26 research outputs found

    Orbital ferromagnetism in interacting few-electron dots with strong spin-orbit coupling

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    We study the ground state of NN weakly interacting electrons (with N≤10N\le 10) in a two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot with strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling. Using dimensionless parameters for the Coulomb interaction, λ≲1\lambda\lesssim 1, and the Rashba coupling, α≫1\alpha\gg 1, the low-energy physics is characterized by an almost flat single-particle dispersion. From an analytical approach for α→∞\alpha\to \infty and N=2N=2, and from numerical exact diagonalization and Hartree-Fock calculations, we find a transition from a conventional unmagnetized ground state (for λ<λc\lambda<\lambda_c) to an orbital ferromagnet (for λ>λc\lambda>\lambda_c), with a large magnetization and a circulating charge current. We show that the critical interaction strength, λc=λc(α,N)\lambda_c=\lambda_c(\alpha,N), vanishes in the limit α→∞\alpha\to \infty.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures; (v2) more discussion added, fig.8 correcte

    Non-Fermi liquid manifold in a Majorana device

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    We propose and study a setup realizing a stable manifold of non-Fermi liquid states. The device consists of a mesoscopic superconducting island hosting N≥3N \ge 3 Majorana bound states tunnel-coupled to normal leads, with a Josephson contact to a bulk superconductor. We find a nontrivial interplay between multi-channel Kondo and resonant Andreev reflection processes, which results in the fixed point manifold. The scaling dimension of the leading irrelevant perturbation changes continuously within the manifold and determines the power-law scaling of the temperature dependent conductance.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Critical Josephson current through a bistable single-molecule junction

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    We compute the critical Josephson current through a single-molecule junction. As a model for a molecule with a bistable conformational degree of freedom, we study an interacting single-level quantum dot coupled to a two-level system and weakly connected to two superconducting electrodes. We perform a lowest-order perturbative calculation of the critical current and show that it can significantly change due to the two-level system. In particular, the \pi-junction behavior, generally present for strong interactions, can be completely suppressed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures; v2: minor changes, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Interaction-induced conductance from zero modes in a clean magnetic graphene waveguide

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    We consider a waveguide formed in a clean graphene monolayer by a spatially inhomogeneous magnetic field. The single-particle dispersion relation for this waveguide exhibits a zero-energy Landau-like flat band, while finite-energy bands have dispersion and correspond, in particular, to snake orbits. For zero-mode states, all matrix elements of the current operator vanish, and a finite conductance can only be caused by virtual transitions to finite-energy bands. We show that Coulomb interactions generate such processes. In stark contrast to finite-energy bands, the conductance is not quantized and shows a characteristic dependence on the zero-mode filling. Transport experiments thereby offer a novel and highly sensitive probe of electron-electron interactions in clean graphene samples. We argue that this interaction-driven zero-mode conductor may also appear in other physical settings and is not captured by the conventional Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid description.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, published versio

    Adiabatic polaron dynamics and Josephson effect in a superconducting molecular quantum dot

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    We study the Josephson current through a resonant level coupled to a vibration mode (local Holstein model) in the adiabatic limit of low oscillator frequency. A semiclassical theory is then appropriate and allows us to consider the oscillator dynamics within the Born-Oppenheimer approximation for arbitrary electron-vibration couplings. The resulting Fokker-Planck equation has been solved in the most relevant underdamped limit and yields the oscillator distribution function and the Josephson current. Remarkably, a transition from single-well to double-well behavior of the effective oscillator potential surface is possible and can be tuned by variation of the superconducting phase difference. The Josephson current is shown to be only weakly affected by the electron-vibration coupling due to strong phonon localization near the bottom of the potential surface.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Non-equilibrium supercurrent through a quantum dot: current harmonics and proximity effect due to a normal metal lead

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    We consider a Hamiltonian model for a quantum dot which is placed between two superconducting leads with a constant bias imposed between these leads. Using the non-equilibrium Keldysh technique, we focus on the subgap current, where it is known that multiple Andreev reflections (MAR) are responsible for charge transfer through the dot. Attention is put on the DC current and on the first harmonics of the supercurrent. Varying the energy and width of the resonant level on the dot, we first investigate a cross-over from a quantum dot regime to a quantum point contact regime when there is zero coupling to the normal probe. We then study the effect on the supercurrent of the normal probe which is attached to the dot. This normal probe is understood to lead to dephasing, or alternatively to induce reverse proximity effect. We describe the full crossover from zero dephasing to the incoherent case. We also compute the Josephson current in the presence of the normal lead, and find it in excellent agreement with the values of the non-equlibrium current extrapolated at zero voltage

    Transport through a molecular quantum dot in the polaron crossover regime

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    We consider resonant transport through a molecular quantum dot coupled to a local vibration mode. Applying the non-equilibrium Green function technique in the polaron representation, we develop a non-perturbative scheme to calculate the electron spectral function of the molecule in the regime of intermediate electron-phonon coupling. With increasing tunneling coupling to the leads, correlations between polaron clouds become more important at relatively high temperature leading to a strong sharpening of the peak structure in the spectral function. The detection of such features in the current-voltage characteristics is briefly discussed

    Phonon-mediated negative differential conductance in molecular quantum dots

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    Transport through a single molecular conductor is considered, showing negative differential conductance behavior associated with phonon-mediated electron tunneling processes. This theoretical work is motivated by a recent experiment by Leroy et al. using a carbon nanotube contacted by an STM tip [Nature {\bf 432}, 371 (2004)], where negative differential conductance of the breathing mode phonon side peaks could be observed. A peculiarity of this system is that the tunneling couplings which inject electrons and those which collect them on the substrate are highly asymmetrical. A quantum dot model is used, coupling a single electronic level to a local phonon, forming polaron levels. A "half-shuttle" mechanism is also introduced. A quantum kinetic formulation allows to derive rate equations. Assuming asymmetric tunneling rates, and in the absence of the half-shuttle coupling, negative differential conductance is obtained for a wide range of parameters. A detailed explanation of this phenomenon is provided, showing that NDC is maximal for intermediate electron-phonon coupling. In addition, in absence of a gate, the "floating" level results in two distinct lengths for the current plateaus, related to the capacitive couplings at the two junctions. It is shown that the "half-shuttle" mechanism tends to reinforce the negative differential regions, but it cannot trigger this behavior on its own

    Energy spectrum and broken spin-surface locking in topological insulator quantum dots

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    We consider the energy spectrum and the spin-parity structure of the eigenstates for a quantum dot made of a strong topological insulator. Using the effective low-energy theory in a finite-length cylinder geometry, numerical calculations show that even at the lowest energy scales, the spin direction in a topologically protected surface mode is not locked to the surface. We find "zero-momentum" modes, and subgap states localized near the "caps" of the dot. Both the energy spectrum and the spin texture of the eigenstates are basically reproduced from an analytical surface Dirac fermion description. Our results are compared to microscopic calculations using a tight-binding model for a strong topological insulator in a finite-length nanowire geometry.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Physical Review B (2011

    Rabi-like oscillations of an anharmonic oscillator: classical versus quantum interpretation

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    8 pagesInternational audienceWe have observed Rabi-like oscillations in a current-biased dc SQUID presenting enhanced coherence times compared to our previous realization~\cite{Claudon_PRL04}. This Josephson device behaves as an anharmonic oscillator which can be driven into a coherent superposition of quantum states by resonant microwave flux pulses. Increasing the microwave amplitude, we study the evolution of the Rabi frequency from the 2-level regime to the regime of multilevel dynamics. When up to 33 levels are involved, the Rabi frequency is a clear signature of quantum behavior. At higher excitation amplitude, classical and quantum predictions for the Rabi frequency converge. This result is discussed in the light of a calculation of the Wigner function. In particular, our analysis shows that pronounced quantum interferences always appear in the course of the Rabi-like oscillations