147 research outputs found

    New provisions for the labelling of fishery and aquaculture products: Difficulties in the implementation of Regulation (EU) n. 1379/2013

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    The European Union (EU), within the renewal plan of the Common Fisheries Policy and the Common Market Organization, with the Cape IV of Reg. (EU) n. 1379/2013 have introduced new requirements for the labelling of fisheries and aquaculture products. These, as well as providing consumers with more complete information, integrate the provisions of Reg. (EU) n. 1169/2011 and acts as a tool to prevent frauds and illegal fishing. In this work the new seafood labelling provisions were evaluated, starting from the analysis of the art. 35 of the Chapter IV and comparing it with the previous EU dispositions (Reg. (EC) no. 104/2000 and no. 2065/2001). The exclusion of prepared and processed products and aquatic invertebrates from the application of the mandatory seafood labelling provisions and the role of the mass caterer operators with respect to the labelling requirements were identified as the two major shortcomings that still need to be better addressed by the legislator. Overall, what emerged from this work is that, if on the one hand the European legislation on seafood labelling has achieved important goals, evolving and improving itself, on the other it is still controversial and plagued by the same problems as 15 years ago. Therefore, the authors suggest that the regulation is modified at least extending its scope to all products and to at all stages of the fishery logistic chai

    Evolution of the Anisakis risk management in the European and Italian context

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    Due to the social and legislative implications, the presence of Anisakis spp. larvae in fishery products has become a concern for both the consumers and the official Control Authorities. The issuance of a large number of provisions, aimed at better managing fish products intended to be consumed raw or almost raw and the associated risks, resulted in a very complicate legal framework. In this work, we analyzed the evolution of the normative through an overview on the local and international legislations, focusing on issues that are of practical interest for Food Business Operators (FBOs) in the fishery chain. In addition, we performed a survey across the Department of Prevention of the Italian Local Health Authorities (LHA) and the main fish markets in Italy to collect the operating procedures and the monitoring plans. Overall, we found many differences, due to the absence of a national reference standard for the management of the Anisakis risk. From this examination, it turns clear that only a participation of all the involved institutions, a strategy of synergistic interventions, as well as a correct training of FBOs, can result in an effective risk management and a proper risk communication, which should overcome states of confusion and unnecessary negative impacts on the economy

    ADC Benchmark Range for Correct Diagnosis of Primary and Recurrent Middle Ear Cholesteatoma

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    Objectives. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and in particular diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) have been broadly proven to be the reference imaging method to discriminate between cholesteatoma and noncholesteatomatous middle ear lesions, especially when high tissue specificity is required. The aim of this study is to define a range of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values within which the diagnosis of cholesteatoma is almost certain. Methods. The study was retrospectively conducted on a cohort of 124 patients. All patients underwent first- or second-look surgery because primary or secondary acquired cholesteatoma was clinically suspected; they all had preoperative MRI examination 15 days before surgery, including DWI from which the ADC maps were calculated. Results. Average ADC value for cholesteatomas was 859,4 × 10−6 mm2/s (range 1545 × 10−6 mm2/s; IQR = 362 × 10−6 mm2/s; σ = 276,3 × 10−6 mm2/s), while for noncholesteatomatous inflammatory lesions, it was 2216,3 × 10−6 mm2/s (range 1015 × 10−6 mm2/s; IQR = 372,75 × 10−6 mm2/s; σ = 225,6 × 10−6 mm2/s). Interobserver agreement with Fleiss’ Kappa statistics was 0,96. No overlap between two groups’ range of values was found and the difference was statistically significant for p<0.0001. Conclusions. We propose an interval of ADC values that should represent an appropriate benchmark range for a correct differentiation between cholesteatoma and granulation tissue or fibrosis of noncholesteatomatous inflammatory lesions

    Air Pollution: Role of Extracellular Vesicles-Derived Non-Coding RNAs in Environmental Stress Response

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    Air pollution has increased over the years, causing a negative impact on society due to the many health-related problems it can contribute to. Although the type and extent of air pollutants are known, the molecular mechanisms underlying the induction of negative effects on the human body remain unclear. Emerging evidence suggests the crucial involvement of different molecular mediators in inflammation and oxidative stress in air pollution-induced disorders. Among these, non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) carried by extracellular vesicles (EVs) may play an essential role in gene regulation of the cell stress response in pollutant-induced multiorgan disorders. This review highlights EV-transported ncRNAs’ roles in physiological and pathological conditions, such as the development of cancer and respiratory, neurodegenerative, and cardiovascular diseases following exposure to various environmental stressors

    Extra virgin olive oil reduces gut permeability and metabolic endotoxemia in diabetic patients

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    Background: Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) improves post-prandial glycemia, but the underlying mechanism has not been fully elucidated. We tested the hypothesis that EVOO improves post-prandial glycemia by reducing gut permeability-derived low-grade endotoxemia. Methods: Serum levels of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), zonulin, a marker of gut permeability, glucose, insulin and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP1) were measured in 20 patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and 20 healthy subjects (HS) matched for sex and age. The same variables were measured in IFG patients (n = 20) and HS (n = 20) before and after a Mediterranean diet with 10 g EVOO added or not (n = 20) or in IFG patients (n = 20) before and after intake of 40 g chocolate with EVOO added or not. Results: Compared to HS, IFG had higher levels of LPS and zonulin. In HS, meal intake was associated with a significant increase of blood glucose, insulin, and GLP1 with no changes of blood LPS and zonulin. Two hours after a meal intake containing EVOO, IFG patients showed a less significant increase of blood glucose, a more marked increase of blood insulin and GLP1 and a significant reduction of LPS and zonulin compared to IFG patients not given EVOO. Correlation analysis showed that LPS directly correlated with blood glucose and zonulin and inversely with blood insulin. Similar findings were detected in IFG patients given a chocolate added or without EVOO. Conclusion: Addition of EVOO to a Mediterranean diet or chocolate improves gut permeability and low-grade endotoxemia

    An overview of glioblastoma multiforme in vitro experimental models.

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumor, characterized by a remarkable inner complexity and inter-tumor variability. Moreover, it is very aggressive and resistant to conventional treatments, so that it rapidly relapse. Therefore, there is an immediate need for experimental strategies to enhance our comprehension of GBM, aiming to mitigate its economic and social impact. Here, we described different in vivo and in vitro strategies currently used for the study of GBM. First, we gave a brief and general overview of the classical in vivo models, including xenograft mouse and zebrafish models and canine models, offering a wide range of advantages but also presenting a series of strong limitations. Thus, we described in vitro models, starting from more traditional 2D culture models, comparing different approaches and critically exposing the advantages and disadvantages of using one or the other methods. We also briefly described GBM 2D culture systems that allow recreating multiple cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix contacts but still do not reflect the complexity of in vivo tumors. We finally described the intricacies of the more novel 3D in vitro models, e.g., spheroids and organoids. These sophisticated models have demonstrated exceptional suitability across a wide spectrum of applications in cancer research, ranging from fundamental scientific inquiries to applications in translational research. Their adaptability and three-dimensional architecture render them invaluable tools, offering new insights and paving the way for advancements in both basic and applied researc

    Environmental and Agro-Economic Sustainability of Olive Orchards Irrigated with Reclaimed Water under Deficit Irrigation

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    This study explores the effects of the adoption of reclaimed water (RW) as source of irrigation in conjunction with the application of deficit irrigation strategies in an olive orchard (different genotypes) located within the “Valle dei Margi” farmhouse (Eastern Sicily). Specifically, the RW was obtained in situ by treating the wastewater coming from the farmhouse throughout a treatment wetland system (TW). The effects of RW on crop water status (CWS) was assessed by conducting plant-based measurements (i.e., leaf water potential, ι, and leaves relative water content, RWC) and determining satellite-based biophysical indicators. An economical and environmental evaluation of the proposed sustainable irrigation practices was carried out by using the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach.The RW quality showed high variability due to fluctuations in the number of customers at the farmhouse during the Covid-19 pandemic period. However, high removal efficiency of the overall TW was reached even if the RW quality did not always accomplish with the limits of the Italian regulations. A strong impact in the variation of ι was observed among the olive orchard under the different water regimes, evidencing how CWS performances are greatly conditioned by the genotype. However, no differences in leaves RWC and in satellite-based biophysical indicators were detected, despite the severe water deficit imposed (i.e., 50% of irrigation water reduction). Finally, the results of the LCA analysis underlined that the use of RW may permit to obtain important gains both in economic and environmental terms, thus representing a valid strategy for the olive cultivation

    Low grade endotoxemia and oxidative stress in offspring of patients with early myocardial infarction

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    Background and aims: Offspring of patients with early myocardial infarction are at higher cardiovascular risk, but the underlying physio-pathological mechanism is unclear. NADPH oxidase-type 2 (NOX-2) plays a pivotal role as mediator of oxidative stress and could be involved in activating platelets in these patients. Furthermore, altered intestinal permeability and serum lipopolysaccharide (LPS) could be a trigger to promote NOX-2 activation and platelet aggregation. This study aims to evaluate the behavior of low grade endotoxemia, oxidative stress and platelet activation in offspring of patients with early myocardial infarction. Methods: We enrolled, in a cross-sectional study, 46 offspring of patients with early myocardial infarction and 86 healthy subjects (HS). LPS levels and gut permeability (assessed by zonulin), oxidative stress (assessed by serum NOX-2-derived peptide (sNOX2-dp) release, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production and isoprostanes), serum nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and platelet activation (by serum thromboxane B2 (TXB2) and soluble P-Selectin (sP-Selectin)) were analyzed. Results: Compared to HS, offspring of patients with early myocardial infarction had higher values of LPS, zonulin, serum isoprostanes, sNOX2-dp H2O2, TXB2, p-selectin and lower NO bioavailability. Logistic regression analysis showed that the variables associated with offspring of patients with early myocardial infarction were LPS, TXB2 and isoprostanes. The multiple linear regression analysis confirmed that serum NOX-2, isoprostanes, p-selectin and H2O2 levels were significantly associated to LPS. Furthermore, serum LPS, isoprostanes and TXB2 levels were significantly associated with sNOX-2-dp. Conclusions: Offspring of patients with early myocardial infarction have a low grade endotoxemia that could generate oxidative stress and platelet activation increasing their cardiovascular risk. Future studies are needed to understand the role of dysbiosis in this population

    MUNDUS project : MUltimodal neuroprosthesis for daily upper limb support

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    Background: MUNDUS is an assistive framework for recovering direct interaction capability of severely motor impaired people based on arm reaching and hand functions. It aims at achieving personalization, modularity and maximization of the user’s direct involvement in assistive systems. To this, MUNDUS exploits any residual control of the end-user and can be adapted to the level of severity or to the progression of the disease allowing the user to voluntarily interact with the environment. MUNDUS target pathologies are high-level spinal cord injury (SCI) and neurodegenerative and genetic neuromuscular diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Friedreich ataxia, and multiple sclerosis (MS). The system can be alternatively driven by residual voluntary muscular activation, head/eye motion, and brain signals. MUNDUS modularly combines an antigravity lightweight and non-cumbersome exoskeleton, closed-loop controlled Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation for arm and hand motion, and potentially a motorized hand orthosis, for grasping interactive objects. Methods: The definition of the requirements and of the interaction tasks were designed by a focus group with experts and a questionnaire with 36 potential end-users. Five end-users (3 SCI and 2 MS) tested the system in the configuration suitable to their specific level of impairment. They performed two exemplary tasks: reaching different points in the working volume and drinking. Three experts evaluated over a 3-level score (from 0, unsuccessful, to 2, completely functional) the execution of each assisted sub-action. Results: The functionality of all modules has been successfully demonstrated. User’s intention was detected with a 100% success. Averaging all subjects and tasks, the minimum evaluation score obtained was 1.13 ± 0.99 for the release of the handle during the drinking task, whilst all the other sub-actions achieved a mean value above 1.6. All users, but one, subjectively perceived the usefulness of the assistance and could easily control the system. Donning time ranged from 6 to 65 minutes, scaled on the configuration complexity. Conclusions: The MUNDUS platform provides functional assistance to daily life activities; the modules integration depends on the user’s need, the functionality of the system have been demonstrated for all the possible configurations, and preliminary assessment of usability and acceptance is promising
