90 research outputs found


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    We measured adsorption and transport of cadmium (Cd) in the presence of Ca2+ and Na+ salts of varying ionic strengths and pH by using batch and miscible displacement experiments, carried out on undisturbed and homogenized soil columns. A fluvent-vertic soil was used in this study. In the column experiment a clear effect of ionic strength on breakthrough curves (BTCs) of Cd2+ was observed when the Na+ concentration was increased from 0.02 to 0.2 M. The effect of increasing the Ca2+ concentration on Cd2+ absorption and transport was relatively less pronounced than that recorded for the Na+ solution. At low pH values, H+ ions competed strongly with Cd2+ ions and, at a high pH, precipitation was the main process taking place for Cd2+ sorption. The reliability of the advection- dispersion equation (ADE) was tested. When implemented within the least-squares method, the model produced a sufficiently precise space-time distribution of Cd2+ ion concentrations. The results of this study demonstrated also, that laboratory leaching experiments, when performed on homogenized soil columns, can greatly underestimate Cd2+ ions transport in the field and that preferential flow can increase the mobility and velocity of cadmium movement to the groundwater

    Development and Application of an IoT-Based System for Soil Water Status Monitoring in a Soil Profile

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    : Soil water content (θ), matric potential (h) and hydraulic conductivity (K) are key parameters for hydrological and environmental processes. Several sensors have been developed for measuring soil θ-h-K relationships. The cost of such commercially available sensors may vary over several orders of magnitude. In recent years, some sensors have been designed in the framework of Internet of Things (i.e., IoT) systems to make remote real-time soil data acquisition more straightforward, enabling low-cost field-scale monitoring at high spatio-temporal scales. In this paper, we introduce a new multi-parameter sensor designed for the simultaneous estimation of θ and h at different soil depths and, due to the sensor's specific layout, the soil hydraulic conductivity function via the instantaneous profile method (IPM). Our findings indicate that a second-order polynomial function is the most suitable model (R2 = 0.99) for capturing the behavior of the capacitive-based sensor in estimating θ in the examined soil, which has a silty-loam texture. The effectiveness of low-cost capacitive sensors, coupled with the IPM method, was confirmed as a viable alternative to time domain reflectometry (TDR) probes. Notably, the layout of the sensor makes the IPM method less labor-intensive to implement. The proposed monitoring system consistently demonstrated robust performance throughout extended periods of data acquisition and is highly suitable for ongoing monitoring of soil water status

    A soil non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) flushing laboratory experiment based on measuring the dielectric properties of soil–organic mixtures via time domain reflectometry (TDR)

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    Abstract. The term non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) refers to a group of organic compounds with scarce solubility in water. They are the products of various human activities and may be accidentally introduced into the soil system. Given their toxicity level and high mobility, NAPLs constitute a serious geo-environmental problem. Contaminant distribution in the soil and groundwater contains fundamental information for the remediation of polluted soil sites. The present research explored the possible employment of time domain reflectometry (TDR) to estimate pollutant removal in a silt-loam soil that was primarily contaminated with a corn oil as a light NAPL and then flushed with different washing solutions. Known mixtures of soil and NAPL were prepared in the laboratory to achieve soil specimens with varying pollution levels. The prepared soil samples were repacked into plastic cylinders and then placed in testing cells. Washing solutions were then injected upward into the contaminated sample, and both the quantity of remediated NAPL and the bulk dielectric permittivity of the soil sample were determined. The above data were also used to calibrate and validate a dielectric model (the α mixing model) which permits the volumetric NAPL content (θNAPL; m3 m−3) within the contaminated sample to be determined and quantified during the different decontamination stages. Our results demonstrate that during a decontamination process, the TDR device is NAPL-sensitive: the dielectric permittivity of the medium increases as the NAPL volume decreases. Moreover, decontamination progression can be monitored using a simple (one-parameter) mixing model

    Molecular Analysis of Prothrombotic Gene Variants in Venous Thrombosis: A Potential Role for Sex and Thrombotic Localization

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    Background: Requests to test for thrombophilia in the clinical context are often not evidence-based. Aim: To define the role of a series of prothrombotic gene variants in a large population of patients with different venous thromboembolic diseases. Methods: We studied Factor V Leiden (FVL), FVR2, FII G20210A, Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T and A1298C, beta-fibrinogen -455 G>A, FXIII V34L, and HPA-1 L33P variants and PAI-1 4G/5G alleles in 343 male and female patients with deep vein thrombosis (DVT), 164 with pulmonary embolism (PE), 126 with superficial vein thrombosis (SVT), 118 with portal vein thrombosis (PVT), 75 with cerebral vein thrombosis (CVT) and 119 with retinal vein thrombosis (RVT), and compared them with the corresponding variants and alleles in 430 subjects from the general population. Results: About 40% of patients with DVT, PE and SVT had at least one prothrombotic gene variant, such as FVL, FVR2 and FII G20210A, and a statistically significant association with the event was found in males with a history of PE. In patients with a history of PVT or CVT, the FII G20210A variant was more frequent, particularly in females. In contrast, a poor association was found between RVT and prothrombotic risk factors, confirming that local vascular factors have a key role in this thrombotic event. Conclusions: Only FVL, FVR2 and FII G20210A are related to vein thrombotic disease. Other gene variants, often requested for testing in the clinical context, do not differ significantly between cases and controls. Evidence of a sex difference for some variants, once confirmed in larger populations, may help to promote sex-specific prevention of such diseases

    Analisi del meccanismo di rottura in un rilevato autostradale fondato su un versante marnoso

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    La pavimentazione di un tratto di rilevato autostradale dell’A24 ricadente nel comune di Roviano (RM), fondato su un pendio marnoso-arenaceo, è stata interessata dal 1988 da continui fenomeni di avvallamento. I dati inclinometrici a disposizione hanno evidenziato che tale spostamento è il risultato di movimenti lenti sviluppatisi lungo superfici di rottura interne sia al rilevato sia ai terreni di fondazione. La nota descrive i principali caratteri cinematici del fenomeno evidenziati dal monitoraggio ed i risultati di alcune analisi finalizzate alla comprensione del meccanismo di rottura osservato

    A Stochastic Texture-based Approach for Evaluating Solute Travel Times to Groundwater at Regional Scale by Coupling GIS and Transfer Function

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    AbstractInterpreting and predicting the evolution of non-point source (NPS) pollution of soil and surface and subsurface water from agricultural chemicals and pathogens, as well as overexploitation of groundwater resources at regional scale are continuing challenges for natural scientists. The presence and build up of NPS pollutants may be harmful for both soil and groundwater resources. Accordingly, this study mainly aims to developing a regional-scale simulation methodology for groundwater vulnerability that use real soil profiles data. A stochastic approach will be applied to account for the effect of vertical heterogeneity on variability of solute transport in the vadose zone. The approach relies on available datasets and offers quantitative answers to soil and groundwater vulnerability to non-point source of chemicals at regional scale within a defined confidence interval. The study area is located in the Metaponto agricultural site, Basilicata Region-South Italy, covering approximately 12000 hectares. Chloride will be considered as a generic pollutant for simulation purposes. The methodology is based on three sequential steps: 1) designing and building of a spatial database containing environmental and physical information regarding the study area, 2) developing travel time distributions for specific textural sequences in the soil profile, coming from texture-based transfer functions, 3) final representation of results through digital mapping. Distributed output of soil pollutant leaching behavior, with corresponding statistical uncertainties, will be visualized in GIS maps. Of course, this regional-scale methodology may be extended to any specific pollutants for any soil, climatic and land use conditions

    evaluating the role of soil variability on potential groundwater pollution and recharge in a mediterranean agricultural watershed

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    Regional-scale studies on groundwater vulnerability assessment of non-point source agrochemical contamination suffer either from no evaluation of uncertainty in data output, in that of qualitative modelling, or from prohibitively costly computational efforts, in that of deterministic modelling. By contrast, a methodology is presented here which integrates a solute transport model based on transfer function (TF) and a geographic information system (GIS). The methodology (1) is capable of solute concentration estimation at a depth of interest within a known error confidence class, (2) uses available soil survey and climatic and irrigation information and requires minimal computational cost for application and (3) can dynamically support decision-making through thematic mapping. Raw data (coming from different sources) include: i) water table depth, ii) soil texture properties, iii) land use, and iv) climatic information with reference to a study area located in southern Italy. Such information has been then manipulated in order to generate data required for the subsequent hydrological modelling. Simulated breakthrough curves were generated for each soil textural class. They are texture-based travel time probability density functions (TFtb), describing the leaching behaviour of soil profiles with similar soil hydrological properties. The latter, in turn, were estimated by indirect estimation techniques such as pedotransfer functions (PTFs) to overcome the trouble of intensive in situ and/or laboratory determinations of soil hydraulic and hydrodispersive properties, which are generally lacking for regional-scale studies. Results showed large differences in the magnitude of the different travel times and related uncertainties among different profiles. The lower or higher vulnerability was found to be mainly related to the average silt content of the soil profiles
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