700 research outputs found

    Dan Hoffman - A Unique Person

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    Photometry Results for the Globular Clusters M10 and M12: Extinction Maps, Color-Magnitude Diagrams, and Variable Star Candidates

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    We report on photometry results of the equatorial globular clusters (GCs) M10 and M12. These two clusters are part of our sample of GCs which we are probing for the existence of photometrically varying eclipsing binary stars. During the search for binaries in M10 and M12, we discovered the signature of differential reddening across the fields of the clusters. The effect is stronger for M10 than for M12. Using our previously described dereddening technique, we create differential extinction maps for the clusters which dramatically improve the appearance of the color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). Comparison of our maps with the dust emissivity maps of Schlegel, Finkbeiner, & Davis (SFD) shows good agreement in terms of spatial extinction features. Several methods of adding an E_{V-I} zero point to our differential maps are presented of which isochrone fitting proved to be the most successful. Our E_{V-I} values fall within the range of widely varying literature values. More specifically, our reddening zero point estimate for M12 agrees well with the SFD estimate, whereas the one for M10 falls below the SFD value. Our search for variable stars in the clusters produced a total of five variables: three in M10 and two in M12. The M10 variables include a binary system of the W Ursa Majoris (W UMa) type, a background RR Lyrae star, and an SX Phoenicis pulsator, none of which is physically associated with M10. M12's variables are two W UMa binaries, one of which is most likely a member of the cluster. We present the phased photometry lightcurves for the variable stars, estimate their distances, and show their locations in the fields and the CMDs of the GCs.Comment: 22 pages, 21 figures, to be published in AJ October 2002. For a higher-resolution version of this paper, please visit http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/~kaspar/M10_M12_photometry.ps.gz (gzipped postscript) or http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu/~kaspar/M10_M12_photometry.pdf (pdf file

    Counting Statistics of an Adiabatic Pump

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    We consider quantum statistics of charge transmitted through a mesoscopic device in the adiabatic pumping process. A general formula for the distribution function of the transmitted charge in terms of the time-dependent S-matrix is obtained. It is applied to a few simple examples of the pumping cycles. We identify coherent pumping strategies which lead to the binomial charge distribution and minimize the fluctuations of the pumped current. Conditions for the ideal noiseless quantized pump are discussed.Comment: 4 page

    Band Formation during Gaseous Diffusion in Aerogels

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    We study experimentally how gaseous HCl and NH_3 diffuse from opposite sides of and react in silica aerogel rods with porosity of 92 % and average pore size of about 50 nm. The reaction leads to solid NH_4Cl, which is deposited in thin sheet-like structures. We present a numerical study of the phenomenon. Due to the difference in boundary conditions between this system and those usually studied, we find the sheet-like structures in the aerogel to differ significantly from older studies. The influence of random nucleation centers and inhomogeneities in the aerogel is studied numerically.Comment: 7 pages RevTex and 8 figures. Figs. 4-8 in Postscript, Figs. 1-3 on request from author

    Torsion pairs and simple-minded systems in triangulated categories

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    Let T be a Hom-finite triangulated Krull-Schmidt category over a field k. Inspired by a definition of Koenig and Liu, we say that a family S of pairwise orthogonal objects in T with trivial endomorphism rings is a simple-minded system if its closure under extensions is all of T. We construct torsion pairs in T associated to any subset X of a simple-minded system S, and use these to define left and right mutations of S relative to X. When T has a Serre functor \nu, and S and X are invariant under \nu[1], we show that these mutations are again simple-minded systems. We are particularly interested in the case where T is the stable module category of a self-injective algebra \Lambda. In this case, our mutation procedure parallels that introduced by Koenig and Yang for simple-minded collections in the derived category of \Lambda. It follows that the mutation of the set of simple \Lambda-modules relative to X yields the images of the simple \Gamma-modules under a stable equivalence between \Gamma\ and \Lambda, where \Gamma\ is the tilting mutation of \Lambda\ relative to X.Comment: Minor corrections. To appear in Applied Categorical Structures. The final publication is available at springerlink.com: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10485-014-9365-

    Design and performance of the multiplexing spectrometer CAMEA

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    The cold neutron multiplexing secondary spectrometer CAMEA (Continuous Angle Multiple Energy Analysis) was commissioned at the Swiss spallation neutron source SINQ at the Paul Scherrer Institut at the end of 2018. The spectrometer is optimised for an efficient data collection in the horizontal scattering plane, allowing for detailed and rapid mapping of excitations under extreme conditions. The novel design consists of consecutive, upward scattering analyzer arcs underneath an array of position sensitive detectors mounted inside a low permeability stainless-steel vacuum vessel. The construction of the world's first continuous angle multiple energy analysis instrument required novel solutions to many technical challenges, including analyzer mounting, vacuum connectors, and instrument movement. These were solved by extensive prototype experiments and in-house developments. Here we present a technical overview of the spectrometer describing in detail the engineering solutions and present our first experimental data taken during the commissioning. Our results demonstrate the tremendous gains in data collection rate for this novel type of spectrometer design

    О становлении трансплантологии в Украине: юридические аспекты

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    Рассмотрены основные аспекты развития трансплантологии, их положительное и отрицательное влияние на прогресс пересадки органов в странах с различным уровнем развития демократических принципов. Показано значение юридических проблем в развитии клинической и экспериментальной трансплантологии.Main aspects of transplantology development, their favorable and unfavorable influence on the process of organ transplantation in the countries with different level of democracy are featured. Significance of legal problems in clinical and experimental transplantology is shown