170 research outputs found

    Inhibition of the norepinephrine transporter by χ-conotoxin dendrimers.

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    Peptide dendrimers are a novel class of macromolecules of emerging interest with the potential of delayed renal clearance due to their molecular size and enhanced activity due to the multivalency effect. In this work, an active analogue of the disulfide-rich χ-conotoxin χ-MrIA (χ-MrIA), a norepinephrine reuptake (norepinephrine transporter) inhibitor, was grafted onto a polylysine dendron. Dendron decoration was achieved by employing copper-catalyzed alkyne-azide cycloaddition with azido-PEG chain-modified χ-MrIA analogues, leading to homogenous 4-mer and 8-mer χ-MrIA dendrimers with molecular weights ranging from 8 to 22 kDa. These dendrimers were investigated for their impact on peptide secondary structure, in vitro functional activity, and potential anti-allodynia in vivo. NMR studies showed that the χ-MrIA tertiary structure was maintained in the χ-MrIA dendrimers. In a functional norepinephrine transporter reuptake assay, χ-MrIA dendrimers showed slightly increased potency relative to the azido-PEGylated χ-MrIA analogues with similar potency to the parent peptide. In contrast to χ-MrIA, no anti-allodynic action was observed when the χ-MrIA dendrimers were administered intrathecally in a rat model of neuropathic pain, suggesting that the larger dendrimer structures are unable to diffuse through the spinal column tissue and reach the norepinephrine transporter.NHMRC Grants: 1045964 & 107211

    The synthesis and structure of an n-terminal dodecanoic acid conjugate of a-conotoxin MII

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    The alpha-conotoxin MII is a 16 amino acid long peptide toxin isolated from the marine snail, Conus magus. This toxin has been found to be a highly selective and potent inhibitor of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the subtype alpha3beta2. To improve the bioavailability of this peptide, we have coupled to the N-terminus of conotoxin MII, 2-amino-D,L-dodecanoic acid (Laa) creating a lipidic linear peptide which was then successfully oxidised to produce the correctly folded conotoxin MII construct

    Analgesic Effects of GpTx-1, PF-04856264 and CNV1014802 in a Mouse Model of NaV1.7-Mediated Pain

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    Loss-of-function mutations of NaV1.7 lead to congenital insensitivity to pain, a rare condition resulting in individuals who are otherwise normal except for the inability to sense pain, making pharmacological inhibition of NaV1.7 a promising therapeutic strategy for the treatment of pain. We characterized a novel mouse model of NaV1.7-mediated pain based on intraplantar injection of the scorpion toxin OD1, which is suitable for rapid in vivo profiling of NaV1.7 inhibitors. Intraplantar injection of OD1 caused spontaneous pain behaviors, which were reversed by co-injection with NaV1.7 inhibitors and significantly reduced in NaV1.7−/− mice. To validate the use of the model for profiling NaV1.7 inhibitors, we determined the NaV selectivity and tested the efficacy of the reported NaV1.7 inhibitors GpTx-1, PF-04856264 and CNV1014802 (raxatrigine). GpTx-1 selectively inhibited NaV1.7 and was effective when co-administered with OD1, but lacked efficacy when delivered systemically. PF-04856264 state-dependently and selectively inhibited NaV1.7 and significantly reduced OD1-induced spontaneous pain when delivered locally and systemically. CNV1014802 state-dependently, but non-selectively, inhibited NaV channels and was only effective in the OD1 model when delivered systemically. Our novel model of NaV1.7-mediated pain based on intraplantar injection of OD1 is thus suitable for the rapid in vivo characterization of the analgesic efficacy of NaV1.7 inhibitors

    Synthesis of an analog of the thyroid hormone-binding protein transthyretin via regioselective chemical ligation

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    Transthyretin is an essential protein responsible for the transport of thyroid hormones and retinol in human serum and is also implicated in the amyloid diseases familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy and senile systemic amyloidosis. Its folding properties and stabilization by ligands are of current interest due to their importance in understanding and combating these diseases, Here we report the solid phase synthesis of the monomeric unit of a transthyretin analog (equivalent to 127 amino acids) using t-Boc chemistry and peptide ligation and its folding to form a functional 54-kDa tetramer, The monomeric unit of the protein was chemically synthesized in three parts (positions 1-51, 54-99, and 102-127) and ligated using a chemoselective thioether ligation chemistry. The synthetic protein was folded and assembled to a tetrameric structure in the presence of transthyretin's native ligand, thyroxine, as shown by gel filtration chromatography, native gel electrophoresis, transthyretin antibody recognition, and thyroid hormone binding. Other folding products included a high molecular weight aggregate as well as a transient dimeric species. This represents one of the largest macromolecules chemically synthesized to date and demonstrates the potential of protein chemical synthesis for investigations of protein-ligand interactions

    ERK and mTORC1 Inhibitors Enhance the Anti-Cancer Capacity of the Octpep-1 Venom-Derived Peptide in Melanoma BRAF(V600E) Mutations

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    Melanoma is the main cause of skin cancer deaths, with special emphasis in those cases carrying BRAF mutations that trigger the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) signaling and unrestrained cell proliferation in the absence of mitogens. Current therapies targeting MAPK are hindered by drug resistance and relapse that rely on metabolic rewiring and Akt activation. To identify new drug candidates against melanoma, we investigated the molecular mechanism of action of the Octopus Kaurna-derived peptide, Octpep-1, in human BRAF(V600E) melanoma cells using proteomics and RNAseq coupled with metabolic analysis. Fluorescence microscopy verified that Octpep-1 tagged with fluorescein enters MM96L and NFF cells and distributes preferentially in the perinuclear area of MM96L cells. Proteomics and RNAseq revealed that Octpep-1 targets PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling in MM96L cells. In addition, Octpep-1 combined with rapamycin (mTORC1 inhibitor) or LY3214996 (ERK1/2 inhibitor) augmented the cytotoxicity against BRAF(V600E) melanoma cells in comparison with the inhibitors or Octpep-1 alone. Octpep-1-treated MM96L cells displayed reduced glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration when combined with LY3214996. Altogether these data support Octpep-1 as an optimal candidate in combination therapies for melanoma BRAF(V600E) mutations

    Single amino acid substitutions in alpha-conotoxin PnIA shift selectivity for subtypes of the mammalian neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor

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    The alpha-conotoxins, a class of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) antagonists, are emerging as important probes of the role played by different nAChR subtypes in cell function and communication, In this study, the native alpha-conotoxins PnIA and PnIB were found to cause concentration-dependent inhibition of the ACh-induced current in all rat parasympathetic neurons examined, with IC50 values of 14 and 33 nM, and a maximal reduction in current amplitude of 87% and 71%, respectively. The modified alpha-conotoxin [N11S]PnIA reduced the ACh-induced current with an IC50 value of 375 nM and a maximally effective concentration caused 91% block, [A10L]PnIA was the most potent inhibitor, reducing the ACh-induced current in similar to 80% of neurons, with an IC50 value of 1.4 nM and 46% maximal block of the total current, The residual current was not inhibited further by alpha-bungarotoxin, but was further reduced by the cu-conotoxins PnIA or PnIB, and by mecamylamine. H-1 NMR studies indicate that PnIA, PnIB, and the analogues, [A10L]PnIA and [N11S]PnIA, have identical backbone structures. We propose that positions 10 and II of PnIA and PnIB influence potency and determine selectivity among alpha 7 and other nAChR subtypes, including alpha 3 beta 2 and alpha 3 beta 4, Four distinct components of the nicotinic ACh-induced current in mammalian parasympathetic neurons have been dissected with these conopeptides

    Efficient chemical synthesis of human complement protein C3a

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    We report the total chemical synthesis of human C3a by one-pot native chemical ligation of three unprotected peptide segments, followed by efficient in vitro folding that yielded the anaphylatoxin C3a in high yield and excellent purity. Synthetic C3a was fully active and its crystal structure at 2.1 Å resolution showed 3 helices and a C-terminal turn motif

    A tetrapeptide class of biased analgesics from an Australian fungus targets the μ-opioid receptor

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    An Australian estuarine isolate ofPenicilliumsp. MST-MF667 yielded3 tetrapeptides named the bilaids with an unusual alternating LDLDchirality. Given their resemblance to known short peptide opioidagonists, we elucidated that they were weak (Kilow micromolar)μ-opioid agonists, which led to the design of bilorphin, a potent andselectiveμ-opioid receptor (MOPr) agonist (Ki1.1 nM). In sharp con-trast to all-natural product opioid peptides that efficaciously recruitβ-arrestin, bilorphin is G protein biased, weakly phosphorylatingthe MOPr and marginally recruitingβ-arrestin, with no receptorinternalization. Importantly, bilorphin exhibits a similar G proteinbias to oliceridine, a small nonpeptide with improved overdosesafety. Molecular dynamics simulations of bilorphin and thestrongly arrestin-biased endomorphin-2 with the MOPr indicatedistinct receptor interactions and receptor conformations thatcould underlie their large differences in bias. Whereas bilorphinis systemically inactive, a glycosylated analog, bilactorphin, isorally active with similar in vivo potency to morphine. Bilorphinis both a unique molecular tool that enhances understanding ofMOPr biased signaling and a promising lead in the development ofnext generation analgesics

    Discovery and structure of a potent and highly specific blockerof insect calcium channels

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    We have isolated a novel family of insect-selective neurotoxins that appear to be the most potent blockers of insect voltage-gated calcium channels reported to date. These toxins display exceptional phylogenetic specificity, with at least a 10,000-fold preference for insect versus vertebrate calcium channels. The structure of one of the toxins reveals a highly structured, disulfide-rich core and a structurally disordered C-terminal extension that is essential for channel blocking activity. Weak structural/functional homology with omega -agatoxin-IVA/B, the prototypic inhibitor of vertebrate P-type calcium channels, suggests that these two toxin families might share a similar mechanism of action despite their vastly different phylogenetic specificities