1,107 research outputs found

    Embroidery and Beading Design for Fashion

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    This class will focus on designing for hand embroidery and adapting methods to machine embroidery and other surface techniques. The topics will include how to use certain embroidery techniques in designing, how to chart and communicate embroidery designs, and how to estimate costs among other subjects

    Why I Became an Embroiderer: Choices of High Fashion Embroiderers from Europe

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    With so little documentation about the high fashion embroidery, the question arose, “How did the embroiderers find out about the industry?” As part of a qualitative study using oral history methods, I proceeded to ask that question to embroiderers in Paris, London, Milan, and the Lunéville area of France. The purpose was to find out what inspired them to become part of the high fashion embroidery industry and what choices guided their career path

    Experiences in Embroidery: Stories from the High Fashion Embroidery Industry

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    Fashion embroidery has been an integral part of high fashion since before King Louis XV of France in the 18th century. Upon the development of haute couture in France, a professional fashion embroidery industry arose to serve the needs of the new high fashion designers. Despite significance of professional embroidery in high fashion, there is little documentation of the history of the fashion embroidery industry. Particularly scarce is information about the professional embroiderers working in the industry. The purpose of this qualitative study was to capture the life stories of the people working in the modern fashion embroidery industry in France, Italy, and England. This qualitative study utilized oral history methods for designing and conducting face-to-face interviews with 20 participants who worked in professional high fashion embroidery workshops in France, England, and Italy. The primary research question guiding the study was: How do professional embroiderers represent their work and life as an embroiderer? The participants were all professional embroidery professionals chosen via purposeful and snowball sampling methods. 16 participants took part in audio-recorded interviews, while 4 additional participants’ contributions were captured in field notes. All but 2 of the interviews took place in the participant’s embroidery workshop. Interview transcripts were analyzed using the constant comparative method of analysis. I uncovered 3 primary themes in the embroiderers’ conversations: education and career progress of embroiderers, evolution of the company and methods, and current challenges and future aspirations. Findings revealed that the embroiderer’s education or training was one of the most influential events in their lives. The embroiderer’s education not only shaped the future of the embroiderer, but also impacted the future of the embroiderer’s employing company. In addition to education, a company’s history and present working methods also strongly affect the company’s potential for future survival and ability to compete globally. The stories of the embroiderers also provide support for teaching embroidery history not only in European embroidery programs, but in American fashion design programs as well

    Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition Concert

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents Concerto Competition Concert featuring competition winner Theresa Stephens, clarinet.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1618/thumbnail.jp

    Conscientisation and Radical Habitus: Expanding Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice in Youth Activism Studies

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    Bourdieu’s theory of practice is a useful tool to understand people’s everyday behaviours, dispositions and habits. However, this theory struggles to explain how some people diverge from the social norms that structure their habitus. This article proposes an extension of Bourdieu’s theory of practice by incorporating Freire’s conscientisation, that is, a theory of how individuals develop a critically conscious awareness through engagement with the world around them. Here, we use young people’s engagement in activism as a case study to show how these two theories can work together. We analysed previous youth activism research articles to explore how the theory of practice and conscientisation can explain the representations made of young people’s activism. Combining the two theories allows an explanation of how and why the young people in the studies that we reviewed took pathways of alternative actions from within their habitus. We argue that by adding Freire’s conscientisation to Bourdieu’s theory of practice, young people’s activism can be understood as the development of a generational radical habitus

    More learning, less activism: narratives of childhood in Australian media representations of the School Strike for Climate

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    The School Strike for Climate campaign led to public discussion about children’s political participation. Children are generally excluded from formal political systems, however this campaign challenges mainstream attitudes that children are not sufficiently competent to participate in politics. This paper presents an analysis of Australian mainstream media representations of adult responses to the School Strike for Climate events held in Australia in March 2019. When analysed against theories of childhood, two primary narratives are reflected in what adults said about children’s participation in the campaign. Anticipatory narratives focus on children appropriately developing into adults, and are represented by the notion that strikers should be in school, be punished for missing school, and are ‘just kids’ who should not be listened to. Protectionist narratives seek to shelter children from adult matters, suggesting strikers were brainwashed and raising welfare concerns. Neither of these narratives regard children as citizens capable of political voice, despite these children acting prefiguratively to create a world in which their civic participation is valued. Social movement theories of prefiguration are also explored in this paper, providing a counter argument to suggestions that children have no political agency and should be excluded from activism and discussions regarding climate change

    Anonymized EU-LFS Microdata for Research: Background, Resources, and Introduction to Data Handling

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    This report is intended to aid researchers working with the European Labour Force Survey, which Eurostat disseminates in anonymized form to accredited researchers. The report seeks to fulfil three objectives: Firstly, to provide an overview of the scope of the survey and it’s potential for scientific inquiry. Secondly, to review the wide array of resources made available by Eurostat and the services provided by GESIS and provide links for further reading. And finally, to instruct on the use of the microdata by outlining the data structure, the different identifiers and how these can be used for analyses at the household level and to study individuals over multiple quarters. To this aim the report includes a num- ber of illustrated examples alongside Stata code. These examples are mainly intended for researchers with little experience with complex data files, they can also be useful to experienced researchers as they highlight some of the key features of the EU-LFS microdata

    Chabauty--Kim and the Section Conjecture for locally geometric sections

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    Let XX be a smooth projective curve of genus 2\geq2 over a number field. A natural variant of Grothendieck's Section Conjecture postulates that every section of the fundamental exact sequence for XX which everywhere locally comes from a point of XX in fact globally comes from a point of XX. We show that X/QX/\mathbb{Q} satisfies this version of the Section Conjecture if it satisfies Kim's Conjecture for almost all choices of auxiliary prime pp, and give the appropriate generalisation to SS-integral points on hyperbolic curves. This gives a new "computational" strategy for proving instances of this variant of the Section Conjecture, which we carry out for the thrice-punctured line over Z[1/2]\mathbb{Z}[1/2]