169 research outputs found

    Verification of Agent-Based Artifact Systems

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    Artifact systems are a novel paradigm for specifying and implementing business processes described in terms of interacting modules called artifacts. Artifacts consist of data and lifecycles, accounting respectively for the relational structure of the artifacts' states and their possible evolutions over time. In this paper we put forward artifact-centric multi-agent systems, a novel formalisation of artifact systems in the context of multi-agent systems operating on them. Differently from the usual process-based models of services, the semantics we give explicitly accounts for the data structures on which artifact systems are defined. We study the model checking problem for artifact-centric multi-agent systems against specifications written in a quantified version of temporal-epistemic logic expressing the knowledge of the agents in the exchange. We begin by noting that the problem is undecidable in general. We then identify two noteworthy restrictions, one syntactical and one semantical, that enable us to find bisimilar finite abstractions and therefore reduce the model checking problem to the instance on finite models. Under these assumptions we show that the model checking problem for these systems is EXPSPACE-complete. We then introduce artifact-centric programs, compact and declarative representations of the programs governing both the artifact system and the agents. We show that, while these in principle generate infinite-state systems, under natural conditions their verification problem can be solved on finite abstractions that can be effectively computed from the programs. Finally we exemplify the theoretical results of the paper through a mainstream procurement scenario from the artifact systems literature

    MCMAS-SLK: A Model Checker for the Verification of Strategy Logic Specifications

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    We introduce MCMAS-SLK, a BDD-based model checker for the verification of systems against specifications expressed in a novel, epistemic variant of strategy logic. We give syntax and semantics of the specification language and introduce a labelling algorithm for epistemic and strategy logic modalities. We provide details of the checker which can also be used for synthesising agents' strategies so that a specification is satisfied by the system. We evaluate the efficiency of the implementation by discussing the results obtained for the dining cryptographers protocol and a variant of the cake-cutting problem

    Finite Abstractions for the Verification of Epistemic Properties in Open Multi-Agent Systems

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    We develop a methodology to model and verify open multi-agent systems (OMAS), where agents may join in or leave at run time. Further, we specify properties of interest on OMAS in a variant of first-order temporal-epistemic logic, whose characteris-ing features include epistemic modalities indexed to individual terms, interpreted on agents appear-ing at a given state. This formalism notably allows to express group knowledge dynamically. We study the verification problem of these systems and show that, under specific conditions, finite bisimilar ab-stractions can be obtained

    Verifying Multi-Agent Systems by Model Checking Three-valued Abstractions

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    ABSTRACT We develop the theoretical foundations of a predicate abstraction methodology for the verification of multi-agent systems. We put forward a specification language based on epistemic logic and a weak variant of the logic ATL interpreted on a three-valued semantics. We show that the model checking problem for multi-agent systems in this setting is tractable by giving a provably correct procedure which admits a PTime bound. We give a constructive technique for generating abstract approximations of concrete multiagent systems models and show that the truth values are preserved between abstract and concrete models. We evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology on a variant of the bit-transmission problem

    Synthesizing strategies under expected and exceptional environment behaviors

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    We consider an agent that operates with two models of the environment: one that captures expected behaviors and one that captures additional exceptional behaviors. We study the problem of synthesizing agent strategies that enforce a goal against environments operating as expected while also making a best effort against exceptional environment behaviors. We formalize these concepts in the context of linear-temporal logic, and give an algorithm for solving this problem. We also show that there is no trade-off between enforcing the goal under the expected environment specification and making a best-effort for it under the exceptional one
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