17 research outputs found

    The role of teachers' socio-emotional competence in reducing burnout through increased work engagement

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    IntroductionResearch has highlighted the relevance of socio-emotional competence in buffering the harmful impacts of perceived stress on the psychological facets of the teaching profession. The purpose of this paper is to innovatively investigate the relationships between perceived stress, work engagement, and burnout in a single comprehensive model, when considering the potential role that socio-emotional competence plays in mitigating the adverse impact of perceived stress on burnout.MethodsA total of 276 Italian in-service teachers (mean age = 46.6 ± 9.9 years) completed quantitative self-report measures of perceived stress, socio-emotional competence, work engagement, and burnout. Data were analyzed by using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach.ResultsAll fit indexes supported the model's full acceptance and suggested that teachers' socio-emotional competence reduced the effect of perceived stress on the risk of burnout by increasing their level of work engagement.DiscussionThe implications of the findings are discussed in terms of promoting interventions that target not only stress reduction but also foster teachers' socio-emotional competence in order to maintain a good level of work engagement and reduce the effect of stress on burnout

    Assessing teachers' social and emotional competence : the validation of SECTRS in Italy, Latvia, and Portugal

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    Despite growing interest in evaluating the social and emotional learning of students and the development of standardized assessment tools for this purpose, there remains a dearth of validated instruments for evaluating teachers’ social and emotional skills. We set out to address this knowledge gap by investigating the psychometric characteristics of the Social-Emotional Competence Teacher Rating Scale (SECTRS) questionnaire, an instrument originally developed and validated in North America. Participants were 572 teachers from Italy (n=324), Latvia (n=139), and Portugal (n=109) ranging from 40 to 59 years of age. We performed confirmatory factor analysis procedures to validate a four-factor model measuring Teacher-student relationships, Emotion regulation, Social awareness, and Interpersonal relationships. The data supported this factorial structure, with a total of 14 items included in the final model. The outcomes of a multi-group comparison indicated that the model exhibited partial invariance, up to and including metric invariance, across the three cultural settings. We discuss these findings in relation to selecting appropriate instruments for assessing the social and emotional skills of teachers in different cultural contexts.peer-reviewe

    Validation of Italian students’ self-ratings on the SSIS SEL brief scales

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    IntroductionDespite increasing interest in measuring social and emotional learning (SEL), there is a lack of European-validated tools for assessing the efficacy of SEL programs. The aim of this study was to validate an Italian version of the social skills improvement system (SSIS) SEL brief scales–student form.MethodsParticipants were 1,175 students (mean age: 11.02 years; SD: 2.42; range: 8–16 years; males: 46.8%) recruited at schools in Northern Italy.Statistical analyses and resultsInitial confirmatory factor analysis encountered a series of challenges, implying non-convergence of the original five-factor measurement model (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making) based on the Collaborative on Academic Social Emotional Learning (CASEL) competency framework established with students in the United States. Further exploratory and confirmatory analyses supported a four-factor model that remained partially invariant across gender groups. The Italian version of the SSIS SEL brief scales was thus shown to be an efficient measurement tool for estimating social and emotional learning in students.DiscussionWe discuss the implications of findings in relation to selecting valid and reliable instruments for assessing children’s and adolescents’ SEL competencies, while considering the culturally-situated nature of the constructs under study

    Diet and ideal food pyramid to prevent or support the treatment of diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and cataracts

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    Many eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy (DR), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and cataracts are preventable and treatable with lifestyle. The objective of this review is to assess the most recent research on the ideal dietary approach to prevent or support the treatment of DR, AMD, and cataracts, as well as to construct a food pyramid that makes it simple for people who are at risk of developing these pathologies to decide what to eat. The food pyramid presented here proposes what should be consumed every day: 3 portions of low glycemic index (GI) grains (for fiber and zinc content), 5 portions (each portion: ≥200 g/day) of fruits and vegetables (spinach, broccoli, zucchini cooked, green leafy vegetables, orange, kiwi, grapefruit for folic acid, vitamin C, and lutein/zeaxanthin content, at least ≥42 μg/day, are to be preferred), extra virgin olive (EVO) oil (almost 20 mg/day for vitamin E and polyphenols content), nuts or oil seeds (20–30 g/day, for zinc content, at least ≥15.8 mg/day); weekly: fish (4 portions, for omega-3 content and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) + docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 0.35–1.4 g/day), white meat (3 portions for vitamin B12 content), legumes (2 portions for vegetal proteins), eggs (2 portions for lutein/zeaxanthin content), light cheeses (2 portions for vitamin B6 content), and almost 3–4 times/week microgreen and spices (saffron and curcumin). At the top of the pyramid, there are two pennants: one green, which indicates the need for personalized supplementation (if daily requirements cannot be met through diet, omega-3, and L-methylfolate supplementation), and one red, which indicates that certain foods are prohibited (salt and sugar). Finally, 3–4 times per week, 30–40 min of aerobic and resistance exercises are required

    Assessing the Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Test of Emotion Comprehension (TEC): A Large Cross-Sectional Study with Children Aged 3-10 Years

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    The Test of Emotion Comprehension (TEC) has been used extensively to investigate children’s understanding of emotion. The present study aimed at investigating the TEC’s factorial structure, its measurement invariance across age and gender, and defining age-referred TEC scores, in a large sample of 1,478 children (755 males, 723 females) aged between 3 and 10 years. Confirmatory factor analysis of the data yielded support for the original psychometric structure of the TEC, which is based on three developmental domains of emotion understanding: external, mental, and reflective. Measurement equivalence was supported across age and gender groups. We also obtained normative data for interpreting TEC outcomes and defined the corresponding normative pattern of development across six-month age intervals. Overall, our findings suggest that the TEC is a robust instrument for investigating emotion understanding in children aged 3 to 10 years. The limitations of the study and the potential use of the TEC are discussed

    Adolescents’ Mental Health at School: The Mediating Role of Life Satisfaction

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    In this study, we further developed prior research on risk and protective factors in adolescents’ mental health. More specifically, we used structural equation modelling to assess whether relationships at school with teachers and peers, and life satisfaction predicted mental health in a large sample of adolescents, while also testing for age and gender invariance. The sample comprised 3,895 adolescents (Mage = 16.7, SD = 1.5, 41.3% girls), who completed self-report instruments assessing their perceived life satisfaction, student-teacher relationship, school connectedness and mental health. Overall, the results suggested that life satisfaction acted as a mediator between adolescents’ positive school relations and their mental health. Outcomes were invariant across genders, while quality of school relations and mental health declined with age. Limitations of the study and futures lines in mental health research among adolescents are briefly discussed

    Validation of the Italian Version of the SARC-F Questionnaire to Assess Sarcopenia in Older Adults

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    Background: SARC-F is a simple sarcopenia screening tool. This study aimed to examine the validity of the Italian version of SARC-F. Methods: A total of 97 elderly individuals (37/60 males/females, 65 years and older) who met the study’s selection criteria were included. SARC-F was translated into the Italian language in a culturally responsive manner. The total score was calculated by adding the scores on the five items. The participants were divided into two groups according to the total score (SARC-F < 4 vs. SARC-F ≥ 4), and their associations with various factors (handgrip test, chair stand test, and Skeletal Muscle Index assessed by DXA) have been examined by gender. In addition, the tool’s validity was analyzed by comparing it with different international working group diagnostic criteria for sarcopenia. Results: The total prevalence of sarcopenia according to the SARC-F was 14.2% and, specifically, 12.8% among men and 14.3% in women. The sensitivity of the SARC-F was (male (M): 11–50% and female (F): 22–36%) medium-low compared with the European, international, and Asian criteria of sarcopenia; however, SARC-F showed a high specificity (M: 77.3–100% and F: 79.5–100%) and a moderate Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of (0.669 (CI95%: 0.358–0.830). The participants in the SARC-F ≥ 4 group had poorer handgrip for EWGSOP2 (p < 0.001) and chair stand (p < 0.001) than the participants in the SARC-F < 4 group. Conclusions: The Italian language version of SARC-F showed high specificity, moderate reliability, and good associations with other predictive tests. The Italian version of SARC-F appears to be a useful screening tool for the diagnosis of sarcopenia in Italian elderly populations

    Promising Effects of 3-Month Period of Quercetin Phytosome<sup>®</sup> Supplementation in the Prevention of Symptomatic COVID-19 Disease in Healthcare Workers: A Pilot Study

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    Quercetin, for its crucial properties, fulfills the need for a multifactor action that is useful for the potential counterbalance of a COVID-19 infection. Given this background, the aim of the study was to evaluate the potential effect of 3 months’ supplementation with Quercetin Phytosome® (250 mg twice a day) as prevention against symptomatic COVID-19. In total, 120 subjects were enrolled (males, 63; females, 57; age 49 ± 12), with 60 in the supplementation group and 60 in the placebo group. No significant differences were detected between groups in terms of gender, smoking, and chronic disease. Subjects underwent rapid COVID-19 diagnostic tests every 3 weeks. During our study, 5 subjects had COVID-19, 1 out of 60 subjects in the quercetin group and 4 out of 60 in the control group. Complete clinical remission was recorded at 7 and 15 days in the quercetin and placebo groups, respectively. Analysis showed that, at 5 months, the COVID free survival function (risk of infection) was 99.8% in subjects under quercetin supplementation and 96.5% in control group. As shown by the value of EXP(B), those who had taken the supplement had a protection factor of 14% more to not contract the COVID-19 infection than that of those who had taken a placebo. Obtained results are encouraging, but further studies are required to add quercetin as regular prophylaxis

    A 60-Day Green Tea Extract Supplementation Counteracts the Dysfunction of Adipose Tissue in Overweight Post-Menopausal and Class I Obese Women

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    Menopause is characterized by weight gain and increased visceral fat, which acts as an endocrine organ secreting proinflammatory adipocytokines, with consequent increased risk of metabolic disorders. The aim of this double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial was to evaluate the effects of a 60-day dietary supplementation using Camellia sinensis leaf extract on adipose tissue dysfunction in overweight or class I obese post-menopausal, sedentary women. Primary endpoints were the respiratory quotient (RQ), the percentage of carbohydrates (%CHO), the percentage of fat oxidation (%FAT), and the resting energy expenditure (REE) measured by indirect calorimetry. Secondary endpoints included body composition, by dual x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), glucose profile, lipid profile, inflammatory state, liver and kidney function, hormonal status regarding satiety, and status of catecholamines. Twenty-eight women were randomized into two groups: 14 (BMI 31.1 &plusmn; 3.5) were supplemented and 14 (BMI 31.9 &plusmn; 2.2) received placebo. In regards to the between-group differences over time (&beta;), a statistically significant difference between the supplemented and placebo group was observed for: RQ (&beta; = &minus;0.04, p = 0.009), % fat oxidation (&beta; = 11.04, p = 0.0006), insulin (&beta; = &minus;1.74, p = 0.009), HOMA (&beta; = &minus;0.31, p = 0.02), waist circumference (&beta; = &minus;1.07, p = 0.007), REE (&beta; = 83.21, p = 0.009), and CRP (&beta; = &minus;0.14, p = 0.02). These results demonstrate that a 60-day green tea extract supplementation counteracts the dysfunction of adipose tissue in overweight post-menopausal and class I obese women