32 research outputs found

    Comparativa económica-productiva de dos zonas vitícolas (Utiel-Requena (España) y Emilia-Romagna (Italia)

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    [ES] El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Agroalimentaria establece una comparativa tanto económica como de cultivo entre dos importantes zonas productoras vitícolas, Utiel-Requena en España y Emilia-Romagna en Italia. Es importante centrarse en dos enfoques, el empresarial y el productivo para establecer todas las diferencias existentes entre dos zonas vitícolas con mucha historia y que históricamente han tenido una evolución vitícola similar. Dada la situación actual de los mercados en un mundo global, esta información será de gran utilidad para toma de decisiones por las empresas del sector. Desde el punto de vista empresarial el estudio se centra en analizar los aspectos relacionados con los costes de producción en campo y la rentabilidad del cultivo en un ciclo de cultivo, gracias a la información aportada por varias empresas de las respectivas zonas. De forma más específica, se realiza un estudio comparado de las variedades de uva establecidas en ambas zonas productoras, así como la comparativa de las condiciones del suelo, clima y técnicas de cultivo. El estudio de campo se centra en un aspecto concreto que es el material vegetal empleado en ambas zonas. Entre las uvas de la zona de Utiel-Requena nos centramos principalmente en la Bobal, aunque también se comentan Tempranillo, Cabernet Souvignon, Shiraz y Merlot. En la zona de Emilia-Romagna la variedad elegida es el Trebbiano y además añadiremos una breve explicación de Grasparossa, Salamino, Sorbara y San Giovese. Con todos estos datos, se ha realizado una comparativa inicial de ambas zonas vitícolas, que nos permita establecer funcionalidades futuras entre ambas zonas vitícolas. Hemos establecido que al menos de que el precio de la variedad seleccionada Bobal aumente al introducirse en Italia, no saldría rentable este intercambio. En cambio, con la variedad Trebbiano este intercambio podría mantener un buen nivel de venta y los costes de producción de Utiel-Requena podría ser muy rentable.[EN] This Final Degree Project in Agri-Food Engineering establishes a comparative both economic and cultivativative between two important wine producing areas. Utiel-Requena in Spain and Emilia-Romagna in Italy. It is important to focus on two approaches, the business and the productive, to establish all the differences between two wine-growing areas with a long history and which historically have had a similar wine-growing evolution. Given the current situation of the markets in a global world, this information will be very useful for decision-making in companies in the sector. From a business point of view, the study focuses on analyzing aspects related to field production costs and the profitability of the crop in a cultivation cycle, thanks to information provided by few companies in the respective areas. More specifically, a comparative study of the grape varieties established in both producing areas is carried out. As well as the comparison of soil conditions, climate and cultivation techniques. The field study focuses on a specific aspect that is the plant material used in both areas. Among the grapes from the Utiel-Requena area we focus mainly on Bobal, although Tempranillo, Cabernet Souvignon, Shiraz and Merlot are also mentioned. While in the Emilia-Romagna area the chosen variety is Trebbiano and we will also add a brief explanation of Grasparossa, Salamino, Sorbara and San Giovese. With all these data, an initial comparison of both wine-growing areas has been carried out, allowing us to establish future functionalities between both wine-growing areas. Probably we have established that unless the price of the selected Bobal variety increases upon entering Italy, this exchange would not be profitable. On the other hand, with the Trebbiano variety, this exchange maintaining its good sales level and the production costs of Utiel-Requena could be very profitable.Manzoni Galiano, A. (2020). Comparativa económica-productiva de dos zonas vitícolas (Utiel-Requena (España) y Emilia-Romagna (Italia). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/150744TFG

    Radiomics for the Discrimination of Infiltrative vs In Situ Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor in women worldwide. Its early diagnosis relies on radiology and clinical evaluation, supplemented by biopsy confirmation. Technological advances in medical imaging, especially in the field of artificial intelligence, allow to address clinical challenges in cancer detection and classification, as well as in the assessment of treatment response, and in monitoring disease progression. Radiomics allows to extract features from images, related to tumor size, shape, intensity, and texture, providing comprehensive tumor characterization. In this paper, we briefly review some Radiomics approaches in breast cancer, focusing on the non-invasive distinction between in-situ and infiltrating breast tumors, and present a preliminary test using Radiomics signatures in DCE-MRI and machine learning, aimed to investigate the feasibility of distinguishing infiltrating cancer from ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) diagnosed by preoperative core needle biopsy

    Systematic versus on-demand early palliative care: results from a multicentre, randomised clinical trial

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    Background Early palliative care (EPC) in oncology has been shown to have a positive impact on clinical outcome, quality-of-care outcomes, and costs. However, the optimal way for activating EPC has yet to be defined. Methods This prospective, multicentre, randomised study was conducted on 207 outpatients with metastatic or locally advanced inoperable pancreatic cancer. Patients were randomised to receive ‘standard cancer care plus on-demand EPC’ (n = 100) or ‘standard cancer care plus systematic EPC’ (n = 107). Primary outcome was change in quality of life (QoL) evaluated through the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy – Hepatobiliary questionnaire between baseline (T0) and after 12 weeks (T1), in particular the integration of physical, functional, and Hepatic Cancer Subscale (HCS) combined in the Trial Outcome Index (TOI). Patient mood, survival, relatives' satisfaction with care, and indicators of aggressiveness of care were also evaluated. Findings The mean changes in TOI score and HCS score between T0 and T1 were −4.47 and −0.63, with a difference between groups of 3.83 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.10–7.57) (p = 0.041), and −2.23 and 0.28 (difference between groups of 2.51, 95% CI 0.40–4.61, p = 0.013), in favour of interventional group. QoL scores at T1 of TOI scale and HCS were 84.4 versus 78.1 (p = 0.022) and 52.0 versus 48.2 (p = 0.008), respectively, for interventional and standard arm. Until February 2016, 143 (76.9%) of the 186 evaluable patients had died. There was no difference in overall survival between treatment arms. Interpretations Systematic EPC in advanced pancreatic cancer patients significantly improved QoL with respect to on-demand EPC

    Multiple Routes and Milestones in the Folding of HIV–1 Protease Monomer

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    Proteins fold on a time scale incompatible with a mechanism of random search in conformational space thus indicating that somehow they are guided to the native state through a funneled energetic landscape. At the same time the heterogeneous kinetics suggests the existence of several different folding routes. Here we propose a scenario for the folding mechanism of the monomer of HIV–1 protease in which multiple pathways and milestone events coexist. A variety of computational approaches supports this picture. These include very long all-atom molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent, an analysis of the network of clusters found in multiple high-temperature unfolding simulations and a complete characterization of free-energy surfaces carried out using a structure-based potential at atomistic resolution and a combination of metadynamics and parallel tempering. Our results confirm that the monomer in solution is stable toward unfolding and show that at least two unfolding pathways exist. In our scenario, the formation of a hydrophobic core is a milestone in the folding process which must occur along all the routes that lead this protein towards its native state. Furthermore, the ensemble of folding pathways proposed here substantiates a rational drug design strategy based on inhibiting the folding of HIV–1 protease

    Impersonificazione e sicurezza su rete

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    In questo lavoro di tesi, si è cercato di approfondire l’impersonificazione e ciò che ne consegue nel mondo del web nella sue versione dalla 1.0 alla 2.0. Si andranno ad analizzare i vari aspetti con l’aggiunta di informazioni riguardanti i vari attacchi che si possono subire utilizzando un terminale connesso ad internet e le modalità di difesa. Nello specifico verrà illustrato come funziona un noto programma per Microsoft Windows “Elite Keylogger”

    Estudi de mercat sobre vins orgànics a Europa

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    [ES] Con la creciente preocupación por el cambio climático un uso de prácticas más respetuosas con el medio ambiente cada vez concierne a un mayor número de personas. Los vinos orgánicos son un segmento dentro del total del consumo de vino en el que las ventas siguen creciendo anualmente durante la última década, a diferencia del mercado general que sufre ligeras caídas. Durante mi periodo de prácticas en la bodega Vicente Gandía se me encargó realizar un estudio de mercado para los vinos orgánicos en Europa. El objetivo de este es conocer cuáles serían los principales países a los que la bodega podría destinar su oferta en los siguientes años. Para llevar a cabo el estudio se han tenido en cuenta cuatro factores ordenados por relevancia para la realización del proyecto. Primero de todo, el tamaño del mercado, quienes son los principales productores de estos vinos y quienes los consumidores. Seguidamente, se han analizado mediante un store check y un análisis de la estructura de precios cuales son los países en los que las bodegas perciben mayor beneficio por botella. El tercer factor son características del consumidor, que tipo de compradores están más interesados en el producto y cuáles son los atributos principales en los que se fijan a la hora de comprar. Por último, se ha realizado un análisis de los principales competidores observados durante los store checks y según sus productos en supermercado se ha estimado las ganancias por botella, de forma similar al segundo apartado. Una vez observadas todas estas variables se ha utilizado una herramienta informática que nos permite, introduciendo nuestras preferencias, obtener cual sería el país más recomendado para destinar la oferta.[CA] Amb la preocupació creixent pel canvi climàtic un ús de pràctiques més respectuoses amb el medi ambient cada vegada concerneix un nombre més gran de persones. Els vins orgànics són un segment dins del total del consum de vi en què les vendes segueixen creixent anualment durant l'última dècada, a diferència del mercat general que pateix lleugeres caigudes. Durant el meu període de pràctiques al celler Vicente Gandía se'm va encarregar fer un estudi de mercat per als vins orgànics a Europa. L'objectiu és conèixer quins serien els principals països als quals el celler podria destinar la seva oferta en els anys següents. Per dur a terme l'estudi s'han tingut en compte quatre factors ordenats per rellevància per a la realització del projecte. Primer de tot, la mida del mercat, els qui són els principals productors d'aquests vins i els qui els consumidors. Seguidament, s'han analitzat mitjançant un store check i una anàlisi de l'estructura de preus quins són els països on els cellers perceben més benefici per ampolla. El tercer factor són característiques del consumidor, quin tipus de compradors estan més interessats en el producte i quins són els atributs principals en què es fixen a l'hora de comprar. Finalment, s'ha realitzat una anàlisi dels principals competidors observats durant els store checks i segons els seus productes en supermercat s'han estimat els guanys per ampolla, de manera similar al segon apartat. Un cop observades totes aquestes variables s'ha fet servir una eina informàtica que ens permet, introduint les nostres preferències, obtenir quin seria el país més recomanat per destinar l'oferta.[EN] With the growing concern about climate change, the use of more environmentally friendly practices is of concern to a greater number of people. Organic wines are a segment within total wine consumption in which sales have continued to grow annually over the last decade, unlike the general market, which has suffered slight falls. During my internship at the Vicente Gandía winery, I was commissioned to carry out a market study for organic wines in Europe. The objective of this is to know which would be the main countries to which the winery could allocate its offer in the following years. To carry out the study, four factors have been taken into account, ordered by relevance for the realization of the project. First of all, the size of the market, who are the main producers of these wines and who are the consumers. Next, they have been analyzed through a store check and an analysis of the price structure which are the countries in which the wineries perceive the highest profit per bottle. The third factor is consumer characteristics, what type of buyers are most interested in the product and what are the main attributes they look at when buying. Finally, an analysis of the main competitors observed during the store checks has been carried out and, according to their products in the supermarket, the profits per bottle have been estimated, similarly to the second section. Once all these variables have been observed, a computer tool has been used that allows us, by entering our preferences, to obtain which would be the most recommended country to allocate the offer.Manzoni Galiano, A. (2022). Estudio de mercado sobre vinos orgánicos en Europa. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19105

    Use of mesoporous silica materials to modulate the phenolic composition of red wines

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    [ES] Con los crecientes efectos del cambio climático, los viticultores y enólogos se ven obligados a vendimiar cada vez más pronto para evitar vinos con elevada graduación alcohólica. El problema de realizar vendimias tempranas reside en que la madurez fenólica todavía no se ha alcanzado, elaborándose vinos más agresivos, astringentes y/o amargos y por lo tanto de menos calidad organoléptica. Los compuestos fenólicos tienen una gran importancia en los vinos tintos, ya que modulan ciertos atributos, como son la astringencia, el amargor, el color o su capacidad de envejecimiento. El uso de materiales mesoporosos de sílice podría servir como una técnica alternativa para eliminar estos compuestos fenólicos más agresivos, y por lo tanto mejorar las propiedades sensoriales del vino. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de evaluar la aplicación de materiales mesoporosos de sílice para modificar la composición y concentración fenólica de los vinos. Vinos de diferentes variedades elaborados a partir de uvas con distinto grado de madurez serán sometidos al material. Además se evaluará también la concentración de material, así como le tiempo de contacto entre material y vino. Los análisis consistirán en la determinación de los parámetros fenólicos más relevantes de los vinos, así como el color de estos. Con los resultados obtenidos de este estudio se pretende obtener un mejor entendimiento del uso de materiales mesoporosos para poder modificar la composición fenólica del vino, y posiblemente mejorar sus cualidades organolépticas.[EN] With the growing effects of climate change, winegrowers and winemakers are forced to harvest earlier to avoid wines with a high alcohol content. The problem of early harvests is that the phenolic maturity has not yet been reached, producing more aggressive, astringent and/or bitter wines and therefore of less organoleptic quality. Phenolic compounds are of great importance in red wines, since they modulate certain attributes, such as astringency, bitterness, color or their ability to age. The use of mesoporous silica materials could be an alternative technique to remove these more aggressive phenolic compounds, and thus improve the sensory properties of wine. The objective of this work is to evaluate the application of mesoporous silica materials to modify the composition and phenolic concentration of wines. Wines of different varieties made from grapes with different degrees of maturity will be submitted to the material. In addition, the concentration of material will also be evaluated, as well as the contact time between material and wine. The characterization analyses will consist of the determination of the most relevant phenolic parameters of the wines, as well as their color. With the results obtained from this study, it is intended to obtain a better understanding of the use of mesoporous materials to be able to modify the phenolic composition of the wine, and possibly improve its organoleptic qualities.Manzoni Galiano, A. (2022). Uso de materiales mesoporosos de sílice para modular la composición fenólica de vinos tintos. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18823

    Costruire nel costruito. Riqualificazione dell'Edilizia Economica e Popolare

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    In un paese in cui la crisi economica rende difficile la realizzazione di nuovi alloggi, ed il patrimonio edilizio esistente (sia pubblico che privato) necessita di grandi interventi, la riqualificazione può rappresentare un tassello significativo per la rinascita economica e l’integrazione sociale. La riqualificazione del patrimonio edilizio esistente, con particolare riferimento all’edilizia residenziale pubblica, costituisce un campo di indagine complesso ed articolato ma anche estremamente significativo e di forte attualità nel dibattito urbanistico e socio-culturale. La presente ricerca vuole investigare le opportunità offerte da interventi di riqualificazione in contesti di edilizia economica e popolare che versano in particolari condizioni di degrado fisico e/o sociale, arrivando a cogliere le implicazioni che le modifiche di dette parti della città possono innescare nel processo di rigenerazione urbana complessiva, attraverso la collaborazione tra i diversi attori coinvolti nel processo e ricordando quanto auspicato dal filosofo tedesco Martin Heidegger, oltre mezzo secolo fa: «la riqualificazione di quartieri degradati può essere una occasione da sfruttare per la ri-cucitura tra l’uomo e i luoghi da esso abitati

    Il pianificatore: mediatore tra politica e bisogni dei cittadini – uno sguardo all’edilizia pubblica

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    Il planner o pianificatore, come viene comunemente definito, è una figura di rilievo nelle dinamiche territoriali e urbane. L’attuale contesto italiano, in cui il planner/pianificatore si trova ad operare è particolar-mente problematico, non solo relativamente alla stringente crisi economica, ma anche a seguio di un ampio ventaglio di altre questioni di natura sociale e politica che contribuisco-no a determinare uno scenario molto compesso. Si è ritenuto interessante ragionare sulla figura del planner/ pianificatore, sui compiti, sui ruoli e sulle aspettative che la società ripone in lui. La strada seguita in questa trattazione parte e si sviluppa intorno a quelle considerazioni di livello generale che condizionano lo sviluppo della città, riferite al governo del territorio ed alla pratica della pianificazione. Si è poi passati a riflessioni concrete sui quartieri di edilizia economica e popolare e sulle modalità di intevento in queste aree puntando alla riqualificazione mediante la partecipazione