403 research outputs found

    The interaction-driven starburst contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density

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    An increasing amount of observational evidence supports the notion that there are two modes of star formation: a quiescent mode in disk-like galaxies, and a starburst mode, which is generally interpreted as driven by merging. Using a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, we derive the relative contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density of quiescently starforming and starburst galaxies, predicted under the assumption that starburst events are triggered by galaxy encounters (merging and fly-by kind) during their merging histories. We show that, within this framework, quiescently starforming galaxies dominate the cosmic star formation rate density at all redshifts. The contribution of the burst-dominated starforming galaxies increases with redshift, rising from <5% at low redshift (z5. We estimated that the fraction of the final (z=0) galaxy stellar mass which is formed through the burst component of star formation is ~10% for 10^10 M_\odot<M_*<10^11.5 M_\odot. Starburst galaxies, selected according to their distance from the galaxy main sequence, account for ~10% of the star formation rate density in the redshift interval 1.5<z<2.5, i.e. at the cosmic peak of the star formation activity.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&


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    L'Attività negoziale nella scuola dell'autonomia La riforma della scuola si inserisce all'interno del grande processo di decentramento che ha interessato la Pubblica Amministrazione, i cui principi ispiratori trovano collocazione già nell'art. 5 della Costituzione del 1948, che ha visto un ulteriore sviluppo nell'istituzione delle Regioni ma che si è consolidato con la legge di revisione costituzionale n.3 del 18 giugno 2001 che ne ha modificato il Titolo V della Parte II. L'autonomia nasce in seguito alla legge 59/97, conosciuta come Riforma Bassanini la quale ha disciplinato un cambiamento strutturale di tutto il settore della Pubblica Istruzione cambiando totalmente il concetto di scuola così come veniva concepita fin dalla nascita dello Stato italiano secondo uno schema verticistico dipendente dal Ministro. Non dobbiamo però dimenticare che stiamo parlando di un Ente che continua ad essere una "scuola statale" per cui, senza voler diminuire la portata di tale normativa, quando si parla di autonomia scolastica si vuole indicare l'attribuzione di una maggiore flessibilità organizzativa condotta senza ingerenze esterne. L'attività negoziale la cui titolarità spetta al Dirigente Scolastico, figura di vertice con compiti e responsabilità nuove, è lo strumento giuridico che permette alle istituzioni scolastiche di relazionarsi con l'ambiente sociale, culturale ed economico che le circonda e rappresenta il completamento pratico dell'autonomia funzionale attribuita alla scuola dalla legge 59/97. Tale attività però, se inserita nella realtà scolastica, diventa uno strumento giuridico particolare e questo fa sì che il tradizionale approccio dualista alla negoziazione non sia, in questo caso esaustivo. La scuola a cui la stessa Costituzione affida il servizio pubblico essenziale della formazione dei giovani e della costruzione della società futura è un Ente collettivo complesso, espressione di una realtà dalle molte facce al cui interno convivono soggetti e gruppi che, in nome di un obiettivo comune, interagiscono tra di loro ed hanno a loro volta autonomia decisionale sia in ambito didattico o organizzativo ma anche finanziario. Il processo autonomistico che ha interessato la scuola non è ancora concluso; ad una buona teorizzazione non è seguita una altrettanto efficace attuazione, espressione della volontà politica verso una più ampia destatalizzazione delle attività scolastiche. Lo Stato da una parte non concede risorse finanziarie sufficienti affinché la scuola possa agire in piena libertà e dall'altra interferisce direttamente nella sua struttura mediante provvedimenti legislativi volti a diminuire le risorse di personale in nome della razionalizzazione della spesa pubblica, andando ad incidere molte volte l'ambito di legislazione concorrente attribuito dall'art.117 riformato della Costituzione alle Regioni

    Characteristics, occurrence, detection and detoxification of aflatoxins in foods and feeds

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    Mycotoxin contamination continues to be a food safety concern globally, with the most toxic being aflatoxins. On-farm aflatoxins, during food transit or storage, directly or indirectly result in the contamination of foods, which affects the liver, immune system and reproduction after infiltration into human beings and animals. There are numerous reports on aflatoxins focusing on achieving appropriate methods for quantification, precise detection and control in order to ensure consumer safety. In 2012, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1 and M2 as group 1 carcinogenic substances, which are a global human health concern. Consequently, this review article addresses aflatoxin chemical properties and biosynthetic processes; aflatoxin contamination in foods and feeds; health effects in human beings and animals due to aflatoxin exposure, as well as aflatoxin detection and detoxification methods.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metrology, agriculture and food: literature quantitative analysis

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    Great attention has been given in recent years to the relationships between metrology, agriculture, and food. This study aims at providing an analysis of the literature regarding the relationships between metrology, agriculture, and food. The Scopus online database has been used to extract bibliometric data throughout the search string: TITLE-ABS-KEY (Metrology* AND Agriculture* OR Food*), and the VOSviewer bibliometric software was used to visualize results as bubble maps. The novelty character of this perspective paper is to indicate and point out the main research themes/lines addressing the relationships between metrology, agriculture, and food by analyzing: (i) the authors of the published papers; (ii) the type of paper; (iii) the countries and institutions where the research is developed. Bibliometrics allows one to holistically examine entire scientific areas or sub-fields to get new qualitative and quantitative insights. These results represent a useful tool for identifying emerging research directions, collaboration networks, and suggestions for more in-depth literature searches.This research received no external funding.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experimental tests on existing RC beams strengthened in flexure and retrofitted for shear by C-FRP in presence of negative moments

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    Abstract The shear strength of reinforced concrete beams extracted from existing buildings often reveals insufficient transversal steel reinforcement, mainly due to design or construction defects or increased design load requirements. FRP wrapping is one of the best solutions to improve beam shear strength as the retrofitting intervention is fast and the cost is modest. Design codes provide clear indication about the retrofitting design of simply supported beams, while the case of a beam with negative moments at the end is not considered, although this is in the case of a beam in a framed structure. One of the main uncertainties lies in the effectiveness of the FRP U sheet anchorage behavior in the area of negative bending moments with cracked concrete. This may limit the shear strength of the retrofitted beam. In this study, two beams extracted from an existing building constructed in the 1930s in Rome and retrofitted by carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (C-FRP) U strips placed at beam ends, where also negative bending moments were present, and have been evaluated with experimental tests at the laboratory of the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University. Beam steel and concrete characteristics were evaluated by means of different tests. The experimental results are discussed considering the final results in terms of maximum shear resistance in the presence of negative bending moments. Load deflections at different points along the beam, shear-C-FRP deformation along the reinforcement strips and the damage state for different load levels, are presented. The importance of avoiding possible fragile mechanisms in the sections retrofitted with FRP is clearly shown

    Abelmoschus esculentus (L.): Bioactive Components Beneficial PropertiesFocused on Antidiabetic RoleFor Sustainable Health Applications

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    The main features of the okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.), are highlighted. The evaluation of interactions between biologically active compounds and other components of the food matrix can be considered as the first action in the investigation of potential benefits of this annual herb. Moreover, updated examples of current and innovative directions in an integrated and multidisciplinary approach are discussed, with particular attention to chemometrics. Among the main effects attributed to okra, its antidiabetic property is the focus. Finally, the use of okra in different fields will be discussed.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Deep-frying purple potato Purple Majesty using sunflower oil: effect on the polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity

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    The potato is a root vegetable native to the Americas; it consists of the starchy tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum. There are many varieties, and the flesh can have different colour ranging from yellow to red and purple. Coloured varieties have a denser texture and slightly nuttier, earthier flavour than other potatoes. The desirable quality characteristics of potatoes depends on the intended use, and the acceptability of raw potatoes is determined by size, shape, colour, and the quality of can be evaluated in terms of colour, flavour, and texture. Deep-frying is the century-old and it is among the most common cooking processes, still being used to prepare a variety of food products on both industrial and domestic scales. Frying the potatoes is among the tastiest and appreciated way to cook this vegetable. Purple fleshed potatoes are widely considered one of the best-tasting purple potatoes varieties, they have a nice taste and add colour to a meal. They are a source of beneficial health compounds which makes them interesting as functional food. The anthocyanins present in the Purple Majesty variety are interesting for their health promoting abilities, anti-oxidative activity, and even other health beneficial effects, e.g. anti-influenza virus activity, and anti-stomach cancer activity. The aim of this study has been to assess the effect of deep-frying of purple potato Purple Majesty using sunflower oil on the polyphenols, anthocyanins and to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the cooked matrix compared to the fresh one. The results seem to suggest that the healthy characteristics of this functional food are retained after the cooking by frying

    Wine polyphenols and health: quantitative research literature analysis

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    The relationship between wine polyphenols and health has been receiving growing scientific attention in the last few years. To confirm this point, the proposed paper identifies the major contributors to academic journals regarding the relationships between wine polyphenols and health. The endpoints of the proposed study are to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the literature regarding the relationships between wine polyphenol and health based on a bibliometric analysis. Bibliometric data were extracted from the Scopus online database using the search string TITLE-ABS-KEY (wine AND polyphenol* AND health OR (french paradox OR cardiovascular disease* OR atherosclerosis OR microbiota) and analyzed using the VOSviewer bibliometric software to generate bubble maps and to visualize the obtained results. This perspective paper analyzes: (i) the research themes addressing the relationships between wine polyphenols and health; (ii) the major contributors origin, e.g., country and/or regions; (iii) the institutions where the research is based; (iv) the authors; and (v) the type of paper. These results represent a useful tool to identify emerging research directions, collaboration networks, and suggestions for more in-depth literature searches.Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of a Portuguese honey harvested over two consecutive years.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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