cortisol: Îł=-0.0004; p=0.06; IL-6: Îł=-0.028; p=0.031) and greater habituation (cortisol: Îł=-0.002; p=0.009, IL-6: Îł=-0.015; p=0.033). Greater curvilinearity of daily decline was related with stronger IL-6 reactivity (Îł=0.002; p=0.024) and also greater cortisol and IL-6 habituation (cortisol: Îł=0.00009; p=0.03, IL-6: Îł=0.001; p=0.024). CONCLUSIONS: Patterns of basal HPA axis activity that are related with healthier outcomes were found to be related with stronger initial cortisol and IL-6 reactivity and greater habituation. This is an important step in understanding the long-term health implications of acute stress responsiveness, and future studies should employ longitudinal designs to identify the direction of these relationships

    Associations between symptoms of depression and anxiety and cortisol responses to and recovery from acute stress

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    Background: Anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder (MDD) have been associated with increased and blunted HPA axis reactivity to social stress. However, research focusing on associations between HPA axis responses to stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression among individuals without a diagnosis remains an understudied area of research. Methods: One hundred forty-three adults (52% female) completed the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Symptoms of depression and anxiety were assessed prior to the TSST using the anxiety and depression subscales of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). HPA axis responses were assessed by measuring salivary cortisol at baseline and following the TSST. Reactivity to and recovery from stress were assessed using multilevel growth modeling controlling for age, BMI, and sex among the full sample and a subset of cortisol responders (n = 72). Results: Anxiety symptoms were positively associated with flatter recovery slopes among the full sample (t(122.3) = 2.082, p = .039). Among cortisol responders, depression symptoms were associated with steeper reactivity (t(63.32) = 2.53, p = .026) and recovery (t(58.75)=−2.20, p = .03). Anxiety symptoms were associated with marginally flatter reactivity (t(64.00)=−1.97, p = .053) and significantly flatter recovery (t(59.22) = 2.29, p = .025). Conclusion: Symptoms of anxiety and depression among individuals without a psychiatric diagnosis are associated with blunted and exaggerated cortisol responses to and recovery from stress. Such patterns could indicate increased risk for unhealthy HPA axis dysregulation, allostatic load, and disease

    Evaluating the Process of Online Health Information Searching: A Qualitative Approach to Exploring Consumer Perspectives

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    Background: The Internet is a common resource that patients and consumers use to access health-related information. Multiple practical, cultural, and socioeconomic factors influence why, when, and how people utilize this tool. Improving the delivery of health-related information necessitates a thorough understanding of users’ searching-related needs, preferences, and experiences. Although a wide body of quantitative research examining search behavior exists, qualitative approaches have been under-utilized and provide unique perspectives that may prove useful in improving the delivery of health information over the Internet. Objective: We conducted this study to gain a deeper understanding of online health-searching behavior in order to inform future developments of personalizing information searching and content delivery. Methods: We completed three focus groups with adult residents of Olmsted County, Minnesota, which explored perceptions of online health information searching. Participants were recruited through flyers and classifieds advertisements posted throughout the community. We audio-recorded and transcribed all focus groups, and analyzed data using standard qualitative methods. Results: Almost all participants reported using the Internet to gather health information. They described a common experience of searching, filtering, and comparing results in order to obtain information relevant to their intended search target. Information saturation and fatigue were cited as main reasons for terminating searching. This information was often used as a resource to enhance their interactions with health care providers. Conclusions: Many participants viewed the Internet as a valuable tool for finding health information in order to support their existing health care resources. Although the Internet is a preferred source of health information, challenges persist in streamlining the search process. Content providers should continue to develop new strategies and technologies aimed at accommodating diverse populations, vocabularies, and health information needs

    Patients' views on incidental findings from clinical exome sequencing

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    This article characterizes the opinions of patients and family members of patients undergoing clinical genomic-based testing regarding the return of incidental findings from these tests. Over sixteen months, we conducted 55 in-depth interviews with individuals to explore their preferences regarding which types of results they would like returned to them. Responses indicate a diversity of attitudes toward the return of incidental findings and a diversity of justifications for those attitudes. The majority of participants also described an imperative to include the patient in deciding which results to return rather than having universal, predetermined rules governing results disclosure. The results demonstrate the importance of a patient centered-approach to returning incidental findings

    Comparative Analysis of Online Health Queries Originating from Personal Computers and Smart Devices on a Consumer Health Information Portal

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    Background: The number of people using the Internet and mobile/smart devices for health information seeking is increasing rapidly. Although the user experience for online health information seeking varies with the device used, for example, smart devices (SDs) like smartphones/tablets versus personal computers (PCs) like desktops/laptops, very few studies have investigated how online health information seeking behavior (OHISB) may differ by device. Objective: The objective of this study is to examine differences in OHISB between PCs and SDs through a comparative analysis of large-scale health search queries submitted through Web search engines from both types of devices. Methods: Using the Web analytics tool, IBM NetInsight OnDemand, and based on the type of devices used (PCs or SDs), we obtained the most frequent health search queries between June 2011 and May 2013 that were submitted on Web search engines and directed users to the Mayo Clinic’s consumer health information website. We performed analyses on “Queries with considering repetition counts (QwR)” and “Queries without considering repetition counts (QwoR)”. The dataset contains (1) 2.74 million and 3.94 million QwoR, respectively for PCs and SDs, and (2) more than 100 million QwR for both PCs and SDs. We analyzed structural properties of the queries (length of the search queries, usage of query operators and special characters in health queries), types of search queries (keyword-based, wh-questions, yes/no questions), categorization of the queries based on health categories and information mentioned in the queries (gender, age-groups, temporal references), misspellings in the health queries, and the linguistic structure of the health queries. Results: Query strings used for health information searching via PCs and SDs differ by almost 50%. The most searched health categories are “Symptoms” (1 in 3 search queries), “Causes”, and “Treatments & Drugs”. The distribution of search queries for different health categories differs with the device used for the search. Health queries tend to be longer and more specific than general search queries. Health queries from SDs are longer and have slightly fewer spelling mistakes than those from PCs. Users specify words related to women and children more often than that of men and any other age group. Most of the health queries are formulated using keywords; the second-most common are wh- and yes/no questions. Users ask more health questions using SDs than PCs. Almost all health queries have at least one noun and health queries from SDs are more descriptive than those from PCs. Conclusions: This study is a large-scale comparative analysis of health search queries to understand the effects of device type (PCs vs SDs) used on OHISB. The study indicates that the device used for online health information search plays an important role in shaping how health information searches by consumers and patients are executed

    Comparative Analysis of Online Health Queries Originating from Personal Computers and Smart Devices on a Consumer Health Information Portal

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    Background: The number of people using the Internet and mobile/smart devices for health information seeking is increasing rapidly. Although the user experience for online health information seeking varies with the device used, for example, smart devices (SDs) like smartphones/tablets versus personal computers (PCs) like desktops/laptops, very few studies have investigated how online health information seeking behavior (OHISB) may differ by device. Objective: The objective of this study is to examine differences in OHISB between PCs and SDs through a comparative analysis of large-scale health search queries submitted through Web search engines from both types of devices. Methods: Using the Web analytics tool, IBM NetInsight OnDemand, and based on the type of devices used (PCs or SDs), we obtained the most frequent health search queries between June 2011 and May 2013 that were submitted on Web search engines and directed users to the Mayo Clinic’s consumer health information website. We performed analyses on “Queries with considering repetition counts (QwR)” and “Queries without considering repetition counts (QwoR)”. The dataset contains (1) 2.74 million and 3.94 million QwoR, respectively for PCs and SDs, and (2) more than 100 million QwR for both PCs and SDs. We analyzed structural properties of the queries (length of the search queries, usage of query operators and special characters in health queries), types of search queries (keyword-based, wh-questions, yes/no questions), categorization of the queries based on health categories and information mentioned in the queries (gender, age-groups, temporal references), misspellings in the health queries, and the linguistic structure of the health queries. Results: Query strings used for health information searching via PCs and SDs differ by almost 50%. The most searched health categories are “Symptoms” (1 in 3 search queries), “Causes”, and “Treatments & Drugs”. The distribution of search queries for different health categories differs with the device used for the search. Health queries tend to be longer and more specific than general search queries. Health queries from SDs are longer and have slightly fewer spelling mistakes than those from PCs. Users specify words related to women and children more often than that of men and any other age group. Most of the health queries are formulated using keywords; the second-most common are wh- and yes/no questions. Users ask more health questions using SDs than PCs. Almost all health queries have at least one noun and health queries from SDs are more descriptive than those from PCs. Conclusions: This study is a large-scale comparative analysis of health search queries to understand the effects of device type (PCs vs SDs) used on OHISB. The study indicates that the device used for online health information search plays an important role in shaping how health information searches by consumers and patients are executed