11 research outputs found
Analisi degli atteggiamenti, delle conoscenze e della disponibilití a donare gli organi degli studenti di Infermieristica
INTRODUZIONE E SCOPO: Il trapianto d'organi è considerato un trattamento salvavita per pazienti con patologie end-stage. Le conoscenze degli infermieri e le loro opinioni possono influenzare la volontaÌ€ di familiari e pazienti a dare l'assenso alla donazione di organi e tessuti. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è comprendere la capacitaÌ€ critica degli studenti di auto-valutarsi in merito alle informazioni sui temi di morte cerebrale, donazione e trapianto, indagando attra- verso una survey le conoscenze scientifiche, la predisposizione e l'atteggiamento relativi a questi argomenti. METODO: Lo studio è di tipo multicentrico e trasversale, realizzato attraverso la collaborazione di tre UniversitaÌ€ rispettivamente del Nord, Centro e Sud dell'Italia. EÌ€ stato effettuato un campionamento di convenienza con un disegno descrittivo e quantitativo. Il campione si compone di 578 studenti, con l'esclusione 20 studenti che non hanno dato il loro consenso alla compilazione del questionario. RISULTATI: La maggior parte degli studenti presenta un livello adeguato di conoscenza e atteg- giamenti favorevoli alla donazione di organi e tessuti, pochissimi hanno firmato la carta del donatore. Inoltre, le conoscenze e le percezioni degli studenti sono ancora carenti in aree speci- fiche, come la comprensione della morte cerebrale (92%) e la conoscenza relativa alle leggi specifiche (solo il 6%). CONCLUSIONI: Il principale suggerimento tratto dello studio è quello di rivedere i curricula degli studenti in infermieristica, per migliorare le competenze dei futuri infermieri. PAROLE CHIAVE: conoscenza degli studenti, donazione, formazione infermieri RIASSUNTO INTRODUCTION AND AIM: Organ transplantation is considered a life-saving treatment for patients with end-stage pathologies. The knowledge and the attitude of nurses can positively influence the willingness of family members and patients to give consent to organ and conse- quently organ donation rates. To understand the critical capacity of nursing students to self- evaluate themselves on information on brain death, donation and transplantation, investi- gating scientific knowledge, predisposition and attitude related to these topics through a survey. METHOD: This work is a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out among conveniently selected undergraduate nursing students (n = 578) of three Universities respectively in northern, center and southern of Italy using a questionnaire formulated on the basis of the FAQs prepared by the National Transplant Center (CNT). RESULTS: Most of students show an adequate level of knowledge and attitudes favorable to organ and tissue donation even if very few students have signed the donor card. Students' knowledge and perceptions are still lacking in specific areas such as legislations (only 6%). CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest the need for revising the nursing curricula to improve the future nurses' skills, increase the modality to sign the donor card and favor the rate of organ donation. KEYWORDS: students' knowledge, donation, educatio
Misurazione dello stress nella formazione infermieristica: validazione della Versione italiana della Higher Education Stress Inventory (HESI) in un campione di studenti del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica
BACKGROUND: Research in the literature has revealed several education-related stressors among academic students. The Higher Education Stress Inventory (HESI) is a tool designed to assess several dimensions of stress and stressors related to higher education in various educational settings. To date, data on nursing students are scant and no Italian version of the instrument is available.
AIM: To assess the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the HESI (HESI-ita).
METHODS: A multicentric study was conducted. The HESI-ita was administered to undergraduate Nursing students in three universities in Italy. The S-CVI was calculated to evaluate the validity of the content of the HESI-ita. Construct validity was investigated through exploratory factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha coefficient (.) was calculated to examine the internal consistency of each scale factor. Spearman's rho coefficient was used to test stability.
RESULTS: 538 students were enrolled. The results support the eight-factor model for the HESI-ita with Cronbach's . always ≥0.69. The S-CVI was 0.98. 131 students filled in the scale again after 7 days (rho=0.96, p=0.001). The 26-item of the HESI-ita explained 51.29% of the overall variance.
CONCLUSIONS: The HESI-ita is a valid and reliable tool for the study of stress levels and stressors among nursing students in Italy. The recognition of the stress factors among nursing students in Italy will allow nursing degree Courses to improve the level of support for their students.
KEY WORDS: Stress, Nurses, Students, Tool, Italy. INTRODUZIONE: In letteratura internazionale sono riportati diversi fattori di stress tra gli studenti universitari. La Higher Education Stress Inventory (HESI), creata per valutare diverse dimensioni dello stress e i fattori stressogeni legati all’ambito accademico in vari contesti educativi, ha mostrato buone doti di validità ed affidabilità. Ad oggi gli approfondimenti sugli studenti di infermieristica nel panorama italiano sono limitati e non è ancora disponibile una versione italiana dello strumento.
OBIETTIVO: Valutare le proprietà psicometriche della versione italiana della HESI (HESI-ita).
METODI: Studio multicentrico con somministrazione della HESI-ita agli studenti di tre sedi italiane del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica. Il CVI-S è stato calcolato per valutare la validità di contenuto della HESI-ita. La validità di costrutto è stata indagata attraverso l’analisi fattoriale esplorativa. Il coefficiente alfa () di Cronbach è stato utilizzato per esaminare la consistenza interna di ogni fattore della scala, il coefficiente rho di Spearman per testarne la stabilità.
RISULTATI: Sono stati arruolati 538 studenti. L’analisi ha evidenziato una struttura a otto fattori con di Cronbach sempre ≥0.69. Il CVI-S è risultato pari a 0.98; 131 studenti hanno compilato nuovamente la scala dopo 7 giorni (rho=0.96, p=0.001). Il modello fattoriale ha spiegato il 51.29% della varianza complessiva.
CONCLUSIONI: La HESI-ita è uno strumento valido ed affidabile per lo studio dello stress esperito dallo studente del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica durante il suo percorso accademico. La conoscenza dei fattori che maggiormente concorrono all’insorgenza di alti livelli di stress potrà permettere al sistema universitario il miglioramento dell’attività di supporto per i loro studenti.
PAROLE CHIAVE: Stress, Infermieri, Studenti, Scala, Italia. 
Le attitudini dello studente del Corso di Laurea in infermieristica nella gestione del rischio suicidario: validazione della Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ)
Background: Suicidal acts are a public health problem worldwide and require nurses to have appropriate skills to deal with it. It is important to study the level of knowledge, as well as the perception of nursing students towards suicidal ideation; a tool created for this purpose, the Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ) has proven its validity and reliability in English.
Aim: To assess the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the SBAQ (SBAQ-ita). Methods: Multicentric study. The SBAQ-ita was administered to students of two Nursing schools in two universities in Italy. The CVI-I was calculated to evaluate the validity of the content of the SBAQ-ita. Construct validity was investigated through exploratory factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α) was used to examine the internal consistency of each scale factor. Spearman's rho coefficient was used to test stability.
Results: The SBAQ-ita was administered to 205 students from October to November 2019. The analysis showed a four-factor structure with Cronbach's α always ≥0.70. The CVI-I was 0.97. 25 students filled in the scale again after 7 days (test-retest rho=0.92, p<0.001).
Conclusions: The SBAQ-ita is a valid and reliable tool for the study of the students’ attitude in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing towards caring for the person with suicidal ideation.Introduzione: Gli atti suicidari costituiscono un problema di sanità pubblica a livello mondiale che richiede il possesso nell’infermiere di adeguate competenze per farvi fronte. È dunque fondamentale studiare il livello di conoscenza e ancor prima la percezione degli studenti di infermieristica nei confronti dell’assistenza alla persona con ideazione suicidaria; uno strumento creato a questo scopo, la Suicide Behavior Attitude Questionnaire (SBAQ) ha dimostrato doti di validità ed affidabilità.
Obiettivo: Valutare le proprietà psicometriche della versione italiana della SBAQ (SBAQ-ita). Metodi: Studio multicentrico con somministrazione della SBAQ-ita agli studenti di due sedi italiane del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica. Il CVI-I è stato calcolato per valutare la validità di contenuto della SBAQ-ita. La validità di costrutto è stata indagata attraverso l’analisi fattoriale esplorativa. Il coefficiente alfa (α) di Cronbach è stato utilizzato per esaminare la consistenza interna di ogni fattore della scala, il coefficiente rho di Spearman per testarne la stabilità.
Risultati: La SBAQ-ita è stata somministrata a 205 studenti da ottobre a novembre 2019. L’analisi ha evidenziato una struttura a quattro fattori con α di Cronbach sempre ≥0.70. Il CVI-I è risultato pari a 0.97. 25 studenti hanno compilato nuovamente la scala dopo 7 giorni (test-retest rho=0.92, p<0.001).
Conclusioni: La SBAQ-ita è valida ed affidabile per lo studio dell’attitudine dello studente del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica rispetto all’assistenza alla persona con ideazione suicidaria. Parole chiave: Suicidio, Attitudine, Infermieri, Studenti
Valutazione della qualità percepita dell’assistenza infermieristica nei reparti sedi di tirocinio: uno studio osservazionale in una realtà spagnola
Background: Nursing students represent an important resource both for the patients and for the company organization; however, the impact of their presence on the quality of care is still underestimated. Objective: to provide an objective assessment of the quality of care perceived by the patient admitted to hospital departments where internships are held for nursing students.
Method: a descriptive observational study was conducted, recruiting a convenience sample made up of patients hospitalized in clinical departments where internships for nursing students of La Fe Hospital in Valencia (ES) are located.
Results: they participated in survey no. 75 patients out of 160 hospitalized (response rate equal to 46.87%). Most patients believe that nurses have careless attitudes towards them (42.9%) even though there is a noticeable emotional support from nurses perceived by patients (90.1%). The degree of relationship and information perceived by patients (96%) suggests that nurses in most cases guaranteed confidentiality and the assistance time employed (70.5%) was perceived as longer than usual, defining a high opinion of patients about the treatment received.
Conclusions: The data showed that patients were very keen to be taken into consideration from a social and human point of view and not only from a clinical point of view, so much so that they claimed to perceive a careless attitude from nurses. Despite this, however, the perceived quality of nursing care by the patient was not affected. Regarding the presence of the trainee student, being the latter in the Spanish reality totally flanked by that of the nurse, almost in symbiosis, the degree of attention perceived by the patient in relation to the assistance provided does not vary.Introduzione: Gli studenti infermieri rappresentano una risorsa importante sia per gli assistiti che per l’organizzazione aziendale; tuttavia l’impatto della loro presenza sulla qualità assistenziale è ancora sottostimata. Obiettivo: fornire una valutazione oggettiva della qualità assistenziale percepita dal paziente ricoverato nei reparti ospedalieri sedi di tirocinio per gli studenti infermieri.
Metodo: è stato condotto uno studio osservazionale descrittivo, arruolando un campione di convenienza composto da pazienti ricoverati nei reparti clinici sede di tirocinio per studenti infermieri dell’Ospedale La Fe di Valencia (ES). Risultati: hanno partecipato all’indagine n. 75 pazienti sui 160 ricoverati (tasso di risposta pari al 46,87%). La maggior parte dei pazienti crede che gli infermieri hanno atteggiamenti poco curanti nei loro confronti (42,9 %) anche se si nota un notevole supporto affettivo da parte degli infermieri percepito dai pazienti (90,1%). Il grado di relazione e informazione percepito dai pazienti (96%) fa intendere che gli infermieri nella maggior parte dei casi garantivano la riservatezza ed il tempo di assistenza impiegato (70,5% ) sia stato percepito come più lungo del solito definendo un’alta opinione dei pazienti circa le cure ricevute.
Conclusioni: I dati hanno evidenziato che i pazienti ci tenessero molto a essere presi in considerazione dal punto di vista sociale e umano e non solo da quello clinico, tanto da affermare di percepire un atteggiamento poco curante da parte degli infermieri. Malgrado questo tuttavia la qualità percepita dal paziente dell’assistenza infermieristica non ne ha risentito. Relativamente alla presenza dello studente tirocinante, essendo quest’ultima nella realtà spagnola totalmente affiancata a quella dell’infermiere , quasi in simbiosi, non varia il grado di attenzione percepito dal paziente relativamente all’assistenza erogata
Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio di esposizione al COVID-19 degli Operatori sanitari che operano nei penitenziari italiani: uno studio osservazionale
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic had a relevant health impact in a large part of the planet and there are several studies aimed at understanding its diffusion; however, to date, the problem has not been explored in the correctional setting, with particular concern for the Italian context. Aim: To assess and investigate the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in nurses working in the Italian prison system.
METHODS: A multicenter observational descriptive study was conducted, enrolling a convenience sample composed of nurses registered with SIMSPE onlus (Italian Society of Penitentiary Medicine and Health), working in any Italian prison facility at the time of the survey.
RESULTS: 204 nurses participating in the survey (response rate 49.27%). Most nurses working in prisons (92.65%) were exposed to the risk of Covid-19 virus infection, since they came directly into contact with positive patients (90.69%) and in situations where they were exposed during care procedures in which aerosol was produced by the patient (56.21%). The number of nurses who "always" complied with safety rules for prevention of infection did not differ significantly (p >0.05 for each comparison) in situations involving or not involving aerosol exposure.
CONCLUSIONS: The results highlight the relevance of these issues in the Italian prison context and the need for further investigation. The knowledge of the dimension of this phenomenon, unexplored before this study in this context, represents the first step to be able to identify organizational strategies to manage it effectively or, if possible, to prevent it.INTRODUZIONE: La pandemia da Covid 19 ha avuto un impatto sanitario rilevante in gran parte del pianeta e numerosi sono gli studi orientati a comprenderne la diffusione; tuttavia ad oggi il fenomeno non risulta esplorato nell’ambito penitenziario, in particolar modo nel panorama italiano.
OBIETTIVO: Valutare e analizzare il rischio di esposizione al COVID-19 negli infermieri operanti nel contesto carcerario italiano. Metodi: E’ stato condotto uno studio multicentrico osservazionale descrittivo, arruolando un campione di convenienza composto da infermieri iscritti alla SIMSPE onlus (Società Italiana di Medicina e Sanità Penitenziara), operanti in qualsiasi struttura carceraria italiana al momento dell’indagine. RISULTATI: Hanno partecipato all’indagine 204 infermieri (tasso di risposta 49.27%). La maggior parte degli operatori che lavorano in ambito carcerario (92,65%) sono risultati esposti al rischio di contagio da virus Covid-19 essendo venuti a contatto direttamente con pazienti positivi (90.69%) ed in situazioni in cui sono rimasti esposti durante procedure assistenziali in cui veniva prodotto aerosol da parte dell’assistito (56.21%). Il numero di infermieri che ha rispettato “sempre” le norme di sicurezza per la prevenzione del contagio non differiva significativamente (p >0.05 per ogni confronto) nelle situazioni che prevedevano o meno il contatto con aerosol.
CONCLUSIONI: I risultati evidenziano la rilevanza del problema nel panorama carcerario italiano e la necessità di ulteriori approfondimenti. La conoscenza della dimensione di questo fenomeno, prima di questo studio inesplorato in questo contesto, rappresenta il primo passo per poter individuare strategie organizzative in grado di gestirlo efficacemente o, se possibile, prevenirl
The attitude towards organ donation: Differences between students of medicine and nursing. A preliminary study at Unizkm - Catholic University “Our Lady of Good Counsel” of Tirana
Background A favourable attitude towards organ donation and transplantation is fundamental among health professionals to promote consent, especially in a young healthcare system like Albania. Objective To analyse the differences in the attitude towards organ donation and transplantation and the influencing factors among medical doctors- and nurses-to-be. Methods and design The article is based on an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study. The population includes medical and nursing students of the Catholic University of Good Counsel - Unizkm of Tirana, Albania. Results 389 out of 401 students took part in the investigation, of whom 324 enrolled in the Medicine undergraduate program and 65 in the Nursing undergraduate program. Medical doctors-to-be showed higher awareness about the issue of donation than their colleagues from Nursing, and they were more engaged in discussion with other parties. Conclusion The preliminary results of our pilot study highlight the need to organise more training on the topic of organ donation and transplantation among clinical students, especially those studying Nursing
Role of specialized nutrition for wound healing: a narrative review
Background. Wound healing is a dynamic process that depends not only on the interaction between different
cellular factors involved in the tissue repair process but can also be adjuvant by a daily nutritional support. Therefore
it can be considered a kind of specialized nutrition of which several elements favour the repair and wound healing
process. Objective: The aim of this study was to verify the effect of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB). To investigate
the effects of the combination of arginine, beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate and glutamine in order to favour
collagen deposition on the wound bed. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted by analysing publications
of recent years and also by setting “title and abstract” as a search criterion. Results: From the studies conducted, it was
shown that by analysing the combined action of the amino acid mixture in relation to collagen deposition in humans,
in just two weeks the integration with arginine, HMB and glutamine produced a significant increase in plasma levels
of arginine and ornithine equal to 67%. Conclusions: HMB increases lean mass, improves muscle strength and exerts
anti-catabolism. Glutamine is essential in the metabolism of lymphocytes, enterocytes and other cells with a rapid
turnover. Collagen synthesis and scar formation are necessary for complete resolution of a wound
Organization and Activity of Italian Echocardiographic Laboratories: A Survey of the Italian Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging
Background: The Italian Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging (SIECVI) conducted a national survey to understand better how different echocardiographic modalities are used and accessed in Italy. Methods: We analyzed echocardiography laboratory activities over a month (November 2022). Data were retrieved via an electronic survey based on a structured questionnaire, uploaded on the SIECVI website. Results: Data were obtained from 228 echocardiographic laboratories: 112 centers (49%) in the northern, 43 centers (19%) in the central, and 73 (32%) in the southern regions. During the month of observation, we collected 101,050 transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) examinations performed in all centers. As concern other modalities there were performed 5497 transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) examinations in 161/228 centers (71%); 4057 stress echocardiography (SE) examinations in 179/228 centers (79%); and examinations with ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) in 151/228 centers (66%). We did not find significant regional variations between the different modalities. The usage of picture archiving and communication system (PACS) was significantly higher in the northern (84%) versus central (49%) and southern (45%) centers (P < 0.001). Lung ultrasound (LUS) was performed in 154 centers (66%), without difference between cardiology and noncardiology centers. The evaluation of left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction was evaluated mainly using the qualitative method in 223 centers (94%), occasionally with the Simpson method in 193 centers (85%), and with selective use of the three-dimensional (3D) method in only 23 centers (10%). 3D TTE was present in 137 centers (70%), and 3D TEE in all centers where TEE was done (71%). The assessment of LV diastolic function was done routinely in 80% of the centers. Right ventricular function was evaluated using tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion in all centers, using tricuspid valve annular systolic velocity by tissue Doppler imaging in 53% of the centers, and using fractional area change in 33% of the centers. When we divided into cardiology (179, 78%) and noncardiology (49, 22%) centers, we found significant differences in the SE (93% vs. 26%, P < 0.001), TEE (85% vs. 18%), UCA (67% vs. 43%, P < 0001), and STE (87% vs. 20%, P < 0.001). The incidence of LUS evaluation was similar between the cardiology and noncardiology centers (69% vs. 61%, P = NS). Conclusions: This nationwide survey demonstrated that digital infrastructures and advanced echocardiography modalities, such as 3D and STE, are widely available in Italy with a notable diffuse uptake of LUS in the core TTE examination, a suboptimal diffusion of PACS recording, and conservative use of UCA, 3D, and strain. There are significant differences between northern and central-southern regions and echocardiographic laboratories that pertain to the cardiac unit. This inhomogeneous distribution of technology represents one of the main issues that must be solved to standardize the practice of echocardiography
Stress Echocardiography in Italian Echocardiographic Laboratories: A Survey of the Italian Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging
Background: The Italian Society of Echography and Cardiovascular Imaging (SIECVI) conducted a national survey to understand the volumes of activity, modalities and stressors used during stress echocardiography (SE) in Italy. Methods: We analyzed echocardiography laboratory activities over a month (November 2022). Data were retrieved through an electronic survey based on a structured questionnaire, uploaded on the SIECVI website. Results: Data were obtained from 228 echocardiographic laboratories, and SE examinations were performed in 179 centers (80.6%): 87 centers (47.5%) were in the northern regions of Italy, 33 centers (18.4%) were in the central regions, and 61 (34.1%) in the southern regions. We annotated a total of 4057 SE. We divided the SE centers into three groups, according to the numbers of SE performed: <10 SE (low-volume activity, 40 centers), between 10 and 39 SE (moderate volume activity, 102 centers) and >= 40 SE (high volume activity, 37 centers). Dipyridamole was used in 139 centers (77.6%); exercise in 120 centers (67.0%); dobutamine in 153 centers (85.4%); pacing in 37 centers (21.1%); and adenosine in 7 centers (4.0%). We found a significant difference between the stressors used and volume of activity of the centers, with a progressive increase in the prevalence of number of stressors from low to high volume activity (P = 0.033). The traditional evaluation of regional wall motion of the left ventricle was performed in all centers, with combined assessment of coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) in 90 centers (50.3%): there was a significant difference in the centers with different volume of SE activity: the incidence of analysis of CFVR was significantly higher in high volume centers compared to low - moderate - volume (32.5%, 41.0% and 73.0%, respectively, P < 0.001). The lung ultrasound (LUS) was assessed in 67 centers (37.4%). Furthermore for LUS, we found a significant difference in the centers with different volume of SE activity: significantly higher in high volume centers compared to low - moderate - volume (25.0%, 35.3% and 56.8%, respectively, P < 0.001). Conclusions: This nationwide survey demonstrated that SE was significantly widespread and practiced throughout Italy. In addition to the traditional indication to coronary artery disease based on regional wall motion analysis, other indications are emerging with an increase in the use of LUS and CFVR, especially in high-volume centers