742 research outputs found

    A Methodology for Invasive Programming on Virtualizable Embedded MPSoC Architectures

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    AbstractExploiting the huge logic resources in current embedded devices has led to a plethora of on-chip multi-processor architec- tures. However, besides instantiating more and more soft-core processors on a chip, developing applications suited for such architectures still remains a hard task. A further step in the evolution of embedded multi-processing might be the so called Invasive Programming. In this paradigm, an application may be switched from sequential to parallel execution at runtime. A task may then dynamically invade currently unused processor resources in a multi-processor system to resume in parallel execution mode. This hardens existing problems, however, because not only the development of suited software, but also the creation of multi-processor architectures supporting this paradigm is needed. Therefore, this work presents a concise methodology to enable Invasive Programming properties on an embedded Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC). This is achieved by combining a designer-guided code parallelization approach with a virtualizable, generic, and scalable embedded MPSoC architecture. To resolve data dependencies during task invasion, a processor-independent task-based communication scheme for the MPSoC is proposed. Moreover, a tool framework dedicated to the generic creation of virtualizable MPSoC is provided. The approach is demonstrated by the generation of an MPSoC featuring eight processors executing an application which dynamically switches at runtime between sequential and parallel execution

    Die Bedeutung der Kalzium/Calmodulin-abhängigen Kinase II für kontraktile Dysfunktion und Arrhythmien in atrialen Herzmuskelzellen von Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern

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    Die Bedeutung der Kalzium/Calmodulin abhängigen Kinase II für kontraktile Dysfunktion und Arrhythmien in atrialen Herzmuskelzellen von Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern, lautet der Titel meiner Arbeit. Vorhofflimmern ist die häufigste Arrhythmieform und ist sowohl ein großes Problem in der klinischen Behandlung als auch für den Gesundheitszustand der Patienten. Die supraventrikuläre Arrhythmie tritt mit steigender Inzidenz und Prävalenz vor allem bei älteren Menschen auf. Die größte Gefahr dabei ist einen Schlaganfall zu erleiden. Etwa 1/5 aller Schlaganfälle lassen sich nämlich auf diese Erkrankung zurückführen. Aber auch kardiale Dekompensationen bei Herzinsuffizienz können durch vor allem tachykardes Vorhofflimmern ausgelöst werden. Außerdem ist die Mortalität nach einem Herzinfarkt deutlich erhöht. Die mit Vorhofflimmern und Herzinsuffizienz assoziierte Kalcium/Calmodulin abhängige Kinase II (CaMKII) ist ein vor allem im Kalziumhaushalt wichtiges Protein, das bei chronischer Aktivierung und Überexpression zu pathologischen Prozessen innerhalb der Zelle führt. Es kommt zur Beeinflussung mehrerer Proteine, die für den Ionenhaushalt verantwortlich sind, wodurch Arrhythmien und Kontraktilitätsverlust auftreten können. Deshalb könnte es aus pharmakologischer Sicht sinnvoll sein das Enzym zu hemmen. Ziel der Arbeit war es einen neuartigen CaMKII-Inhibitor zu testen und seine Wirkung zwischen Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern und Sinusrhythmus zu vergleichen. Sobald ein Patient mit VHF für eine passende herzchirurgische Operation stationär aufgenommen wurde, wurden nach ausführlicher Aufklärung und seiner Einwilligung die klinischen Daten erhoben und nach Entnahme während der Operation sein Gewebe für Laboruntersuchungen verwendet. Es wurden entsprechend viele Sinusrhythmuspatienten berücksichtigt. Die Herzmuskelzellen, die untersucht wurden, stammten von Patienten, die sich einer Bypass oder Klappenoperation unterzogen haben. Im Rahmen dieser OP kommt es zum Einsatz der Herz-Lungen-Maschine. Dabei wird aufgrund der Operationstechnik der rechte Vorhof kanüliert, wobei etwas rechtsatriales Gewebe anfällt. Es erfolgte die Isolation der einzelnen Kardiomyozyten mithilfe des Gewebeverdaus durch eine Kollagenase und Protease. Die so isolierten Herzmuskelzellen wurden mit dem Kalziumindikator und Fluoreszenzfarbstoff Fluo-4 inkubiert und beladen, um sie anschließend am konfokalen Lasermikroskop zu untersuchen. Dabei erfolgte die Anregung des Fluoreszenzfarbstoffs mit einem Laser der Wellenlänge 488 nm. Die daraufhin emittierte Fluoreszenz konnte dann gemessen werden. Auf diese Art und Weise konnten kleine spontane Entladungen aus dem Kalziumspeicher der Zellen, das sarkoplasmatische Retikulum detektiert werden. Diese Kalziumentladungen, die im Linescan als zeitlich und örtlich begrenzte kleine Blitze imponieren, werden Kalziumsparks genannt. Sie treten physiologisch im Rahmen der elektromechanischen Kopplung oder aber auch unter pathologischen Bedingungen vermehrt während der Diastole auf. Aus ihren charakteristischen Parametern, wie Sparkfrequenz, -amplitude, -dauer und –breite lässt sich das diastolische Kalziumleck aus dem SR bestimmen, das für viele pathologische Prozesse verantwortlich, bei Vorhofflimmern erhöht und durch die CaMKII vermittelt ist. In parallelen Untersuchungen wurden die mit Fluo-4 beladenen Zellen mit Caffein (10 mmol/L) behandelt, um so das SR schlagartig und vollständig zu entleeren. Das freigesetzte Kalzium kann gemessen und als Maß für den SR-Kalziumgehalt ausgewertet werden. Beide Untersuchungsreihen wurden sowohl mit verschiedenen Konzentrationen des neuen CaMKII-Inhibitors als auch mit einem bereits bekannten Inhibitor (AIP) durchgeführt. Die Konzentrationen lagen hierbei bei 1, 3 und 10 µM beim neuen und bei 2 µM für AIP. Außerdem gab es eine Kontrollgruppe ohne Inhibitor. Wie aus der Literatur schon bekannt und erwartet gab es in den Zellen von Patienten mit VHF signifikant mehr Sparks , sodass die Sparkfrequenz deutlich erhöht war. Die Amplitude der Sparks lag bei VHF unter der der SiR-Gruppe. Außerdem war die Dauer der Sparks im VHF verlängert, während es bei der Breite keinen signifikanten Unterschiede gab. Das daraus berechnete Kalziumleck war somit deutlich erhöht bei VHF. Die Inhibition der CaMKII konnte die Sparkfrequenz, die Breite und die Dauer signifikant senken. Auf die Amplitude hatte die Hemmung des Enzyms nur tendenzielle Effekte in dieser Arbeit. Das Kalziumleck konnte so signifikant verkleinert werden. Der Kalziumgehalt des SR war beim Vorhofflimmern deutlich niedriger und konnte durch die Hemmung der CaMKII signifikant erhöht werden. Aus diesen Ergebnissen leiten sich potentielle positive Effekte für die Patienten ab. So könnte es durch die Hemmung der CaMKII zu einer verbesserten Kontraktilität und zu verringerten Arrhythmien kommen. Es besteht sogar die Möglichkeit, dass dadurch die Entwicklung und das Fortschreiten von Vorhofflimmern begrenz werden kann. Allerdings müssen noch weitere Untersuchen erfolgen, da dies natürlich nur ein Zellmodell ist. Außerdem kommt die CaMKII ubiquitär vor und spielt z.B. bei neurologischen Prozessen wie das Lernen und die Gedächtnisbildung eine große Rolle, sodass man hier natürlich vorsichtig sein muss

    Entwicklung eines Zwölfkanal-Sensorenarrays und einer automatisierten Messanlage zur Kontrolle von Emanationsmustern mittels neuronaler Netze

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    Die Detektion von Gasanalyten ist von besonderer Relevanz in den Bereichen der Lebens- und Genussmittelanalytik, sowie in der Abfallentsorgung, Giftstoffkontrolle, in der Arbeitsplatzsicherheit und in der Sicherheitskontrolle der Schiff- und Raumfahrt. Sie stellt daher besondere Herausforderungen an die Sensoren wie wechselnde Temperaturen, minimale Konzentrationen der gesuchten Substanzen und geringes Platzangebot, Kostenminimierung, Leistungssteigerung und Dauerüberwachung. Dazu müssen die Sensoren eine hohe Selektivität, rasches Reaktionsvermögen, minimale Ausdehnung, günstige Produktionskosten, hohe Stabilität, sowie chemische Resistenz besitzen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von Chemosensoren-Arrays und mathematischen Modellen für die Messung von Emanationsmustern aus unterschiedlichen Lebensmittelproben und die experimentelle Realisierung wurde mit der Entwicklung von MQCM-Arrays, automatisierter Schaltanlagen sowie durch den Vergleich mit GC-MS erreicht und so kann man komplexe Analytgemische in einer Matrix wie in der Kompostierung oder Gewürzemanation detektieren. Unsere apparativen Neuentwicklungen haben gezeigt, dass es möglich ist auf schnellem Weg mit relativ geringen Kosten Sensormaterialien zu erstellen, die in der Lage sind Analytgemische mit ausreichender Genauigkeit zu messen. Eine höhere Anzahl an Kanälen in unserem Fall zwölf, führt dabei zwar zu einer Erhöhung der Komplexität, ist definitiv jedoch ein Gewinn an Information und daher an Aussagekraft der Methode. Wir konnten mit den Sensoren-Arrays Analyte aus Thymian wie Limonen, Thymol und Pinene in Mengen von etwa 20-30 ppm bis hinauf zu 103 ppm nachweisen, detektieren und quantifizieren. Die Vergleichsmessungen mit GC-MS bestätigten diese Ergebnisse. Was bei der Kalibration mit reinen Analyten aus einem linearen Zusammenhang ersichtlich war, lieferte auch das neuronale Netz nach Training mit bekannten Daten in ausreichender Qualität in der Komplexität der Terpenmischungen. Die Dimensionierung des NN war eine der Schlüsselsequenzen für den Erfolg der Auswertung. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht, dass die Weiterentwicklung der Quarzsensoren sehr viel Potential für sensitivere und schnellere Auswertungen bietet. Es ist ersichtlich, dass in dieser Messmethode großes Potential steckt und möglicherweise damit ein wesentlicher Schritt für die automatisierte Messung von Gasgemischen erreicht werden konnte.The detection of gas analytes is of particular relevance in the areas of food and beverage analysis, as well as in waste disposal and toxic substance control in workplace safety and the safety control in shipping and aviation. Therefore this raises special challenges for sensors such as changing temperatures, minimal concentrations of the substances to be detected as limited space, cost reduction, performance improvement and continuous monitoring. Thus sensors must have high selectivity, fast reaction times, minimal size, low production costs, high stability and chemical resistance. The goal of this work is the development of chemical sensor arrays and mathematical models for measuring emanation patterns from different food samples and the experimental realization has been achieved by developing MQCM arrays, automated switchboards and by validation with GC-MS and so one can detect complex analyte mixtures in composting or spice emanations. Our new instrumental developments have shown that it is possible to produce low cost sensor materials in a relatively fast way, which are able to measure the analyte mixture with sufficient accuracy. A higher number of channels in our case twelve, leads to an increase in complexity, but shows definitely a gain in information and is therefore meaningful to the method. We have proven detected and quantified analytes with the sensor array from thyme as limonene, pinene and thymol in amounts of about 20-30 ppm up to 103 ppm. The comparison with GC-MS measurements confirmed these results. What was apparent during the calibration with pure analytes from a linear relationship also was provided by the neural network in sufficient quality in the complexity of terpene mixtures after training it with known data. The design of the dimensions of the neural network was one of the key sequences for the success of the evaluation. The work demonstrates that the development of quartz sensors provides a lot of potential for more sensitive and even faster reporting. It is evident that there is great potential in this kind of measurement method and probably a major step forward in the automated measurement from gas mixtures could be achieved

    Optical detection of single electron spin resonance in a quantum dot

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    We demonstrate optically detected spin resonance of a single electron confined to a self-assembled quantum dot. The dot is rendered dark by resonant optical pumping of the spin with a coherent laser. Contrast is restored by applying a radio frequency (rf) magnetic field at the spin resonance. The scheme is sensitive even to rf fields of just a few micro-T. In one case, the spin resonance behaves exactly as a driven 3-level quantum system (a lambda-system) with weak damping. In another, the dot exhibits remarkably strong (67% signal recovery) and narrow (0.34 MHz) spin resonances with fluctuating resonant positions, evidence of unusual dynamic processes of non-Markovian character.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    An ABC transporter is involved in the silicon-induced formation of casparian bands in the exodermis of rice

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    Silicon (Si) promotes the formation of Casparian bands (CB) in rice and reduces radial oxygen loss (ROL). Further transcriptomic approaches revealed several candidate genes involved in the Si-induced formation of CB such as ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter, Class III peroxidases, ligases and transferases. Investigation of these genes by means of overexpression (OE) and knockout (KO) mutants revealed the contribution of the ABC transporter (OsABCG25) to CB formation in the exodermis, which was also reflected in the expression of other OsABCG25 in the Si-promoted formation of CB genes related to the phenylpropanoid pathway, such as phenylalanine-ammonia-lyase, diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase and 4-coumarate-CoA ligase. Differential CB development in mutants and Si supply also affected the barrier function of the exodermis. OE of the ABC transporter and Si supply reduced the ROL from roots and Fe uptake. No effect on ROL and Fe uptake could be observed for the KO mutant. The presented research confirms the impact of the OsABCG25 in the Si-promoted formation of CB and its barrier functions. © 2017 Hinrichs, Fleck, Biedermann, Ngo, Schreiber and Schenk

    Lifestyle factors associated with inflammatory bowel disease: data from the Swiss IBD cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND Various environmental risk factors have been associated with the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. In this study we aimed to identify lifestyle factors that affect the onset of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. METHODS 2294 patients from the Swiss IBD Cohort Study received a questionnaire regarding physical activity, nutritional habits and status of weight. In addition, a control group was formed comprising patients' childhood friends, who grew up in a similar environment. RESULTS Overall, 1111 questionnaires were returned (response rate: 48.4%). Significantly more patients with inflammatory bowel disease reported no regular practice of sport during childhood and beginning of adulthood compared to the control group (p = 0.0001). No association between intake of refined sugar and onset of inflammatory bowel disease was observed. More patients with Crohn's disease compared to ulcerative colitis and controls suffered from overweight during childhood (12.8% vs. 7.7% and 9.7%, respectively; p = 0.027). CONCLUSIONS Our study underlines the relevance of environmental factors in the development of inflammatory bowel disease. Our results imply a protective effect of physical activity regarding the onset of inflammatory bowel disease

    Considering medical students’ perception, concerns and needs for e-exam during COVID-19: a promising approach to improve subject specific e-exams

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    The COVID-19 pandemic forced a rapid shift to digital strategies including e-exams in medical schools. However, there are significant concerns, predominately from student perspectives, and further data is required to successfully establish e-assessment in the medical curricula. The objective of the study was to examine medical students’ perceptions, concerns, and needs regarding e-assessment to establish a comprehensive e-exam based on these and previous findings and to evaluate its effectiveness in terms of examinee perceptions and further needs. During the 2021 summer term, a cross-sectional study using qualitative and quantitative methods was conducted among all 1077 students at the School of Medicine, Technical University of Munich. They were asked to provide information regarding their characteristics, preferred exam format, e-assessment perception, concerns, and needs in an online questionnaire. Based on these findings, a pilot e-exam including an e-exam preparation for the students were established and subsequently evaluated among 125 pilot e-exam examinees under study consideration via an online-questionnaire. Of the 317 pre-exam participants (73.2% female), 70.3% preferred in-person exams and showed concerns about the technological framework, privacy, and examination requirements. Qualitative analysis showed that these concerns lead to additional exam stress and fear of failure. The 34 (79.4% female) participants who participated in the evaluation survey showed a significantly more positive e-exam perception. The fairness of the platform, the independence from an internet connection, the organization including the e-exam preparation, and the consideration of participant needs were discussed as particularly positive in the open-ended comments. In both surveys, participants requested uniform platforms and processes for all subjects. This study provides evidence for a positive, complementary role of student participation in a successful e-exam implementation. Furthermore, when establishing an e-exam format in the medical curricula, e-exam training, equal accessibility, availability offline, and all-round fairness should be considered

    Systematic Literature Review: Ability of the IBDQ-32 to Detect Meaningful Change in Ulcerative Colitis Health Indicators

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    Purpose: Previous reviews produced weak evidence regarding the responsiveness of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ-32) to changes in ulcerative colitis (UC) health indicators. This systematic review and meta-analysis provide an updated synthesis on IBDQ-32 responsiveness. Methods: A systematic literature review identified 11 articles reporting IBDQ-32 responder analyses in randomized control trials, which were included in a random effects meta-analysis, and 15 articles linking IBDQ-32 change to change in UC health indicators, which were summarized narratively. Meta-analysis compared differences between IBDQ-32 responder proportions in efficacious and nonefficacious treatment arms relative to placebo. Linear meta-regression examined the association of treatment efficacy and proportions of IBDQ-32 responders in active treatment compared with placebo. Results: Meta-analysis showed larger differences in IBDQ-32 response proportions between active treatment and placebo for efficacious treatments (pooled OR, 2.19; 95% CI, 1.83-2.63) than nonefficacious treatments (pooled OR, 1.21; 95% CI, 0.84-1.74; Cochran's Q[df = 1] = 8.26, P = .004). Meta-regression showed that the magnitude of treatment efficacy positively predicted IBDQ-32 response in active treatments relative to placebo (β = 0.21, P < .001). Moderate to strong correlations were found between change in IBDQ-32 and change in health indicators (eg, patient-reported measures, disease activity, endoscopic indices; correlations, 0.37-0.64 in absolute values). Patients achieving clinical response or remission showed greater change in IBDQ-32 total scores (range, 22.3-50.1 points) and more frequently met clinically meaningful thresholds on the IBDQ-32 than those not achieving clinical response or remission (all P < .05). Conclusions: The IBDQ-32 is responsive to changes in UC health indicators and disease activity, including in response to efficacious treatment (relative to placebo)

    Lifestyle factors associated with inflammatory bowel disease: data from the Swiss IBD cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Various environmental risk factors have been associated with the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. In this study we aimed to identify lifestyle factors that affect the onset of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. METHODS: 2294 patients from the Swiss IBD Cohort Study received a questionnaire regarding physical activity, nutritional habits and status of weight. In addition, a control group was formed comprising patients' childhood friends, who grew up in a similar environment. RESULTS: Overall, 1111 questionnaires were returned (response rate: 48.4%). Significantly more patients with inflammatory bowel disease reported no regular practice of sport during childhood and beginning of adulthood compared to the control group (p = 0.0001). No association between intake of refined sugar and onset of inflammatory bowel disease was observed. More patients with Crohn's disease compared to ulcerative colitis and controls suffered from overweight during childhood (12.8% vs. 7.7% and 9.7%, respectively; p = 0.027). CONCLUSIONS: Our study underlines the relevance of environmental factors in the development of inflammatory bowel disease. Our results imply a protective effect of physical activity regarding the onset of inflammatory bowel disease

    Process Compensated Resonance Testing Modeling for Damage Evolution and Uncertainty Quantification

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    Process Compensated Resonance Testing (PCRT) is a nondestructive evaluation method that measures and analyzes the resonance frequencies of a component for material state characterization, defect detection and process monitoring. PCRT inspections of gas turbine engine components have demonstrated the sensitivity of resonance frequencies to manufacturing defects and in-service thermal and mechanical damage. Prior work on PCRT modeling has developed forward modeling and model inversion techniques that simulate the effects of geometry variation, material property variation, and damage on Mar-M-247 nickel-based superalloy samples. Finite element method (FEM) forward model simulations predicted the effects of variation in geometry, material properties and damage on resonance frequencies. Model inversion used measured resonance frequencies to characterize the material state of components. Parallel work developed a process for uncertainty quantification (UQ) in PCRT models and measurements. The UQ process evaluated the propagation of uncertainty from various sources, identified the most significant uncertainty sources, and enabled uncertainty mitigation to improve model and measurement accuracy. Current efforts have expanded on those developments in several areas. One-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) forward model simulations were conducted on cylindrical dog bone coupons made from Mar-M-247. The simulations predicted the resonance frequency response to variation in geometry, elastic properties, crystallographic orientation, creep strain and cracking. The OFAT studies were followed by forward model Monte Carlo simulations that predicted the effects of multiple, concurrent sources of variation and damage on resonance frequencies, allowing characterization of virtual populations and quantification of uncertainty propagation. The Monte Carlo simulation design points were used to demonstrate the generation of a virtual database of components for training PCRT inspection applications, or “sorting modules.” Virtual database training sets can potentially overcome the limitations imposed by the availability of components and material states for training sets based on physical examples. Forward modeling tools and techniques were applied to titanium to simulate the effects of material variation, damage, and crystallographic texture. Forward modeling was also applied to more complex geometries, including a notional turbine blade, to demonstrate the application of modeling tools to shapes representative of gas turbine engine components. Model inversion tools and techniques have also advanced under the current effort. Prior inversion methods relied on iterative fitting to polynomial expressions for simple geometries and bulk material properties. Current efforts have demonstrated FEM-based model inversion which allows characterization of complex shapes and material states. FEM-based design spaces were generated, model inversion was carried out for surrogate modeled resonance spectra, and inversion performance was evaluated. Analysis of PCRT modeling results led to the development of automated resonance mode matching tools based on the calculation of modal assurance criteria (MAC) values, mode shape displacement metrics and Hungarian Algorithm sorting methods