1,226 research outputs found

    Estrés ocupacional asociado a factores de riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares en profesionales de la salud

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    OBJETIVOS: Determinar si en profesionales de salud, el estrés ocupacional es un factor asociado a la presencia de factores de riesgo cardiovasculares. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico de corte transversal, en la Micro Red de Salud Huanchaco, evaluándose a un total de 100 profesionales de la salud entre abril y mayo del 2019. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia global de los factores de riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares fue 46,08%. Los factores significativamente asociados a la presencia de factores de riesgo para enfermedades cardiovasculares fueron la edad (43,23 ± 8,57 vs 38,82 ± 8,11; p = 0,009); la profesión médica (19,15% vs 5,45%; p = 0,032) y el tiempo de trabajo (10,51 ± 8,53 vs 6,70 ± 5,95; p = 0,010); asi mismo el estrés ocupacional estuvo presente en el 36,17% y 20% en los profesionales de la salud con y sin presencia de factores de riesgo para enfermedades cardiovasculares. La edad y la profesión médica fueron los factores independientemente asociadas a la presencia de factores de riesgo para enfermedades cardiovasculares. CONCLUSIONES: La edad y la profesión médica resultaron asociados a la presencia de factores de riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares, se observó que el estrés ocupacional tuvo una proporción mayor en aquellos con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular.OBJECTIVES: To determine if in health professionals, occupational stress is a factor associated with the presence of cardiovascular risk factors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An observational, analytical, cross-sectional study was conducted in the Huanchaco Micro Health Network, evaluating a total of 100 health professionals between April and May 2019. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors was 46.08%. The factors significantly associated with the presence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases were age (43.23 ± 8.57 vs. 38.82 ± 8.11; p = 0.009); the medical profession (19.15% vs. 5.45%; p = 0.032) and working time (10.51 ± 8.53 vs. 6.70 ± 5.95; p = 0.010); likewise, occupational stress was present in 36.17% and 20% in health professionals with and without the presence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Age and medical profession were factors independently associated with the presence of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Age and medical profession were associated with the presence of cardiovascular disease risk factors, it was observed that occupational stress had a higher proportion in those with cardiovascular risk factors.Tesi

    Model-based feature construction and text representation for social media analysis

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    Text representation is at the foundation of most text-based applications. Surface features are insufficient for many tasks and therefore constructing powerful discriminative features in a general way is an open challenge. Current approaches use deep neural networks to bypass feature construction. While deep learning can learn sophisticated representations from the text, it requires a lot of training data, which might not be readily available, and the derived features are not necessarily interpretable. In this work, we explore a novel paradigm, model-based feature construction (MBFC), that allows us to construct semantic features that can potentially improve many applications. In brief, MBFC uses human knowledge and expertise as well as big data to guide the design of models that enhance predictive modeling and support the data mining process by extracting useful knowledge, which in turn can be used as features for downstream prediction tasks. In this dissertation, we show how this paradigm can be applied to several tasks of social media analysis. We explore how MBFC can be used to solve the problem of target misalignment for prediction, where the output variable and the data may be at different levels of resolution and the goal is to construct features that can bridge this gap. The MBFC method allows us to use additional related data, e.g. associated context, to facilitate semantic analysis and feature construction. In this dissertation, we focus on a subset of problems in which social media data, in particular text data, can be leveraged to construct useful representations for prediction. We explore several kinds of user-generated content in social media data such as review data for useful review prediction, micro-blogging data for urgent health-based prediction tasks, and discussion forum data for expert prediction. First, we propose a background mixture model to capture incongruity features in text and use these features for humor detection in restaurant reviews. Second, we propose a source reliability feature representation method for trustworthy comment identification that incorporates user aspect expertise when modeling fine-grained reliabilities in an online discussion forum. And finally, we propose multi-view attribute features that adapt MBFC to handle the target misalignment problem for topic-based features and apply this to tweets in order to forecast new diagnosis rates for sexually transmitted infections

    Assessment of soil erosion vulnerability in the heavily populated and ecologically fragile communities in Motozintla de Mendoza, Chiapas, Mexico

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    Variability in physical rates and local knowledge of soil erosion was assessed across six rural communities in the Sierra Madre del Sur, Chiapas, Mexico. The average erosion rate estimated using the RUSLE model is 274 t ha-1 yr-1, with the estimated erosion rates ranging from 28 to 717 t ha-1 yr-1. These very high erosion rates are associated with high rainfall erosivity (17 000 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 yr-1) and steep slopes (mean slope Combining double low line 67 %). Many of the highest soil erosion rates are found in communities that are dominated by forestland, but where most of the tree cover has been removed. Conversely, lower erosion rates are often found where corn is cultivated for most of the year. According to the results of the soil erosion KAP (knowledge, attitude and practices) survey, awareness of the concept of soil erosion was reasonably high in all of the communities, but awareness of the causes of erosion was considerably lower. More than half of respondents believed that reforestation is a viable option for reducing soil erosion, but only a third of respondents were currently implementing reforestation practices. Another third of the respondents indicated that they were not following any soil conservation practices. Respondents indicated that adoption of government reforestation efforts have been hindered by the need to clear their land to sell forest products or cultivate corn. Respondents also mentioned the difficulties involved with obtaining favorable tree stocks for reforestation. The KAP results were used to assess the overall level of motivation to solve soil erosion problems by compiling negative responses. The relationship between the magnitude of the soil erosion problem and the capacity to reduce soil erosion is inconsistent across the communities. One community, Barrio Vicente Guerrero, had the highest average negative response rate and the second highest soil erosion rate, indicating that this community is particularly vulnerable

    Un sistema escalable per a recomanacions en temps real

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    L'objectiu principal del projecte és el desenvolupament d'una llibreria que permeti crear sistemes recomanadors escalables, eficients i que s'adaptin en temps real als gustos dels usuaris. Un cop implementada la llibreria, s'utilitzarà per a desenvolupar un sistema recomanador concret

    Proyecto de factibilidad para la exportación de rosas orgánicas de la empresa Nevado Ecuador hacia el mercado de Paris – Francia en el periodo 2015.

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    El objetivo general de la presente investigación es desarrollar un Proyecto de Exportación de rosas orgánica de la empresa Nevado Ecuador hacia el mercado de Francia- París; durante el periodo 2015. El estudio de mercado realizado en el presente proyecto, dio a conocer que Francia es un país con alta demanda potencial de este producto; debido a sus estrictos controles de calidad y su alta demanda de productos orgánicos. Dentro de la propuesta de comercialización se tomarán en cuenta los siguientes aspectos, los cuales son relevantes para la exportación: transporte, contenedores, condiciones de pago. El producir orgánicamente una rosa proporciona una característica diferente, y con este valor agregado se vuelva más competitivo en el mercado internacional, que cada vez demanda productos certificados y amigables con el medio ambiente. En el análisis financiero se tomó como referencia los estados financieros de entidad como: balance general, estado de resultados y el flujo del efectivo, a través de estos reportes financieros se logró obtener los siguientes costos: la proyección es de 5 años posteriores, un TIR de 52,06% y un beneficio costo de 1,48 y 1,55 Con dichos resultados se comprobó la factibilidad del proyecto de exportación.The overall objectives of this research is to develop an organic roses Export Project Nevado Ecuador company to market in France – Paris; during the 2015 period. The market survey carried out in this project, announced that France is a country with high potential demand for this product; because of its strict quality controls and high demand for organic products.In the marketing proposal the following aspects are taken into account, which are revelant for export: transport, containers, payment terms. The organically produce a rose provides a different characteristic, and this added value become more competitive in the international market, which increasingly demand products certified and friendly enviroment. In the financial analysis reference was made to the financial statements of entity as: balance sheet, income statement and the flow of cash trought these financial reports will be able to obtain the following costs: the projections is 5 years later, a TIR of 52.06% and a cost of 1.48 and 1.55 benefit with these results the export project feasibility was checked
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