4,180 research outputs found

    Type I Outbursts in Low-eccentricity Be/X-Ray Binaries

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    Type I outbursts in Be/X-ray binaries are usually associated with the eccentricity of the binary orbit. The neutron star accretes gas from the outer parts of the decretion disk around the Be star at each periastron passage. However, this mechanism cannot explain type I outbursts that have been observed in nearly circular orbit Be/X-ray binaries. With hydrodynamical simulations and analytic estimates we find that in a circular orbit binary, a nearly coplanar disk around the Be star can become eccentric. The extreme mass ratio of the binary leads to the presence of the 3:1 Lindblad resonance inside the Be star disk and this drives eccentricity growth. Therefore the neutron star can capture material each time it approaches the disk apastron, on a timescale up to a few percent longer than the orbital period. We have found a new application of this mechanism that is able to explain the observed type I outbursts in low-eccentricity Be/X-ray binaries

    The Frequency of Kozai–Lidov Disc Oscillation Driven Giant Outbursts in Be/X-Ray Binaries

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    Giant outbursts of Be/X-ray binaries may occur when a Be-star disc undergoes strong eccentricity growth due to the Kozai–Lidov (KL) mechanism. The KL effect acts on a disc that is highly inclined to the binary orbital plane provided that the disc aspect ratio is sufficiently small. The eccentric disc overflows its Roche lobe and material flows from the Be star disc over to the companion neutron star causing X-ray activity. With N-body simulations and steady state decretion disc models we explore system parameters for which a disc in the Be/X-ray binary 4U 0115+634 is KL unstable and the resulting time-scale for the oscillations. We find good agreement between predictions of the model and the observed giant outburst time-scale provided that the disc is not completely destroyed by the outburst. This allows the outer disc to be replenished between outbursts and a sufficiently short KL oscillation time-scale. An initially eccentric disc has a shorter KL oscillation time-scale compared to an initially circular orbit disc. We suggest that the chaotic nature of the outbursts is caused by the sensitivity of the mechanism to the distribution of material within the disc. The outbursts continue provided that the Be star supplies material that is sufficiently misaligned to the binary orbital plane. We generalize our results to Be/X-ray binaries with varying orbital period and find that if the Be star disc is flared, it is more likely to be unstable to KL oscillations in a smaller orbital period binary, in agreement with observations

    Misaligned Accretion Disc Formation via Kozai-Lidov Oscillations

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    We investigate the formation and evolution of misaligned accretion discs around the secondary component of a binary through mass transfer driven by Kozai–Lidov (KL) oscillations of the circumprimary disc’s eccentricity and inclination. We perform smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations to study the amount of mass transferred to the secondary star as a function of both the disc and binary parameters. For the range of parameters we explore, we find that increasing the disc aspect ratio, viscosity parameter, and initial inclination as well as decreasing the binary mass ratio leads to larger amount of mass transfer, up to a maximum of about 10 % of the initial mass of the primary disc. The circumsecondary disc forms with a high eccentricity and a high inclination and is also able to undergo KL oscillations. The circumsecondary disc oscillations have a shorter period than those in the disc around the primary. We find that some of the material that escapes the Roche lobe of the two components forms a misaligned circumbinary accretion disc. This study has implications for disc evolution in young binary star systems

    Circumbinary Disk Inner Radius as a Diagnostic for Disk–Binary Misalignment

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    We investigate the misalignment of the circumbinary disk around the binary HD 98800 BaBb with eccentricity e sime 0.8. Kennedy et al. observed the disk to be either at an inclination of 48° or polar aligned to the binary orbital plane. Their simulations showed that alignment from 48° to a polar configuration can take place on a shorter timescale than the age of this system. We perform hydrodynamical numerical simulations in order to estimate the cavity size carved by the eccentric binary for different disk inclinations as an independent check of polar alignment. Resonance theory suggests that torques on the inner parts of a polar disk around such a highly eccentric binary are much weaker than in the coplanar case, indicating a significantly smaller central cavity than in the coplanar case. We show that the inferred inner radius (from carbon monoxide measurements) of the accretion disk around BaBb can exclude the possibility of it being mildly inclined with respect to the binary orbital plane and therefore confirm the polar configuration. This study constitutes an important diagnostic for misaligned circumbinary disks, since it potentially allows us to infer the disk inclination from observed gas disk inner radii

    Alignment of a circumbinary disc around an eccentric binary with application to KH 15D

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    We analyse the evolution of a mildly inclined circumbinary disc that orbits an eccentric orbit binary by means of smoother particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations and linear theory. We show that the alignment process of an initially misaligned circumbinary disc around an eccentric orbit binary is significantly different than around a circular orbit binary and involves tilt oscillations. The more eccentric the binary, the larger the tilt oscillations and the longer it takes to damp these oscillations. A circumbinary disc that is only mildly inclined may increase its inclination by a factor of a few before it moves towards alignment. The results of the SPH simulations agree well with those of linear theory. We investigate the properties of the circumbinary disc/ring around KH 15D. We determine disc properties based on the observational constraints imposed by the changing binary brightness. We find that the inclination is currently at a local minimum and will increase substantially before setting to coplanarity. In addition, the nodal precession is currently near its most rapid rate. The recent observations that show a reappearance of Star B impose constraints on the thickness of the layer of obscuring material. Our results suggest that disc solids have undergone substantial inward drift and settling towards to disc midplane. For disc masses ∼0.001M⊙\sim 0.001 M_\odot, our model indicates that the level of disc turbulence is low α≪0.001\alpha \ll 0.001. Another possibility is that the disc/ring contains little gas.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Non-Gaussian states by conditional measurements

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    We address realistic schemes for the generation of non-Gaussian states of light based on conditional intensity measurements performed on correlated bipartite states. We consider both quantum and classically correlated states and different kind of detection, comparing the resulting non Gaussianity parameters upon varying the input energy and the detection efficiency. We find that quantum correlations generally lead to higher non Gaussianity, at least in the low energy regime. An experimental implementation feasible with current technology is also suggested.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Nonperiodic Type i Be/X-Ray Binary Outbursts

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    Type I Be/X-ray binary outbursts are driven by mass transfer from a Be star decretion disk to a neutron star companion during each orbital period. Treiber et al. recently observed nonperiodic type I outbursts in RX J0529.8-6556 that has unknown binary orbital properties. We show that nonperiodic type I outbursts may be temporarily driven in a low eccentricity binary with a disk that is inclined sufficiently to be mildly unstable to Kozai-Lidov oscillations. The inclined disk becomes eccentric and material is transferred to the neutron star at up to three locations in each orbit: when the neutron star passes the disk apastron or one of the two nodes of the disk. The timing and magnitude of each vary with the disk argument of periapsis and longitude of the ascending node that precess in opposite directions. Calculating the orbital period of the RX J0529.8-6556 system is nontrivial but we suggest it may be \u3e300 days, longer than previous estimates

    Eccentric Neutron Star Disk Driven Type II Outburst Pairs in Be/X-Ray Binaries

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    Be star X-ray binaries are transient systems that show two different types of outbursts. Type I outbursts occur each orbital period while type II outbursts have a period and duration that are not related to any periodicity of the binary system. Type II outbursts may be caused by mass transfer to the neutron star from a highly eccentric Be star disk. A sufficiently misaligned Be star decretion disk undergoes secular Von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai (ZLK) oscillations of eccentricity and inclination. Observations show that in some systems the type II outbursts come in pairs with the second being of lower luminosity. We use numerical hydrodynamical simulations to explore the dynamics of the highly misaligned disk that forms around the neutron star as a consequence of mass transfer from the Be star disk. We show that the neutron star disk may also be ZLK unstable and that the eccentricity growth leads to an enhancement in the accretion rate onto the neutron star that lasts for several orbital periods, resembling a type II outburst. We suggest that in a type II outburst pair, the first outburst is caused by mass transfer from the eccentric Be star disk while the second and smaller outburst is caused by the eccentric neutron star disk. We find that the timescale between outbursts in a pair may be compatible with the observed estimates

    Nonperiodic Type i Be/X-Ray Binary Outbursts

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    Type I Be/X-ray binary outbursts are driven by mass transfer from a Be star decretion disk to a neutron star companion during each orbital period. Treiber et al. recently observed nonperiodic type I outbursts in RX J0529.8-6556 that has unknown binary orbital properties. We show that nonperiodic type I outbursts may be temporarily driven in a low eccentricity binary with a disk that is inclined sufficiently to be mildly unstable to Kozai-Lidov oscillations. The inclined disk becomes eccentric and material is transferred to the neutron star at up to three locations in each orbit: when the neutron star passes the disk apastron or one of the two nodes of the disk. The timing and magnitude of each vary with the disk argument of periapsis and longitude of the ascending node that precess in opposite directions. Calculating the orbital period of the RX J0529.8-6556 system is nontrivial but we suggest it may be \u3e300 days, longer than previous estimates
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