103 research outputs found

    Current quantization and fractal hierarchy in a driven repulsive lattice gas

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    Driven lattice gases are widely regarded as the paradigm of collective phenomena out of equilibrium. While such models are usually studied with nearest-neighbor interactions, many empirical driven systems are dominated by slowly decaying interactions such as dipole-dipole and Van der Waals forces. Motivated by this gap, we study the non-equilibrium stationary state of a driven lattice gas with slow-decayed repulsive interactions at zero temperature. By numerical and analytical calculations of the particle current as a function of the density and of the driving field, we identify (i) an abrupt breakdown transition between insulating and conducting states, (ii) current quantization into discrete phases where a finite current flows with infinite differential resistivity, and (iii) a fractal hierarchy of excitations, related to the Farey sequences of number theory. We argue that the origin of these effects is the competition between scales, which also causes the counterintuitive phenomenon that crystalline states can melt by increasing the density

    Antimicrobial resistance among Escherichia coli that cause childhood community-acquired urinary tract infections in Northern Italy

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    <p>Abstracts</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Resistance rate of <it>Escherichia coli </it>against antimicrobials that are commonly prescribed in pediatric urinary tract infections is currently a matter of concern.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of uropathogenic <it>Escherichia coli </it>strains to the common antibimcrobials ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, coamoxyclav, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, nitrofurantoin, and gentamycin were determined in 177 children aged from 2 to 36 months. They presented with their first symptomatic community acquired urinary tract infection at the Department of Pediatrics, San Leopoldo Mandic Hospital, Merate-Lecco.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>High rates of ampicillin (inpatients: 50%; outpatients: 52%) resistance were identified. The resistance for cotrimoxazole (inpatients: 22%; outpatients: 15%) and especially coamoxyclav (inpatients: 6%; outpatients: 10%) was less pronounced than that to ampicillin. No resistance or less than 1% of resistance was identified for ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, nitrofurantoin, and gentamycin both in inpatients and in outpatients.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Italian children affected with a community acquired urinary tract infection are initially managed orally with coamoxyclav or parenterally with ceftriaxone. The results of the present retrospective analysis support this attitude. Parenteral ceftriaxone or an aminoglycoside should be considered for patients on antimicrobial prophylaxis or recently prescribed antimicrobials.</p

    Targeting of multiple myeloma-related angiogenesis by miR-199a-5p mimics: in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor activity

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) cells induce relevant angiogenic effects within the human bone marrow milieu (huBMM) by the aberrant expression of angiogenic factors. Hypoxia triggers angiogenic events within the huBMM and the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) is over-expressed by MM cells. Since synthetic miR-199a-5p mimics negatively regulates HIF-1α, we here investigated a miRNA-based therapeutic strategy against hypoxic MM cells. We indeed found that enforced expression of miR-199a-5p led to down-modulated expression of HIF-1α as well as of other pro-angiogenic factors such as VEGF-A, IL-8, and FGFb in hypoxic MM cells in vitro. Moreover, miR-199a-5p negatively affected MM cells migration, while it increased the adhesion of MM cells to bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) in hypoxic conditions. Furthermore, transfection of MM cells with miR-199a-5p significantly impaired also endothelial cells migration and down-regulated the expression of endothelial adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1 and ICAM-1. Finally, we identified a hypoxia\AKT/miR-199a-5p loop as a potential molecular mechanism responsible of miR-199a-5p down-regulation in hypoxic MM cells. Taken together our results indicate that miR-199a-5p has an important role for the pathogenesis of MM and support the hypothesis that targeting angiogenesis via a miRNA/HIF-1α pathway may represent a novel potential therapeutical approach for this still lethal diseas

    UMG1/CD3ε-bispecific T-cell engager redirects T-cell cytotoxicity against diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

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    UMG1 is a unique epitope of CD43, not expressed by normal cells and tissues of haematopoietic and non-haematopoietic origin, except thymocytes and a minority (&lt;5%) of peripheral blood T lymphocytes. By immunohistochemistry analysis of tissue microarray and pathology slides, we found high UMG1 expression in 20%-24% of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCLs), including highly aggressive BCL2(high) and CD20(low) cases. UMG1 membrane expression was also found in DLBCL bone marrow-infiltrating cells and established cell lines. Targeting UMG1 with a novel asymmetric UMG1/CD3 epsilon-bispecific T-cell engager (BTCE) induced redirected cytotoxicity against DLBCL cells and was synergistic with lenalidomide. We conclude that UMG1/CD3 epsilon-BTCE is a promising therapeutic for DLBCLs

    Safety of Rotavirus Vaccination in Preterm Infants Admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Sicily, Italy: A Multicenter Observational Study

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    Rotavirus (RV) is among the most common vaccine-preventable diseases in children under five years of age. Despite the severity of rotavirus pathology in early childhood, rotavirus vaccination for children admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), who are often born preterm and with various previous illnesses, is not performed. This multicenter, 3-year project aims to evaluate the safety of RV vaccine administration within the six main neonatal intensive care units of the Sicilian Region to preterm infants. Methods: Monovalent live attenuated anti-RV vaccination (RV1) was administered from April 2018 to December 2019 to preterm infants with gestational age ≥ 28 weeks. Vaccine administrations were performed in both inpatient and outpatient hospital settings as a post discharge follow-up (NICU setting) starting at 6 weeks of age according to the official immunization schedule. Any adverse events (expected, unexpected, and serious) were monitored from vaccine administration up to 14 days (first assessment) and 28 days (second assessment) after each of the two scheduled vaccine doses. Results: At the end of December 2019, 449 preterm infants were vaccinated with both doses of rotavirus vaccine within the six participating Sicilian NICUs. Mean gestational age in weeks was 33.1 (±3.8 SD) and the first dose of RV vaccine was administered at 55 days (±12.9 SD) on average. The mean weight at the first dose was 3388 (SD ± 903) grams. Only 0.6% and 0.2% of infants reported abdominal colic and fever above 38.5 ◦C in the 14 days after the first dose, respectively. Overall, 1.9% EAEs were observed at 14 days and 0.4% at 28 days after the first/second dose administration. Conclusions: Data obtained from this study confirm the safety of the monovalent rotavirus vaccine even in preterm infants with gestational age ≥ 28 weeks, presenting an opportunity to improve the vaccination offer both in Sicily and in Italy by protecting the most fragile infants who are more at risk of contracting severe rotavirus gastroenteritis and nosocomial RV infection

    Imported arboviral infections in Italy, July 2014-October 2015: A National Reference Laboratory report

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    BACKGROUND: Imported cases of infections due to Dengue (DENV) and Chikungunya (CHIKV) viruses and, more recently, Zika virus (ZIKV) are commonly reported among travelers returning from endemic regions. In areas where potentially competent vectors are present, the risk of autochthonous transmission of these vector-borne pathogens is relatively high. Laboratory surveillance is crucial to rapidly detect imported cases in order to reduce the risk of transmission. This study describes the laboratory activity performed by the National Reference Laboratory for Arboviruses (NRLA) at the Italian National Institute of Health in the period from July 2014 to October 2015. METHODS: Samples from 180 patients visited/hospitalized with a suspected DENV/CHIKV/ZIKV infection were sent to the NRLA from several Italian Hospitals and from Regional Reference Laboratories for Arboviruses, in agreement with the National Plan on human surveillance of vector-borne diseases. Both serological (ELISA IgM test and Plaque Reduction Neutralization Test-PRNT) and molecular assays (Real Time PCR tests, RT-PCR plus nested PCR and sequencing of positive samples) were performed. RESULTS: DENV infection was the most frequently diagnosed (80 confirmed/probable cases), and all four genotypes were detected. However, an increase in imported CHIKV cases (41 confirmed/probable cases) was observed, along with the detection of the first ZIKV cases (4 confirmed cases), as a consequence of the recent spread of both CHIKV and ZIKV in the Americas. CONCLUSIONS: Main diagnostic issues highlighted in our study are sensitivity limitations of molecular tests, and the importance of PRNT to confirm serological results for differential diagnosis of Arboviruses. The continuous evaluation of diagnostic strategy, and the implementation of laboratories networks involved in surveillance activities is essential to ensure correct diagnosis, and to improve the preparedness for a rapid and proper identification of viral threats

    Altered mRNA Editing and Expression of Ionotropic Glutamate Receptors after Kainic Acid Exposure in Cyclooxygenase-2 Deficient Mice

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    Kainic acid (KA) binds to the AMPA/KA receptors and induces seizures that result in inflammation, oxidative damage and neuronal death. We previously showed that cyclooxygenase-2 deficient (COX-2−/−) mice are more vulnerable to KA-induced excitotoxicity. Here, we investigated whether the increased susceptibility of COX-2−/− mice to KA is associated with altered mRNA expression and editing of glutamate receptors. The expression of AMPA GluR2, GluR3 and KA GluR6 was increased in vehicle-injected COX-2−/− mice compared to wild type (WT) mice in hippocampus and cortex, whereas gene expression of NMDA receptors was decreased. KA treatment decreased the expression of AMPA, KA and NMDA receptors in the hippocampus, with a significant effect in COX-2−/− mice. Furthermore, we analyzed RNA editing levels and found that the level of GluR3 R/G editing site was selectively increased in the hippocampus and decreased in the cortex in COX-2−/− compared with WT mice. After KA, GluR4 R/G editing site, flip form, was increased in the hippocampus of COX-2−/− mice. Treatment of WT mice with the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib for two weeks decreased the expression of AMPA/KA and NMDAR subunits after KA, as observed in COX-2−/− mice. After KA exposure, COX-2−/− mice showed increased mRNA expression of markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, such as cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), microglia (CD11b) and astrocyte (GFAP). Thus, COX-2 gene deletion can exacerbate the inflammatory response to KA. We suggest that COX-2 plays a role in attenuating glutamate excitotoxicity by modulating RNA editing of AMPA/KA and mRNA expression of all ionotropic glutamate receptor subunits and, in turn, neuronal excitability. These changes may contribute to the increased vulnerability of COX-2−/− mice to KA. The overstimulation of glutamate receptors as a consequence of COX-2 gene deletion suggests a functional coupling between COX-2 and the glutamatergic system

    Morfologia social e contextualização topográfica: a micro-história de Edoardo Grendi

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    Il saggio prende in considerazione il ruolo di Edoardo Grendi nella teorizzazione della proposta microstorica italiana, generalmente sconosciuto o sottostimato nel panorama accademico sudamericano