29 research outputs found

    Contributi per una flora vascolare di Toscana. VIII (440-506)

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    New localities and/or confirmations concerning 67 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 59 genera and 37 families are presented: Alisma (Alismataceae), Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae), Leucojum, Sternbergia, Tristagma (Amaryllidaceae), Aloe (Asphodelaceae), Erigeron, Galinsoga, Hieracium, Rhagadiolus, Silybum, Soliva, Taraxacum (Asteraceae), Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), Berberis (Berberidaceae), Cardamine (Brassicaceae), Opuntia (Cactaceae), Cephalaria, Sixalix, Succisa (Caprifoliaceae), Silene (Caryophyllaceae), Convolvulus, Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae), Aeonium (Crassulaceae), Scirpus (Cyperaceae), Equisetum (Equisetaceae), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), Astragalus, Trifolium (Fabaceae), Quercus (Fagaceae), Crocus (Iridaceae), Juncus (Juncaceae), Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae), Peplis (Lythraceae), Maclura (Moraceae), Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae), Oenothera (Onagraceae), Anacamptis, Orchis (Orchidaceae), Orobanche (Orobanchaceae), Callitriche, Veronica (Plantaginaceae), Alopecurus, Eleusine, Glyceria, Phleum (Poaceae), Persicaria, Polygonum (Polygonaceae), Groenlandia (Potamogetonaceae), Clematis, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae), Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae), Fragaria, Potentilla, Pyracantha (Rosaceae), Galium (Rubiaceae), Sparganium (Typhaceae), Vitis (Vitaceae). In the end, the conservation status of the units and eventual protection of the cited biotopes are discussed

    Contributi per una flora vascolare di Toscana. VIII (440-506) [Contributions for a vascular flora of Tuscany. VIII (440-506)]

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    Contributions for a vascular flora of Tuscany. VIII (440-506). New localities and/or confirmations concerning 67 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 59 genera and 37 families are presented: Alisma (Alismataceae), Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae), Leucojum, Sternbergia, Tristagma (Amaryllidaceae), Aloe (Asphodelaceae), Erigeron, Galinsoga, Hieracium, Rhagadiolus, Silybum, Soliva, Taraxacum (Asteraceae), Impatiens (Balsaminaceae), Berberis (Berberidaceae), Cardamine (Brassicaceae), Opuntia (Cactaceae), Cephalaria, Sixalix, Succisa (Caprifoliaceae), Silene (Caryophyllaceae), Convolvulus, Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae), Aeonium (Crassulaceae), Scirpus (Cyperaceae), Equisetum (Equisetaceae), Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae), Astragalus, Trifolium (Fabaceae), Quercus (Fagaceae), Crocus (Iridaceae), Juncus (Juncaceae), Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae), Peplis (Lythraceae), Maclura (Moraceae), Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae), Oenothera (Onagraceae), Anacamptis, Orchis (Orchidaceae), Orobanche (Orobanchaceae), Callitriche, Veronica (Plantaginaceae), Alopecurus, Eleusine, Glyceria, Phleum (Poaceae), Persicaria, Polygonum (Polygonaceae), Groenlandia (Potamogetonaceae), Clematis, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae), Rhamnus (Rhamnaceae), Fragaria, Potentilla, Pyracantha (Rosaceae), Galium (Rubiaceae), Sparganium (Typhaceae), Vitis (Vitaceae). In the end, the conservation status of the units and eventual protection of the cited biotopes are discussed

    Corneal Epithelial Regeneration: Old and New Perspectives

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    Corneal blindness is the fifth leading cause of blindness worldwide, and therapeutic options are still often limited to corneal transplantation. The corneal epithelium has a strong barrier function, and regeneration is highly dependent on limbal stem cell proliferation and basement membrane remodeling. As a result of the lack of corneal donor tissues, regenerative medicine for corneal diseases affecting the epithelium is an area with quite advanced basic and clinical research. Surgery still plays a prominent role in the treatment of epithelial diseases; indeed, innovative surgical techniques have been developed to transplant corneal and non-corneal stem cells onto diseased corneas for epithelial regeneration applications. The main goal of applying regenerative medicine to clinical practice is to restore function by providing viable cells based on the use of a novel therapeutic approach to generate biological substitutes and improve tissue functions. Interest in corneal epithelium rehabilitation medicine is rapidly growing, given the exposure of the corneal outer layers to external insults. Here, we performed a review of basic, clinical and surgical research reports on regenerative medicine for corneal epithelial disorders, classifying therapeutic approaches according to their macro- or microscopic target, i.e., into cellular or subcellular therapies, respectively

    Can macrophytes be a surrogate for amphibians and physico-chemical features in pond classifications?

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    Our primary goal was to test how consistently macrophytes, physico-chemical features and amphibians classify pond sites, by applying a measure of classification strength based on a set of cross-tests performed with randomisation protocols. Finally, we used ordination methods to identify the major environmental factors correlated with each biotic group. Significant results of concordance and higher values of relative classification strength were obtained at two (or more) cut levels, when the plant classification was performed on amphibians and on physico-chemical characteristics. Significant results and higher values of relative classification strength were also obtained at a cut level when the amphibian classification was performed on physico-chemical features. The ordination analyses revealed that plants and amphibians were affected by the same pond features, mainly conductivity, size and depth. Ponds with high conductivity were dominated by tall emergent plants of the genus Typha and were the preferential sites for Bufo bufo. Smaller shallow ponds with small emergent plants seemed instead to favour Rana dalmatina. Deep ponds with low conductivity were mostly occupied by floating and submerged plants, such as Potamogeton natans and Chara hispida, and hosted newts (Triturus carnifex and T. vulgaris), probably because the latter depend on well structured vegetation with submerged plants for egg deposition. These results suggest that pond ecosystems have “two levels of influence”, and that plants are the “middle level” between environmental features and amphibian assemblages, since they are directly influenced by the former and directly influence the latter. It is probably by virtue of this intermediate position that the classification of ponds based on plant assemblages can be used as a surrogate for predicting environmental features and the presence of amphibian species of conservation interest, in order to preserve their habitat through preliminary and cost-effective assessments. Given the ongoing threats to ponds, these findings are important for their protection, and better understanding of the ecological preferences of various plant and amphibian species is useful for planning management and conservation strategies

    The Role of Hypertropia in the Surgical Management of Bilateral Inferior Oblique Muscle Overaction

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    Inferior oblique muscle overaction (IOOA) is an ocular motility anomaly consisting of overelevation in adduction, often associated with ipsilateral hypertropia. The weakening procedure of IO muscle is the most widely used procedure in IOOA. Usually, surgical planning is based on the degree of overaction of the IO muscle

    Approximate entropy analysis across electroencephalographic rhythmic frequency bands during physiological aging of human brain

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    Aging is the inevitable biological process that results in a progressive structural and functional decline associated with alterations in the resting/task-related brain activity, morphology, plasticity, and functionality. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of physiological aging on the human brain through entropy measures of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. One hundred sixty-one participants were recruited and divided according to their age into young (n = 72) and elderly (n = 89) groups. Approximate entropy (ApEn) values were calculated in each participant for each EEG recording channel and both for the total EEG spectrum and for each of the main EEG frequency rhythms: delta (2-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha 1 (8-11 Hz), alpha 2 (11-13 Hz), beta 1 (13-20 Hz), beta 2 (20-30 Hz), and gamma (30-45 Hz), to identify eventual statistical differences between young and elderly. To demonstrate that the ApEn represents the age-related brain changes, the computed ApEn values were used as features in an age-related classification of subjects (young vs elderly), through linear, quadratic, and cubic support vector machine (SVM). Topographic maps of the statistical results showed statistically significant difference between the ApEn values of the two groups found in the total spectrum and in delta, theta, beta 2, and gamma. The classifiers (linear, quadratic, and cubic SVMs) revealed high levels of accuracy (respectively 93.20 ± 0.37, 93.16 ± 0.30, 90.62 ± 0.62) and area under the curve (respectively 0.95, 0.94, 0.93). ApEn seems to be a powerful, very sensitive-specific measure for the study of cognitive decline and global cortical alteration/degeneration in the elderly EEG activity